Member Reviews

"Love isn't the opposite of hate. It doesn't have room for hate. It's pure and compassionate and forgiving and full o grace. It's constant. It's quiet. It's loud. It's steady. It's the night sky full of a million blazing stars."

This was a wholly satisfying conclusion to Ready's magical realism series. Taking on the trope of wishes, Anna Benoit is every person who has had an unrequited crush where you think you know them inside and out, but you still have so much to learn. Max is every person who has ever feared love. His insistence against passion, combined with Anna's romanticism, create a brilliant opposites-attract as they take on Paris, Saint Tropez, and Geneva. The strongest part of the novel is when both Max and Anna are aware that this reality is not their own, and they decide to throw caution to the wind in Paris. With Sarah Ready's beautiful, lush prose, readers are in for another magical treat.

One quick note: I did not find this one to have the same emotional punch as Fated, but that does not mean it was not good. It just meant that it wasn't my favorite blend of magic.

Thank you to NetGalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing, and the author for an eARC in exchange for my honest review. I'm deeply sad this series is over. Wished was there for me during a rough day, and I wish I could reread this entire series again.

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I flew through this book! It had me hooked straight away and I loved the spice. The storyline and characters made this all quite enjoyable. I do think there were some tiny plot holes. But for vibes, this book is good.

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I absolutely loved this!! I’m so glad we got a book for Max! Fated was my favorite in this series and I was so excited to read another book by Sarah Ready. This did not disappoint. I loved both of the main characters, The chemistry and romance was so good. I loved the twists and turns! Basically I loved this. I love Sarah Ready’s books. Seriously! This series has been so good. They are always instant reads for me. Where I know I will read them without even knowing the plot! Thank you so much NetGalley.

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Fun, entertaining book! Sarah Ready is one of my very favorite romance authors.

Wished was a really fun book. Wishing for love that seems impossible is such a fun premise. On top of that is wishing on a very beautiful necklace. This is what dreams are made of.

Max is such a jerk in this book at the beginning when it comes to dealing with Anna. Anna is invisible while cleaning for Max. I wonder how many people we do not see because they are providing a service for us and we choose to ignore them - people picking up our trash, people that clean restrooms, etc. These people provide such an important service to us - why do we ignore them??

Sarah Ready does a great job describing homes, Paris, flowers, smells and so much more. I love that about her books. And just when you think you know what is going to happen next - well there is another twist that you did not expect.

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Sarah Ready and her Ghosted Series have all been winners with me!!

I loved meeting Anna and getting to know Max more after Fated. Anna fell in love with Max the moment she saw him, getting to know him while working for him... but Max has never noticed her before. When Anna gets her wish, the guilt she feels for taking his choice away from him even though it seems to be exactly what he wants, too, is enough to make her need to put things back in order.
Once again, Sarah Ready writes a beautiful romance that has some of the most stunning settings with a magical spin that I couldn't put down! The epilogue makes me want to go back and start at the beginning with Ghosted again!

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4.75 stars - rounded up!!!!

This was the first book I’ve ever read from this author thanks to the ARC being available on NetGalley - thank you!

I’m so glad I decided to pick this book (ebook and audiobook) up to fully immerse in the story.

I loved the story plot and the pacing. It was very well executed and gave different sides of the initial wish. That aspect made the overall story even more intriguing.

I’m so glad that Sarah decided to give us a bit of the MMC’s POV to enhance our understanding of the story. Also, I really liked how much of a connection was made with the people in the FMC’s life. The “why” was clear and the story flowed effortlessly for me.

The audiobook voice actors (Amanda Ronconi and Will Watt) were exceptional. I enjoyed their way of portraying the story vocally.

Thank you NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and W. W. Crown Books / Swift and Lewis Publishing for allowing to review this ARC and provide my honest review.

I will be reading more books by this author. 🧚

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I dropped everything and read this book the second I saw it, and I do mean an instant jump to the front of my TBR! I have read Sarah Ready’s books before and always enjoyed them, but I was completely addicted to this book and unable to stop reading. I would say it’s her best since Ghosted and The Space Between (both are 5 star reads for me). My recommendation? Read this book. Put it in your TBR, sandwich it between two heavier reads and never look back except to go back and read the rest of her books.

Here’s what worked: she took 2 tropes I tend to be wary of and made them work really well. I’m not big into “love at first sight” and “billionaire boss/employee” because I tend to believe in real life these are such big red flags. But Anna is so nurturing and down to earth and Max is very unexpectedly warm and down to earth and openly affectionate (I developed a soft spot for him in Fated but never could imagine these sides of him; is he my new favorite Ready MMC?! Yes!!). Throw in a sprinkle of magical realism and *poof* I’m in love (and apparently so were they!). I loved how selfless both of them were towards one another and the heat was sizzling, I could feel it coming off the page.

What didn’t work: nothing. Absolutely no complaints about this book. It gave me all of the good feels and just enough romantic conflict that I just had to know what was going to happen next.

The number of passages I highlighted to go back and reread from this book is crazy. I was originally doing audio but went back and also reread on my kindle because I wanted to absorb the writing even better than you typically can with an audiobook. Wished left me with all of the good feels that I already want to go back and relive.

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First of all, thank you NetGalley, Sarah Ready and everyone involved in this book for this ARC!
Wished comes out October 1st and you do not want to miss this release! 🩵

Wished is the #4 book in the Ghosted Series but trust me when I say that it did not affect the story for me in any way not having read the other 3 books (yet, because Sarah’s writing is amazing and I want to read the other books now) at all.

I got to meet Anna and Max and my God, they are the perfect definition of “opposite attract”.

Anna is a ray of sunshine. She’s a romantic, she puts everyone’s needs first, her family struggles financially and she works as a house cleaner and she fell in love with Max at first sight when she first started working at his house.

Max is broody. He’s lived alone since his family died on an accident, he inherited his family’s jewelry business and he does not believe in love and never noticed Anna.

But everything changed when Anna wished on a necklace that legends say it had the power to grant any wish, and she wanted two things: Max to love and be married to her.

Up until this point everything felt very Disney like, fairytale and dreams come true kind of thing. But when the wish is granted and she wakes up in an alternate reality… the way Sarah twisted this plot is no joke!!!!!!!!

I was hooked and I needed to know what was going to happen next. Was he going to remember? Was she going to remember? Would they hate each other or find their way back?

It did not disappoint. The writing, the characters development… I was there for it all!

This was my first read by Sarah Ready and I can’t wait to read more from her!

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If you want a book that will make you laugh out loud in almost every chapter then pick this book up!! I absolutely loved our FMC and MMC because they both are entangled in this alternate reality and they both don't know what to do! I really enjoyed this book and want to read more from this author!

***I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

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I’m completely in love with this entire series, and Sarah Ready’s writing has captured my heart with every book. *Wished*was the perfect way to bring it all to a close—so soft, sweet, and full of happiness. It felt like the perfect conclusion to a journey I’ve cherished from the very beginning. The characters, their love stories, and the hope woven throughout made this an unforgettable read. And then the author has this very special gift of breaking my heart into a thousand small pieces before reaching the long-awaited happy ending.

If I had to rank the books, my favorite remains book 1, followed closely by book 3, then book 4, and finally book 2. Each one had something special, but *Wished* truly tied everything together beautifully. I loved every moment of this series, and this final book left me with a warm, satisfied feeling. Absolutely loved it!

Also, kudos for the narrator who did a wonderful job with both Anna's and Max's voices!

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This Book was interesting, in the beginning, I didn't quite understand it. But when getting into Chapter 2 I started to understand the Wished part! And then I began to Like it. The way the Love grew and Made them unite was just wonderful!

Thank You Netgalley, Sarah Ready, and Swift & Lewis Publishing for this early ARC for my honest review.

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A solid romance but it just felt like it was missing something for me to find it memorable. I think I am just not as into love at first sight stories as they are not realistic to me. In this case the MMC was kind of rude and especially to the FMC and she just was obsessed from the start and I just couldn't wrap my head around why. Overall the setting and the writing is swoon worthy and atmospheric but it did not do enough to truly invest me in this story.

Thanks to Netgalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for granting me access in exchange for an honest review.

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With every Sarah Ready book I read, I fall more in love with her mind and the worlds she has created through her writing. Every book in her Ghosted series feels better than the last!

I am a huge fan of Magical Realism in Romance and didn’t think she could top the magic in book #3 Fated. This may actually still be true, but I fell most in love with the characters in Wished. Anna Benoit has the most authentic voice and personality and I fell in love with her passionate honesty from the start. It’s hard not to! She a perfect blend of sweetness and sharp wit. I found myself invested and rooting for her from the start. It took a bit longer for me to warm up to Max, but that’s kind of the point. She saw something in him the rest of us couldn’t. It was her fate to break his impenetrable shell and make him break his rules for love.

I’m still swooning over Wished and can’t wait to see what Sarah Ready gifts us next!

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I’m a big fan of this series where genuine characters grapple with elements of magical realism, and this final instalment takes a romantic and heart wrenching look at what happens when wishes do come true. And also, being careful what you wish for. When Anna wishes, in a moment of mad whimsy, to be married to the man she’s loved for years and who barely knows she exists, her life changes almost immediately and it’s the starting point for a whirlwind journey that’s both literal and emotional. I loved the way the relationship developed between Anna and Max while they try to reverse the wish, as his determination to stay aloof and passionless is slowly eroded by her wholehearted desire for happiness in everyone around her. The plot flowed effortlessly and was beautifully augmented by the descriptions of Geneva, Paris and St Tropez; it completely drew me in and I finished it in a day.

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I loved Fated and I loved Wished.

Always so beautiful, immersive and unique storylines.

Beautiful writing I was confused where the storyline was going for a bit of the last third of the book but it all made sense in the end.

I really enjoyed this!

Thank you NetGalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles and Sarah Ready for this ARC.

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Oh, how I wish this isn't the end of the Ghosted series! Each book in this series has been such a joyous and fun magical story. And Wished falls right in line. I loved Anna and Max's story and found this may have just been my favorite. Shhh! Don't tell the others!

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The charming blend of romance and magical realism in Sarah Ready's "Wished" presents a fascinating premise that was a good read for me. The protagonist of the story is Anna Benoit, a housekeeper who longs to wed Max Barone, the enigmatic owner of the chateau where she works. Anna is thrown into a crazy world where she and Max are unexpectedly married when her wish is mysteriously granted. The novel stands out to me for its original idea and well-rounded cast of characters, particularly Max's nuanced personality and Anna's maturation. The storyline twists are predictable to some extent, the tale moves slowly at points, and Anna and Max's chemistry isn't strong enough to make their romance stand out. "Wished" is a sweet book with a touching message overall, however it falls short of some of Sarah Ready's other works. It's fun for magical realism and light romance fans, but it might not stick in their memory.

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I really enjoyed this book, it was exactly the fun and lighthearted romance I needed. I loved Anna’s character and I related to her in way too much ways. Falling in love with someone without uttering a word to them? Yup! Sounds like me. It’s a fairytale that a lot of us can only -wish- to have.

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This was a refreshing, romantic and magical read! It was so cute and just what I needed!

The storyline was so cute and full of a spark of magic. I loved Anna and her story. She was so expectant of good things after being dealt not good things! I loved how these characters just fit exactly perfect!

Thank you NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for providing this ARC for my honest review.

#Wished #SarahReady #NetGalley #Swift&LewisPublishing

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Anna Benoit fell in love with Max at first sight. The problem is he has never noticed her and she has cleaned his residence for three years. Billionaire Max Barone lives a solitary existence where love doesn’t factor that is until one evening Anna makes a wish. This is a lovely story of magic and passion, honesty and real caring. A beautiful romance that leads us through Geneva, Paris and St Tropez. I truly enjoyed this story and read it in an afternoon, not realizing it is the 4th in a series. Although it can be read as a stand alone I can’t wait to read the rest-Ghosted,Switched and Fated. Thank you Netgalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing

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