Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this romance so much! So far all the books in this world have been fun and have a wonderful touch of magic to them. The wish granting was a great addition to this book and made the story really fun and whimsical. I adored Anna and Max, they were such a great couple and I loved that they got their happily ever after.

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This was a strong fourth entry in the Ghosted series, it had everything that I wanted based on the previous three books. It was a strong concept and enjoyed the world and how the characters worked in this story. It was everything that I wanted and glad I got to read this. I’ve been enjoying the way Sarah Ready wrote this and can’t wait for more.

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Thank you netgalley for the e-arc of this book.

First of all, I am glad I read the whole series before reading this, even if it took a while. I could definetely see improvements in Sarah's writing. The style of this book in particular felt more rom-commy than the other ones in the series, which felt a bit more rigid and stiff. This made me laugh and giggle much more than books in the rest of the series, though I'm not sure some of the lines were intended to be funny. I absolutely enjoyed this the most in the series. I could understand and felt Anna's emotions and thought process, which allowed me to connect to her character well. Some of the lines in this book just hit, maybe due to personal experiences, but I can't wait to download it onto my kindle once it is released, so I can highlight the quotes that really resonated with me.

However, after having read the previous book before this one, I feel that Max diverted quite a bit from how he was mainly characterised, although you could argue that is because of what he experienced through the book, but it felt a bit too early to see changes in his personality and views of something that was such a prevalent topic in his life. Moreover, the descriptions of the setting'scene felt a bit delayed when we were at different locations.

I thoroughly enjoyed this, and I thought the pacing was quite good. I also loved the little cameos o fthe characters from the previous book (which was mainly why I read the previous books before this). It was quite cute to see what they were up to, in the time after their book ended.

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I have absolutely adored this series, I can only hope Sarah Ready keeps writing more magical realism plots because she is so old at finding different concepts. This is probably not my favorite in the series as I just didn't love the characters but I enjoyed it just the same. Highly recommend this entire series to anyone looking for a hit of magical realism.

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Sarah Ready’s Ghosted series continues to deliver. I think this MMC is my favorite one in the series. He’s tall, dark, and handsome, a bit gruff, very commanding yet tender, fabulously wealthy, perfectly devoted, and has an amazing accent. Swoon!

I enjoyed the plot and felt it unfolded well. The settings were gorgeous. I felt like I was in Geneva, Paris, and San Tropez. And the side characters were distinctive and fun.

This is an enjoyable addition to the series. I love how diverse each book is, and how the magical/sci-fi elements fit each story so well.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for my review copy.

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Anna is a maid at a chateau, she is in love with her boss, she finds a magic necklace and wishes she was married to her employer. will it work? sweet book

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What do you do when you fall in love at first sight with a man who doesn’t know you even exist? Obviously, you find an enchanted necklace and wish that you were married and that he was in love with you back. Then when this enchanted necklace actually grants your wish, you try and figure out how to get life back to the way it was so that the man can choose you himself and not be trapped unaware.

This is book number four in the Ghosted series. These books can be read as standalones. I had a good time with this book. Nothing happened the way you thought it was going to happen. The romance and banter between the main characters is written very well. Overall, a very solid read as I have come to expect from Sarah Ready.

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I am so glad that this series is a standalone series but after reading this book I NEED to read the others in this series. Such a great read. Originally writing, such a cute rom com. The characters were lovable from the beginning to end. I wasn’t able to put this book down. Read it all in one sitting.

Thank you Sarah Ready, NetGalley, and Swift and Lewis publishing LLC for the opportunity to ARC read for you!

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The idea of some magical realism mixed with romance really peaked my interest with this title. Then, to add in a billionaire romance... sign me up! I adored the characters in this book. Anna definitely gives me Anna from Frozen vibes. Such a delightfully easy read full of wholesome goodness. I'll definitely be looking into the rest of the Ghosted series by Sarah Ready.

Four stars :)

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an EArc.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for allowing me to read this early.

Hopeless romantic Anna makes a wish that she would be married to her rich employer, Max. But when she wakes up happily married to him, will it truly be everything she wished for?

This book was absolutely adorable and just the palette cleanser I needed after reading so much fantasy lately. It felt like the romantic comedies I grew up with and gave me all the cheek-hurting smiles that I love!

This billionaire romance had a bit of the insta love trope but not in a bad way. There was minimal spice I would say but enough to keep you entertained. I do think the FMC was well written and I enjoyed her journey as a character.

The reason I took off a star is because some of the dialogue and way their love was spoken about was a little too lovey-dovey for me, a little too sickeningly sweet. That may be your thing, but it was just a bit too much for me at times. Otherwise, I really did enjoy their relationship.

I’m so thankful I got to read this book, and I definitely look forward to reading some of Sarah’s other books too. If you’re in the mood for a quick, fun, romance then this would be a great one to pick up!

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Thank to you Swift and Lewis publishing and Netgalley for the advanced copy of this title.
I was first introduced to Sarah Ready with her previous novel 'Fated' in which I was introduced to the MMC of this book, Max. We barely skimmed the surface of Max's personality and this book gives him a great backstory and arc.
Sarah Ready knows how to do magical realism in a way that anchors the story to something believable in a dream world.
Her stories read like the most vivid dream and the sensation of having to wake up when everything felt tangible and real.
The book starts with a simple wish barely whispered and turns into a sweeping love story.

I loved this story, the characters, the chemistry, the buildup, and the angst of leaving a dream behind to search for the real thing.

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Aside from some tiny plotholes this was a really good book. I’m excited to check out the others. I really love the short chapters too. The characters were very likeable too. Much spicy than I thought though

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Sarah’s writing is just perfection. She describes everything so realistically that it feels as if I’m there too, I can feel not only the elements like the salty air of the beach, the warmth of the sun on your skin, the silkiness of the sheets, but I also can feel the feelings; the love, the anger, the heartbreak. The only thing I really dislike from her books is the fact that she ALWAYS describes amazing food and now I’m suddenly craving something I’ve never had -or even heard of- before🥲 that’s how great Sarah is at story telling.

I have to say that I enjoyed Wished way more than Fated, it just made me feel warm and fuzzy. It’s a magical book that you cannot miss out on!

Wished is Max and Anna’s story. I’ve been intrigued with Max since Fated, so I was extremely happy when I saw that Wished was his book. Anna and Max come from different backgrounds, so much so that Anna cleans Max’s house -more like mansion- but this was not and impediment for Anna to fall in love with Max at first sight. 3 years after first seeing him, Max finally notices her, and it’s because of this -along with some magical help and a couple of wishes- that their love story comes to be. It’s a really wholesome story that will make you question things but also will make you believe in love -and passion- again.

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First of all thank you for approving my request!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The authors writing style had me hooked throughout this book.

I didn't want it to end, a book I really couldn't put down.

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"Love isn't the opposite of hate. It doesn't have room for hate. It's pure and compassionate and forgiving and full o grace. It's constant. It's quiet. It's loud. It's steady. It's the night sky full of a million blazing stars."

This was a wholly satisfying conclusion to Ready's magical realism series. Taking on the trope of wishes, Anna Benoit is every person who has had an unrequited crush where you think you know them inside and out, but you still have so much to learn. Max is every person who has ever feared love. His insistence against passion, combined with Anna's romanticism, create a brilliant opposites-attract as they take on Paris, Saint Tropez, and Geneva. The strongest part of the novel is when both Max and Anna are aware that this reality is not their own, and they decide to throw caution to the wind in Paris. With Sarah Ready's beautiful, lush prose, readers are in for another magical treat.

One quick note: I did not find this one to have the same emotional punch as Fated, but that does not mean it was not good. It just meant that it wasn't my favorite blend of magic.

Thank you to NetGalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing, and the author for an eARC in exchange for my honest review. I'm deeply sad this series is over. Wished was there for me during a rough day, and I wish I could reread this entire series again.

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I flew through this book! It had me hooked straight away and I loved the spice. The storyline and characters made this all quite enjoyable. I do think there were some tiny plot holes. But for vibes, this book is good.

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I absolutely loved this!! I’m so glad we got a book for Max! Fated was my favorite in this series and I was so excited to read another book by Sarah Ready. This did not disappoint. I loved both of the main characters, The chemistry and romance was so good. I loved the twists and turns! Basically I loved this. I love Sarah Ready’s books. Seriously! This series has been so good. They are always instant reads for me. Where I know I will read them without even knowing the plot! Thank you so much NetGalley.

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Fun, entertaining book! Sarah Ready is one of my very favorite romance authors.

Wished was a really fun book. Wishing for love that seems impossible is such a fun premise. On top of that is wishing on a very beautiful necklace. This is what dreams are made of.

Max is such a jerk in this book at the beginning when it comes to dealing with Anna. Anna is invisible while cleaning for Max. I wonder how many people we do not see because they are providing a service for us and we choose to ignore them - people picking up our trash, people that clean restrooms, etc. These people provide such an important service to us - why do we ignore them??

Sarah Ready does a great job describing homes, Paris, flowers, smells and so much more. I love that about her books. And just when you think you know what is going to happen next - well there is another twist that you did not expect.

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Sarah Ready and her Ghosted Series have all been winners with me!!

I loved meeting Anna and getting to know Max more after Fated. Anna fell in love with Max the moment she saw him, getting to know him while working for him... but Max has never noticed her before. When Anna gets her wish, the guilt she feels for taking his choice away from him even though it seems to be exactly what he wants, too, is enough to make her need to put things back in order.
Once again, Sarah Ready writes a beautiful romance that has some of the most stunning settings with a magical spin that I couldn't put down! The epilogue makes me want to go back and start at the beginning with Ghosted again!

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4.75 stars - rounded up!!!!

This was the first book I’ve ever read from this author thanks to the ARC being available on NetGalley - thank you!

I’m so glad I decided to pick this book (ebook and audiobook) up to fully immerse in the story.

I loved the story plot and the pacing. It was very well executed and gave different sides of the initial wish. That aspect made the overall story even more intriguing.

I’m so glad that Sarah decided to give us a bit of the MMC’s POV to enhance our understanding of the story. Also, I really liked how much of a connection was made with the people in the FMC’s life. The “why” was clear and the story flowed effortlessly for me.

The audiobook voice actors (Amanda Ronconi and Will Watt) were exceptional. I enjoyed their way of portraying the story vocally.

Thank you NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and W. W. Crown Books / Swift and Lewis Publishing for allowing to review this ARC and provide my honest review.

I will be reading more books by this author. 🧚

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