Member Reviews

I honestly hope this series never ends. I loved Anna and Max’s story, and I loved starting and ending it with a different POV. This was beautiful, emotional and angsty with just the right strokes of magical realism.

Both narrators with excellent.

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This was my first Sarah Ready book and also happens to be fourth in a series, so why haven’t I heard of them before? I will say I loved this book! It’s one of those books that you can pick up and read in a day and get lost in and just feel good at the end. The magical realism just wisps you away into a reality where making wishes can come true.

In this story, Anna pines over the man she is a housekeeper for, one that barely acknowledges her. One day she makes a wish that they were married, and the next day waking up to her wish being true.

I did like that it was set in Geneva, Switzerland. Having traveled there myself, I could picture the lake and the chateau perfectly in my mind. This book was just cozy, dreamy, and magical.

Thank you NetGalley and IPBA for an eARC of this book.

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Book number 4 in the Ghosted series. While each of these books can be read as stand alone, I really enjoyed all of the books and would recommend reading them all. In true Sarah Ready fashion this book is full of humor, romance, and spice. I devoured this one!

Thanks to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Wished is probably my third favourite Sarah Ready novel (The Space Between and Josh & Gemma #1).

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to review one of my favourite authors!

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Thank you netgalley for the chance to read this. 4.5 /5 stars for me!
Man, Sarah Ready knows, just KNOWS, how to write romance, because 'insta-love' is one of my least favorite tropes and yet she was able to pull it off flawlessly.
This is magical realism at its best: Anna, a house cleaner 'in love' with her boss who has spent her life making everyone else happy, wishes herself to be married to Max (from the rest of the Ghosted series). Suddenly they have been married for 7 years, but with only snips and snapshots of their lives together. Max and Anna spend a day in Paris as their past and current selves try to make sense of their complicated feelings for each other before attempting to right-side the wish. Its steamy (I feel like steamier than the other Ghosted series books?) and a bit messy as they go back and forth in wish timelines. But the love these two feel for each other, and the deep dive into the meaning and 'worthiness' of love? That was incredibly beautiful.
I do wish we had more Max POV chapters; his agency in the wish is the one thing that I think I would have loved to hear more about from his perspective. You do not need to read the other books in this series to enjoy this one (Fiona has the biggest 'presence' but not hugely), but you really should.
As an aside: The sections of this that are about architecture are STUNNING. There is a particular paragraph in the beginning about the soul of cities/countries being reflected in the buildings they build and I won't lie, I stopped reading, got up from my desk, and looked at my city's skyline to compare. If you need a romance with some real depth? This is it.

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After reading French Holiday also by Sarah Ready, which i really enjoyed, I was looking forward to this book. . I thought the premise was intriguing: that the main character would be granted her wish to be married to the man she fell in love with at first sight only to give it back. However, the execution just didn’t work for me. The book might appeal more to someone looking for a simple fast read with a sweet ending.

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I went into Wished a bit hesitant as I had been in a romance reading slump. However, this book ended up being exactly what I needed to get out of the slump and get my love back for the genre. The plot is unlike anything l've read before in a romance book. It kept me hooked from the start.

I loved the main characters, although it took me some time to warm up to the MMC. The way the story progressed was great and loved every minute of it.

The only reason I didn't give it a full 5 stars is because it felt like it dragged a little between the 65% to 75% mark. While the story was still enjoyable, that part felt a bit too slow. But, it picked up again afterwards and I was fully invested in knowing how it will end.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free ARC!

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3.5 stars Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. I flipped between the audiobook and ebook. This is the fourth book in Sarah Ready’s Ghosted series. I have really enjoyed the other books in this series. While I did have a good time while I was reading this, I wouldn’t say this was my favorite out of the four. Max was a little hard to like at the beginning of the book and not the normal “grumpy” behavior. He seemed rude and a little full of himself. I know we didn’t see a lot of him in Fated but this wasn’t what I thought his personality would be like. I did enjoy Anna though. When I read the description of this book, I was super excited but something just felt a little off to me. I can’t really describe what that even is. It seemed a little rushed and on the verge of being instalove. The thing I have enjoyed about the other books in the series is I felt really immersed in the world Sarah created. I didn’t really get that with this book. Even with that, I will absolutely read any book Sarah writes.

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Thank you, NetGalley for an advanced ARC and ALC of this book

After reading Switched I was a little worried u were not going to like this book but I did, I have been told by a few people they think this is the weakest book in the series.... now I can see why they say that I do because the story is not as near being like switched with learning more of a connection.

I feel bad about not loving Switched but I liked this one and it was more of a fast love and also a fast read, I normally don't like falling in love fast etc but this one was sweet and engaging... but I did enjoy halfway through how things changed a little because a wish was made and they tried to stop it but then he's drawn into the wish which I found funny.

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It was a nice cute romance but so many questions the pacing isn't quite right.. I do love all the characters except the mmc was giving me some whiplash

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I read the last two Sarah Ready’s ghosted series and I definitely loved them. The content was original, full of beautiful and thoughtful thoughts. The characters, I don’t even know where to start, such chemistry and kindness.

Max’s story was one that I highly expected. He is smart, kind and the best of friends, but deep in side he is shaped by an unhealthy family relationship and the death of his parents and brother in an accident. His experiences in life made him embrace loneliness above all. When Anna Benoit appears in his life, he isn’t prepared to recognize her even if she fell in love with him at first sight. To him she is just someone who cleans his house, so it would take a wish and their own feistiness to change everything.

I can’t express enough how much I love this story from start to finish. Expect very sweet and passionate scenes as well!

Here is my voluntary review after receiving this ARC. Thanks NetGalley!

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I really tried to like this book. I've enjoyed other works by this author and the premise was promising, but I just couldn't get into it.

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This was my first encounter with this author, and it's safe to say it was not a great first impression. The book's premise was interesting enough, and I liked most of the side characters, but sadly, the main couple, the pacing, and the plot didn't work for me.

Crucially, the dynamic between Anna and Max really bothered me. Anna is portrayed as inferior to Max in every way, including her obsession/infatuation/parasocial relationship with him, and there is nothing romantic in the "I didn't even know you existed until now but I'm actually in love with you" turn-around that Max has extremely early on in the story. This alternate reality that they enter after the wish where they have false (??) memories of their marriage together wasn't enjoyable either, I would have preferred to see them fall in love slowly, Max learning more and more about Anna and sharing more of himself as well. As it was, the author took the easy (and lazy) way out by having Max "know" Anna and Anna having observed Max's home for years (which, and I cannot stress this enough, does not mean she knows him as a person). I was also confused because I got the sense that both characters had 2-3 different personalities depending on which version of reality we were being told.

Overall, this was an easy read so if you want some light entertainment that you don't have to think too hard about, this might be for you.

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I wS not able to get into this book. I guess I didn't realize it was a part of a series. I will gi e it another chance once I read the series from beginning.

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Wished by Sarah Ready is the fourth book in the Ghosted series, a romantic magical realism series. Wished is my best read of the series, besides Ghosted which I didn't get to read. I read it in one sitting because it was so gripping. I especially enjoyed it because it has some Cinderella story elements and I always love a Cinderella story. I enjoyed the character development and the romance between the main characters was sweet to read. The twists were great and the happy ending was lovely. Thank you, Netgalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for giving me the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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First of all, I am low key sad that this marks the end of Sarah Ready's Ghosted series! :')

Book 1 Ghosted
Book 2 Switched
Book 3 Fated
Book 4 Wished

The series can be read as standalone (I didn't read them in order), but I think reading Fated beforehand would give you a better understanding of Max as he loved the main character, Fiona, in that book.

Anna Benoit cleans Max Barone's house for a living. She comes upon a magical sapphire necklace in his office and makes a wish that she was married to Max. He catches her inside his office and demands that she returns what she stole. Anna DIDN'T steal the necklace, but it somehow appeared in her pocket and she gets fired.

Anna and Max's world completely changes the following morning. They've been married for 7 YEARS! Max remembers a blend of "married life" and what his "real life" was like. They embark on a trip to Paris on a mission to break the spell.

Would you want someone to be in love with you because of a wish OR would you rather have someone love you because they chose you? I love how Sarah Ready navigates this question. Wished will immerse you in sights, sounds and tastes of Geneva, Paris and Saint Tropaz. Be prepared for lots of sweet and steamy moments.

Wished is my favorite from the Ghosted series and I enjoyed it so much that I preordered a physical copy for my home library.

Many thank yous to NetGalley, Sarah Ready and the publisher for providing Wished to me as an e-ARC to read and review.

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Wished is the fourth book in the Ghosted series. This time the book focuses on Max and Anna. Max was introduced in Fated as Fioana’s close friend, and I was looking forward to reading his story.

Anna is a house cleaner in Max’s chateau, and she’s in love with him, but Max doesn’t know her name. One day Anna finds a necklace. She makes a wish that Max falls in love with her. She also wishes that they get married. While making a wish, Max caught her, accused her of stealing the necklace, and fired her. The next day Anna woke, but not in her room, but in Max’s, which she used to clean.

Anna is a romantic at heart. She takes care of the people around her and wishes happiness for everyone but herself. Max is initially shown as aloof and closed off. As the plot progresses, he gets comfortable around Anna. He opens up to her about his childhood. The book also has some funny parts, like when Anna and Max try to understand what is happening to them.

I enjoyed how Anna and Max began to bond. They started to open up to each other. They gained a better understanding of one another. I found the premise of the story to be unique and interesting. I was surprised by some unexpected twists and turns. The descriptions of Geneva, Paris, and Saint Tropez were particularly enjoyable.

This book is a beautiful blend of magical realism, fantasy, and romance.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read. Highly recommended if you are looking for a fluffy read.

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This is the fourth book in the Ghosted series and I thoroughly enjoyed this one, too. Like the others, “Wished” is filled with magical realism with some sci-fi thrown in.

The settings of the story are characters in their own right and lend a grounding to an otherwise adult fairytale. The characters are enjoyable and the author provides details enough to help the reader deeply understand their individual plights. I really enjoyed this book. Thanks to NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and Swift & Lewis Publishing for an ARC of this fun story.

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Omg I loveeee Max!! I love this series and this book was all the feels. It was a quick fun read that got me out of my reading slump!

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Anna & Max both individually make a wish on a magical necklace and soon their lives are thrown upside down. I loved the hilarious dialogue and misadventures of this novel as it progressed. The rapid acceleration of their relationship was a tad unbelievable to me but it's a novel so we are ignoring that. I loved learning about Anna & Max's lives and what had shaped them into the people they are today.

I definitely recommend you add this to your TBR list.
Thank you Swift and Lewis Publishing LLC and netgalley for the ARC and ALC.

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