Member Reviews

Anna & Max both individually make a wish on a magical necklace and soon their lives are thrown upside down. I loved the hilarious dialogue and misadventures of this novel as it progressed. The rapid acceleration of their relationship was a tad unbelievable to me but it's a novel so we are ignoring that. I loved learning about Anna & Max's lives and what had shaped them into the people they are today.

I definitely recommend you add this to your TBR list.
Thank you Swift and Lewis Publishing LLC and netgalley for the ARC and ALC.

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This book was like no other that I’ve read. The premise was interesting and this book gave us Cinderella vibes. The story follow Anna who cleans the house of Max the rich Jewelry store owner. Anna has loved Max since she first laid eye on him, but Max barely knew she existed. Until a magical necklace with the power to grant wishes was left out on the table and Anna with big hopes makes the wish to be married and in love with Max and that leads to a whole whirlwind romance, where max comes to realize he truly does love the woman who has been right under his nose the whole time. While they work together to set the world back to right they end up falling in love for real.

I loved this book and how unique the story was. Plus, the banter between Anna and Max just made the book all the better. I will say that I was a little disappointed in how fast they actually fell in love and it did feel a bit rushed at times especially for how sappy they ended up getting during their day in Paris. But overall, this was a sweet fast paced romance with that little touch of magic that helps give the characters a happily ever after.

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I just really couldn’t get into the book. I think I have friends that would like it more. I just had an issue trying to get into it and the main man was kind of insufferable at first, but not in a good way… I would love to give the author another chance in the future, this book just wasn’t for me.

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Such a unique concept for the story! I loved the couple’s chemistry and dynamic. They learned from each other and grew together. Absolutely adore this romance!

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“I wonder what that would be like. To be loved so much.”

5 ⭐️!!!

I have to start with saying exactly how brilliant Sarah Ready writes about architecture and locations. The descriptions made the book and story come alive; she made the movie in my head so much more captivating with the way she talked about the characters and their surroundings. I was practically IN Geneva. I was in Paris and in MAD. Sooooo good. Now i want to go into a jewelry store just to admire the pretty sapphires 😭 All in all, Sarah’s ability to transport you to a place is commendable, even dissecting the difference in accents.

Now the story — I immediately fell in love with Max and Anna. Anna wanting to be a genie when she grew up? Ohmygosh so cute and really gave us insight into the kind of person she was. I couldn’t help but want her to succeed, to want her to have a wish granted. Max’s POV to start the book was unexpected but such a good set up imo (and ending). I wish we got more of his POV, but Anna carried the story well on her own and didn’t leave us curious about Max’s thoughts.

The plot was something new. It could have gone a different route but the way it progressed instead was new and exciting, heart wrenching. Who doesn’t want to make a wish on a magic necklace? I loved watching them learn each other in their new realities. Seeing how Max’s perceptions changed and how Anna stayed so steadfast and constant while still exploring and growing. I don’t know how that makes sense but this book accomplished it!

“Love isn’t the opposite of hate. It doesn’t have room for hate. It’s pure and compassionate and forgiving and full of Grace. It’s constant. It’s loud. It’s steady. It’s the night sky full of a million blazing stars…”

Ugh im dying i loved this book so much

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Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for the ARC

A really interesting book! This was the fifth book in a series though you don't need to have read the others, but now I really want to! I love the concept of waking up to another reality and then trying to navigate this new life. In this book the characters were well-fleshed out and had amazing dialoge. Their relationship was adorable as well and I just enjoyed my time reading it

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I loved this so much - I've loved this entire series and this one was no different.

This time, I didn't put off reading because I was still high from reading Fated. I loved Max and Anna and I feel that this book has a lot less drama than the others - I think it's the only one in the series that didn't make me cry!

The whole premise for the entire series is incredible and the writing is so beautiful. The connections between the characters leaps out of the page and the chemistry is intense.

Ghosted remains my favourite in the series but I've loved each book in different ways. I definitely loved who Max turned out to be as I already enjoyed reading about him in Fated.

As always, Sarah Ready has blown me away and I can't wait for her next offering!

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An amazing story . It is Max and Anna 's story . Max Barone is the heir of one of the most famous jewelry empire in the word and Anna is the young woman who every Monday for the last 3 years cleans his chateau . When one day while she was clening she saw him working from home she fell for him at first sight . Now while cleaning his library she sees a box with a very beautiful necklace and inside there is a note that says that if you make a wish it will be true and she wishes that she was married to him . The next morning everyone exept for Anna and Max think that they are happily married for 7 years . Max is very mad at her but also he is having the memories of the 7 years they were married and he is conflicted . He asks her to make a new wish but nothing change and then they travel to Paris so he can undo the wish . Before all goes back to normal they share a date full a passion . Will they be able to remember their love and be together ?
I received this book from netgalley , the author and the publicer as an ARC . Thank you . All thoughts and opinions are my own .

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This series has been so much fun! When I saw that Max was getting a book, I was excited and when I saw that it was available to read now, I jumped on it. I read this book so freaking fast. I enjoyed Anna and Max’s story a lot. I loved that Max was in on the wish since that was a twist. I love how Sarah weaves magic into her books and the romance is so swoony and steamy. My only complaint was that this book was a little too short. I would’ve loved to see the relationship with Max and Anna more. See them building on that bond since we really only got a couple of days. Otherwise this was such a fun read! This series has been the best I’ve read in a long time!

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This is another interesting twist on a romance from Sarah Ready and I really enjoyed it. I like what she did with the idea of a wish when it comes to love and the love between this couple was palpable and very passionate too at times. This is the fourth book in the Ghosted series but so far I have only read this and Fated (the third book) and I will read the other two soon but these could also be read as stand alones in my opinion.

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This was such a good book! I loved how eloquent the writing was. Such a different type of romance book than I’m used to reading! This book definitely kept me entertained from beginning to end!

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This was my first Sarah Ready book and she did not disappoint! I've read hundreds of romance novels at this point and this book's plot was a first for me, I loved it so much, Anna was so kind-hearted, she always wanted the best for everyone in her life that you can't help but root for her and want her to get her happily ever after. Max is a hard man with a soft underbelly that just needed to be shown kindness and who better than the sweet Anna Benoit? The prologue and epilogue were used very well in this book. If you need a quick read with a bit of angst and a satisfying happily ever after this is your book, the perfect holiday read!

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Dare I say it? Is it possible? I might have loved Wished even more than Ghosted. There! I said it! Is it possible? It's like picking a favorite child, if I had kids... I have loved and adored each book in the Ghosted series. Each one has been so unique and magical.
Anna cleans Max's house. Over the years she has gotten to know him without really knowing him. Being in someone's home on a consistent basis, you get to know their habits and how they move through life. And what she knows about Max, she loves. So much that when she comes across a rare antique necklace in his home that promises to grant a wish, she wishes Max was in love with her. But, when that wish comes true, she knows it's not right. Max deserves to make his own choices on who he loves. When faced with a choice, will max still love Anna? Can her every wish and desire come to fruition without magic?

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This was such a sweet read!
I've been in a bit of a reading slump as of late but from the very start of this book, right up until the end, the writing just drew me in and I couldn't put it down.

The storyline was cute, Anna makes a wish on a sapphire necklace to be married to the handsome but aloof Max Barone, who she's never even had a real conversation with. Cue romance, some spicy scenes, and a couple that you can't help but 'wish' that gets a happily ever after.

I saw that this book is part of a series of books, but this can definitely be read as a standalone, and I'll definitely be reading the other books in this series.

Thank you to the publisher for an advance copy of this book via Netgalley.

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I loved reading this book! The situations and twists in the story are just great. We all make wishes in life—some logical, some not—but what if they all came true? Just thinking about that gave me goosebumps.

Like many of us, Anna makes a wish, and to her amazement, it comes true—but always with a twist. She wishes for the love of a man she's been in love with for the past three years. But will he love her back, or will he resent her for making this wish? To find out, you’ll have to read the book. So go ahead and pick it up for your next read!

Honestly, the beginning wasn’t that captivating, but after I reached the fourth chapter, it completely grabbed my attention. It turned out to be a magically lovely story.

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The premise of Wished really drew me in, I love a magical element to a book and this definitely exceeded my expectation. Anna is such a down to earth and likeable character and although Max had a morally grey edge to him, as the story goes on, you see a depth to his character. What I didn’t expect though were the many twists and turns which really surprised me and is what made the book a really enjoyable read! Thanks NetGalley and the Publisher for the digital arc!

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This book was such a letdown. I love Sarah Ready books and I’ve read so many. The Ghosted series having two of my top books of all time! This book was just not her best work. It felt sloppy, choppy, and rushed. Her editor needs to spend some more time in it too. There were way too many descriptions of smell and there were quite a few continuity errors as well. Such as saying the sheets were satin then a few pages later they were cotton. I also just thought Max’s personality didn’t make sense. His flippant anger was frustrating to me. I did like their chemistry but I wish there was just a bit more polish. Thank you for the opportunity to read this book! I really do want to read more. I love Sarah and so I will not be sharing this review on any platform that could hurt her overall rating. Maybe it just wasn’t my cup of tea. I do still plan to read everything she writes.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

As always, Sarah Ready put out an engaging story with fun characters!

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✨Thank you to NetGalley for the providing the ebook for an honest ARC review✨

This book had my ❤️ from start to finish.

It was achingly good and painful at the same time. It’s a very unique story in my opinion and although it was not dual POV (which I would’ve preferred) it was still good.

I loved how the book started with Max’s POV and ended with his POV. So it was sandwiched — Max - Anna - Max.

The story is threaded through a wish that was made and the development of the main characters, Max and Anna, living through that wish. For me, the unique part of this story is that even if the first wish (because there will be a couple more wishes that will be made) came true, it did not alter or affect the main characters— meaning they know the “reality” and that they are living in an alternate reality to what they know.

I loved how the author made Max’s character grow from not believing in passion and love to giving it a chance and ultimately realizing that he wanted those things all along.

Anna’s character was honest to a fault (when you read this book you will understand why) even if it was something she wanted, she still wanted Max to make the choice for himself. She was so selfless.

All in all, I loved the book. Though this is the first book I have read from this author, I would like to read the other books from her Ghosted series.

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Anna is one of the housekeepers on Max Barone’s estate. She fell in love with him when they met three years ago and he doesn’t even know her name. When she finds a sapphire necklace with a note saying it grants wishes she wishes she was married to Max. They both find themselves in a world where they are married but only they know the truth. This romance is full of sweet gestures, passion, and a walk through Paris.

I love the poetic writing style and the imagery painted throughout this book. The characters are deep and feel like real people with complex feelings, backgrounds, and relationships. The story pulled me in and even the magic felt so real while reading. I love Anna’s character and her maturity during the situations. She is so aware that even if she was getting what she wished for Max was forced into the situation and she never does anything to take advantage of it or him. The relationship is so sweet and both characters are aware of each other. I loved being taken on their romantic escapades in Paris as Max and Anna give into the passion they both feel and risk their hearts knowing that the wish could end and they might not remember anything. This book has refreshing maturity while still being a passionate romance in the midst of magic.

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