Member Reviews

This the second book in Mary Jo Putney's Dangerous Gifts series. I don't think you have to read the first book, but it's helpful for background.

Our two main characters are Cade and his adopted sister Tamsyn. They are part of the Tremayne tribe of born and adopted children that are all gifted" in that they have extrasensory abilities.

As our story begins , Cade and Tam use their abilities to use gather intelligence for England's Home Office. The task that Cade and Tam are given at the beginning of this book is to go to Paris, get the English Ambassador to France and get him home safely.

It was ok. Not her best, but ok.

Our main couple was likable and their love story believable ( he harbored a love for her forever and she is just finding out) .
But what bothered me the most was the amount of extraordinary powers these two gained through out the book. I expect my beliefs to be suspended but I felt like every time there was an obstacle, there was a new power one or both of them developed to get them out of whatever trouble they were in.

Thank you to Net Galley for the arc. All opinions are my own. powerful will the next set be? Will they be invincible?

Other than that, like I said, it wasn't her best, but i will basically read anything Mary Jo Putney Writes. I can't wait for the next one.

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The Golden Lord by Mary Jo Putney is the second book in the Dangerous Gifts series. Our Golden Lord, Caden Tremayne, is the eldest foster child of the Earl and Countess Tremayne. From the moment he was rescued and brought into the Tremayne family, Cade has had a special bond with the eldest natural-born daughter, Tamsyn. Each member of the “Tribe of Tremayne” has a special gift and is loved, accepted and has a bond with the others. Not until Cade is captured by the French does Tamsyn realize that her connection to him is different from her connections to the rest of the “Tribe”. Can Tamsyn rescue Cade from the Franch and will they be able to acknowledge their romantic love for one another? How will this affect the rest of the family?

Mary Jo Putney weaves an engrossing tale of blossoming love,, danger and intrigue.

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Thank you Kensington Publishing & NetGalley for this ARC!

I’d give this a 3.5, rounded up to 4⭐️

I saw in the description that these two were raised as siblings (not actually related) but loved each other, literally cracked my knuckles and said “I’m goin’ in”.

This was very lighthearted for a book whose secondary plot is about warring with France (with some kidnapping/torture in the mix). I’ll be honest, I didn’t super care for anything going on outside the romance.

One thing that drove me insane is that in the midst of all the action, the characters (Tamsyn in particular) just kept going to sleep 😭 She’d gear up to do something and then be like “well time for bed, tomorrow’s a big day!”. I genuinely felt like that happened 17 times.

Cade & Tamsyn are very sweet. My only qualm was that Putney only *tells* us that Tamsyn apparently has always loved Cade but tamped it down for years; it’s never shown, (and it even feels like a surprise for Tamsyn!)

Cute book overall!

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Golden Lord is the second book in the Dangerous Gifts series by Mary Jo Putney. The first book in the series, Silver Lady introduced the Tremayne Tribe who are gifted with paranormal abilities. In this book, the paranormal abilities are used in the service of the British Home Office during the Napoleonic Wars. Cade, the hero of the story, was rescued by the Tremaynes and grew up as a part of the Tribe. Tamsyn, the heroine, is the daughter of the Tremaynes. These two are sent to France to help the English ambassador and his family leave the country before war breaks out. The use of their gifts helps get the ambassador to the coast, but during the effort to get them on a ship bound for England, Cade is captured by a gifted French loyalist. Tamsyn remains behind in France to rescue Cade. During the rescue both Cade and Tamsyn must stretch their gifts in new ways. They also discover a growing attraction to each other. This book is a great romance with strong and engaging characters. The history is well researched and the settings believable. It is also an interesting examination of the dynamics of a family with natural and adopted children. Strongly recommended for readers who enjoy the paranormal romance.

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This the second book in Mary Jo Putney's Dangerous Gifts series. Bran and Cade Tremayne met in a work house as children. They escaped to London and were taken in by Gwen and Rhys Tremayne. Their adoptive parents are "gifted" in that they have extrasensory abilities and in addition to their natural born children, they have collected "gifted" children from all over England. Bran's book was the first in this series. This book is about Cade and his adopted sister Tamsyn. As the Tremayne tribe has aged into adulthood and England has gone to war with France, their abilities have been put to use gathering intelligence for England's Home Office. The task that Cade and Tam are engaged in at the beginning of this book is to go to Paris, get the English Ambassador to France and get him home safely. Obviously things do not quite go as planned and Cade and Tamsyn have to use their powers to find their way out of a dangerous situation.
This was a decent book. Not Ms. Putney's best, but worth a read. Positive's: the Napoleonic Wars have been done to death in historical romance books. This book actually covers an event I did not know about, so the setting was a good one. The main characters are likeable and fairly well drawn. Negatives: the powers gained during this crisis were just too many. If there are more books to come in this series, how will the author ever keep them vulnerable or believable? The powers or gifts, were almost like a separate character they got so much run time. Each time they had a difficulty, a new power seems to have erupted. Heroes and heroines can be too strong. The villain. He was over the top in my opinion.
I would rate this book a B- or C+.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Zebra Books for a free eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I devoured this book! My favorite series before this was Mary Jo Putney's was her Guardian series, which had magic and romance to it. I am loving this new Dangerous Gifts series! While the Golden Lord can be read as a standalone novel, I would highly recommend reading Silver Lady first just to get the best reading treat out of this series! The Golden Lord had adventure, romance, magic, and danger in it. Loved it and couldn't put it down.

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