Member Reviews

Close Your Eyes by Teresa Driscoll is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps you hooked from the very first page. The story masterfully alternates between past and present, weaving a tale of buried secrets and haunting guilt. The characters are deeply layered, and the suspense builds steadily, leaving you guessing until the final twist. Driscoll’s writing is crisp and atmospheric, making it impossible to put the book down. If you love a well-paced, twisty mystery, this one is a must-read. Five ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for its tension, emotional depth, and unexpected reveals!

Thank you so much to #NetGalley for this #ARC. #CloseYourEyesByTeresaDriscoll will keep you guessing until that very end.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a refreshing read, especially after finishing two underwhelming books. It felt like a breath of fresh air, though I did find some sections a bit lengthy. With several narrative perspectives, I often found myself just wanting to hear more from Olivia, Sally, and Matthew Hill.

The story centers around the aftermath of an abduction—8-year-old Amelia is snatched by a man from a shop, and her father, Matthew Hill, a private investigator and retired cop, is suddenly under intense scrutiny as everyone wonders if the abduction was an act of revenge against him. The plot unfolds through multiple viewpoints, though I have to admit, I felt Melanie's perspective(police) could have been cut. I found myself skimming through her chapters to get back to Olivia, who plays a key role as the adult daughter of the kidnapper, and a teenage mother to her 4-year-old daughter, Chloe as well as Sally and Matthew (the parents)

The writing was gripping, especially with the kidnapper’s delusional, god-like mentality, and I couldn’t put the book down. The ending was fantastic, and I’m eager to read more by this author. However, for me personally, I think the book would have been even better without some of the police procedural elements.

Overall, a compelling and thrilling read!

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Close your Eyes has been a captivating read but still slow somehow. The investigation concentrated a lot on Matthews past - which after some time became repetitive. The different POV's though were nice to read and the ending was also nice. All in all I quite enjoyed it!

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Initially, I had no idea this book is a continuation of a series involving the two main characters Matthew and Melanie. I don’t believe you have to read any of the previous books to understand what happened in the past. If anything, this book spends an enormous amount of time rehashing the backstory. However, once I started reading, I realized I had read a previous book with these characters. It was fast paced what I could remember of the plot was it had an interesting plot. I don’t remember a lot about it but didn’t have any major complaints. With that said, this book will fall in the “probably won’t remember much at all” category and thus made it pretty forgettable within hours of reading it. Just a strange motive for the crime and a far fetched ending. Unlikely in so many ways that the crime is so unsolvable for so many days in an area with so much CCTV. Again, the things I’ll remember are things that were distractions from a well thought out thriller.
An average thriller that will be easily forgotten.

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Sally and Matthew's daughter, Amelie has been taken from a shop while Sally was on the phone.
It is suspected that she was taken by a woman whose son died when Matthew was a policeman.
He is now a PI, but has applied to become a policeman again.
Melanie, the detective on the case is desperately looking for clues as to who has taken the eight year old child.

This is the second book I have read by Teresa Driscoll, and I was not disappointed. It is a mix between a psychological thriller and a police procedural.
And there is a character who is a real psycho.

I started the book in the evening, and read over 50% of it. Bad habit of mine when I get engrossed in a good book, as the suspense just carries on from one chapter to the next!
I really needed to know the motive of the abductor, and didn't get an answer to that until the end of the book.
There were twists that made me gasp out loud, and I really did like the three different POV's, Sally, Matthew, and Melanie.
It is the first time that I have read a book with two epilogues, but can see exactly why it had to be done that way. To keep the suspense going!
I highly recommend this book, and give it a 5 star rating.

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Eight year old Amelie goes missing while out shopping with her mother. The police have no leads, but Amelie’s father, private investigator Matthew Hill, was a police officer, and had received threats from the family of a youngster Matthew had killed when on the force. Close Your Eyes gets off to a promising start, as there’s a frenzy of activity when Amelie disappears. But the story gets excruciatingly slow, as Matthew’s past is dissected, and prior books involving him are also rehashed. The police investigation is also repeatedly recapped, and the slow pace prevents any sense of suspense from building. The big finale is anticlimactic, and just didn’t sync with the buildup. I’m a fan of this author’s prior books, but this one misses the mark. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A good read
I didn’t want to put this book down
Looking forward to the next book by this author
Thanks NetGalley

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A most excellent read 📚

A synopsis of this novel is readily available so not included here.

The good news for anyone unfamiliar with Teresa's writing is that as the publication date is 01 January 2025 you have time to read her earlier works. That said this is a standalone novel so although you will meet Mathew in earlier works you can enjoy this as a totally separate work.

The is a gripping thriller, not in a high octane car chase way but in how our minds can completely let us down with devastating consequences.

The mix of police procedural work along with the analysis of human behaviour works brilliantly. This was a book I wanted to constantly find a quiet few minutes to read the ubiquitous one more chapter.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this ARC, it was much appreciated. I can only suggest you pop this onto your pre-order list so that it is your new year treat.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley for sending me an early e book copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This storyline of this book had so much potential but I found it pretty hard to follow. This story follows the POV of 4 different characters, while the beginning was slow the storyline itself was very interesting I wanted to keep reading to find out what happened to Amelie but I felt that the ending was a bit rushed. Overall I did enjoy the story I just wish we got a little more at the end.

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When the worst happens and Matthew and Sally’s daughter Amelie goes missing they both blame themselves. Sally is distracted by a phone call and Matthew has a past which may have brought about a revenge abduction.

Matthew is an ex policeman and his involvement in the search for Amelie means that the case becomes more dangerous for him and possibly his daughter. Told over a day to day timeline from the abduction we hear the story in various voices and the tension builds well towards an exciting climax.

A good thriller with lots of characters and well written. I read this in one day and couldn’t put it down. I liked the ending and the style of writing was easy to read and enjoy.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Firstly thank you to the publishers for by early copy in exchange of a review.
This is every parents nightmare playing out !
Tense , dark and disturbing as we uncover the truth .
A rollercoaster of emotions reading this

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I really enjoy this book - it kept me engaged from start to finish and I didn’t have any difficulty understand or relating to the prose. The characters were well developed and easy to like. I’d definitely recommend reading this book!

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What would you do if your child was missing and it might be your fault? This is just the topic. Talked about in the Close Your Eyes.

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I really enjoyed this book. I kept having to stop and start due to life but whenever I picked it back up, I was easily able to pick the story back up. I thought the book was interesting and the story line kept me engaged.

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Wow. This was a good read. Teresa Discoll never disappoints. I'm not a huge fan of police procedurals but Close Your Eyes offered much more than the usual police procedural I like the character of Matthew Hill but really enjoy Mel. The ending was "touch & go" for me but I do definitely recommend this book!

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Brilliant read and hard to put down. I chose this because I knew I had enjoyed this author’s previous books. It didn’t disappoint.

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This was a wild ride! From the start, it was gripping, and things just kept turning and twisting! It was such an interesting topic, and the father thought it's linked to his past. I was truly interested and HAD to find out who was behind it all and what happened! I love Teresa Driscoll's writing style. It makes you feel like you're there and experiencing the story alongside the characters. And that ending! Whatt! Worthy read, just make sure to block out some time so you can read it in one sitting!

I received this book from NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer to read and review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully reading this book.

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Among novels featuring child abduction / investigation this is a real standout! The author really gets the balance right between action and angst (in my reading experience this is absolutely not easy to get right!!).

The story is that of Matthew and Sally, the daughter of whom, (Amelie) disappears on a shopping trip while Sally is taking a call. Abduction is suspected early on, partially due to Matthews' career as a former policeman / current PI, in which he has a history of receiving threats against his family. There is not much more I can say regarding the plot without giving spoilers but this is such a gripping read, I highly recommend anyone who is on the fence about purchasing it to commit! I found myself delving into this at any opportunity, and eagerly anticipating those precious moments!

Teresa Driscoll is an author I highly rate and yet again she has 100% delivered a fantastic read!

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

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4* Decent intro to the author. Scary towards the end.

I admit to peaking at the end of the tale before deciding if I could read it - it's always difficult when there's kids, danger and abduction.

Whilst the policing in this feels slightly not-by-the-rules, hearts are in the right place and it's a worthwhile tale. There's a little filler meant to be disguised as red herrings, but they're left open-ended... There's also a rather sad side death where those involved get their comeuppance, which was one of the more satisfying parts of the tale.

For me the scariest part were the caravan scenes, because it sounded like no one was going to make it out alive. And the discoveries? Ugh ☹️

ARC courtesy of NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer for my reading pleasure.

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Za mene su trileri na neki način lekoviti. Tačnije oslobađajući. Ukoliko na neki način budem preplavljena životom samim, jedina knjiga koja će me izvući je brz, napet, nabijen emocijama psihološki triler.
Teresa Driscoll je svojim romanom više nego uspela da me izmesti iz realnosti i natera me da saosećam i brinem za njene likove, za koje ni u jednom trenutku nisam pomislila da su izašli iz pera jer su potpuno realni.
Mathew je privatni detektiv, nekadašnji policajac, koji se najčešće bavi pronalaskom nestalih

For me, thrillers are somewhat therapeutic. More precisely, liberating. If I ever feel overwhelmed by life itself, the only book that can pull me out is a fast-paced, intense, emotion-packed psychological thriller.

Teresa Driscoll, with her novel, more than succeeded in transporting me out of reality and making me empathize and worry for her characters, whom I never for a moment thought were just fictional because they feel entirely real.

Mathew is a private detective, a former police officer, who usually deals with finding missing persons. However, one day his eight-year-old daughter disappears without a trace, and despite his efforts, he is powerless.

However, along with this case in the novel, there is another one, and they intertwine in such a way that as the story progresses, we must become increasingly worried about the fate of little Amelie, as well as the other randomly involved persons.

A great novel. I'm glad I came across Teresa by chance on Netgalley, and I know for sure that I will soon read all her other novels.

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