Member Reviews

A very enjoyable story about three friends who decide to go away together just before Christmas, planning on being back for Christmas itself, but the weather intervenes and plans change!

The three friends each have a reason for needing the break away, mostly because they're just taken for granted by their families, some who are more annoying than others. They escape to Scotland to a distant family member's B&B for a break, but then events take a turn and while they offer to look after the B&B for a few days to help the distant family member out the weather worsens, they all get snowed in and they have to cope with looking after the other guests for Christmas themselves, also meaning they also won't get back for Christmas Day with their families.

Of course it ends up working out for the best in the end, new relationships are forged, whilst others end. A very enjoyable story, with the right people ending up happy, and the annoying ones ending up where they should be!

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Another absolute corker from fiona, absolutly loved this. A fantastic warm Christmas read which wraps humour with turmoil of 3 middle aged women. A really easy read with an ending I loved, and not automatically predictable, alongside characters that are so relatable.

3 women with a longstanding strong friendship, all feeling the struggles as Christmas approaches and make the rash decision to spend the lead up to Christmas in the Highlands, leaving their families to come without them. Unfortunately their holiday is slightly protracted but offers the time for reflection and the beginnings of new beginnings.

Highly recommend a read.

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Can Netflix pick this up?

I loved following Shelley, Lena, Pearl, and all other characters who crafted their journey! This was such a refreshing take on the usual holiday romances, but I do think I would've enjoyed it more if written in first & multiple pov. So glad I got to read this early, though!

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Shelley, Lena, and Pearl finally take a well-deserved break from the holiday chaos, ditching their families for a prosecco-fueled escape in the Highlands. But when a snowstorm traps them 500 miles from home, their mini-break turns into a soul-searching journey. As they confront the real reasons they needed to get away—overbearing in-laws, a son's intrusive girlfriend, and feeling unappreciated by their families—they're forced to rethink what they really want from Christmas and life. The big question is, will they make it home for Christmas, and if they do, can they ever go back to how things were?

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This book just spoke to me - Christmas is a stressful situation and our three heroines decide to go away for a break before it - genius! This is the first book I have read by this author and won't be the last, it's funny, relatable and well written - I read it in one sitting.

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DNFed at 40%

If I could give 0, I would.

So you're telling me that 3 women went away for a mini vacation all to take a break from being hosting and preparing for Christmas... All so they could host and prepare for Christmas anyway? Where's the sense, where's the logic?

Ngl, I asked for this book because it was labeled as Romance. It's not a romance, it's only women's fiction.

Anyway. 3 women go together for a break a week before Christmas to get away from their families to take them for granted/doesn't appreciate them/fiance's overbearing family. They do this (especially one of them) so they don't have to think about Christmas and responsibilities and so they don't have to cook and buy gifts and think logistics.... And they OFFER to run a b&b for the guy DURING CHRISTMAS so he can spend time with his long-distance girlfriend. A guy they don't even know. A guy who is a distant cousin of one of them, who she had no contact with (other than Christmas cards) for over 20 years.


And THEN you want me to read about the cheating husband of one of them who doesn't even care about his kids or wife?? How he cheats on his wife?? For fucks sake, NO. I don't care if he gets Karma. I don't even care if that woman comes back to him and accepts him. I don't care if he feels remorse and tries to win his wife back. I just don't care. The minute I learned the husband was cheating I was out. And then you give me a chapter from his pov when he's visiting his mistress? Oh fuck no. Absolutely not. (How in the world is this book marketed as romance will never know).

That's enough for me. I hated it. These women say one thing but then they might get snow in and they suddenly rush home to be with their loved ones? The same ones who didn't give a shit about them? (Not talking about Tommy because he actually worshipped the ground Lena walked on. So her, I can understand wanting to go back. But Shelley and Pearl? They should have more self-respect than this).

No. Just no. This book was so not for me.

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Marvellous at any time of the year! You’re never disappointed with a Fiona Gibson novel and this one is no exception. Simple storylines, lovely ending, characters you can relate to and root for, what’s not to love?

Thank you Netgalley the author and publishers for an arc in exchange for an honest review

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I absolutely loved this book and devoured it in less than a day.

It was fun, relatable and an easy read. This was one of my favourite books by Fiona Gibson.

Just loved it and it got me in a Christmassy mood.

Thanks for the opportunity to read and review.

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I adored this book! I love Fiona’s books anyway and definitely have more on my wishlist!

This is the perfect festive read. Wouldn’t we all like to escape sometimes from the festive build up?

I loved all the three main women characters in the book, each with a back story, each equally strong and independent leaving the men to deal with the festive build up. There were other characters throughout the book too which were also great to read about and equally interesting.

I totally engaged with this book and the way it was written, hugely warming and uplifting. There may be a few moment you have a tear in your eye but most the time you have a smile on your face wanting to know what’s going to happen.

Anyone who likes Christmas or escapism then this is the perfect festive read. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC it certainly got me out of my reading slump.

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This book is honestly very funny. It’s a break from your usual basic Christmas books but it’s such a good difference. I will definitely be reading this nearly to Christmas for sure. The 3 main characters all have their own stories to tell and what heck of a story they are. I am probably going to reread this story again in the next couple of days, I liked it that much.

Thank you Netgalley.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC.

Shelley has had enough - her husband Joel and kids Martha and Fin don't appreciate her and take everything she does for granted, especially when it comes to Christmas preparations.

Lena's horribly snooty parents-in-law who like to ask her things like where's she's really from have had a kitchen disaster and announced themselves for Christmas even though they will only criticise everything.

Pearl who lost her husband Dean ten years ago, feels stifled by the presence of her son Brandon's girlfriend Abi who arrived three months ago for a "temporary stay" but makes no attempts to leave. What will Christmas be like with an unwelcome addition?

So the three of them hatch a plan - they will have a quiet, restorative five day holiday just before Christmas in the Highlands, where Shelley's distant cousin has invited them to.

Obviously things don't go to plan - they suddenly find themselves snowed in and in charge of guests with a bored, destructive child, hens, a dog and the prospect of Christmas far from home. And what will wait for them when they get back?

In the meantime, things heat up for Joel at home - the kids throw a party and his extra-marital love life hits a snag. He gets the lion share of the home stories which feels a tad unfair. I would have liked to read about Abi and Brandon's Christmas too but Joel's disasters ARE hilarious and serve him right.

This is textbook Fiona Gibson, well-written and funny, predictable of course but like a relaxing bath - you know what you're getting. It's a fun, easy read, perfect in the run up to Christmas, and if just to see that other people's families aren't any better than your own!

4.25 stars

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Ha ha ha ha, have you ever wanted to skip out on Christmas? ‘Tis The Damn Season should be the next holiday read.

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📚* Book Review * 📚
Fiona Gibson Tis the damn season- Released 11th September.
Wow I loved this book, it’s a festive read following the lives of three best friends, who spontaneously escape the lead up to Christmas with a last minute trip. All of them are facing challenges in their lives and want to have time away.
I love the aspect that you find out about each character in the book and their perspective even the husbands/partners.
I really recommend this book it’s funny, serious and festive what more could you ask for.
4 stars from me ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#netgalley #tisthedamnseason #fionagibson #boldwoodbooks #bookstagram #christmasbookstagram #christmasbooks

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I love a good Fiona Gibson book, and this is a very good one!
Shelley, Pearl and Lena are firm friends who decide to take a short break to the Highlands in the week before Christmas. All three want to escape Christmas preparations at home for various reasons.
They end up snowed in and running the B&B where they're staying.
Each woman's story is interesting and relatable - but I won't spoil the book by giving away anymore than that!
A brilliant read which I didn't want to end.

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I honestly couldn't put this book down! Read in 1 day as I was just captured by the characters who are so true to life. This book has me laughing out loud and also in tears, it was a real roller coaster as you go on a journey with 3 friends as they try to escape the stress of Christmas and they head to the highlands. All the characters are easy to follow and there families to, also thew new characters they meet along the way blend in beautifully. This story is full of realism, escapism, love, loss and rest starts. Shelly had to be a favourite of mine and I could read standalone books just about her and her family if that was ever a thing. Micheal was a real lovely character that gave me a feel of real warmth and solitude. Niall also made a lovely addition to the group in the end and I would love to hear more of there new little chapter together. I did however feel like theo really annoyed me tho and I really wanted them to leave but as Christmas day arrived and the moment about asking about brendons dad, it really gave him warmth and a arhhh feeling through my soul. A real cozy winter read. Thank you to fiona Gibson, bold wood books and net gallery for letting me read this story early.

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I love a festive read & this was a fab read.
Fiona Gibson is a great author.
Thanks for the opportunity to read & review fab book.
Highly recommended by me!

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Such a great twist on the usual festive read. My goodness what would I give to be able to run away in the build up to Christmas, and there are only two of us!! There are so many amazing moments with this story, all three of the main characters have great stories to tell, and some of the others also have great stories as well, you just get pulled into each story. If you are having a stressful time then pick this one up and have a good read, as it may give you some ideas of how to deal without running away. This is a great story, and one you need in your life, there are a couple of moments when you may have a tear in your eye, but honestly you have so many moments when you will smile so bright that it shines like a Christmas bauble, or the beautiful white snow in the highlands, no matter how much disruption it causes.

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This book features three female friends all at different stages of their lives. A last minute break to Scotland results in chaos and gives them all time to reflect on their lives when they are forced to spend Christmas day with some entertaining characters.
A heartwarming Christmas book which had me laughing and crying.
Thanks to NetGalley, Fiona Gibson and Boldwood Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for allowing me to read this book early.Tis the Damn Season is a fun, quick read about three friends escaping Christmas, only to find they might have escaped it a little more than they anticipated.

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I was cracking up laughing through the entire book and devoured it in one sitting! I loved the multiple POVs and fully understood why each friend wanted to escape their daily lives. This was a Christmas none of them will ever forget

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