Member Reviews

<b>⭐ - 4.5/5 - ⭐</b>

Thank you #netgalley and #azalapress for the ARC of this book!

I laughed, I cried, I gasped, I cheered, and every other reaction you can think of!

✦ Touch her and die
✦ Mental health rep
✦ Enemies to lovers
✦ Grumpy x Sunshine
✦ Slow burn
✦ Dark Academia
✦ Trauma/Abuse Healing

⚠️ - Yes - trauma, abuse, etc
🌶️ - 2/5
💕 - 4.5/5
👥 - 4/5
🌎 - 5/5
🗡️ - 2/5
💀 - 2/5

Noella Rose gets a job offer to become the school counselor for Delmarth Academy. Unknown to her, this school is in another dimension, ruled by Gods and home to beings called Primordials, who happen to hate humans. After a year, she will be allowed to return home...if she survives that long.

Kellen Kilic is a Primordial teacher at Delmarth Academy. His life is spent protecting his heart and his twin siblings. Noellas arrival turns his whole world upside down. He's supposed to hate humans, so why is this one invading his every thought?

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝:
● The author does such a good job at making us feel the pain that Ella is going through in the first few chapters of the book, that when she’s shown true compassion and friendship, I actually teared up a little bit.
● Points for the use of ‘spoons’ when talking about mental health and energy spent
● Mental health representation throughout
● I’m not usually a huge fan of 3rd person books, but honestly, this was written so well I barely noticed.
● The relationship between Kellen and Freya (Noella's dog) is just too stinking cute!
● Focuses more on the characters within the story, versus the fantasy and magic of the world. Not to say that the world building was incredible!

𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒅:
● This being an ARC, I definitely overlooked a few things, but some of the paragraphs were pages long.
● Sometimes the POV switches mid chapter and it's a bit confusing
● 3rd act breakup...however it was VERY brief.
● Mildly predictable twist(s)

<blockquote>"Selfishness is defined as concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others. Taking care of yourself is different than putting yourself above someone else. It doesn't mean you don't care for others to care for yourself. I'm both our dimensions, apparently, we have all been conditioned to think that prioritizing our needs or setting boundaries is a selfish thing to do, but it's not. Putting yourself first is not selfish."</blockquote>

<blockquote>"But I know depression. I know how it moves. I know how it operates. I know how it takes hold, and I know how it can destroy."</blockquote>

This is probably one of my favorite books of 2024. The whole book kept me on my toes and that cliffhanger left me screaming! I cannot wait for the next book and to read more of this authors books!

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The premise sounded great, but it wasn't for me. There was a lot of info dumping on magical creatures at first.

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Not a fan of fantasy and thought I would give it a go. Would recommend thought to my fantasy froends

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kyla Shiner for providing an ARC of *Bleeding Rose* in exchange for an honest review.

*Bleeding Rose" offers an intriguing mix of fantasy and romance with a fresh twist on the magical school trope. The story follows Noella Rose, a human who unwittingly binds herself to a mystical boarding school through a contract. As the school’s first counselor, she faces prejudice from the Primordials, a race that values strength and views emotions as a weakness. Her main adversary is Kellen, a dragon-shifter who initially tries to make her life miserable but finds himself increasingly drawn to her.

The book shines in its enemies-to-lovers dynamic, which is both compelling and well-executed. The banter between Noella and Kellen is witty and engaging, making their evolving relationship a highlight. Additionally, the novel excels in its mental health representation, depicting how counseling can profoundly impact individuals dealing with trauma and emotional struggles.

However, the book does have some notable flaws. The formatting of the POV shifts can be jarring, with occasional inconsistencies in perspective transitions disrupting the flow. The abrupt change in Kellen’s attitude towards Noella halfway through the book feels forced and undermines the slow-burn tension that many readers might have anticipated. Moreover, the plot twist is fairly predictable, lacking subtlety and reducing the impact of the reveal.

The portrayal of the young characters, Eulaylia and Jarion, also felt inconsistent with their age, as their maturity level seemed more suited to older characters. Despite these issues, the book’s unique magic system and the focus on adult characters in a magical setting offer a refreshing change from the usual school-centric narratives.

Overall, *Bleeding Rose* is a captivating read with its strong romance and mental health themes, though it is somewhat marred by pacing and predictability issues. Fans of the enemies-to-lovers trope and magical school settings will probably enjoy it, and I’m looking forward to seeing how the story develops in the next installment.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Azala Press for a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

True rating: 3.5

I have mixed feelings regarding this book. On one hand, the plot is decent and entertaining but on the other, there were some issues that were just hard to ignore.

1) I'm not a big fan of the formatting when it comes to the POV's. Each chapter starts off with the name of the character, telling you exactly whos' perspective we will be getting in that section. Unfortunately, this didn't always ring true. Occasionally, the chapter would randomly switch perspectives to the other character with no forewarning. Most of the time it did have an obvious break in the page that once you noticed, prepares you for the change, but there were a few times that the break was missing. It was a bit jarring and broke the flow of the book, pulling me out of my immersion into the story.

2) I was IN LOVE with this book being a true enemies to lovers story. I was so excited that our MMC, Kellen, was actively trying to torture and kill our FMC, Noella. The premise of the world being that these beings have no time for emotions. They value strength over everything and see emotions as weakness. So when Noella gets a job as a guidance counselor for these children, she is enemy number one from everyone at the school, staff included. At least until 20% into the book where suddenly he no longer wants to drive her out of the academy. It was such an abrupt change that I put the book down for a while, unable to pick it back up as I felt lied to and robbed. I wish that we had more of a slow burn between them, more of the chemistry as they butt heads and clash, slowly shifting into that lovers mindset instead of the random genre shift that we were given.

3) I absolutely loved the mental health representation in this book! We see kids and even some teachers overcome trauma that was forced on them as a race of people. The author does a fabulous job of showcasing tips and tricks that we can do ourselves in real life if that is something that you struggle with. Watching the characters in the book realize that emotions are not a weakness, and watching them grow and become better people for embracing their pain and struggles, was such a beautiful thing and I truly admired it.

4) The plot twist wasn't a twist at all. The author gave us so much foreshadowing that it was glaringly obvious around 30% of the book what was going to happen. I think that she needs to learn how to subtly weave information in for the reader in throwaway comments or simple nods that aren't so in your face. It would have made the reveal satisfying if we weren't spoon-fed the information throughout the book.

5) While I loved the twins, Eulaylia and Jarion, their mental maturity was too great for that of a 12 year old. The author should have aged them up just a smidge to align more with how she portrayed the characters. I do understand that these two characters had so much trauma on them that it forced them to grow up before they should have, but their age just didn't vibe with what the author was giving us. However all that being said, I do think that they were more of the better side characters in the story. I loved their journey, their growth and just their overall personalities.

Overall, despite the flaws in the book it was a decent read, if not a little long. I will probably continue with the series as it comes out and ends up on my radar but I won't be going out of my way to do so.

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If you're looking for a new dragon shifter with a dirty mouth, look no further!

This book follows Ella, a human who unknowingly signed a contract binding her to a magical school in another dimension. She's their new (and first) school counselor in a place that only values strength and power, so not only does she have to fight bigotry for being human, she also has to challenge their preconceptions of what a counselor does and how she can serve the school.

And then there's Kellen, a renowned dragon-shifter and leader of all of the shifters at the school. He hates her and tries to make her life hell. Yet... he can't help constantly running into her.

The banter in the beginning of this book was top notch. Some lines had me straight up cackling and laughing. I also loved the mental health representation and how the author showed the reader many different ways a school counselor (and therapist in general) can play a vital role in people's lives.

"You've taken over my thoughts, my dreams, my every breath. You represent everything we've been taught not to value, yet you're the strongest person I've encountered in all my twenty-eight years of life."

Some tropes are:
- Enemies to lovers
- Forced proximity
- Grumpy x sunshine
- Forbidden love
- Shifters
- Unique magic system
- Mental health representation

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it. The only negatives were 1. I predicted some of the big reveals at the ending early on in the book and 2. It got a little too sappy at the end. I adore declarations of love, but they were given many times so it almost took away from the impact of them in a way.

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Genre: Fantasy Romance
Relationship: M/F
Romance Level: Slow Burn
POV: Multi, third person
Rating: 3.5/5, rounding to 4 ✨
Spice: 2/5 🌶️ …that’s me being generous. It’s the vulgarity and sexual openness of dialogue that bumps it up. There are only a few open-door scenes.
Darkness: 2/5 🖤
Series/Stand Alone: Book 1
Cliffhanger: Yes
Themes/Tropes: Secrets, hidden identities, secret powers, trauma healing, enemies to lovers, found family, mates, shifters, meddling gods, bulling, dark academia, revenge, softie MMC, strong/fierce FMC, sunshine/grumpy, and cute banter
Check Triggers: yes

I found myself struggling to get through this book for the following reasons:

1. The awkward and random POV shift. The beginning of each chapter is one of the MC’s names. You would assume that you’re reading from that character's POV, but wrong! It randomly changes to another MC POV mid-chapter. Sometimes there’s a page break for the change and sometimes there wasn’t. Not to mention, this book was written in the 3rd person, which made it even more difficult to follow the change in character POVs.

2. While I appreciated the rep of mental illness and overcoming trauma, I was confused by Kellen’s 180 personality change. We’re taken into a cruel other world-dimension that supposedly doesn’t understand the concept of emotions. Showing or expressing emotions will deem you as weak and worthless. Kellen, the MMC, is like all the other characters in this world…. Actually, he’s more. He’s the strongest, toughest, smartest, etc, etc….well in the beginning. Then there’s a drastic personality change where he’s always “sobbing”. No, I’m serious. He was literally always sobbing. Even more than the “human.” Again, I loved the emotional well-being aspect and I understand that something had to give in order to reinforce the main concept of the book, but making Kellen a submissive, blabbering, crying, groveling mess really made it hard for me to finish.

3. The very obvious upcoming “plot twist.” This was a big one for me. This almost made me stop the book completely. I was already struggling to begin with and, since the ending was so painfully obvious due to the very obvious foreshadowing, what was the point of finishing?

4. Last but not least, The FMC, Noella. While I liked her in the beginning, she became annoying towards 40%. By annoying, I mean, entitled, disrespectful, bratty, and ignorant. I brushed it off due to her circumstances, but as the story went on, she became worse. I hate when these traits equate to a character being strong. It’s not. She made me want to apologize for her behavior and explain that not all “humans” are like this. She had strong opinions on a world/gods she knew nothing about. It was the equivalent of me going to a different country, publicly disrespecting their way of life, their Gods, their history, etc. and then excusing my behavior because I’m not from there. I’m not exaggerating. I quote: “I’d be careful what you say about the Gods. They hear everything, and they forget nothing.” “I don’t care,” she dismissed with a shrug of her shoulders. “They’re not my Gods, so they can’t punish me.” 😑 And while she required everyone to acknowledge her feelings and opinions, she threw a temper tantrum and dismissed one of her ONLY best friends because he couldn’t tell her something…

Besides those 4 issues, I would still recommend this book. I enjoyed the concept of the plot and it was unique. I loved the found family trope and side characters. I even enjoyed the dog, Freya. If you enjoy mild-fantasy (minimal world building), enemies to lovers, slowwww burn romance, then this is the book for you.

Thank you Netgally & Azala Press for this ARC opportunity.

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If you loved Zodiac Academy, but want a book about adults instead of students, then read this!

Noella Rose is a human school counselor who unknowingly signs a contract that binds her to a mystical boarding school. She is surrounded by Primordials, who see emotions as weaknesses and humans as inferior.

Kellen is a Primordial who has sacrificed to protect his younger siblings. He doesn’t trust humans and sees Noella as a threat to everything he has worked for.

I love how this book was about the adults in a magical school rather than focusing on the students, it was such a unique book!

The enemies-to-lovers trope is always my favorite, so I really enjoyed Noella and Kellen's relationship.

I’m so excited to see what happens in book 2!

Fans of the enemies-to-lovers trope and bully romances will love this book!

Thank you NetGalley and Azala Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I really enjoyed reading this book. It explored mental health and the author dealt beautifully with it. I loved that the main character was an adult and how she handled her work life. The world is interesting and I can't wait for the second book. I figured out what the final plot twist would be, but I definitely enjoyed the book.

Thanks to NetGalley and Azala Press for providing an advanced copy of this book.

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Wow what a book kellen and Noelle were amazing loved the character! Such a good book! And can we talk about the twins!! Can’t wait to see what’s next!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Azala Press for letting me read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Ok, let me start of by saying I LOVED this book. It’s like Zodiac academy told from the teachers perspectives, but also mixed with Assistant to the villain vibes??? Idk but it worked so well and the legitimate mental health rep/resources was absolutely beautiful to see in this genre.


Keep in mind I gave this 4 stars EVEN WITH these issues in mind; the plot and the characters make up for all of these twofold. I would’ve given it five if it weren’t for the following things (sorry if these sounds harsh at all as that’s not my intention!)

• I think it would’ve made a lot more sense if eulaylia and jarion were 14-15 rather than 12 based on their maturity (I understand they went through A LOT to get to this point, but in no world is a 12 year old using words like “mantle” and “” correctly lol). It honestly wouldn’t change the story very much if they were a few years older so it would just make the most sense

• while I love Kellen, I wish he kept his hard exterior much longer as he was already kinda soft and devoted to Noella 100 pages in. And then after that, even though he’s supposed to be this big bad imposing guy, he cries more than Noella— don’t get me wrong, I am all for men with emotions and tears, these just didn’t seem natural to him/his character :/

• I also wish the lustful thoughts didn’t start so hot and heavy so soon into the book with how much they were supposed to hate each other. Idk it kinda minimized all the work the other parts of the book that made it a slow burn, especially since Kellen could read and participate (I think?) in Noella’s dreams. I wanted to bask in their loathing of each other a bit longer, see their attraction grow (for legitimate reasons rather than the almost insta-love spell Kellen was under— like his insane amount of concern for Ella when she was drunk came out of nowhere), and see Ella fight it more instead of forgetting about all her ethics and morals until the last second

• dinner with Kellen’s mother - in no way did Ella playing the part as “pet” ever make sense. It didn’t fit the vibes of the book and came out of left field and overall felt extremely forced for even the characters to admit how pointless it was. Trust me I’m usually a sucker for this type of scene but it didn’t make sense for any of the characters to agree with or even consider, especially with how quickly the act got “found

• overall, i think the book just needed a bit more grace over some parts to help the voice and tone flow better

• i also wish a bit more suspicion was placed on the voice in Ella’s head but for some reason it was always dismissed as normal

• in terms of editing, it switches back and fletch between Ella and Kellen’s perspectives ( I honestly think I would’ve enjoyed this book more is it was just Ella’s) but sometimes in the middle of chapters without warning it’ll switch perspectives. This is just an arc so maybe this will be fixed, but it really threw me through a loop a few times

• the games at the end of book (roughly pages 420-470) were much too long for my taster I kinda skipped over them, sorry! Although Laya’s win was really touching

I cannot wait for the second book!!!!

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This book is beautiful in so many ways. The author did a brilliant job crafting a captivating story, led by the one and only Noella Rose, a fantastic school counselor at Delmarth Academy. Noella shares her wisdom not only with the students but also with us, the readers. She’s such a likable character—strong, confident, and, despite her tough past, fully in control of her life. Her mission is clear: help children connect with their emotions, recognize them, and act on them. She takes no nonsense and does whatever it takes to do her job right, and that’s what makes her truly stand out.

On the other side, we have Kellen Kilic, who, thanks to Noella, begins to question his long-held beliefs about strength and vulnerability. Kellen is a complex character, fiercely protective of his younger siblings and willing to do anything for their wellbeing. He’s an excellent father figure, and his emotional evolution throughout the book is beautifully executed. Despite his initial disdain for Noella, Kellen finds himself drawn to her, and over time, their relationship evolves from enemies to lovers. Their chemistry is electric, yet grounded in a maturity that allows them to communicate openly and grow together—a refreshing dynamic in any romance. Honestly, Kellen Kilic is the new book boyfriend on the map. Who needs a dragon rider when you can be the dragon rider? (Evil laugh!)

The relationship between Noella and Kellen, starting from enemies to lovers, was really interesting to follow. I see them as being in a mature relationship, where they can communicate their feelings and act on them, which is so refreshing. Watching their dynamic grow was one of the highlights of the book for me.

All in all, the book is great—I loved it. It’s a perfect blend of magic, emotion, and character growth. A solid 5/5 stars!

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Calling all Zodiac Academy fans! This new fantasy romance is for you!


This book follows our FMC Noella who unknowingly signs a contract to work as a school councillor in a different dimension, in the land of Cavale.

Unbeknownst to her, the people of Cavale absolutely despise humans due to a war between their Gods and so she struggles to settle into her new role, especially when the faculty are involved in torturing her. There’s one member of staff who gives her an extra hard time, Kelley Kilic, the head of the Varmin department.


Wow. I feel like this book was a free therapy session for me. The mental health representation in this was incredible and a real eye opener. Noella’s character is incredible. She is one of the strongest FMC’s I’ve read and the way she interacts with every single character shows how amazing she is.

I love Kellen’s character development in this book. Him and the twins work through their trauma with the help of Noella and it truly is an amazing thing to experience the further you get through the book.

If you like enemies to lovers, dark themes (check trigger warnings), bully romance and amazing character development then this book is definitely for you.

The only criticism I have is that the plot twist at the end was very predictable however I still enjoyed it nonetheless and it has set us up nicely for book two.

Thank you NetGalley & Azala Press for my copy of the eARC!

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Few minor spoilers

Overall rating 3.75

Good romantasy, I definitely got hooked into this.
Always love a fated mates trope. There was a well built chemistry and palpable tension between Kellen and Noella.
A few spelling mistakes during the arc read, a few cheesy lines that lasted just a little too long.
World building should have been much more, whilst some parts went on for too long.
And the twins didn't speak like 12 year olds. Even being too mature from their trauma, it felt like it was forgotten they were infact children.
I understood "the act" that was portrayed later in the story, but the actions carried out infront of the twins gave me serious pause. It was too much. There was just no need to involve 12 year olds in that type of scenario.

But overall I really enjoyed this book. And I definitely look forward to the next!

Thank you to netgalley for the opportunity to arc reader this.

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I received this from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a rollercoaster of a book. I loved how it began, a human tricked into signing a year long contract as a school counsellor for supernaturals. Noella has spent the first four weeks being belittled, beaten and broken. Well, her body has, but her spirit never falters.
Noella is smart, sassy and kind. She has her own past trauma but isn't afraid to stand up for herself. She's a strong FMC but not pushy. Sometimes she goes a bit overboard and becomes sappy and lovey dovey but I think it's on keeping with her character because she is so empathetic. She's a counsellor so I guess she has to be. I loved her ideas and reading about her working with students and taking pride in their progress. Her determination to do her job despite the barriers she faces is admirable.
Kellen is one of the teachers who initially makes her life a living hell and while I hated him a bit, I could understand his position and reluctance. The author writes a cold and broody male extremely well and I loved it. I loved his journey.
Freya was the cutest side character and I honestly wanted more.
I knew I was going to enjoy this book when I picked it up every chance I got. The world building was well done, snippets of information dropped here and there while foreshadowing what was to come subtly.
I loved the enemies to lovers section of the book. I adored the banter, wit and snide remarks between Noella and Kellen throughout the book. The story was good too, I loved the dynamic between Kellen and his siblings, his utter devotion to them and how that part of the story evolved.
There were a few things that irritated me as I got further along in the story. Kellen's character changed from being a scary, brooding badass to a complete sap once he decided he didn't hate Noella anymore. It didn't ring true and he lost a bit of his swagger for me. The overuse of endearments pulled me out of the story. 'my love', 'sweetheart', 'baby' were words that saturated the pages and it made me cringe. I felt that the 3rd act break up was a bit weak and as sappy went, Kellen got worse. He was too poetic and didn't mesh well with the Kellen from the beginning of the book. The prophecy wasn't too difficult to work out either, although what came of it wasn't high on my prediction lists, even though looking back, it should've been.
There were a few spicy scenes and the chemistry between Kellen and Noelle are off the charts from the beginning. Their support and acceptance of each other is sweet and feel-good if you can ignore the lovey dovey, flowery language that is too over the top for me.
I did enjoy the story, there are a few storylines playing out and well spaced out so that I'd forgotten to remember small details that had flagged ideas and predictions, being so sucked into the current plot.
A solid and enjoyable book with an enticing ending.

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Fantasy and romance all wrapped in one.

Bleeding Rose is based around Ella (or Noella) Rose who unbeknownst to her signed a contract to be the student counsellor at Delmarth Acadamy - a school on a different plane to earth to help the "Primordial' students... again not known to her the Primordials despise humans. Her road is rocky to begin with, the Primordials are not kind to her.. Kellen Kilic is one of those Primordials. He is a teacher at Delmarth Academy and as fate would have it be her love interest in the end.

I haven't read a fantasy book in a while, and while it was hard to wrap my head around the names etc in this book in the beginning, it was definitely a book I couldn't put down. It centered around love, family, and also had some mental health aspects to it as well.
This was a slow burn romance, and quite a long book but it was just full of so much!

I loved the character development, especially from the Kilic family characters (all of them!).

I cannot wait to read the next book by this author.

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There were so many things that I loved about this book:

- It's like Zodiac Academy meets Percy Jackson but from the professor's pov
- the mental health representation and communication is incredible
- Kellen is swoony
- Ella is so fricking cute
- I love the little world
- I love the premise
- THE TWINS!?! I love them so much
- I want more of all of it

Things I didn't love:
- Kellen swung from enemy to lover too quickly for me
- the dialogue was a little clunky at times
- info dumping

However, those are just personal preferences and overall, this book is SO good. & so fun.

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This book was such a refreshing and wonderful read, I absolutely loved it!

I have never read a fantasy book before that focused so much on mental health, and it was honestly such a refreshing change from the usual fantasy books. Ella, as a main female character, is absolutely amazing. She shows time and again that physical strength is not the only kind of strength that matters. She is such a strong person, and her resilience, combined with her compassion, makes her such a unique and interesting character.

I loved reading about Kellens' relationship with his siblings. This is another thing this book does that is different from the norm....usually we see the strong feared male main character only be vulnerable for the female lead. So, to see the soft vulnerable side of Kellen come out for his siblings was so beautiful. The bond that the three of them share is amazing 👏

I honestly can't say enough good things about this book. It kept me hooked the entire time, was beautifully written, and had some extremely important lessons intertwined seamlessly with the plot ! If you love the following things, then please do yourself a favor and read this book:

✨️ Mental health representation
✨️Shifters,Magic, Magical kingdom
✨️Touch her and ☠️
✨️Enemies to Lovers
✨️Found Family
✨️Fated Mates

I do feel like I have to advise to check for trigger warnings because this book does include:

-Child abuse
-Self Harm
-Physical Abuse

Remember that your mental health matters.

Thank you to NetGalley, Kyla Shinder, and publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A fantasy with an unusual twist, actual several throughout the book. Ella is trying hard to not only prove herself in a different dimension, but trying to stay alive too. While I enjoyed the book, the dialog was at times lengthy and left me wanting to skim the pages for the real action. I did keep reading and the ending when everything is revealed was a surprise. Overall a good book for those who love romance and fantasy.

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Dark academia, magic, and dragons… what more could you need in a fantasy book?
BUT if you do need more to entice you into reading this PHENOMENAL novel, it also has action, banter, heart to heart moments, ENDLESS tension, and spice so delicious your mouth will water.

🖤Noella Rose might be a human, but because she’s been THROUGH IT, it’s all made her incredibly strong. If you’re expecting a dainty FMC who needs a man to save her, she’s not the one for you. Her job as a school counselor is so beautifully handled. Kyla used her personal and professional knowledge to create Ella and if they handle situations the same, I’d say the youth of today would be LUCKY to have Kyla as their counselor.

He had me wrapped around his finger the moment he said some smartass remark to Ella. And all I could hear was Nick from New Girl saying, “Stop being so mean to me or I swear to god I’m gonna fall in love with you.” This man is a lovable asshole and I’d fight Ella for him. His love for his younger siblings showed how capable he is of love and how fierce he is with it.
If he wanted to put a leash around my neck and walk me like a dog, I’d let him. If he asked me to walk over a path of legos barefoot just to get near him, bitch I’d be SPRINTING across them. I’m so feral for this fine ass dragon shifter and would let him do unspeakable things to me🤷🏼‍♀️

🖤Kyla did an incredible job creating this world and these characters. Everything is so well thought out and the characters are all fully developed, even the small, side characters.

🖤I already can’t wait for the next book. 1000/10 recommend

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