Member Reviews

Reflections of Silence by Raven Hush was an interesting read.  It was like stepping into the world of Dracula but with a twist where the bad guy gets the girl in the end.  It was full of mystery and some horror.  But ultimately it was sweet and romantic.  Some scary monsters are just deeply broken and in need of someone to put the pieces back together.  Given that the time period for this book is in the 1700s, please take into note that things were very different in that time frame when you rate this book.  Overall, I liked the book but it wasn't really my style as much as I tried to love it but it may be for you.  

*Things I didn't like about the book*

* It felt like I was shot forward into the book from a few paragraphs and then backpeddled.  Meaning that it felt like I was losing sense of where the FMC was or when she was.  

* I didn't much care for the fact that the MMC didn't get as much page time as the FMC, as I think it could have opened up more about his character giving him a deeper look.  In a sense to me he felt in a way sort of shallow.  I'm all for a possessive aggressive dark romance male but there wasn't much depth behind his character.  

* In all honesty I thought this would be more horror than paranormal romance.  I liked the romance aspect as it is a dark romance, but I feel like there could have been more fear instilled into the story.  I know that there is a reason behind that but when events that happened the way that they did, there could have been just a little more.  

* Were in New Orleans baby! I wish we could of got a taste for the city we now know today.  There wasn't much historical reference to the city itself, leaving me wanting.  

Overall I rated the book 3 stars, as that felt fair considering how much goes into creating these worlds and aspects.  It was an interesting tale that follows the lore of vampires in New Orleans along with the Casket girls.

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I keep saying I don't read a lot of historical romance, but continue to read historical romance
The context of this story surrounding the Casket girls was actually a super cool idea to turn into a paranormal romance. I loved the note from the author giving that context, it made me appreciate the story much more.
The first half (maybe a little more) of this book was really enjoyable, you had world building (to understand time period), creepy gothic vibes, a likeable FMC Gisella, a mysterious hot man Sebastian and well written spice - all good things in my book.

I think it got a little sideways for me when all of these extra ancient beings were introduced, I guess I just wasn't expecting it to go that way and it seemed like they were introduced but not fully explained. I could get with Dolion because he was actually very vital to the story, the others seemed like extras that weren't really explained but there and were gone quickly once the action stopped.

The story between Dolion and Minette did gut me, the end of them just seemed very sad. And then the overall end didn't feel like it gave any closure to Gisella and Sebastian, it was too much of just a recap and not live scenes. I just didn't feel closure of their story before we moved on since this was Gisella's story. I am curious what would Sebastian's story would be since there is more there.

Thank you to the author and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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An absolutely brilliant paranormal gothic love story.
Beautifully written story about Gisella who in the early 1700s was an unwed woman who was sent by the king of France to New Orleans to marry an unknown French man already residing there.
Married by proxy in the middle of the night and then taken immediately to her husband Sebastian.
When she arrives although she is immediately drawn to him alarm bells start to ring but this is only the beginning of a love story that involves immortals and many more.
Can’t recommend it enough

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Rating- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5
Reflections of Silence is a paranormal romance novella set in New Orleans. Gisella is a casket girl from France, sent by the king to be married off to an unknown man. She arrives in the strange, new world of New Orleans with barely any belongings and no idea what her new life will be like. In the middle of the night she is married to a mysterious man, Sebastian. Gisella quickly learns he is not what he seems.

This was a nice, short romance. There’s a dark and gothic atmosphere to the story, the author did a great job setting the scene. It’s fast paced, but done very well. I think this story could be better if the tension between Gisella and Sebastian was more drawn out. Be warned, there are a lot of long internal monologues. Overall I would definitely read more from this author. Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the advance reader copy!

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author Raven Hush, and the publisher for providing me with my first ARC EVER!

Okay so this may go up to a 3 star at some point but after just finishing I say the 2 star is well earned.

At first, I liked how the story started seriously, it promised a lot but then I looked at the 174 pages and thought that one is going to be tough. The author knows what they want to say its clear in the writing, and it's strong and very straightforward but sometimes I have no inkling what she is trying to portray with the word choice or the description idk, this happened a few times, and usually, once I think about I get it but nope not this time.

Because the story is so short I feel like there is so so so much that could have been said to even make this a solid 4-star read because it really has the potential for that after reading the ending I get it, I do but we could have gotten more. The characters have no depth whatsoever, I couldn't for the life of me understand what was up with the villain. The plot was there but so rushed...again 174 pages (e-book) so I guess that makes sense.

A little about the characters.

Gisella is from France but has an Italian-sounding name, correct me if I'm wrong, but you know what that's not even important really. She is the Belle to this vampire (beast) although she lacks Belle's umm.. presence there is nothing I can say about her as a character, more than anything I felt bad for her circumstances, and felt her feelings towards Sebastian were one-sided. It was like she was all about him and he was the consuming, will-not-talk typical dude with trust issues. See this is where some more plot could have been developed to understand these characters more.

Sebastian I don't even know what to say, he was just there doing his alpha male job. Possessive? check. Broody? Check. I felt like he was grooming Gisella to be honest. There was just no chemistry in this relationship, and to read how it ended just...what DO YOU MEAN? The ending may have been the best part of this book aside from that random little girl - I knew I just had to accept it as it was and move on. This being said I may be interested in reading a Delion story so long as it is longer.

Published Monday July 29 - CET

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"Don't fight me, little hellion of a wife."

“I love.
A simple but powerful statement, and a fool's errand.
But we all wore that facade here.”

Really enjoyed this book. Dark paranormal romance that was very spicy and very intriguing and it’s perfect both to get out of a reading slump and read in one sitting!!! It’s engaging, entertaining and addicting and I fell for the main characters!!! We have arranged marriage, forced proximity, vampires, a bit of curses and war and a male main character who’s absolutely obsessed with her. Plus, you know me, when the “my wife” trope enters the room, I’m a puddle on the floor. I’m such a goner for it. And Sebastian here … he did it brilliantly!! I’m in love !!! Totally and absolutely!! It felt like a pretty short story so it was easy to read in one time and the writing style made the good easy to get into and not too hard to follow. Add to that the absolute gothic vibes of the castles and the enchanting characters’ dynamics and you have a great book to read before the spooky season !!! And the romance well … I do so love a morally grey, dark and brooding and obsessed and feral man … plus, he really knows what he is doing!! So there’s nothing I have to complain about !!!

“By every sin you feel too good, Gella.”

“I'll find you, Gella. Don't bother hiding.”

"Pain, need, pleasure. The three things 1 offer in my bed, Gella. I never asked your permission to marry. I never gave you those promises myself. But I promise you this, now. While ever I exist and you roam this place I will protect you. Wear my marks and you are mine. I'll give my immortal existence for you, Gella. Everything I am is yours. For you."

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This was a fast paced, paranormal retelling of the casket girls of France and New Orleans. It’s incredibly well written and flows nicely.

I appreciated the context at the beginning of the book as I had never heard of the casket girls and would have had zero idea without it.

As the story progresses it builds more paranormal and mystical entities. I wasn’t expecting the sheer amount of magical entities involved.

I loved Dolion and Minette. I was less invested in Gisella and Sebastian which was a shame given they’re the main couple. I don’t particularly like Insta-love but I can appreciate the need given the length and plot of the story.

If you love nuanced historical fiction with a healthy dash of paranormal romance then you will want to pick this up.

I received an arc of this book and am leaving my review voluntarily.

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