Member Reviews

In this book everyone has a beforelife where they get to observe their prospective mother. They know their possible conception date, but not everyone gets to be conceived and then they disappear. Becca Valentine has 4 almost who are waiting to be conceived, unfortunately they cannot all be born as 2 have one father and 2 another, and conception dates do not work out.

We mainly follow Eliza, almost number 3 as she follows her mother’s life. Almost are given one chance to influence their birth by inhabiting someone else’s body to push things in their favour so it needs to be used wisely.

Will Eliza, Sophie, Samuel and Thomas get born and will Becca get the life she deserves?

This book made me teary on the bus on the way home towards the end. Once I got my head around the unusual concept of the book, I really enjoyed it.

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"The Beforelife of Eliza Valentine" is a captivating and emotionally resonant exploration of love, family, and the complexities of fate. Laura Pearson, author of the bestselling "The Last List of Mabel Beaumont," delivers another heartwarming and thought-provoking tale that will leave readers pondering the choices we make and the impact they have on our lives and the lives of those around us.

**Plot Summary (No Spoilers):**

In this unique narrative, we meet Eliza, one of four souls who exist in the Beforelife, awaiting their chance to be born. They've been watching over Becca Valentine since the day she was born, knowing that one day she might become their mother. But there's a catch: only two of them can be born.

When two men enter Becca's life, the souls realize that her choice of partner will determine their fate. One man is destined to be the father of Lucy and Thomas, while the other is Eliza and Samuel's potential father. As they grapple with their own desires and the implications of Becca's choices, they discover a way to influence fate, but at a cost.

**Character Analysis:**

Eliza is a captivating narrator, her voice filled with warmth, humor, and a touch of melancholy. We witness her love for Becca, her longing to be born, and her internal conflict as she navigates the complexities of their unique situation.

The other souls, Samuel, Lucy, and Thomas, are equally well-developed, each with their own distinct personalities and desires. Their interactions with Eliza and their observations of Becca's life create a rich tapestry of emotions and perspectives.

Becca, though unaware of the souls watching over her, is a relatable and sympathetic character. Her struggles with love, loss, and finding her place in the world resonate with readers, making her a compelling figure to root for.

**Writing Style and Effectiveness:**

Pearson's writing is both lyrical and accessible, drawing readers into the story with ease. Her prose is infused with warmth and humor, even as it tackles weighty themes of love, loss, and the complexities of fate.

The narrative structure, with its alternating perspectives between Eliza and Becca, creates a dynamic and engaging reading experience. The pacing is well-balanced, allowing for moments of quiet reflection alongside scenes of emotional intensity.


* Unique and captivating premise
* Well-developed characters with relatable struggles
* Evocative writing style that balances humor and emotional depth
* Thought-provoking exploration of profound themes


* Some readers may find the magical realism elements a bit too whimsical
* The ending may leave some readers wanting more closure

**Conclusion and Recommendation:**

"The Beforelife of Eliza Valentine" is a heartwarming and thought-provoking read that will stay with you long after the final page is turned. Laura Pearson's masterful storytelling, relatable characters, and exploration of profound themes make this a must-read for fans of contemporary fiction and anyone seeking a story that will touch their hearts and minds.

If you're looking for a book that will make you laugh, cry, and ponder the mysteries of life and love, I highly recommend "The Beforelife of Eliza Valentine."

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

Becca Valentine, she has 4 ‘not quite’ - children who are waiting in the pre-existence. Yet to see if her life will include them in it.

We read about her as she handles all the issues in the family and the what the children go through as they grow up. There are two men in her life, but she’s yet to decide who to choose,

The story was different, gave you food for thought.

The characters were relatable and mixed, where some you liked, and others, not.

I highly recommend this book.

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What an absolutely brilliant concept. Laura Pearson is a terrific writer and this book deserves to be another best seller. The lives of unborn children watching to see what will happen to them. Bravo.

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My favourite book of the year, so far. I just wanted to keep reading and the characters became so important.
Becca made mistakes but I so wanted things to turn out well for her, though of course this meant that things might not turn out well for Eliza, Lucy, Thomas and Samuel.
Definitely one to reread and savour.
Thanks to Natgalley.

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Lucy, Thomas, Samuel, and Eliza are Becca’s Almost’s. They came into being the day Becca was born and all have a chance at being born. They can only stay with Becca and they know their conception date and when they see him they will know their father. But the Almost’s have discovered they do not have the same father and the chances of them all getting to be born are getting slimmer and slimmer as two different men compete for Becca.
A unique concept, incredibly beautiful and powerful. Watching Becca navigate her life through the lens of her potential children was so fascinating. @laurapauthor went incredibly deep with this book about love, destiny, survival, and strength. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of this author’s books and #thebeforelifeofelizavalentine was no exception. Small warning it does dip into domestic violence as well as miscarriage.
Thank you to @theboldbookclub @boldwoodbooksnl and @netgalley for letting me have a copy to review. Look for this one September 20
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Lovely story of the possible children of people living in another realm, knowing their conception dates and their parents to be. The possible children disappear when they are actually conceived, or if they miss their conception date.

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The Beforelife of Eliza Valentine is an enchanting and thought-provoking novel. The story follows Becca Valentine and her four potential children—Samuel, Thomas, Eliza, and Lucy—who exist in a realm known as the "Almosts." These unborn children watch Becca’s life, wondering if they will ever be born, as her choices and relationships with two men, Anthony and Ryan, determine their futures.

This is a magical and yet emotional story that explores love, choices, and family. The book blends imagination and real-life emotions without feeling too heavy.

This book is great for readers who enjoy heartfelt stories with a bit of magic!

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This book is an interesting take of the beforelife or known as the "Almosts" Eliza, Samuel, Thomas and Lucy.

The "Almosts" of Becca Valentine, following Becca, unseen and unheard, from the day she was born to see who will be become her children and who the father will be, Anthony or Ryan

Another great read by this author, even though the concept was a little different.

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Coincidentally, while reading this book my 6yo asked me where he was before I put him in my belly. It's a concept we all think about and Laura Pearson did a beautiful job imagining a beforelife. The story was told in such a way to hit on the heavy topics but not feel heavyhanded. I love that kind of writing style. I really enjoyed this book, especially the ending, and will definitely be looking for more from Laura.

Thanks to NetGalley for the free ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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A beautiful, fearless, non-judgemental examination of a teenage girl’s venture into the world of sexual relationships, the consequences and what love means.
What makes this novel so special is the original approach the author has taken. Becca Valentine has four potential children, but before they are conceived, together they inhabit their own world, watching their ‘mother’ making all her decisions.
The conflicts and heartaches make this an emotional read – something Pearson does so well. This book deserves to be another bestseller for her.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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I was very excited to be approved on NetGalley for The Beforelife of Eliza Valentine - thank you, Boldwood Books! In the last year, Laura Pearson has become one of my must-read authors. I loved The Last List of Mabel Beaumont and The Day Shelley Woodhouse Woke Up.

The Beforelife of Eliza Valentine is about Eliza and her siblings who are Almosts - beings awaiting their own birth. They may or may not actually be born according to circumstances. I found this fascinating because as a child, I used to try really hard to remember my life before I was born. Probably shouldn't admit that as it makes me sound slightly bonkers. Of course, I never managed to!

This book was lovely. Partway through, I did guess how it would work out, but that didn't detract from my enjoyment at all. It's a beautiful, beautiful book and I highly recommend it!

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The Beforelife of Eliza Valentine by Laura Pearson could be called science fiction but the characters are written like a love story.What about the babies who might have been born but weren’t-the almosts-living in the beforelife?Eliza Valentine tells the story of herself and her almost siblings Lucy,Samuel and Thomas.They came into being when their mother was born and watch over her as she makes life choices and decisions about two men-both fathers of some of her children.The book was written in an interesting way and kept me guessing .Laura Pearson does not disappoint! Happy Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for allowing me to enjoy this ARC!

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I really enjoyed this book, and I am so glad that I gave the author another try. I read one of her older works a few years back, and though well written, thought it was so bleak and depressing. But beginning with the Mabel Beaumont book, I have thoroughly enjoyed Pearson's newer books. Even though the story of Eliza Valentine could be said to be a little bleak, it is written in such a way that it doesn't seem so bleak after all, it is poignant. I thought the ending was just right. More like this please, Laura. With thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book it was so interesting and very clever. Such an unusual story which had me hooked right away. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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I’m a huge fan of Laura Pearson, and this is no exception.
Incredibly unique, the story of Becca Valentine is told from the perspective of one of her ‘almost’ children, Eliza. One of four ‘almosts’, Samuel, Thomas, Eliza and Lucy are the children Becca could have. They all know their conception dates, and they all know who their father will be once he walks into their mother’s life. They just need to ensure that they are born, or else disappear. But when they discover Lucy and Thomas have a different father to Eliza and Samuel, they realise not all of them will be born.
A brilliant concept, and I read it obsessively within the day!

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Becca Valentine has 4 'almosts' - possible children who are waiting in the Beforelife to see if her life pans out to include them.

We follow them and Becca as she grows up and has to navigate all the teenage and family issues of growing up. With two men in the mix, who will she end up with and will all her almosts become real-life children?

What a unique story! It definitely got me thinking and even dreaming about my own possible 'almosts' which was interesting to think about. The characters were believable and there was a good mix of love them and hate them, but Becca's Dad was definitely the star for me.

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I very much enjoyed this book, I’ve read the authors previous novels and am a big fan. I therefore was delighted to see this novel on NetGalley UK and it went straight to the top of my reading list.
The first chapter grabbed me immediately. The thought of children being able to see their parents meet is enticing.
I love the concept of all our potential children being around and following us as we grow up into adulthood, meet our partners and with luck have the children that turn out to be them
This is quite a short novel , more of a novella really ,but perfectly crafted and complete in itself
Author is able to describe peoples characters perfectly and I feel like they are real people who learn and develop throughout the novel.
There is an element of magical reality in this novel, the author manages to blend magic and reality perfectly so it feels seamless and real.
The author has a beautiful flowing prose style which makes all her novels a relaxing thoroughly enjoyable read this novel is no exception to this.
I would recommend this novel for anyone who likes primarily relationship based novels I’m struggling to find another novel to compare it to perhaps Lovely bones by Alice Sebold which is narrated by someone after they have died .
I read an only copy of the novel on NetGalley UK. The book is published in the UK on the 20th of September 2024 by Boldwood books.
This will appear on Goodreads, NetGalley UK, and my book blog After publication it will also appear on Amazon UK.

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I love Laura's books and this one is no different. The premise of this story is the first I have read - its about the children we may conceive watching and waiting to see if their conception date happens - I just love the way Laura writes and the characters that she brings alive. I also like the little bit of magic in the story - great! Thanks for the advance copy

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Heart warming and heartbreaking all at the same- this book will make you think about how mysteriously the world works and wonder what if?

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