Member Reviews

4+ stars

Possible spoilers.

Im not really one for a romance, or womens fiction book, but I make the exception for Laura Pearson.
Since I first read her 4 or more years ago, I've enjoyed her stories, snd they seem to go from strength to strength.
The idea of this one got me hooked straight away, and it didn't let go.
So many questions...
Would Eliza be born? How would things shape up? Would Samuel remember her?
Becca is just doing her best to be the mother she didn't have, and despite me not agreeing with many of her decisions, you could tell she was trying hard.
Some really heartwarming moments, a lot of which were provided by Beccas dad.
Just lovely.

The idea of beforelife has left me pondering on kids and imaginary friends too much this week!

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A magical book about love and family. Two men come into Becca's life and her decision will determine who will be born....

It's a terrific story. Very thought-provoking. Love all the characters and their views. A very unique storyline and an interesting read.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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Wow I honestly have no words.
This was so beautifully written so completely unique
A rollercoaster of emotions.
I read this in one sitting as I just couldn’t put it down.
It’s unlike anything I’ve ever read before.
I loved the whole concept the adored the almosts and I find my self thinking about my own if I have them.
Becca was such an inspiration character and I loved watching her journey and her character development was amazing along side Eliza.
I felt so many emotions while reading this it’s really touched my heart and will stay with me forever

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This was a really thoughtful read told from a highly unusual perspective. Eliza is one of four potential children that Becca might be the mum of, they’ve been with her since birth and each know their potential conception date but they have no idea if they will actually be born. When Becca meets Anthony two of her siblings realise he is their dad but he isn’t Eliza’s or one of her brothers and it causes tension when they realise due to their conception dates they’re all unlikely to be born.

What this actually is however is the story of Becca told through the eyes of her even present unborn child Eliza and how she meets Eliza’s dad and how their relationship transpires, this is juggled with her feelings for Anthony and the differences between the two relationships. It reflects on the impact of Becca’s difficult relationship with her mum and her wanting to do her best for her child but ultimately it causes a very big dilemma for Eliza. This was an incredibly perceptive relationship read and showed the core of a relationship from an outsiders perspective but at far closer range than would usually be possible which made it a very strong and engrossing story.

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