Member Reviews

I am giving this book a 5 out of 5 stars because I couldn’t put it down, even though I hated the protagonist! I have never not liked a main character as much as I didn’t like this one. She had no redeemable qualities in my eyes, well, maybe one….. that she did love her son and was wiling to do anything for him, but I’ll never understand the way she acted. Like why would she just ask her son about what was going on. It was like she was afraid of him. I mean, come on, who would commit such heinous acts without first asking some questions that deserved some answers before ruining an innocent persons life! And she was just unbelievably cruel to people who were trying to help her. She couldn’t just shut her mouth and play the fame for the sake of her son, she just constantly said exactly what she was thinking, consequences be damned. I mean, who really acts like that? Ever? It just annoyed me that this protagonist was so unbelievably unlikable. I felt sorry for the kid. However, the story line kept moving and was so interesting because I couldn’t wait to find out what stupid thing she did next to try and get her son out of whatever he got himself into. I honestly just wanted her to get busted for being such an asshole to everyone. I just think the author was really brave with this protagonist, but it seemed to work because I really did enjoy it.

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At my initial reluctance, I ended up enjoying this entertaining thriller about a messy, chaotic woman trying to do the right thing for her son, trying to figure out her life and friendships. I think students will enjoy this fast paced mystery

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I received this book from NetGalley for an honest review. This book was a quick read, but a story that I feel like I have read before. The story follows a former American pop star who is now a single parent that lives in England. A boy at her son's school goes missing and her son is a possible person of interest. What follows is a series of events as the main character tries to find the missing student. The story was quite far fetched and I feel like there were some questionable activities that went unnoticed in the end. The characters were not very likable and extremely flawed. I was able to figure out the ending well before it was unraveled to the reader. Overall, the book was enjoyable but i probably won't think about it again.

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Flo is a bit of a mess. An American mom ex-pop star living in England and trying to raise her unique child the best she can. While not a terribly likable person, she still is someone it’s hard not to pull for. When a classmate of her son’s goes missing while on a field trip, she decides to take matters into her to her own hands to solve the mystery and protect her son.

The mystery and twists in this book are great. I also liked the mix of comedy, drama, and thriller this book contains. I think fans of the Finley Donovan series will love this one!

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the advanced copy.

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Florence was not likable at all. Some of her inner dialogue was funny, otherwise she was kind of insufferable. She was immature, and not a very good friend. She was also very unreliable in a lot of ways which made me question her observations of others. Although Florence wasn’t my favorite, she was flawed and that made her seem real. The one thing she did actually care about was her son Dylan.

The mystery of what actually happened to Alfie did intrigue me. Where I was kind of put off was Florence. She grated my nerves a lot and when all was revealed, I wasn’t really impressed by it. I think if Florence’s schtick was dialed back a bit, I would have enjoyed this more.

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All the other mothers hate Florence because she doesn't quite fit in with their posh British crowd. As a broke American failed pop star, at 31 Flo has not much going on for her, except her 10 year old son Dylan-- who also doesn't quite fit in with his classmates. When Alfie Risby, the heir to a frozen food fortune and a bully to Dylan, goes missing on a class trip the whole school family is in chaos. When Flo suspects Dylan may have been involved she decides she must stop at nothing to make sure Dylan does not get in trouble. With the help of another school mom Jenny, Flo is determined to solve the mystery on her own. Antics ensue, and with some fun twists and turns and lots of bad decisions from Flo, All the Other Mothers Hate Me was a fun and fresh take on a school drama / light thriller that I found very enjoyable.

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I do not think I'm the intended demographic for this book. The narrator is unlikeable and I struggled to read through her "voice" because I simply didn't like her. The story is good, though, if you don't mind the narrator's personality. Try it for yourself; you may love it!

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I had SOOOO much fun with this book! I love a good big little lies ish ‘mommy drama’/school thriller and this scratched that itch for me. Florence is a very unlikable narrator which won’t be for everyone, but I found it very refreshing and fun to follow a morally grey character and her inner bitchy thoughts were very entertaining to read. although it’s not the twistiest thriller ever, the mystery led in a few unexpected directions and I found that aspect paired with Florence’s character made the book very bingeable!

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well. I can see why they hate her LOL. This was one weird book. Parts I liked and others not so much. Maybe I am the wrong demographic. I think my daughter would love it

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I eagerly anticipated the release of this book since I started seeing it pop up on bookstagram. This book was fine but didn't live up to the hype.

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Good read.
The title is very obvious as to why the other moms hate Florence. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to root for her or wanted her to fail. She is chaotic. She does love her son so much but is just complete chaos.
There’s so much that happens in this book. The ending twist was great and definitely made a lot of sense.

Overall, I’m glad I kept with the book and finished it out.

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All the other mothers may hate Florence but I absolutely love her! She is a hot mess and really hard to like. Honestly, I would find her infuriating in real life and want to avoid her at all cost. So how can I say I love her? It's much more fun to read about someone like her of course. But also you can tell Florence is self aware and she does try to do the right thing at times. She's just had a hard life and it's made her hard.

Florence is a single mom, an American living in London. Her son Dylan goes to a posh private school because that's where his dad went and he's paying for it. So that's where the title comes in. The other mothers are well to do and nothing like her. A little incident led to her being ostracized by them and she's just avoided them when she has to take Dylan to school or pick him up.

A woman who also happens to be American named Jenny has twins that just started going to this school. She wants to be friends with Florence because she's an American single mom too. Since she's new she has no idea that Florence is persona non grata with the other parents.

When her son's bully goes missing on a school field trip, Florence freaks out assuming her son must have done something to him. She also is desperate to prove his innocence. She tries to investigate so she can find someone else to pin the blame on but being a hot mess things don't go very smoothly. Luckily she gets to team up with Jenny who is a lawyer with a type A personality.

I can't say enough good things about All the Other Mothers Hate Me. Yes, Florence is messy but you can't help but root for her. The plot itself is fast paced and well written. The twist was surprising and the ending was satisfying. But I will say I think this should actually be a series! Please? This was such a fun read and I need more Florence and Jenny!

Thank you Penguin Group Putnam/G.P. Putnam's Sons and NetGalley for the ARC.

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This book was nothing like what I was expecting but in a good way! Florence is a former member of a girls band that took a huge downfall. Now she is a
Single mom raising a quirky son with no real direction in her life. That is until a schoolmate of her sons disappears. Her and a fellow mom start an investigation that pulls them together as friends and then pushes them apart. I didn’t see where this story was going but really enjoyed it!

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Florence is kind of a crappy Mom... she parties too much, leaves her son home alone at night, doesn't take responsibility for her choices, doesn't get along with the other school Mom's, etc.
But, she loves her son fiercely, and will do anything to protect him. So when another boy (the school bully) goes missing, she goes full tilt on finding out what happened - trying to pin it on anyone other than her ten year old son Dylan. She befriends a new school Mom along the way and they work together to find out what might have happened to the missing boy. There's some twists and turns along the way; some I expected, some surprising.
Nothing stellar, but a good fun read. A solid three.

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Florence hasn’t been doing well since her short-lived career in a girl band ended humiliatingly. Now an aging party girl who lacks direction, the one thing keeping her somewhat in check is her ten-year-old son Dylan. When Dylan’s classmate goes missing with her son a suspect, Florence realizes it is time to take matters into her own hands and investigate.

Florence is a hot mess of a character, but unfortunately not a charming hot mess. The premise suggests that the reader should view Florence as a loving mother; however, she often leaves her son home alone sleeping to go out on dates. Her ex is supposed to be a villain for leaving her, but he seems like the more engaged parent and her behavior doesn’t endear her to anyone. As she continues to behave horribly, it becomes harder to cheer for her. As a result, the story suffers.

Despite some entertaining moments, the book suffers due to Florence's unlikability, though it remains a solid mystery.

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This is a 3.5 for me. It was a difficult read at the beginning, as Florence is a huge mess and not the lovable kind. She seemed determined to make herself unlikable and her life a disaster, no matter how many people tried to help her or get to know her.

It did pick up eventually and it wasn’t so grating to read Florence’s thoughts; the story was hard to figure out - in a good way. I had my suspicions about some things but still didn’t have it all worked out.

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When I was on my most recent road trip, I was looking for something quick to finish up with and I decided to make that All the Other Mothers Hate Me by Sarah Harman. I'm glad I did because this was a fast-paced, short, and very engrossing read that I read almost in its entirety before we got home. I will say it, I did not like a single character and sometimes I almost downright hated Florence. She is incredibly selfish, has an addiction problem, and sleeps with random men, some of whom are married. But her love and devotion to her son never wavered even in the face of something potentially terrible, so I guess she wasn’t all bad.

Florence might be one of the worst amateur sleuths I have ever seen, but she was also very determined no matter what was thrown at her, and I loved that she managed to make a true friend along the way. There were a lot of moments that made me cringe and laugh in equal measure and man does Harman know how write an entertaining storyline! The climax almost completely surprised me and though I did see one part coming, I didn’t have it completely figured out. This is Harman’s debut novel, and I wouldn’t hesitate to read more from her!

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I liked this one a lot! A former pop star turned hot mess mom transforms herself into a vigilante detective to find a boy who goes missing after a school field trip. So what if her methods are mostly illegal, her morals questionable, and her motivations for solving the crime almost completely centered around absolving her own son, whose involvement is looking increasingly more sinister as the days go by? Florence is awful, just awful, but pretty charming and a lot of fun, and I loved the mismatched buddy comedy energy when she teams up with Jenny, another American mom who’s type A to a fault and desperate enough for a friend that she looks beyond pretty much everything to embark alongside Florence’s insane quest. Where the book fell a little short for me was in the flat characterizations of pretty much everyone else in the book, the red herrings that never went anywhere, and the ending, which I won’t spoil but Ieft a pretty bad taste in my mouth. I could see this being an excellent movie or miniseries!

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If you love lots of twists and turns in a thriller, this one is for you. Starts off with the dark humor and biting satire of something like Cutting Teeth (a book that I still think more people should read), and then it develops a fun female friendship/ bumbling investigative team. It does turn more dark/dark, some of the relationships shift without the requisite development, and I missed the early vibe of the text. I also started to feel the heaviness of what I feel is an unfortunate truth of our society that is highlighted in the book: Parents don't want to protect their kids FROM bullying and misfortune; they want to protect them as the PERPETRATORS. Certainly won't be for everyone--not a spoiler because it is on the first page, but if you can't embrace the FMC thinking that a kidnapped kid was really a jerk, then you won't be able to get into it. Not 100% sure where I land with this one, but erring on the up side since there is so much creativity and nuance. I also liked the last twist which arguably wasn't necessary to the plot, but I found kept the wrap-up more complex and truthful. Thank you to Putnam/Penguin Random House/NegGalley for the ARC and the opportunity to share my review.

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3.5* A young mother finds herself striving to be a better person and mother, but as the title suggests All the Other Mothers Hate Her... She is 31 years old, broke and her pride in her stint ending as a girl band. Her 10 year old son Dylan finds it hard to fit in at school and is the victim of a bully. The bully is Alfie, an heir to a fortune. When Alfie goes missing on a school field trip, she begins to suspect Dylan as a suspect, especially after Alfie's backpack was found in his room.

The book kept me interested in the beginning. My momentum shifted throughout. I loved the title, so the answer to why the mothers hated her is revealed early on and very entertaining. A lot of cringing and hilarious moments for this poor mother. I'm not sure why it didn't click with me more, but the author is talented and I will definitely read more from her.
Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam | G.P. Putnam's Sons for this ARC in exchange for my opinion.

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