Member Reviews

Yet again Ruiner needs rescuing, so Morgan infiltrates a carnival to solve a murder.
In this book, you get a fun setting with interesting characters.
As in the first book the highlight for me was the banter between Morgan and Ruiner.
If you liked the first installment of the series, I'm sure you will like the second one as well.

Thanks to Sterling & Stone, Amelia Ash and Kim M. Watt for the ARC.

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One Smart Witch is the second book in this magical series set in Hollowbeck, England. Morgan is still trying to get the hang of her new title as resident witch and keeper of a very powerful grimoire. Ruiner is still a cat, but she is starting to feel more at home in the town. Unfortunately a killer carnival comes to town and cause havoc to everyone.
There's a wizard in the carnival and Ruiner gets the idea that he may be able to help with his cat problem, so Morgan agrees to go with him to investigate. Quickly things get out of hand and there's a dead body, captured suspects and Morgan feels helpless to solve any of it.

A new witch in town gives her some advice and she takes it, potentially against her better judgement, entering the world of the carnival in disguise.
She discovers that not only are her, her familiar and her brother's lives at stake, but also the entire town.

Morgan needs to tap into her natural power and use her gut and intelligence to conquer the carnival before it's too late. Luckily she has made some good friends along the way who are willing to help her.

Such a fun, fast read. I couldn't put it down. I love the characters and the relationships forming in this series. It's a refreshing take on a cozy series and I'm hooked on Hollowbeck. I can't wait to read book three and to see Morgan blossom even more.

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One Smart Witch by Amelia Ash and Kim M. Watt is such a fun book!

I really enjoyed this book and the well-developed characters.

I really loved the magical elements in this story and the story line.

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This was a fun book full of interesting characters. I didn't realize this was the second in the series, so I quickly bought the first and read it so I wouldn't miss a beat, and I'm glad I did. While this novel may work as a stand alone, I think understanding the backstory helps quite a bit. If you enjoy paranormal cozy mysteries, there's a lot to like in this book - a talking cat, super quirky characters, and lots of twists and turns. I am looking forward to the third book in the series, and I hope some of the newly introduced characters are here to stay!

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It’s time to go back to Hollowbeck where Morgan is trying to settle into her new life with a shop, a friend, a brother (who is still a cat) a grimoire she doesn’t know how to read. And then the carnival happens. I love creepy circus and carnival books; something about the music, the lights, the here-and-gone lifestyle is perfect for eerie stories, and this one … at first seems quite harmless. (But then don’t they all?) Bit by bit things start to unravel, and unravel, and unravel until Morgan has no idea if she can get of the mess she’s in and save her brother and Josephine, her familiar.

It’s fun, it’s quick, it’s well written and well paced. Personally, I would have liked a little bit more of the creepy side of the carnival and I felt like the ending came together a little too quickly — but it was still a fun ending. This book also introduces a new character, Grace, who is a skilled witch who promises to help Morgan learn how to use her powers, and Morgan continues her fascination with Theodore’s cheekbones.

There is also a nice moral commentary here about how easy it is, from the outside, to say “you should have done this, or that, or something at all” when you’re not caught up inside, with everything (and everyone) to lose. Morgan is compassionate and forgiving, and I can’t wait to see more of her in book three.

Thank you again to Net Galley and the publisher for letting me read an ARC of this book!

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This book kept me on my toes so I would keep the characters straight. There were a lot of them but the way the author writes, it was easy to keep the straight. Morgan is a witch who really doesn't want to be one. Her brother is a cat - yep - because he has had a spell put on him. A carnival comes to town and Morgan and Ruiner (the brother) goes to see a wizard and the next thing he is found sitting on the lifeless body of the wizard. The carnival has its own rules of law and Ruiner is kept at the carnival and Morgan is banished from it. With the magic that the carnival has, she can't just walk back in. With witches, vampires, ghosts and many other magical creatures, this story has twists and turns right up to the very end.

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Really enjoyed this book it gave me Sabrina the teenage witch vibes but make it adult I really really enjoyed reading this I got it read in 1 sitting. It has magic. Danger. A circus. A talking cat and more what's not to love ?

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This is the second book in the series and as a paranormal mystery, the first does a bit of world building. I wouldn’t recommend starting with the second like I did. It made sense but I had to do more work to figure out the rules and setup. Every paranormal is slightly different.

I love the creepy carnival trope. It’s my literary catnip. I like the idea of the carnival being its own magical entity, its own life essence with a separate set of rules. It was a take I haven’t seen before. The stakes were high, the tension was real.

Other aspects of this cozy didn’t quite work for me. I find the idea of a highly insulated town concerning. What about romantic prospects? What about kids and school? I end up in my head and out of the story. Overall, this was a 3 for me.

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Thank You To NetGalley, Amelia Ash, Kim M. Watts, and Sterling and Stone Publishing for letting me read this ARC copy in return for an Honest Review.

I couldn't wait to jump back into another Hollowbeck Mystery. Morgan is trying to get a handle on being a witch and running a magic shop. Meanwhile, Ruiner grows even more annoyed about being a cat. So he convinces Morgan to visit the “Legendary Lionel” at the Carnival that is coming to town. Of course, he's going to ignore all the warnings. What could go wrong? How about a dead body and Ruiner the Main Suspect? Did I mention the Carnival is the Judge, Jury, and possible executioner? No One in the town can help because of a deal with the carnival. So it's up to Morgan to go undercover and rescue her brother. Can she do it without getting caught, or will she wind up tied to the stake with him?

I loved this book and can't wait for the next one. I'm hoping we get more of the Hollowbeck Regulars in Book 3.

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ONE SMART WITCH by Amelia Ash and Kim W. Watt is the second book in the Hollowbeck Paranormal Cozy Mysteries series – a fact I wasn't aware of until I started reading the novel. I found the cover appealing and the cozy vibes fit in with what I was looking to read and hence I dove right into requesting One Smart Witch on NetGalley.

As for the storyline, it has every element of a fantastic cozy mystery – witches, talking animals, ancient texts, secret town, carnivals, and a murder to solve. Unfortunately for me this was the case of great idea but poor execution. I found the storytelling to be lackadaisical, the setup (which makes up for the cozy vibe) to be bland, characters uninteresting, and the mystery not inspiring the excitement as it should.

All in all, this was a pretty average read. I skimmed through most of the part just to get to the end. I won't be continuing the series and can't recommend this book wholeheartedly.

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The circus comes to Hollowbeck and Ruiner talks Morgan into taking him to see a wizard there. Hoping to be turned back to human, neither was expecting to become suspects in the murder of said wizard. Can Morgan and Ruiner find a way to circumvent the laws of the Circus will just railroad them for something they didn’t do?

Another cute entry in the series. You would think of talking cat and a witch would be a cutie, cute, Frou Frou cozy but it’s so much more than that! The dynamics between brother and sister really make this a series that starts at from other paranormal based cozy mysteries. I really enjoy it.

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I think it's important to preface my review by admitting that I did not read the first book in the series - I saw this book was available as a READ NOW on NetGalley and the cover drew me in and I immediately downloaded it. I will definitely go back and read the first book in the series, but I don't think that not having read the first book took away from my experience...!

This story really started off strong! This was easy to follow and doesn't have complicated/flowery writing - the world was the fictional town of Hollowbeck in London so the world was easily created. I enjoyed the characters that we meet throughout the book and our main character Morgan was quirky and interesting as she is trying to turn her brother Ruiner back into a human (he was turned into a cat in the previous book!).

The first half of the book was incredibly entertaining, but I found the second half wasn't as strong and felt like it dragged a bit. I did enjoy the conclusion and I would continue on with the series to see how everything wraps up. I loved the magical carnival setting.

I recommend this to lovers of witchy fiction looking for a good laugh.

Thank you so much to NetGalley for making this ARC available!

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It was sssoooooooooooooooooo good to be back to Hollowbeck!
But we won't stay there for long, as this second chapter mostly take place inside a spooky and enchanted Carnival, where the show takes its toll.
And when in Hollowbeck, the toll seems to be Ruiner...

Honestly? In the beginning I missed the cozy witchy town atmosphere so much.
I felt the change of mood in the story, where Morgan and Ruiner were facing all alone such a huge "monster" like the entire Carnival, with all its rules, secrets and powers.

It's pretty evident that both characters make a step forwards here: the plot gets more dramatic and sombre, Morgan is becoming more mature and conscious of her powers, and Ruiner... well, he starts doing something for others, too!
So, after the small bit of disappointment for not being in Hollowbeck the whole time, I was satisfied with this development in the story.

A praise - again - goes to the narrative ability of the author, which really make the whole difference: she is terrific when it comes to create expectations and delusions. All throught the book you can never be sure if our heroes will be safe and sound or if you will see them suffering again. And this is what really kept me glued to the pages.

Just a small defect of this novel: I think a detailed tale of the whole Carnival lore is lacking a bit. While reading you can feel there's a lot behind it (as in any proper Carnival!). More facts and stories would have added up to the epic of the plot!

You will love "One smart witch" if you are into witchy soft horror stories - this time with a little bit of shadows.
I did and, well, I'm waiting for the next book!

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This was a cute paranormal cozy fantasy/mystery. I was unaware when I began this book, that it is the second installment of a series. I enjoyed this story enough to double back and read book 1.

The interaction between Morgan and Ruiner, her cursed cat brother is hilarious!

It gives EUREKA vibes but with a witchy feel.

Quick, cozy read.

Thank you Netgalley and Sterling & Stone Publishing for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Princess Fuzzypants here: Morgan is still coming to grips with her new reality. Living in Hollowbeck, her brother turned into a cat and now the keeper of the grimoire, she has not yet accepted that she is, indeed, a witch. The arrival of a mysterious and sinister Carnival does not help matters. It seems the townspeople have accepted whatever doom the Carnival will bring to them and are neither willing nor able to defy them when Ruiner is accused of murdering the man who was trying to reverse the curse and return him to human shape.

There are a lot of strange and unusual creatures roaming around the Carnival and the magic that keeps unwanted visitors out does not stop Morgan. She is determined to rescue both Ruiner and her rat familiar, Josephine. Best laid plans of mice and men does not begin to describe the mess in which Morgan finds herself. She is caught and imprisoned and she is going to be burnt if she cannot figure a way out. The Carnival, a living breathing entity, needs to eat. And the grimoire could sate it for a very long time. All Morgan has to do is give it up the Ring Mistress. Morgan has no delusions and will not surrender even if it means her doom.

Very exciting and fast moving. I had to keep going to find out what was going to happen next. Will Morgan figure out what to do? And if she is this latently powerful witch, when will her powers kick in and to what degree? Can it save her, Ruiner, Jacqueline and the entire town? Is she really a smart witch or is she going to be fodder for the Carnival? I am not telling. You will just have to read it yourself. Five purrs and two paws up.

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Ruiner is in trouble again and counts on his sister Morgan to help him. Oh, and he’s still a cat. Another thing to be solved. This Hollowbeck series is lovely. I really enjoyed the interaction between the siblings. If you like witchy things then you’ll like the series.
I received a review copy for free via Netgalley and I’m leaving a voluntary and honest review.

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Just as delightful and entertaining as the first book, but with much higher stakes this time!

Morgan has somewhat come to terms with her new status as town witch, but is still struggling to find a counter curse for her brother, Ruiner. When a travelling circus comes to town with an advertised wizard "Legendary Lionel", Morgan is keen to enlist his help. However, things don't go according to plan when Lionels body shows up during a circus open night and Ruiner and his witchy sister are the number one suspects.

The plot for this book was alot stronger than the first in my opinion.The whole idea of the travelling circus and how it was explained was fascinating. The creepy atmosphere of the big top was palpable. While at least half of the book takes place at the circus, it does mean the Hollowbeck regulars do not play as significant role (much to my dismay, as I've really come to love those weirdos). Instead, you are introduced to a new gang of quirky characters from the circus, some friends, some most definitely enemies.

I can't wait for the third installment, although it's going to be difficult to say Goodbye to this world and characters that I have grown so very fond of.

Big Thank-you to Netgalley and Sterling & Stone publishing for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Cozy mysteries are not my typical genre, but I am having such a good time with this series. It's nice for when you just need a palate cleanser or a nice and breezy story. It is packed with humor and snark and has just enough mystery to keep you guessing. I like the quirky town of Hollowbeck with it's even quirkier inhabitants. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

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"One Smart Witch (The Hollowbeck Paranormal Cozy Mysteries #2)" by Amelia Ash and Kim M. Watt is maybe two thirds, at best, cozy mystery and a third cozy fantasy. Almost half and half. It starts out cozy mystery. Then a little over half way in feels all fantasy no mystery and wraps up like "oh, yeah, this is supposed to be a mystery." The story still really sucks you in.

The circus/carnival comes to Hollowbeck, think a tv show Charmed or Supernatural style one. It lures you in and there are all kinds of acts and side shows that couldn't possibly be real, but they are. Morgan and the gang go to consult the Wizard about how to fix her brother. Then, her brother shows up mid act sitting on top of the body of the wizard. He doesn't know what happened but the carnival has its own laws and they kick everyone out while taking him prisoner.

Morgan returns in disguise and acts like she wants to join the carnival so she can investigate. She makes a few friends and gets some answers. Unfortunately, this leads to another death that she is now blamed for. The ringmaster finds out she has a powerful grimoire and takes Morgan prisoner. One thing leads to another, and if I put it here it'll be major spoilers, Morgan saves most everyone and we're back to the mystery of who doesn't want Morgan in Hollowbeck.

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More an adventure than cozy - perfect combination of tension, suspense, action, and humor with a fun cast of characters - you know, vampires, ghosts, witches, snarky brother now a cat, and the creepy carnival (yes, with clowns). Can't go wrong with this one!

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