Member Reviews

Instead of the seven dwarves, they are mossfolk whose spirits are each connected to a different tree. Twenty years have passed since Snow White ate the poisoned apple. When she suddenly awakens, she discovers the land has drastically changed, cursed by blight. Her evil stepmother is dead, and the stepmother’s daughter, Iliana, is the new queen. She is more powerful than her mother in some ways, but she still lacks the ability to control nature in the ways necessary to restore the land. For that she needs to become the Seasonkeeper. And to become the Seasonkeeper, she needs Snow White, or at least her heart.

As Snow White tries to avoid being captured or killed, including by the mossfolk who once cared for her, but also by the feral beasts inhabiting the land, she will discover that she has a deep-seated connection to nature. She will also slowly learn that her complacency and passivity have kept her unbalanced and prevented her from realizing the power she possesses and the extent of her power.

While there is a sapphic element to the story, it is not as prominent as the description of the book suggests. However, it is used effectively and creatively. The story contains plenty of twists and turns and will keep the reader engaged.

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Seriously, snow white being queer makes so much more sense! This story is wonderfully dark, full of queer longing and fear. I loved every aspect of this story, and devoured the book while I was dealing with a bad headache.

Thanks Netgalley and Wednesday Books for the ARC!

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<i><b>”I'd wasted so much of my life yearning for companionship from a boy who never deserved mine. Now there was a boy who did deserve it, and all I could think about was his sister.”</b></i>

After a poison apple incident, Snow White is put into a deep sleep. Her seven mossfolk have put her in a glass coffin praying that she wakes up to save Roanfrost.

20 years later, Snow White awakens but the world she once known is gone and now mutated animals walk the dying land.

There’s an evil queen that wants her dead-she must team up with Hendrick to save Roanfrost from the Blight and stop Queen Iliana. But what happens when Snow starts falling in love with the enemy.??

⭐️⭐️ ~ 2.5

I love Snow White retellings and this one was so good I was invested in knowing what would happen next. I did find it slow and the reasoning for a 2.5 rating but that ending definitely put me in so many emotions. I had teary eyes and felt protective of snow.

That cliffhanger ending.. will this continue into a possible sequel.? I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

<b>Thank you to NetGalley, Andrea Hannah, and the publishers for the chance to read and review this e-arc in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts and opinions remain my own.</b>

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The Wildest Things takes your retellings expectations and creates unique and capturing story. With vivid descriptions and beautiful romance this is absolutely a must-read for fantasy readers. Overall, an excellent read.

A special thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What a fun sapphic Snow White retelling. Perfect for fall season. Gives a little dark/spooky vibe. I hope it gets some traction in the book community.

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I love a good retelling. There's so much you can do with it, and this one did not disappoint! This sapphic retelling of Snow White was dark, twisted and truly horrifying at times.

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Awesome cover and great start. Snow White wakes up twenty years after the apple incident. But she has woken to a mutated, creepy, vile world where her heart is the only pure thing remaining. I love that the mirror has its own chapters.
We meet more characters, some help her, some want her dead.
Snow doesn't see the present queen as an enemy. She sees love.
The vibes of the eerie world are great, I will never look at fluffy rabbits the same way.
Perfect for fans of Snow White or fairy tale retellings with a dark vibe.

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In this enthralling sapphic retelling of Snow White, the author crafts a narrative that is as enchanting as it is heart-wrenching. The writing vividly brings to life Snow’s internal battle and the decayed world she must navigate. And, what stands out is the exploration of Snow’s darker impulses and the author’s skilful portrayal of her internal conflict. The writing delves deeply into themes of power, redemption, and love, making the me feel Snow’s struggles and triumphs in a profoundly personal way. The emotional stakes are high, and the journey is both captivating and heart-rending. This retelling is not just a fairy tale but a powerful exploration of love and self-discovery.

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