Member Reviews

Thank you for the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This story captivated me from the very first page. I began this book without reading a plot summary. I have read every Falon Ballard book and I am constantly surprised at how different each of her romance novels are. This book was particularly different from her other novels. Change of Heart has hints of magic and definitely gives the Hallmark vibe with a little bit of spice.

Cam’s journey is one of self discovery and I enjoyed reading every moment of her character development. Initially she came off as an ambitious and self serving person, but ultimately she saw the error of her ways and what her life was lacking Seeing her change throughout the novel through her interactions with different characters was really enjoyable. Every scene was memorable and important for her journey.

One cannot forget that this is a romance novel and Dr. Ben Loving was such a wonderful character and a great counterpart to Cam. Their interactions throughout the novel worked well and I enjoyed seeing how their dislike of one another slowly transformed into love. The pacing of how their love unfolded was just perfect. It was slow and believable and exactly what I love in a romance novel.

I cannot wait for Falon Ballards next book and I thank NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy of this book.

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Ive read a few releases by this author and I have to say this is my least favorite of the bunch. Not that the book didn’t have promising parts to it but it almost just seemed a little flat? to me I guess you could say. I would’ve liked to see more of the MCs I just felt I couldnt really relate to them in anyway but I did in the 2nd world plot type twist (that was a new one for me). Thank you so much for letting me be an ARC!

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I love Cam and Ben. I love a good instant love but also a slow burn (?) in a way. I love getting to see them progress and have a friendship first before a relationship, which honestly is more realistic and relatable. She was a little headstrong first but I eventually loved who Cam became for Ben.

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4.5 on StoryGraph

This was such a fun, cozy read! Change of Heart wastes no time dropping us into the lives of our main duo who are on a terrible date - terrible thanks to Cam who has no interest in getting to know her date, Ben. Thanks to a little magic, Cam and Ben end up in a small town out of a Hallmark movie where they are forced to step outside of their lives and comfort zones to learn more about themselves and each other.

The beginning of this book made me SO anxious, it was so well done! The terror that Cam feels as her life and agency is taken away was great. Yes she’s mean at first, but can you blame her for being a bit upset initially? It also set her up for such a wonderful character arc as she grows into herself and finds out what she wants out of life.

Ben and Cam’s relationship was perfectly balanced as well. I loved how they became friends first and worked together before anything progressed. No insta love, just building relationships and trust.

I’ll say this book made me cry, it was just so sweet and lovely and I really felt for Cam as she worked through her past and how that impacts her future.

I loved this. If you’re looking for a sweet, reflective read with a protagonist that you learn to love over the book, I’d highly recommend this! I’ve seen some of Falon’s other books before, and after this, I’ll have to pick more up!

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Cam es un personaje que cae mal desde el principio: es egoísta, maleducada y grosera. Tiene citas a ciegas cada cierto tiempo para que su abuela la deje de molestar, y, para mala suerte de Ben, un "hada madrina", los ve en su desastroza cita. Cam ignora a Ben, pero por alguna razón, el hada cree que son perfectos el uno para el otro y los manda a otro mundo, donde ella debe encontrar el verdadero amor para poder volver al mundo real.

En el mundo Hallmart, Cam tiene citas con tres chicos. Con el primero no hay química; con el segundo, ella quiere llevarlo a la cama, pero él la rechaza; y con el tercero, que es quien más se parece a ella, salen durante unas semanas.

Por otro lado está Ben, quien al parecer no tiene personalidad ni sentimientos. Extrañamente, se enamora de Cam y la apoya en todo. Esta parte fue muy irreal, ya que se supone que él es una buena persona, muy inteligente, es médico, tiene buena relación con su familia y amigos, a diferencia de ella y en ningún momento expresa su malestar o cualquier sentimiento negativo por estar atrapado en otro mundo, y menos aún con alguien tan odioso como Cam. Se siente como un muñeco de decoración.

Retomando lo de las citas, ella no tenía problemas con salir con otros, incluso si se sentía atraída por Ben. Sin embargo, cuando se enteró de que él saldría con alguien más, se molestó y le arruinó su segunda cita.


Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was beyond fun!! I loved the setting and characters. I wouldn’t mind being sent there! Cam was such a fun character to read because she has so much depth. I especially love that Ben just gets her and wants to be around her despite all her faults.

Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of reading early. 💕♥️

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3.5 but am rounding up because 3 stars feels too low of a rating.

I just finished “All I Want is You” by Falon Ballard and LOVED it so I decided to dive right into this novel, with the high hopes that the romcom magic would continue. Sadly, this book just didn’t do it for me. Maybe it’s because I didn’t find Cam relatable? Or maybe Cam’s connection with Ben seemed… off? Or maybe it’s me, having a hard time with the magical realism?

While this is my least favorite book by the author so far, I can’t wait for whatever Falon writes next!

Thank you to NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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A Hallmark, Magical Realism book? Yes please. I've never been one for a classic straight edge hallmark story. But if you give me a book that know it's putting its characters in a cliche hallmark situation. I love it! This was such a fun read, which I really needed. I do kinda wish we had gotten just a little more from the characters. Some moments felt lacking, characters felt a like 1 dimensional at times and I really wish the author dug just a little deeper in them.

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In the past year I’ve read three books where the main characters end up in a “different world” and find love. This was maybe the most enjoyable/reasonable of them for me but that isn’t saying much. It just isn’t a trope I enjoy. Beyond all that, it was a sweet story of finding your passion and loving yourself. It was light, not very deep, but a fun and easy read.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are mine alone.

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I've been a huge fan of Falon Ballard since I got early access to read Just My Type. So good!

Change of Heart isn't my favorite book of Falon's however, it proved it's worth as the book went on. After picking this up several times, and not making it past chapter 3, I was worried that this was not going to live up to my expectations. Once I hit chapter 3, I was hooked, and finished it in a day. It was a fun read, and I would give just about anything to spend a day in Heart Springs.

A wonderful story of self discovery, self love, and a side of romance along the way!

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2. 5- I felt a little bit let down by this book, as someone that has absolutely adored Falon Ballard’s last two books! Things were going pretty well for me (solid 3.5 stars), until about 70%, when the book felt like it took a turn into unbearable cheesy and cliche territory. Normally I have no problem embracing the cheese in romance, but this was too much, even for me. Thank you NetGalley for the eArc!

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It pains me to write this review because I have absolutely loved every book that Falon Ballard has written. I’m not here to severely bash any books, so I’ll just say that this one did not work for me. Within the first couple of chapters, I immediately noticed that the number of times “sweetheart” and “fu*k were written was extremely excessive. I felt like zero chemistry between the MCs and the insta-love was beyond instant. I’m a huge fan of magical realism, but something about the way this played out was not magical or real to me. As always, take my “not good” review with a grain of salt and I still encourage you to read this one if it’s on your Tbr! Even though this was not my favorite at all, I’ll definitely still be reading whatever else Falon writes.

📚 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎:
💕Strangers to friends to lovers
🪄Magical Realism
🤝Found family
🧚Fairy godmother
🏡Small town vibes
🍿Hallmark movies

🙏 Thank you NetGalley, Putnam Books, and Falon Ballard for this ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts. 💕

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I immensely enjoyed this book! I've found myself gravitating towards this type of story (the what ifs/alternate reality/small town) lately and this was one of the best.

Cam starts off as an unlikable character but through the trials she is put through, you come to understand, like, and root for her. I like that things did not come super easily and that Cam had to work for her happiness.

I enjoyed the romance between Ben and Cam but I wish that we learned more about Ben's life and feelings. I still find their relationship believable but I just wanted a little bit more.

If you liked "It Started with a Book" by Camila Isley or "Prime Time Romance" by Kate Robb you will love "Change of Heart" by Falon Ballard.

Rated 4.5 stars rounded up to 5 stars. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC ebook.

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Another great read from Falon Ballard! What else would you expect?

Thank you to NetGalley, Falon Ballard, and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam | G.P. Putnam's Sons for the free arc in exchange for my honest review.

The Plot:
Campbell is a rude lawyer who doesn't know how to play well with others. She's set up on a blind date with Ben, the easy-going pediatrician. During this date, she immediately writes him off, ignores him, and chooses to respond to emails instead. After the meal is comped by a lovely waitress, Mimi, they both head to their respective homes for a goodnight's sleep.
Campbell wakes up expecting to get ready for a super important meeting, but the world around her has changed. Transported into a straight-up Hallmark movie, Campbell is told she must accomplish three things with the most important being to find true love.

My Thoughts:
This will be a fantastic book around Valentine's day. The pacing was quick, the small town setting is cute, and the romance is very straightforward. I know this is a romance and the main theme here is finding true love and second chances, BUT I loved reading about the other two challenges more. Find a career that you're passionate about and become a valued member of the community.
Honestly, I preferred the connections around town more than I did Cam and Ben's. I think I would have been more involved in their connection if it was built up a little more. I get the whole "push them away until they chase you" thing, but it went on a bit too long here. I also think Cam's character was way too mean at the beginning and it took me a couple good interactions with the townsfolk to start rooting for her again.

Side note: Maybe I missed it, but did Taylor's side quest for Cam ever get resolved?

Overall, 3/5 stars and 2 spicy peppers. The cover encapsulates the setting very well and I can't wait for the official release on February 11th!

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Change of Heart fell flat for me. 2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

I did love Falon’s dedication to “unlikeable” women and Cam’s embodiment of the traits that make a woman unlikeable (hey Alexa, play Taylor Swift’s The Man).

I just feel like there could have been more in this book. The first two-thirds felt like filler and had quite a repetitive plot. Cam’s backstory rang hollow to me and I felt like I barely knew anything about Ben. Overall, I didn’t emotionally connect with the characters.

Also, I get the whole cryptic elderly fairy godmother vibe, but could therapy not be one of the tasks if our goal is self-love?

The book reminded me of Ashley Poston’s A Novel Love Story, which I think is more worthy of anyone’s time.

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This book had good promise with Hallmark vibes, but it felt really slow. I struggled to make it all the way to the end.

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I'm discovering that dropped-in-a-Hallmark-inspired-alternate-reality is not my favorite trope, but in spite of that, this one was well executed. A charming cast of side characters, a dreamy MMC, and a handful of spicy scenes will please fans of this type of story!

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Thank you to Falon Ballard, Penguin Group Putnam, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Change of Heart in exchange for an honest review. This book will be released on February 11th and I can’t wait to see what other people think! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you’ve been here before, you know that I am a BIG Falon Ballard stan, however, this one fell a little flat for me. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but it wasn’t my favorite book from her. Campbell Andrews is a lawyer workaholic who thinks she has everything she wants in life. She doesn’t have time for dating, but entertains going on dates to please her grandmother and law partner. After a failed date with Dr. Ben Loving, Cam finds herself in the cookie cutter Hallmark movie town, Heart Springs. The only way she can leave is if she follows these three rules, the biggest being finding true love. The twist? Dr. Loving also finds himself in this fantasy land and must help Cam complete her goals so that he, too, can make his way back to real life.

Personally, I found Cam to be unlikable until about 70% through the book. I loved Ben and his willingness to help and see Cam’s “good” side (if she even really had one). I’m also not big on the ‘magical realism’ aspect of some romance books. I actually found myself wanting Cam and Ben to stay in Heart Springs rather than going back to their normal lives. If you’re looking for a sweet, slow burn romance, check this one out! For fan’s of Falon Ballard, you won’t be disappointed, but it may not be your favorite.

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This book is a delightful journey that blends romance with a touch of magical realism, bringing the enchanting charm of a small town straight out of a Hallmark movie to life.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy. I believe I’ve read one other book by Fallon Ballard and I really enjoyed it so when this one came out I was quite excited. However, this book fell a little short for me. I enjoyed some of it, but I think the fmc is what killed the vibe for me. She was very self absorbed and annoying. I feel like Ben deserved better and I really did enjoy his parts of the book. I’m such a sucker for Hallmark movies and expected a lot more.

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