Member Reviews

Imagine the person you know who throws the most shade at the healing properties of tooth-achingly sweet Hallmark romances getting sucked into her TV screen with the last hunk she was set on an unsuccessful date with, then watch with a grin as she learns all the lessons she really needs.

Pure fun. Great tingles. Pass this book around to all your friends who set their DVR to binge on all the new Hallmark romcoms each season.

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Falon Ballard did it again! This book is a delightful journey that blends romance with a touch of magical realism, bringing the enchanting charm of a small town straight out of a Hallmark movie to life.

Campbell Andrews, a workaholic lawyer who has always prioritized her career over love, finds herself transported to the idyllic town of Heart Springs, where her tightly controlled world is upended by a series of unexpected challenges. Tasked with finding true love, community, and passion beyond her demanding job, Cam’s journey is both heartwarming and humorous. The book is filled with witty banter, charming side characters, and a vivid small-town atmosphere that’s hard not to fall for. Cam’s evolution from a fierce, career-driven woman to someone who discovers the deeper meaning of love and connection is engaging.

However, while Cam’s development is richly portrayed, the chemistry with Ben, her romantic counterpart, could have been explored more deeply. Despite this, Change of Heart is a breezy and enjoyable read that will leave you smiling and hoping for your own magical escape to a town like Heart Springs."

Many thanks to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam | G.P. Putnam's Sons for providing me this lovely romcom’s digital reviewer copy in exchange of my honest thoughts.

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Cam Andrews is a take-charge NYC lawyer who doesn’t have time for anything, especially love. For most of her adult life, she’s put her career ahead of everything in her life, including her relationships (romantic and otherwise). At the behest of her grandmother, Cam goes on a blind date with Ben Loving, a pediatric cardio thoracic surgeon and all but brushes him off. The next day, Cam wakes up (along with Ben) in her literal worst nightmare: in the Hallmark movie-esque town of Heart Springs. In order for them to escape Cam’s version of hell, Cam must complete specific tasks: find a career she’s passionate about, become part of the community, and experience true love. Can she complete each task, or will she be stuck in Heart Springs forever? Is true love closer than she thinks?

This was such a fun reverse grumpy-sunshine book! I loved the banter between Ben and Cam, and I enjoyed seeing Cam’s character growth as she learned to maneuver through Heart Springs and become a recovering workaholic. I also really loved Mimi’s character!

I will say, the pacing of the story was a little too fast and I would sometimes find myself struggling to keep up with the characters and conversations. I would have also loved some chapters from Ben’s point of view, maybe even alternating the chapters between his and Cam’s POV. Overall, this was a very cute read! I can definitely see this being adapted into a movie (I’m looking at you, Hallmark channel).

Thank you to Netgalley and Putnam for the ARC!

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What a treat to be able to read an ARC of Falon Ballards novel change of heart. As a Falon fan I was so excited to read this. We begin with the cringiest blind date between Campbell , sharp edged work a holic lawyer and Ben, a pediatric surgeon who compartmentalizes his feelings. They both wake up somehow trapped in a quintessential hallmark movie and have to lean on eachother to complete their assigned tasks to return home. Can Cam thaw out enough to see the good In life? Will Ben be able to open up and find the woman he's been waiting for? Funny, corny, light on spice, and HEA. Loved this one!

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Ballard has quickly become one of my favorite authors. I love this pink and green cover and the title was spot on for the story. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. The characters from the start captivated me and enjoyed the unfolding of the book. Well-written and cute!

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This is a charming story and certainly has a fun and creative premise.

I adore the author and will be excited about and want to read anything she writes! I was looking forward to this and enjoyed the writing and flow of the story. I loved the first opening chapter and introduction to Cam’s no-nonsense workaholic (with a secret heart of gold?!) persona.

Though it sounds minor, a big drawback for me was Ben’s constant use of “sweetheart” when referring to Cam. I think once or twice would have been fine (my personal preference is no terms of endearment) but he seemed to say it multiple times throughout a conversation and in every conversation. It also didn’t seem to match his character. I would have loved to know more about Ben (beyond handsome doctor and talented woodworker) and why he thinks Cam might be the one for him. I also wish Cam and Ben had more banter and light moments. Still, I was rooting for Cam to fall in love and learn to take it easy once in a while.

A delightful story, especially for readers interested in a bit of magical realism, Hart of Dixie x Hallmark vibes, and a grumpy and sarcastic lead. 3.5 stars.

Thank you very much to Putnam and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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Cam is a high-powered corporate lawyer who is forced to go on a date with Dr. Ben Loving. Cam has no time for romance and spends the entire date answering emails. The next morning, she wakes up in her definition of hell - an all pastel world. Cam is given 3 goals before she can go home 1. Find a career she is passionate about, 2. Be a contributing member of the community and 3. Experience true love.
This is a story of learning the meaning of friendship, love and self-compassion!

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Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for this arc!

What a great book! This one had me blocked right away. Great storyline and great writing! Perfect summer read. I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. Also my first by this author but will not be my last!

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Change of Heart is an adorable contemporary romance that gives Hallmark movie vibes but has a meaningful message.

Campbell Andrews is an incredibly successful lawyer however she is unhappy in her life and has no hobbies or relationships. A blind date with Ben leads to Campbell waking up in a brand new place. Heart Springs reminded me of The Good Place meets Stars Hollow.

The whole story is charming, quirky, and sweet. It explores what we need to bring ourselves true happiness and love.

I always enjoy Falon’s writing. Thank you to NetGalley and GP Putnam Sons for the eARC. All opinions are my own

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Honestly this was not my favorite book of hers. I didn’t feel any chemistry between Ben and Cam. It was all very lackluster and repetitive. It wasn’t my cup of tea.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an amazing an eARC of Change of Heart.

This might be my favorite Falon Ballard book so far! I loved the character of Cam. I was so glad that she didn’t have to change who she was inherently to get a happily ever after.

I enjoyed the setting in heart springs and really wish I could also have a magic closet. I also loved the characters of Mimi and Emma. I thought they really rounded out the story alongside Ben.

I definitely recommend for an easy and happy read!

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Ok… overall, I enjoyed this book. I read it very quickly and smiled a lot and loved the premise. But I have some gripes when it comes down to the details. I want to reiterate that I really enjoyed this book! The gripes I have only slightly lowered my enjoyment but I really am glad I read it. I strive to be honest in my reviews so that’s what I’m going to do, but I’m a huge fan of the author and I think this book was really great.

I loooove magical realism!
The Sierra Simone reference 😂💀
The wedding scene 😂😂
The whole premise.
The small town.
Emma 🧡
The vibes! The different seasons, the bakery, all so cozy.
Cam! She’s feisty and fierce and hilarious. I love her so much.
The cover! Adorable.
It was really funny!

I do wish we got Ben’s POV at least a few times! I think it would have packed more of a punch romance wise and let us get to know him better. He felt one dimensional so I had a hard time feeling the chemistry between them, even as friends. I wanted to know was going through his head when he looked at her. When he waited for her on his porch. When they were intimate. When he realized he loved her. Etc.

I don’t dig that he called her sweetheart every other sentence (especially during intimacy?) but that’s my own preference. At first it was sarcastic which didn’t fit his cinnamon roll personality, and then he was doing it for real every other sentence. It was weird and took me out of the story. It seemed like he forgot her name so he just called her a generic nickname. And the nickname doesn’t really fit her. I feel like if he called her “my fierce girl” or “my badass woman”, it would have fit more. Cam isn’t soft and she isn’t a sweetheart. She’s a badass and THATS OK!

I want more info on Mimi (who is she?? Why?? How?? Is she God? Is she Santa?). I wanted this whole part to be explained better.

I loved Cam, and liked Ben ok, but their personalities are not compatible at all. I wasn’t feeling their connection, even as friends, and certainly no chemistry. I know… Cam has some personal growth but one thing that didn’t change is that she isn’t soft and sappy. She’s hardcore, she’s badass. Ben is a softy. They seem annoyed by each others personalities several times. I don’t see this relationship actually lasting. I wish Ben had been a little more… assertive? Still nice, still sweet, but more assertive with her. Which gets me to…

I didn’t feel the passion during their sexy scenes at all. Cam is a free woman who enjoys sex, and Ben was kind of tame for her. I didn’t feel them really pining for each other sexually and then we get 3 pretty rushed feeling sexy scenes in the last like 20% of the book.

I would go into this one with the expectation that first and foremost, it’s a journey about Cam, our FMC. The romance is secondary, and Ben, our MMC, is more of a side character. This is ok! I loved reading about Cams journey. Just don’t go into it expecting an epic romance or a really sexy book. It’s all about our fearless girl Cam, and Falon always writes strong FMC’s and I love that.

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3.75 🌟

Thank you NetGalley and Putnam for my ARC!

I am a huge fan of Falon Ballard and I had high hopes for this, but it just wasn’t my favorite.

What I enjoyed: What a unique premise! This has some major Schmigadoon vibes, Hallmark movie tropes and Pleasantville feels. The FMC is a raging bitch at the beginning but boy is she funny and you’re really rooting for her. The MMC is a hot pediatric surgeon, need I say more??

What I didn’t love: the MMC’s constant use of “sweetheart” gave me ick and while I was rooting so hard for the main couple, I didn’t feel their chemistry as much as I have in other books by this author.

This book is super sweet and cute, a bit spicy (🌶️ !!), a lil cheesy and a lot of heart. I’ll keep reading whatever Falon Ballard writes!

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3.75 ⭐️ A sweet romance with a touch of magical realism and huge Hallmark vibes! This was one of my quickest reads of the year, it really was like I was watching a romcom. Cam and Ben's story captivated me from the beginning, they’re complete opposites of each other (which makes it even more fun) and the journey until they become lovers is super cool. For me the only flaws were that I found it a little too cheesy and I thought the magical realism could’ve been better worked on! I also wanted to get to know the main characters better but since it was a quick read, I didn't care so much about it.

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This book was an adorable blend of magical realism and romantic comedy with a charming Hallmark-like atmosphere. It follows the story of a workaholic pediatric surgeon, Cam, who finds herself in an idyllic small town where everything seems perfect. Tasked with discovering her passion, gaining the community’s acceptance, and finding true love, Cam is determined to complete her mission and return to her life in New York.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish. It was a light and breezy read that beautifully captured Cam’s journey of realizing what truly matters in life, especially after a childhood filled with expectations and a lack of affection. I loved the dynamic between Ben and Cam, who are polar opposites in many ways, yet their relationship evolves naturally from friendship into something deeper. The slow build of tension between them and the subtle moments where their bond deepens were particularly enjoyable.

Cam’s personal growth and the diverse cast of side characters she encounters were highlights for me. However, I do wish Ben had been given more focus; at times, he felt more like a supporting character in Cam’s story, and I think his character could have been further developed to feel more complete.

Overall, I definitely recommend this book if you enjoy stories with Hallmark-like charm, a strong and determined female lead, and a small town brimming with love and warmth.

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Campbell is a hardworking attorney, and her 80+ hour work weeks don’t allow for much free time, let alone dating. So when her grandmother sets her up on a blind date with Dr. Ben Loving, Campbell plans to just get a free meal out of it before she can dash back home to get back to work. But after receiving a cryptic note from their waiter, both Campbell and Ben wake the next morning to find themselves trapped in their own personal hell—they are stuck inside a cliche, Hallmark-esq small town romance. And they are the main characters. Forced to trade her power suits for pastel dresses, Campbell has to complete three tasks to escape this waking nightmare: find a career she’s passionate about, give back to the community, and find true love. Seems impossible, but Campbell is determined to do whatever it takes get back to her normal life ASAP.

Thank you so much @falonballard, @putnambooks, and @netgalley for this ARC! I love Falon Ballard and I was so excited to get approved for this! This book was just as charming and heartwarming as the rest of her books, but a completely different take! The book had a Pleasantville feel at times with Cam finding herself in the perfect small town romance setting in Heart Springs. I like that Heart Springs helped Cam access her softer side and have some introspection into what her life was and whether she was truly happy. The book was quick and lighthearted, and overall a super fun read! I also loved all of the side characters and the friendships Cam made along the way. Sometimes the book was a little cheesy…but let’s be real, all the best Hallmark romcoms are. Change of Heart hits shelves in February 2025!

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Ballard has yet to disappoint me with her romances, although this one presented me with a few challenges. The two main things that made me consider giving this only a three star were:

1) Ben always calling Cam sweetheart. It always read - to me - as condescending and a sexist. Like why does he get to call her this when they hardly know each other, and she never calls him anything but his name. Even as their relationship evolves, I can't help but think that he is using it less as a term of endearment.

2) Although they are spending time together, I just don't buy into the idea of them becoming best friends. I get that they talk, but the way that they settle into this friendship almost immediately felt odd especially given their characters.

But looking past that, I found this to be a fun Hallmark-esque romance. I could totally see this becoming one of the many plots, and I know that I have watched at least one movie that had a similar concept. But unlike the movies, the books by Ballard don't smack of cheesy and I genuinely enjoy the characters. Cam was definitely the focus, and I appreciated that, because I don't think Ben could have held my attention more than any of the secondary characters. Did I want them to get together? Yes. Was the plot around their romance a bit predictable? Yes. Was that a bad thing? Nope, not at all.

I was looking forward to a historical fiction and cringed a bit picking up another contemporary romance, but this one did not disappoint and so I was not sad to be back into this fiction space.

If you like Ballard, this one is a good book to read by her. Not sure I would recommend it to someone who hasn't read her books before, only because the others a bit stronger.

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I absolutely adored this book, the grumpy sunshine, small town romance with a touch of magic. It was written so well, I fell in love with all the characters from the beginning. I felt drawn in by the author’s words, and the imagery that she created, I felt like I was really there, experiencing all the emotions in real time with the characters. This really was such a sweet story and one I can definitely see myself picking up again!

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This is a hallmark movie in a book (quite literally). It was very cute and a quick read but it just didn’t hit with me. I think I needed a dual POV. I’d loved to have been able to hear about Ben’s experience in Heart Springs. But I also needed more character development for Cam. I didn’t have enough time to see her in her Villian era to truly appreciate her growth. Also, I would’ve loved more developed side characters for that small town feel. But this book made me smile and laugh out loud a few times. Worth the read

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3.5!! this was a good one but fell flat at times for me sadly. this is definitely like a hallmark film with the cheesiness. i wish we got dual pov because i feel it would have added more to ben’s character.

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