Member Reviews

Not my favorite of hers, but Falon Ballard’s newest could absolutely be a hallmark movie. I loved getting to know the people in the town and all the community events.

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Unfortunately this was not for me, I dnfed at around 30%, was feeling like a slow read and I wasn’t enjoying the characters or the story. I’m sure it’s a fun book but just not for me.

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Thanks to Putnam and NetGalley for this advanced copy!

I loved this book. It was just the perfect amount of whimsy, basically what would have happened if Corporate Barbie woke up in the dream house. It reminded me of A Novel Love Story in the BEST ways. And Ben was funny, caring, and the perfect match to dull Cam’s sharp edges.

I wanted this book to be LONGER, which is saying something, but it didn’t feel rushed or drag on.

Falon Ballard is quickly becoming a new favorite, and. I can’t wait to devour her backlist!

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This is my third arc of Ballard’s in the last year. She is a creative machine!

Fans of The Good Place get to revisit a bit of a magical realism through Ballard’s lens of character redemption.

What surprised me most is how different her FMCs are. Campbell Andrews was tough to love, but I stayed committed wanting to see how Cam and MMC Ben end up.

Cam is a character that was hard for me to love. She was straight up rude, self centered, and over the top “independent female from NYC who is an absolute shark of a lawyer for commercial business clients.” I didn’t latch onto her character development arc, and I felt like the connection she develops with Ben was very surface level. I wanted to get caught up in their story because it’s a disaster meet cute and what I hoped would be enemies to lovers.

The side characters and the Pleasantville/Good Place setting were enjoyable.

The last 20% or so of the book was a bit rushed, I would have loved to see more growth from both MCs, and a bit more on their transition back to NYC.

Thank you NetGalley and G.P. Putnam’s Sons/Penguin Random House for this eARC.

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change of heart is a really fast paced romance book with an element of magical realism. it is a very enjoyable book that sadly was a little too fast paced for me at times. i have really enjoyed cam's journey, yet i wish we got more of it like it was all truly just happening too fast. ben's character fell a little flat to me like he was there just because he had to. despite some critisim i have i devoured this book in less than two days and it kept me entertained during my night shift so i would still reccomend it to people who love that ashley poston like magical realism romance just with less of a depth.

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Thank you so much for the ARC!

This was a very cute, fast-paced read. Cam and Ben made a believable couple, their friendship was really nice. It’s like a Hallmark movie where the MC knows she is in a Hallmark movie and just goes with it to better herself along the way. I’d recommend it!

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Cheesy? Yes. Predictable? Yes. Sometimes cringy? Yes. Enjoyable? Also a resounding yes! Loved all the characters. Felt just like a hallmark movie.

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Thank you so much to Putnam and NetGalley for the advance reader copy of Change of Heart by Falon Ballard!

The book starts off with Cam attending a date she was set up on. This date introduces us right away to Cam, her success as an attorney, and that her career is priority number one and she really doesn’t have an interest in finding love which she makes very clear. Her date Ben, a pediatric surgeon, expects to get to know Cam and learns very quickly that’s not what the date will be. The next morning, both wake up and find themselves transported to Heart Springs. In order to return home both have tasks to complete, for Cam one of those tasks includes finding true love.

I loved this story, Cam & Ben, and Heart Springs. You can think Hallmark or Pleasantville but I found Heart Springs to really stand apart - I thought the world building for this town was so creative and I loved the town’s part in the story. The supporting cast is incredible - I love them all, especially Emma! I thought the ending was not only perfect for our main pair but also for Cam. Can we also acknowledge how gorgeous this cover is?!

Falon Ballard is an auto buy author for me and I recommend everyone check this book out when it releases on February 11, 2025!

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Change of Heart was light and fun, but I felt like it was missing something compared to this author’s other books. Maybe the characters felt less developed, but I just didn’t find myself as invested as I normally am. I think the idea of a high-achieving woman feeling dissatisfied with her life is a really interesting theme to explore, but it didn’t feel like it went deep enough into it. I think Ben also felt a little flat to me. Overall, I think this was fun but not very memorable.

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3.5 stars
Falon Ballard has become a must-read author for me!
And I was so excited to receive an early copy of this one.
The premise of this was super promising, I just felt ultimately it was a little rushed and missing some details to help the story flow like it should have.
Thank you to netgalley, penguin random house, and Falon Ballard for this advanced e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

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At first, I was a bit hesitant because magical realism isn’t usually my thing but as a fan of Ballard's books, I couldn't resist diving in. In Change of Heart, magic realism wasn’t the main focus; the romance took center stage, and I was hooked.

The story follows Cam, a no-nonsense attorney working for her grandmother in NYC, as she hustles to make partner. She’s set up on a blind date with Dr. Ben Loving (yes, a pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon with that last name). After giving Ben the cold shoulder at dinner, Cam wakes up the next morning in Heart Springs, a small town she’s been magically transported to by Mimi, the quirky waitress from the Two Hearts Café where they dined.

With no way to leave on their own, Cam and Ben are stuck. To return, they must complete tasks assigned by Mimi (because of course, the magic town has rules!). Watching them navigate this was hilarious and heartwarming. Cam’s ice queen persona melted pretty quickly, and I ended up loving her. Ben was a perfect complement—steady, kind, and patient.

Heart Springs itself was idyllic, and most of the people were delightful. Waking up with your hair and makeup done and a magical closet full of perfect outfits? Yes, please! But being trapped? Not so much.

The romance was sweet and slow-burn, full of tension, banter, and tender moments. By the end, I was fully invested in both Cam and Ben’s growth—not just as a couple but individually too.

I’d definitely recommend this one! Change of Heart releases on February 11, 2025, and I want to thank the author, NetGalley, and PutnamBooks for allowing me to read this advance copy.

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Okay, yup. This one was fantastic.

I love love love a romance novel with a unique and fun take. Getting stuck inside an idyllic, picture-perfect town that's basically the set of every Hallmark movie ever? Sign me right up. I haven't ever read a book like this before and it was so fun! I won't say too much because it could border on spoiler territory, but just know I was thoroughly enjoying my time while reading this one.

I also ADORED Cam. I'm always worried when the female main characters are career-driven in the beginning because I never want them to change 100%. Obviously she had to go through some character growth because she was rude and selfish in the beginning, but I'm glad that her ambition and drive wasn't treated as a bad thing. I did think she was much too chill about being stuck in a picture-perfect town, though. Personally, I would've freaked out much more and I probably would have done some less-than advisable things to try and get out. But that's why I am not a romance character.

I also really liked Ben, the main male character. I do wish we saw a bit much more buildup in their relationship, I feel like it sort of came out of nowhere. But Ben is super cute and kind to Cam which is requirement #1 for a book boyfriend.

The ending was a little rushed for my liking, but I think that's just because I enjoyed the book so much that I didn't want it to end.

Definitely pick up this book if you're looking for a new, unique romance! You'll love it.

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"From the beloved author of Right on Cue and Lease on Love comes a whimsical new rom-com about a workaholic forced to aim for a goal she never thought she'd love."

Thank you to Netgalley, the publishers and the author Falon Ballard for this advanced book copy in exchange for an honest review. This book was a four star romance read that releases on Tuesday February 11th 2025. This is a heartwarming amazing fast paced romantic comedy that gives Hallmark movie vibes. Campbell Andrews is a well driven women who is a thirty four year old lawyer. She is a busy bee working all the time who doesn't have time for anything besides work. Ben is the male main character in Change Of Heart who is a lovable and adorable cinnamon roll. I really enjoyed the main characters journeys to finding their selves who find what things their are to enjoy outside of just work life.

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Falon Ballard did it again! The town was charming and wonderful. I enjoyed lead character Cam's journey.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Putnam, for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Once again, Fallon blew me away with her writing. If you are a fan of Hallmark movies, this book is definitely for you. The FMC, Campbell, wakes up in a magical town, and for her to return home, she needs to complete three tasks, including finding true love. This was a cute and cheesy (in the best way possible) read.

Read if you like:
- Forced proximity
- Friends to lovers
- Grumpy/Sunshine
- Hallmark Vibes

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Oh, my goodness. How I laughed with this book. I loved it from the first moment. Their blind date couldn't have been funnier. It's a super cute couple, very Hallmark movie style with its magical touches.

Totally recommended, it's a light book and very easy to read.

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This was a fun read. It's single POV from Cam's perspective, so I was left wanting a bit more understanding of who Ben was as a person rather than as an agent for Cam's growth.

There's a bit of holiday magic in it, so it is not a bad read for those dreary winter months after the New Year turns over.

I liked all of the side characters a great deal and the magical realism was fun with a bit of irreverence.

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This book was a huge disappointment to me… I have loved all of Falon Ballard’s other books. But for some reason, I just didn’t connect with this one at all.

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Change of Heart is a fun title for romance readers who love a touch of fantasy. Campbell and Ben wake up the day after a less-than-ideal blind date to find themselves transported to a Hallmark-esque town with a list of "tasks" to complete before they can return to their normal lives in NYC. What follows is a journey of self-discovery for both. Will they eventually find true love and return to the real world? Or live out their lives in Heart Springs? You'll have to read to find out!

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I could have survived on less than half the amount of “sweethearts” in this book, it didn’t feel natural or cute. And I def could have done without the white man bashing. I’m so over it. These authors make you fall in love with a white man who is good and kind and in the same breath can’t let the book pass without saying that white men are the bad guys. How about just “people” suck because regardless of race or gender a lot of people suck. And her white woman grandma (gasp, a female) is one of the worst in this book. So stupid.

I could have forgiven these things though if Cam hadn’t been so wholly unlikeable. I agree with her, Ben deserved MUCH better. As a main character I hated her from beginning to end.

This was a major disappointment. I hope her next book is nothing like this.

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