Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. Cam has always put her job first in her life and everything else is neglected. She goes on a blind date with Dr. Ben and pretty much ignores him. Their waitress, Mimi, leaves a note on their receipt for them to "be present." The next day, Cam wakes up in a small town and meets Mimi again. Mimi has a list of tasks for Cam to do in order for her to return home. Ben is also there to help Cam with her tasks. I loved the way Cam was able to connect with people in this small town and make actual friendships. Also, I really enjoyed the Mimi character.

3.5 stars

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Falon never fails to make me smile. I was really needing something easy to read and something to make me happy. This fit the bill.
While this wasn’t my favorite of her’s, I still loved it.
I’m normally not a fan of the “living in another time/place and not getting back” but I was ok here. The little town felt very Gilmore Girls.
The ‘sweetheart’ nickname wasn’t my fave, but its sentiment was good.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this arc.
4.5 stars- crushed it in a day.
Falon Ballard is on my ‘instant read’ list. I’ve been reading her books since her debut novel . This book sets itself apart from their others. While it’s a typical rom com book, there are some magical/whimsical aspects in the story as well.

Cam is a workaholic for a job she isn’t passionate about. She meets Ben on a blind date, is not very kind to him. Their waitress Mimi comps their meal with a note to be more present in their next meeting. They split ways never planning on seeing each other again. When Cam wakes up the next day, she is in a foreign room, looking different and in a world of confusion. She soon finds out that their waitress Mimi is not an ordinary waitress and sends Cam and Ben on tasks they must complete before being able to return home.

I really enjoyed the story, I felt the friendship grow between Cam and Ben- I would have enjoyed more of the love developing. Cam grew a lot throughout their hallmark movie adventure, Ben grew as well even.

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4 stars!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts.

the story follows Cam and Ben from a disastrous blind date wake up in a picturesque small down with no escape and where everything is good and happy.

My Thoughts:
~ This was such a cute, fun and fast-paced romcom. i haven't read one that was this fun in a minute! and i absolutely LOVED the authors writing.
I really enjoyed Cams journey and all the side characters we meet along the way. I do wish we got to see more of Ben and got to know him a little better. I feel for most of the book he was a side character to Cam and I feel he needed more to make his character more rounded, but overall i loved both of them as a couple.

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This one was very hallmark but I actually really enjoyed it! It really stole my attention and I was able to read it in one sitting. Even though it was kind of predictable, I really enjoyed the concept. I wish we could all experience a trip to Heart Springs to truly find ourselves.

Thank you to NetGalley & the publishers for the arc!

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Fantastic novel with a gregarious protagonist in Cam who is uncharacteristically memorable. You'll know that the Male MC is a cutie if you read it. The plot moves along without any problems; it has everything we could want. There is a little slow burn and a grumpie vs. sunshine moment where the grumpie turns out to be her (I adore that). And the location is just lovely and ideal! Strongly advised.
I'm grateful that the publishing house, Netgalley, and the author provided me with an advance copy of this ebook.

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I have absolutely adored every Ballard book I’ve read but this one really disappointed me. It was heading to another 5 star until the half way mark and things took a turn. I almost DNF’d but I wanted to know the ending.

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Workaholic Cam ends up in picture perfect Heart Springs with Ben, whom she recently met on a blind date. The story follows the two of them as they strive to return home to New York. I started out not liking Cam's personality, but grew to like her more as she realized what was really important and her character transformed into a well rounded and liked individual. I can't say I like magical realism. If I want to read about magic, I want there to be dragons, witches, etc. However, this story was cute and after I got through the first few chapters, it kept me wanting to read more. If you want a quick romance read, with a some magical realism and a touch of spice, this may be the one for you.

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Love a Falon Ballard book! Loved the characters and story and the writing was fantastic. I couldn't put it down! Excited to read more :)

Thank you NetGalley and Falon Ballard!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam/ G.P. Putnam's Sons for an eARC in exchange for my honest opinion. 

This heartwarming romance is a delightful read, perfect for fans of Hallmark-style movies. As always, it's easy to get immersed in Ballard's writing, and this book was fast-paced and a quick read.

The story kicks off with Cambell 'Cam' Andrews, a workaholic lawyer who prioritizes her career over her personal life, and Dr. Ben Loving, a pediatric surgeon, who are set up on a blind date. From the start, Cam is rude to Ben, who tries to engage in conversation despite her attitude.

The next day, Cam wakes up in the picturesque town of Heart Springs, with Ben as her next-door neighbor. To return to her life in New York City, Cam must complete three tasks: rediscover her passion, become part of the community, and experience true love. Fans of small-town romances will love the Pleasantville-like charm of Heart Springs.

My only critique is that I wish Ben's character had been more developed. While some of the secondary characters had more depth, Ben seemed to be there mainly to support Cam’s journey. Even though he had a fulfilling life at home, he was willing to stay in Heart Springs due to Cam's choices. And personally, I wasn’t a fan of him calling her 'Sweetheart' all the time.

Despite her initial brashness, Cam grows on you, and her character development is impressive. Even when she's still stranded after 'completing' her tasks, she continues to evolve, showcasing an inspiring message of personal growth and believing in yourself.

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another falon ballard w!!!! i have read every book of hers to date and fall in love with each and every one of them! she always serves the cutest, quickest, adorable reads and is forever an auto read author for me!! im eternally grateful at the opportunity to read this early and highly recommend for anyone who loves romance

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Change of Heart by Fallon Ballard is romcom perfection!

I have to say, this one might be a favorite of hers after reading. This book felt as it I was watching a romcom film. It's funny, witty, charming and so engaging. I love female characters that are seem as "difficult" and the love interests just proves she's not difficult or hard to love at all. She is driven and focused on her career, with no time or energy for dating and love. Unit one date turns her into the main character of a fictional town that she can't seem to get out of. The funny part is her date is also stuck in that world. It's hilarious, full of small town charm and seeing them form an alliance, begrudgingly become friends while trying to find a way back to reality. I loved the side characters, I thought the story was original and engaging. I couldn't stop reading it once I started and the romance? Fallon nailed it! I loved their chemistry and banter and romance. I thought he was the perfect match to be her equal and how he supported her, made her feel comfortable and seeing them fall. in love was just perfect. It was swoony, steamy. Everyone needs their own. I cannot recommend this book enough! It's a must read romcom of 2025!

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Thank you Netgalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the ARC.

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5 stars

Falon Ballard does it again with hilarious romcom full of whimsy and banter. Campbell knows she is a workaholic and is terrible at relationships. She has no time for anything but her work. When she wakes up in a town straight out of the Hallmark channel, she realizes the only person stuck in this strange world with her is her blind date from the night before. Then she finds out she must complete three tasks before they both can make it back to their world. One of those tasks? Finding true love.

I adored this premise. Campbell is my favorite type of leading lady - some could say she is “unlikeable” but I adore her and her sense of humor. The romance is top notch. The setting is perfection. The vibes are immaculate. Loved it.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Ben and Cam 🩷

I really loved this 2024 Pleasantville-vibe of a book! I laughed, and cried at the banter and realness of each of the characters.

Cam (Campbell) while not relatable at my current stage in life, has very relatable qualities. Not wanting upset anyone in her life and rolling through the task list to keep everyone happy. She was brutally honest, can definitely relate, but to the point where she pushed away others.

Ben, the cinnamon roll of a man, knew he needed to cut back on his work and live a little more. Searching out work-life balance he decided on a date with Cam which quickly went south.

With some divine intervention they are thrust into a small town with no electronics and told to complete tasks in order to get back home. I loved this. I loved that they had to try and fail and try and fail to see the bigger picture.

Once they got home I was so happy they found one another at the place they met. Even though they were gone for months to them was only an overnight in the real world. And to bring Emma back, I cried. I was so glad the friendship they formed was able to continue even if they started over.

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4.25 / 5 overall

Fallon Ballard’s newest book “Change of Heart” is the perfect palate cleanser and will make a great winter romance read when it comes out!

This book hit me from the start with a strong, independent New Yorker whose whit and fallacies wind her up in Heart Springs. The book is fast-paced, heartwarming, and just overall feels good. I was swept up in the world that felt a la Stars Hollow in Gilmore Girls. I enjoyed the magical realism and supportive, endearing characters Cam runs into as she journeys throughout the book.

The very slight knock for me was that I would have loved to see more of Ben’s perspective and a little less “sweetheart” throughout the book! However, it was easy to look past that and enjoy the book overall!

Thank you to Falon Ballard, Penguin Group Putnam, and Net Galley for this advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

Cam is a workaholic. Who has time for love when there are deals to be made? Her goal of making partner at her law firm leaves little time for anything or anyone else. So when she goes on a date with man to satisfy her grandmother, who can blame her for getting to the point and cutting the date short. Well, my friends karma is a b$&?h. When she wakes up the next morning she finds herself in Hallmark Hell. Trapped in nowhere, small town she must complete the following three tasks: find a job she’s passionate about, serve her community, and of course fall in love. How hard can it be?

Ben is a pediatric surgeon who is looking to meet his person. His date with Cam is a disaster and while tries to salvage it, he’s effectively shut down. He wakes up the next morning to discover he is also trapped in this small town with Cam and has his own list of tasks to complete. His list is kept secret ,and we don’t discover what that is until much later in the book.

This book gave me real Pleasantville vibes, and it was fun to follow along as Cam tried to complete her tasks. Ms. Ballard does a great job of showing us Cam’s growth as she goes from trying to game the system to taking an earnest approach. As she and Ben work together to get back to their lives, they grow closer together. It was great to see the relationship progress at a natural pace, and the yearning! Oh my God, the yearning. That being said the pacing of the novel was just right, and I found myself devouring the novel to see how it all plays out for Cam.

The story has a powerful message that really resonated with me, and I’m sure will resonate with other readers as well. Definitely don’t miss out on this book!

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This was very sweet!! I'm happy I got to read this early even though I didn't completely fall in love with it.

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3.75 rounded up.

Falon Ballard always writes fun stories! This one was nothing short of that.

Campbell (Cam) and Ben are set up on a blind date and Campbell can’t be bothered to give him the time of day, leading to the two of them being transported to Heart Springs, a seemingly fictional town. They both receive “tasks” that they must complete to hopefully find their way home, and maybe fall for each other along the way.

I really didn’t like Cam at all for the first 30% of the book, slowly she got better and her grouchy, stubborn attitude was part of her character but I found it unpleasant to read. Even by the end, with her happily ever after and no pun intended, change of heart, I still didn’t love her character.

Ben is a pediatric doctor and is incredibly helpful to Can through the entire story, caring for her and lending help where he can. One thing I could not stand about him was how many times he called Cam sweetheart. First, mockingly then more adoringly but it gave me such an ick and really took away from their relationship for me.

I think I enjoyed the side characters, Ethan, Emma, and Noah more than the two MC. Emma plays a huge part of Cam’s character growth and development and is so kind to her even when she doesn’t deserve it.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is into a bit of magical realism, fans of A Novel Love Story, and anyone who wants a fun romance.

Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest review!

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I did not enjoy this one. It felt forced and rushed but also dragged. The "sweetheart" thing was massively annoying. I'm not a Hallmark fan, so this missed the mark.

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I'm not really a fan of the whole Hallmark movie magic trope so I was hesitant to pick this one up despite Ballard being of my favorite authors. Falon, beloved, I'm sorry I ever even thought about doubting you. Once again a perfect romance that hits all the marks and leaves you swooning for more.

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