Member Reviews

I loved this book and believe I am a fan of Falon Ballard as this is the second of her books I've read and loved. I will be searching up and purchasing other of hers. I loved that this was a think outside the box romance. I couldn't put this book down. I started it last night and finished this morning. I read until I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore. Thank you to the author and publisher for the ARC of this book!

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This one was an interesting premise, but just was not for me. I like Falon Ballard’s other books, and was hoping that this one would be similar. However, the magical town was hard for me to get behind. It became distracting and took away from the actual romance. I did feel like the characters had chemistry, but just think this kind of story is not my favorite. I will read other Falon Ballard books in the future!

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While this wasn’t my favorite Falon Ballard, it was still a cute and easy read in her approachable voice. I think most people would enjoy this simple story

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From the author of *Right on Cue* and *Lease on Love* comes a charming rom-com that explores the transformative power of love through a whimsical lens. In *Change of Heart*, Campbell Andrews, a driven lawyer with a staunch aversion to love stories, finds her meticulously ordered world upended when she wakes up in the quaint, picturesque town of Heart Springs.

Campbell's disdain for anything that disrupts her work-centric life is palpable, as she grapples with the small-town charm and the well-meaning but intrusive residents of Heart Springs. The town’s Hallmark-worthy setting is the last place she wants to be, but she's trapped there until she can complete three seemingly impossible tasks, the most daunting of which is finding true love.

As Campbell navigates the town’s quirky traditions and colorful characters, her initial resistance softens, and she begins to question her rigid beliefs about love and life. The journey to meet her tasks brings both comedic misadventures and genuine moments of self-discovery. The novel deftly balances humor with heartfelt moments, showing how Campbell's experiences challenge her perceptions and ultimately lead her to embrace a new understanding of love.

*Change of Heart* is a delightful read that will appeal to fans of light-hearted romances with a touch of magic. The author’s signature blend of wit, warmth, and engaging storytelling makes this book a perfect escape into a world where love can transform even the most reluctant heart. Whether you’re a fan of romantic comedies or just in need of a feel-good read, this novel promises a refreshing and entertaining journey.

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. I really enjoyed this story and how everything came together for Cam.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the gifted advance copy!

If you love Hallmark channel movies with a bit of magic realism, a strong FMC, and a little bit of spice 🔥 then this book is for you!

“Campbell Andrews despises exactly three things in life: incompetence, tardiness, and love stories. Making partner at her law firm at thirty-four, she has no time for anything or anyone else. And certainly no respect for those who choose love over work. That is, until she wakes up in Heart Springs—her own personal hell.

The good news? She's not dead. She's been magically transported to a small town straight out of the Hallmark channel, complete with a meddling mayor, seasonal festivals, and friendly townsfolk. Cam can't stand it, but in order to make it back to her real life, she has to fulfill three tasks . . . Most important, she has to find true love. It seems impossible. But anything's possible with a Change of Heart.”

I have to admit, at first I found it hard to get into the book and enjoy it. I found it hard to relate to/like Campbell, which you’re not really supposed to like Campbell any way, but it was particularly a struggle. And Ben was a little hard to connect with as well. But once they go about their tasks in the town of Heart Springs, their characters develop more and about halfway through the book, I was hooked! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t almost DNF this, but I’m very glad I didn’t because it is a rather heartwarming story and I’m very happy with how it ended!

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Falon Ballard never misses! Change of Heart was such a fun, light and sunshine-y romance that brought all my favorite qualities of Falon’s reads.
Cam is a workaholic who has pushed away love and everything else to get ahead in her career. After another failed blind date set up by her grandmother, Cam wakes up to find herself in the picture perfect town of Heart Springs, with the task of finding true love and set with challenges to let go of her current goals.
This story is filled with witty banter start to finish, heart warming moments of an idyllic small town cast of characters and humor throughout a challenging change of pass for the FMC. I loved seeing Cam’s relationship with Ben, the sweetheart pediatric doctor, grow throughout the story and seeing how Cam develops when putting her career aside to figure out what she wants.

Falon has not and cannot disappoint, I loved this new take on magical realism and sweet characters who show so much depth as they grow. I cannot wait for whatever comes next, how we can continue to be surprised with the perfectly sweet, but realistic struggles of each MC in their books.

Thank you Netgalley, Penguin Group and Falon Ballard for the advanced reader copy!

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I thought this was super cute! I loved how there was more than romance involved in the story, but the romance was wonderful hehe. The MCs were sooo cute and I was literally cheering for them forever. I liked the small town alt-universe setting and that self-discovery played in important role for the characters. Very eye opening to remember that your passions are important and trying new things doesn't take away from who you know yourself to be!! Would honestly love to see a sequel with Emma considering how the book ended!

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I went on a weird ride with this one. I was excited, the annoyed and angry, and then kind of liked the ending. As a Hallmark loving person, I kind of thought the premise of her walking up in a Hallmark Channel movie was adorable. Also, as they say in the acknowledgments, the fact that they thank Schmigadoon and that this could have been partly inspired by that was a win for me as I love Schmigadoon. It however triggered a lot of the issues I have with women in Hallmark movies so then I went into my annoyed portion of the evening (And it was an evening I read this book in one night). I was like why can’t she be a lawyer? Why cant she only choose between books seller, bakery and wedding planning? In the end i was proved right and wrong on many and issues and things wrapped up in a nice little bow, but i was still annoyed at some of the road to get there. I appreciated the moderation that was garnered in the end, because it annoys me when women's life issues get always put to the extremes - either a greedy lawyer or pretty much a homemaker. I think Lawyers can kick as and still have a heart so thank you Fallon Ballard for not completely killing my vibe. Its a sweet fast romantic read, it was just not as good as I expect from Fallon Ballard who I love. But do read it and give me your take, I wonder if I got bogged down on the details and failed to appreciate the ride. Also the sweetheart nickname really irritated me.

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I love a book with a little dose of magical realism and was excited to read this one. Overall, it didn’t work for me. I love Falon Ballard’s writing style and I appreciate that she tried something new with this novel. The magical aspect of it was fun and different but the pacing didn’t work for me. Everything felt too rushed and felt surface level. I felt nothing for the two main characters, I wanted to get to know their backstories more but it was all too rushed. I loved the atmosphere of the magical town of Heart Strings, but it didn’t save the lack of character development for me. I also didn’t like how the MMC called the FMC Sweetheart every time…felt creepy instead of cute. Overall not a winner for me but I very much want to support this author in future endeavors.

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Small town with a twist! It was a cute read that made me smile and would be great for a warm cozy night. I think it had a lot more potential for the story, but it is definitely a good read!

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I loved this book but it was a little repetitive for me. I still love Falon Ballard and will read anything and everything she writes.

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Change of Heart was finally the fun take on magical realism I’ve been looking for and this book was just such an enjoyable read. Falon has become an auto buy author for me and this book certainly holds up to her usual standard. I love reading about a character who has a lot of growth to do, and Cam fits the bill and goes through a believable and beautiful journey!

4.5 ⭐️ rounded up to 5!

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I absolutely adored this! It was the perfect small town romance with a twist. Magical romcoms are my go to and this one checked all my boxes while being beautifully written.

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Cam is a workaholic and a lawyer in NYC. Picture your typical shark of a lawyer that has never faked a smile or taken more time to be polite and kind in her life..she's kind of a B.

Ben is a pediatric surgeon. That's kind of all we know about him. He's handsome and everyone seems to absolutely love him everywhere he goes.

When Cam and Ben meet on a blind date, Cam doesn't even bother pretending she's interested in him. She literally pulls out her phone and answers emails while they wait for their food. She tells him she's too busy for dating and it's nothing against him, but this isn't going anywhere. When their waitress Mimi leaves a mysterious note on their check she tosses down money to pay and gets out of there.

The next morning, Cam wakes up in a Hallmark movie of a town with perfect hair and makeup and a closet full of pastel frilly dresses. Is she dreaming?!

When Cam goes exploring, she finds Mimi at one of the cafes in the town. This book has a lot of fun plot points and twists that made it feel very Hallmark-y but also has spice and sass.

I love Fallon Ballard and have read all her books, her writing is so much fun to read! This is one of my least favorite books of hers but I will be reading whatever she writes next! 🙌

Thanks to netgalley for an ARC to read.

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This was a cute read with a sweet ending and message. However, it didn’t really stand out to me, and I found it a bit too trite at points/dragging.

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I loved this sweet page-turner! There were times throughout the book that I felt the lessons Cam had to learn were heavy-handed, but it didn’t bother me enough to stop reading. And Ben is such a good guy it’s impossible not to cheer for him. I wish Heart Springs existed for real.

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This book reads like a nice warm hug! Just cozy up for this Cruella (almost) meets “A Christmas Carol” meets “Pleasantville” romance with a side of sizzle! Workaholic Campbell doesn’t have time for love - or even dating - when she is transferred to another dimension with her most recent blind date, Ben Loving. With a heady dose of tough love, Campbell’s life changes . . . This book is best enjoyed with a hot chocolate and blanket. Thank you to @NetGalley and @PutnumBooks for this very enjoyable read.

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4 ⭐️

Campbell (Cam) is a successful lawyer who has no time for a romantic relationship. Her grandmother sets her up on blind dates and on one of these dates, she meets Ben. After their disastrous date, Cam and Ben wake up in a town called Heart Springs. Cam immediately freaks out and is determined to find her way home, which she learns is only possible after completing 3 tasks. She and Ben grow closer and Cam starts to realize there’s more to life than just working 24/7. This story was so cute but also a little spicy! 🌶️ definitely recommend to anyone who loves a good “hallmark-like” love story.

Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Putnam and NetGalley for this ARC!

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I’m a fairly recent fan of Falon Ballard books. I’ve read I think 3 or 4 of her works and really enjoyed each one. I do have to say I think “Change or Heart” is my least favorite of the group. But even though it was my least favorite it was still a fun, light enjoyable read.

I think my main issue with this book is our MFC, Cam. Let’s be real she’s a witch. Now replace the W with a B and you can catch my drift. Like I understand she’s a work alcoholic lawyer but that doesn’t excuse the rude attitude and behavior towards the MMC, Ben as well as random strangers. Now eventually she did grow on me but it took a bit to finally open up and connect to her. Thankfully by the end I was routing for Cam to get her HEA.

On the other hand Ben our love interest I immediately fell for. And half the time was screaming at him you deserve better why can’t you be real. But alas books don’t work that way. I wish we could’ve gotten a little bit more depth with his character or some chapters with his POV.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the use of Magical Realism in this story and I think any Ashley Poston fan will also really love the book vibes.

Overall “Change of Heart” is a good book. And I’d definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a good spring/summer time romcom read.

Thank you to NetGalley & G.P. Putnam's Sons for providing me an ARC to read and review!

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