Member Reviews

Unfortunately, I was disappointed by “Change of Heart.”

I thought the premise was fun and whimsical and so I was really excited for this story. However, it was really hard for me to get past Campbell’s self-absorption and superiority complex. (I understand that the heroine in many Hallmark-type stories is in a career she doesn’t really appreciate and living an unfulfilled life— but usually they can recognize that they are not really happy and want to change.)

Campbell came off as very judgy and selfish, constantly berating the town and thinking herself as better than all of the other townspeople. I hated how she always told her dates that she had no intention of dating them in the most blunt, awkward ways and would get offended if they agreed with her. (Plus the side conversation about her working for a firm that helps large corporations buy small, struggling companies really rubbed me the wrong way, despite her passion changing over the course of the story to represent smaller businesses.) When she went out with one of her dates and refused a second date because all she wanted him for was a hookup (which he denied because he wanted to get to know her better), I think I may have actually rolled my eyes.

I did end up sticking the story out, despite contemplating a DNF many times since I couldn’t empathize with Campbell at all. I understand the vision of having the heroine be so focused on her goals she doesn’t have any feeling towards dating, but I think her traits made the story lack some real heart. I did like Ben quite a bit, but I felt like their friendship to relationship was really rushed and non-genuine, so even that part of this story fell a little flat to me.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a 1.5 at best. While this novel had the potential to be something fun and romantic - it was more saccharine and nauseating. The FMC was intentionally unlikeable from the beginning but so much so that her character arc throughout the book felt wholly unbelievable. The MMC seemed fine although we got so little insight into him and his story that the HEA left me feeling less swoony and more meh.

On top of all of this, the word sweetheart appeared so many times I was tempted to turn it into a drinking game, but sadly I would have been hospitalized.

If you’re a massive fan of the movie The Family Man, this might be right up your alley.

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I enjoyed the premise of Cam getting swept into a Hallmark-ey town and NOT being about it at all. I wanted more from Ben's character as he seemed to just be there to be the perfect boyfriend. Also the ending felt a bit rushed after all we'd been through in Heart Springs. Overall though this was cute and fun.

3.5 stars, rounded up.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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4/5 stars

I have loved every single one of Falon Ballard's books and although this one wasn't my favorite of hers (Lease on Love and All I Want is You are the new favs), I still really enjoyed this book.

Campbell Andrews is a workaholic and only cares about herself, her work and definitely not love. It all seems okay until she wakes up in Heart Springs, her own worst nightmare. She is forced to accomplish some goals in order to make her way back to NYC. With a little help of an attractive Doctor neighbor named Dr. Ben Loving, Cam does whatever she can to complete the tasks so she can get back to NYC. Little does she know that she has a lot to learn about others and herself.

This book was such a unique premise and I loved the setting and felt like Cam was playing Barbie each day. Think Stars Hollow meets Barbie and you've got this dreamy town!

Read this book if you like:
-rom coms
-magical realism
-small town settings
-amazing banter, chemistry and steam
-lots of character growth

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This was....not for me. I've enjoyed the author's other titles but this one really fell flat and I didn't get past 12%.
I was OK with the magical realism and time shifting but we were slammed into a universe with no back story so I wasn't hooked. I also did not like the MMCs at all so I did not care what happened to them.

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Falon is a must read for me! I love her books and I tear right through them. This reminded me so much of a sweet Hallmark movie and I mean that as a compliment!

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I've loved every book I've read by Falon Ballard, and I think one thing she does exceptionally well is balancing individual character growth alongside the growth within the central romance. Every story comes together so well, and this one especially reminded me how much I love the trope of opposites attract!

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Falon Ballard has become a must read author for me over the past few years. I can usually fall right into the stories, but this one was not for me. I don’t enjoy magical realism and/or time shifting, and that was a big part of this novel.

It was nice to see Cam come into her own as the plot developed, but Ben was kind of a dud.

Perhaps fans of certain novels by Sophie Cousens and Rebecca Serle will enjoy this trope!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced digital copy.

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This was my first book by Falon Ballard and I really enjoyed it! It gave me hallmark Christmas movie vibes in the best way possible. I was a little skeptical about the magical realism element but I feel like it was well written and didn’t pull me out of the characters story like I expected.

I did feel like there was so much build up and then the ending was a bit rushed but that was really my only complaint.

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Thank you PENGUIN GROUP Putnam | G.P. Putnam’s Sons and NetGalley for this advance readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

Change of Heart is a like a Hallmark movie in all the best ways but with more character and plot depth and a dash of spice. The use of magical realism makes for a fun and creative rom com.

My favorite Falcon Ballard book yet.

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I’ve loved Falon Ballard’s recent books, so I was excited to receive an eARC of Change of Heart.

Campbell and Ben aren’t as fully developed as characters in Ballard’s other books. While Heart Springs was an interesting concept, maybe magical realism and Hallmark movies aren’t for me.

I’m still a fan of Ballard but prefer a more traditional rom com. Read if you like;
🩵 Hallmark Christmas movies
🩵 Grumpy/sunshine
🩵 Magical realism

Many thanks to Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for an eARC of Change of Heart.

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This whimsical and magical rom-com starts off with a blind date and ends with them being taken to this alternate world. Where they have to complete 3 things before they can go home. It's sweet, funny and has some very spicy 🔥 bits in the book.

Thank you to NetGallery and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I am such a fan of Falon Ballard's work, and this was no exception. I loved the magical realism twist in this book, and it was nearly impossible for me to put it down. It was so much fun going on this journey with these characters, and even though it felt a little predictable near the end, I still enjoyed it thoroughly. I can't wait to see what Falon comes out with next.

My one critique was Ben constantly saying sweetheart. It drove me insane and didn't really fit with how I was picturing the character.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this eARC. I loved it so much.

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Falon Ballard is one of my absolute favorite authors, so I was super stoked to get approved for this. I was not disappointed. This had so much heart. Of course I knew the moment Ben and Cam had their first date that they would end up together but the fun was in them getting there. I loved the magical realism aspect of the story though of course one has to suspend serious disbelief in order to enjoy it. I thought it was interesting that Cam was essentially the man in this story, and Ben was the woman. My favorite part was that (SPOILER) the true love she had to find was actually self-love. What a refreshing change of pace. Brava.

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"Change of Heart" by Fallon Ballard had potential but ultimately fell flat for me. The main character was difficult to connect with—her decisions often seemed irrational, making it hard to root for her. The inclusion of magical realism really didn’t enhance the story; instead, it detracted from my overall enjoyment. If you’re a fan of the genre, you might find some charm here, but it wasn’t for me. I definitely see potential in Fallon’s talent and writing, but ultimately I didn’t love this book. Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC.

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This book was a little slow for me. I didn’t really enjoy it until maybe 60-% in. I felt like the mystery of what Cam showed up in this little town was interesting and is what kept me reading. I didn’t think the male main character had much character development. It fell a little flat for me.

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5 ⭐️
ugh i absolutely loved everything about this book!!! it was such a perfect cheesy hallmark romance. this story follows campbell- a lawyer whose entire life revolves around work. she wakes up in a magical town with her blind date from the night before. she must complete 3 tasks before she can go back to her real life. while in this magical town she does a deep dive into herself and does some major self reflection into herself and all her relationships.

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Fallon Ballard never disappoints! I absolutely adore and devour each and every novel she writes. At first when I started this book I was like am I writing this correctly I’m a wee bit put off by the main character but I’m so glad I pushed through. It is absolutely worth it! I laughed, I cried, and I think it was so good it should be made into a movie! It’s a great book with all kind of themes but most importantly never judge a book by its cover (although I did with this one as it was so cute) just kidding I meant with people and you never know sometimes what is truly in one’s heart it just takes the right person to find it!!

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Change of Heart by Falon Ballard is pure magic wrapped in the coziest of rom-com blankets. Imagine a blind date that crashes and burns—then gets a fairy godmother makeover, transporting our reluctant pair to a Hallmark dream town where time is on an endless loop until they get it right. Enter Campbell, or Cam, the queen of cynicism, paired with Ben, a golden-hearted pediatric surgeon. The chemistry between these two is downright electric, crackling with banter and slow-burn tension that keeps you turning the pages.

What makes this story shine is the grumpy/sunshine dynamic—Cam’s hard edges soften in the most heartwarming way, while Ben’s unyielding optimism proves irresistible. The character growth, especially for Cam, is beautifully handled, and the witty dialogue never misses a beat.

This book isn’t just a cute story; it’s a masterclass in building a believable, swoon-worthy romance from scratch. Cam and Ben’s journey from forced proximity to genuine friendship, and eventually love, is the real star here. Falon Ballard has crafted a story that’s as enchanting as it is endearing—a five-star read that hits all the right notes. She’s absolutely knocked it out of the park again.

Thanks to Falon Ballard, NetGalley, Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC for a review.

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I kind of hated this book. There was no good intro into why Cam was forced to live in heart springs. One bad date? No I wanted more of the cutthroat lawyer how awful a person she was before Mimi.
Ben saying sweetheart. All. The. Time. It was annoying and not at all something the character I was versioning would say.
I liked Emma but even she annoyed me. Her and Ethan just ahhh!

Overall I would have made this a DNF. Won't be recommending it. Will still read Falons work but if more like this might not be an auto buy for long

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