Member Reviews

This was a super cute rom com with real life characters, but ones that ended up in a lifetime movie town through “magic.” I generally prefer my books more realistic, but since I enjoy Falon Ballard I thought I’d give this a try. I do feel like there was some character development lacking especially with Ben. The book spent so much time in the fantasy world that we never got to see what real life was like for them. It was still a cute story and a fun and easy read so I gave it 4 stars. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I am such a fan of Falon Ballard's work, and this was no exception. I loved the magical realism twist in this book, and it was nearly impossible for me to put it down. It was so much fun going on this journey with these characters, and even though it felt a little predictable near the end, I still enjoyed it thoroughly. I can't wait to see what Falon comes out with next.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this eARC. I loved it so much.

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Thanks to Penguin Group Putnam, Falon Ballard, and NetGalley for an advance reader copy of this book.

This is my third or fourth book read in the last year by this author. Her books are such an enjoyable read, full of humor, good dialogue, and great plots. This story did not disappoint.

I loved the world building the author did when setting the reader into the tiny and magical Hallmark town and the quirky, hilarious and lovable characters dwelling within it.

Definitely worth reading if you are looking for a quick escape to a sweet romance and some good laughs.

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I am a Falon Ballard completist so of course I had to read this book (THE COVER 😍). I feel like the rest of her books followed a pretty predictable pattern (that I love)- but this one is a little bit different. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it just wasn't what I was expecting. There's a little bit of magical realism that echos of Pleasantville mixed with a Hallmark movie. I didn't love either of the main characters (but liked Ben more than Cam), and it was pretty obvious where things were going, but overall, this story is cute.

Thank you to Putnam and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Sadly, this was a "miss" for me, but I still love the author and will continue to read everything she releases. The Hallmark movie-ish premise just didn't catch my attention, and I caught myself skimming the text more than once. HOWEVER, the writing was still great, and I have loved (and own) all of her other books.

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This book was so cute! It is the absolute best book if you want a cozy romance with a subtle paranormal twist. I would highly recommend this book!

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Change of Heart by Falon Ballard is an absolutely delightful, feel-good, warm & fuzzy rom-com. With its charming small-town setting and a workaholic heroine forced to confront her feelings, this story is a perfect blend of humor, heart, (just a little spice,) and heartwarming romance.

I particularly enjoyed the whimsical premise of Campbell Andrews, a career-driven lawyer who finds herself transported to a quaint town where love is the only way back to her old life. Ballard's writing is witty and engaging, and the characters are relatable and well-developed. Campbell exhibits great personal growth throughout the story, and her experience in the fantastical town of Heart Springs is comforting. While the plot might be a bit predictable, it's still a fun and enjoyable read that will leave you feeling uplifted.

Overall, I'd give Change of Heart a solid 4.5 stars. It's a fantastic escape for fans of romance novels who are looking for a lighthearted and heartwarming read.

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This was the ultimate cozy romcom with a paranormal side. These are my weakness and i absolutely adored this.

It was a super fun, quirky and cute read!

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I enjoyed the first part of this one, still trying to decide how I feel about certain things in the middle, and enjoyed the ending.

This one is a great cozy read and honestly perfect for days you want to snuggle under a blanket and read a good book. If you really like Hallmark style movies, this one is right up your alley! This was a fun read for me and you should have it on your radar!

Cam is a character you definitely grow to love. I think she gets to see a side of herself she never would have otherwise when she’s taken out of her day to day life. I wanted to get to know more of Ben though. And this one almost read a little more women’s fiction in that aspect. While there was definitely romance, I think Cam really learned about herself.

Change of Heart is out February 11, 2025. Thank you netgalley and the publisher for my copy. All opinions are my own.

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I truly enjoyed Change of Heart, I was so excited to get approved for this. I went into this blind bc I’m a huge Falon fan from Lease on Love, so I was a bit thrown off when I realized this is a different take for Falon than usual. The MC falls asleep and wakes in a “hallmark movie” type land where she has to figure out how to turn her life around. MC is becoming much “softer” and it’s enjoyable reading about her making friendships along the way (lowkey an Emma Stan!!) I’m not usually one for a these types of “fairyland” ish books but I gotta say I’m enjoying it! MC definitely has a lot to figure out and I’m along for the ride!

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Change of Heart is a romantic comedy filled with magic.

Campbell is a typical workaholic, a successful woman with zero time for love. So when she is transported to a magical town called Heart Spring, filled with delightful people, and wakes up every morning looking flawlessly made-up, it's her idea of hell.

In order for her to return home, she needs to accomplish three tasks, as she gets help from her neighbor Ben, who is also stuck with her in this magical town. One of her tasks is to fall in love, which is not easy for Cam, as she never knew what love was while growing up. For her to return home, she must first learn to love herself.

Overall, this is a cute and sweet story. If you enjoy Hallmark movies, this is right up your alley. I like the cover, and I like Cam. Even though she seems rude at the beginning, she is funny, and I appreciate her blunt honesty. Personally, I didn't like Ben very much. The sweetheart thing turned me off, and I don't think his personality matches Cam's. The writing may have been a bit disjointed, there were a lot of curse words, spicy scenes, and strong language. It's an open-door romance and a fun read for readers who enjoy a little magic in their romance...Releases Feb 11, 2025.

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for the eARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for this ARC

This Groundhog Day type book hooked me from the start. It’s also is giving a little bit of “The Good Place”.

My first complaint is the that Ben (MMC) goes from endearing to calling Campbell (MFC) “Sweetheart” nearly EVERY encounter. This is a personal pet peeve of mine, and I wonder if readers actually like that? It was hard to find him charming- he would be so sweet and attentive, patient and kind, and then call her sweetheart and ruin it for me.

The Campbell and Ben have a horrific 1at date and then when they wake up the next morning they are in Heart Springs and can’t seem to get out. Campbell learns she must find a career she’s passionate about, make a difference in her community, and experience true love before she can go back home.

There seemed to be a lot of build up for tension, but then not actually tension. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and then the book sort of ended.

It was a quick read and break from reality. A little too open door and descriptive for me.

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I’ve read 2 Falon Ballard books this summer and somehow it’s not enough! And this one isn’t out until February!!!! There is something about her writing that just makes my heart so happy. It’s always so funny and it’s paced so well. She’s able to pack in so much heart and raw moments right along with all the silly things that make you laugh out loud. And this was no different! I loved the spin on a Hallmark movie. Cam and Ben were the absolute SWEETEST! Well it took Cam a second…but she was!!

Cam is the GRUMPIEST GIRL! She was SO MAD she got such in this most idyllic town in the world!! She woke up with her hair done and her face was fresh and perfectly done everyday!!! And she HATED IT. And I loved her so much for it. She was honestly so funny, and I absolutely loved her character arc. She really needed a change of pace, a challenge to work on herself, to find herself and it was a beautiful journey.

BEN IS THE PERFECT MAN. I loved him so much. This was very much Cam’s story, even though he also got stuck in this alternate universe with her. But he was honestly SO SWEET! He called Cam sweetheart from the start and it melted my heart every time!! And two of them together made my heart soar. They were stuck together so they were sort of forced to be friends. But then they became REAL friends. And then friends who are trying so hard to hide their feelings and simultaneously doing a bad job of it and still the other person doesn’t catch on?!

I knew I was going to love this book and still I was blown away by how absolutely wonderful it was!

Thank you so much to Putnam for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This book was PERFECTION! And as a reader of all of Falon’s books i have to say this one is my absolute favorite!!! Ive never been able to visualize a book so well! It gives all the charmingness of the community in the movie Edward Scissorhands and dependability of a Hallmark movie! One of my top 5 favorite romances of the year!

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A really fun read that's basically Hallmark movies meets Schmigadoon! It did take a bit of effort to appreciate Cam at first, because she really was the very unlikeable, self-involved, rude, impeccably coifed, workaholic, big city woman of every Hallmark Xmas movie for a good chunk of the beginning of the book. But she went on an emotional journey that was as satisfying as it was necessary. I found Cam's relationship with Emma to be my favorite part of the story actually. More than with Ben. Ben Loving, MD was a swoony love interest but I would have loved his POV too. And why did he get insider info? His overuse of the word "sweetheart" for Cam drove me a little up the wall. Just a note, if you hate the "F word", this book isn't for you. Overall it was fun, had some humor, a little spice, and some spicy language.

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Super witty and cute. Cam is a high powered lawyer who sole focus is on being the best and taking over her family’s multi million dollar firm. She gets set up on a date with dr. Loving and immediately writes him off. A total cynic when it comes to love cam tells Ben she doesn’t date or fall in love. She goes home and wakes up in a room that’s not hers and looks in the mirror to a totally different version of herself. She steps outside and bumps into her neighbor who just happens to be Ben aka dr. Loving. They live in a bit of a Groundhog Day where everyday is the same in this small town. Cam has to complete 3 tasks before she can go back “home”. Super cute, light, and cheesy but in all the best ways.

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Thank you to Putnam Books for the ARC of this one. I have loved all of Falon Ballard's books and this one was not exception. It was so sweet and fun and honestly felt like a warm hug reading it. It's a sweet romance with just a sprinkle of magic and whimsy and I loved every single word.

Cam is a big city lawyer who doesn't have time to date and her entire life if her job. She goes on a blind date with Ben, a pediatric surgeon, and essentially ignores him the entire time. Their waitress points out how sweet of a couple they are and leaves a note covering their bill. The next day, they both wake up trapped inside what is basically a Hallmark movie with task to complete to make it back home. They both learn a lot about themselves in the process of falling for each other. Five stars for me. If you're looking for romance to make you smile and put you in a fabulous mood, this is the one.

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This was a light, sweet, fantasy romance. Cam was so closed off and mean for quite a while and I like the way the author wrote her progression independent of Ben, who was in contrast, genuinely nice and caring. I didn't catch on to the key for Cam to break the fantasy, and she was stuck for a while... to the point where I wanted to story to move along, but if does pick up and the ending was sweet.

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If you like hallmark movies you’re going to LOVE this book!!! Falon’s books are always so lighthearted, fun, charming, quirky, and full of love. The tension between ben and cam is unreal and I just ate it up. I also loved how this book explores finding true happiness and what actually matters in life.

10/10 recommend. Thank you so much to NetGallet and Penguin Group Putnam for the arc!!!

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oh i just loved this book so much!! i havent read the most from this author but after reading this, it made me want to change that. super cute story that will get you instantly hooked. likeable characters and a happy ending!!

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