Member Reviews

First thanks to Recorded audio RBmedia for my ALC ; I didn't read any comparisons by the editor to White Lotus until I was starting my review. This in no way reads like Literary Fiction. It isnt a traditional horror ( apocalypse fiction such as I Am Legend or Walking Dead) I kept waiting to be scared really I was .. but no sadly there was not one scary moment. No World War Z , no zombies no tidal waves on this island.

No.. it was absolutely nothing like that. I think this author has an active imagination and should be writing for TV. The dialogue belongs on " The Office" or " Parks and Rec" it is hilarious.
It is also very reality TV .. I felt like there should be a film crew following the vacationers with camera feed. Maybe there was and that will be in a sequel. We had a MLM crazy Beach Bod by Lilianna that takes over like a facist dictator rationing food after the "sun explodes". Where she found sewing kits to make coats was also a question for me, she forces people to work to be able to receive a "daily ration"She has a Pastor husband that prays over a mic every chance he gets, and I cant imagine wanting to do yoga when the world is ending. But these people did.

Yes folks you read that right.. this island in the Bahamas continues to exist in the "aftermath of sun explosion"
In no universe would this happen.. I think Elon Musk knows this which is why Space X exists. You will have less than 9 minutes to leave the atmosphere and be away .. although with space debris and planets closest to the sun? I am no scientist but I spent the first third of the book really waiting for the main character to wake up from a bad dream. The main character is an underemployed Maid who spends much of this book with internal monologue like Michael Scott from the Office, or Jim. Very middle of America guy.. not a hero , just loved by his girlfriend who does remind me of Pam from The Office. He doesnt rock any boats, or stands up for anything. Until his girlfriend does. And he is inspired finally to be more.

The comedy of it all kept me listening. Because in the middle there also was action. Obviously this writer loved Jurassic Park and The Truman show. ( It would have been really funny if Jim Carey came to the aftermath end). I do recommend if you want a funny satire to listen to on a commute to work or while you are on the treadmill. Humor and satire is where this book belongs! Netgalley should add percentages because the humor adds a 1/2 star for 3.5!

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What a fun, clever premise for a book! I really enjoyed this! The apocalypse has always been an intriguing topic for me so the synopsis really drew me in! I appreciated that the action starts right away and it really piqued my curiosity (I went on a googling frenzy about the sun 😂). I wish some things here and there had been different, but overall it was a funny, entertaining, and enjoyable experience. A great debut and I’m interested to see where the author goes from here!

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Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend by MJ Wassmer and narrated by Stephen R. is a work of fiction that doesn't really fall easily into a category - it's not a comedy or a romance, there is a bit of mystery if you really stretch the definition, but mostly it just is a far reaching story about the day the sun exploded. Dan and Mara are on vacation on a small island when suddenly the sun explodes and they are now trapped on this island where the A (rich) hotel guests steal the food and make the rules. I enjoy dystopian novels and murder mysteries and comedies, but this took my mind beyond the place it wanted to be. If you knew you were going to die in a few days because you froze to death, would all this really matter?

The narrator did a good job keeping me engaged and listening where this may have become a DNF otherwise, so I definitely found the audiobook the way to go. However, the story line was just so unbelievable I had a hard time sticking with it. I love vampire books, but the sun exploding and everything that came after was a bit more than I could manage.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Not all books are for everyone, and unfortunately, this was wasn't for me.

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Great story, love the comedy in this story. There is a little fluff but overall great book to listen to.

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The storyline was excellent. Loved the plot, loved the sun disappears and the whole island goes into a lord of the flies type situation but with snobby adults...

Didn't love the characters. They were all unlikeable and super annoying. I only need to love one character in a book and this one THUMBS DOWN.

I felt disconnected because of it but thats a personal thing to me.

I'm sure I am in the minority!

3.5 stars

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I'm not sure if it was the narrator or the way that the story was written, but I felt like I couldn't engage with the information and was not developing emotional attachments to the characters. I ended up DNFing.

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Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend? More like 4+ stars, do recommend. Who wouldn’t love an apocalyptic tale with a heavy dose of dry wit? I know I found it quite entertaining, flying through the story in one sitting.

Stephen R. Thorne did a good job narrating the audiobook.

Thank you MJ Wassmer, RB Media, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Great cover, fantastic title, fun concept. What would you do if the sun exploded in the middle of your island vacation? It would probably mess with your vibe a little, don’t you think? OMG, instant chaos. This turned into a survival story very quickly—with lots of suspense, action, and crazy twists. The dialogue and witty banter had me chuckling. It was hilarious, but the entire storyline was just a little too over-the-top for me. I’m just not much of a sci-fi/dystopian/post-apocalyptic type, and that’s okay. 3.5/5 stars.

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The cover and the synopsis drew me in and I knew it was going to be a wild ride. While on vacation at an all inclusive hotel in the bahamas the sun suddenly explodes and Earth is plunged into darkness. Secluded from the rest of the world the small group at this hotel are separated in sections (A building = richest while C building is the least rich) and soon a caste system is established when the people in building A steal the food and start creating an oligarchy. I really enjoyed this book about the people in building B trying to find a way off the island and starting a revolution at the same time.

I thought the characters were interesting, I thought the mystery of the island was intriguing and I wanted to keep reading to see how things ended up and like Lost if they ever got off the island.

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Loved the narrator but could not get into the story. I dnf'd pretty early on, around 20%.

Thank you for this ARC.

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Great narrator (I listened to the audiobook), relatable characters, and a good storyline all come together to create an enjoyable listening experience.

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So this was a bit of a stretch for me. I don’t typically explore sci-fi and or dystopian genre based books. It was an interesting, but different listen and honestly, quite disturbing. A group group of people get stranded on an island when the sun explodes. Within hours after all going to their rooms promising to work together, it becomes anarchy. As in off the charts, class based, killing and torturing each other almost the worst of humanity kind of insanity. The owner of the resort and most of an island) allows it all to happen as spineless . He puts the wealthiest people in charge because “they’re smarter”. Alliances form, change and it’s wild. They share the island with a researcher and seemingly is doing his own thing. With the exception of a very select few people, most of the guests and people working at the resort were truly horrible and the worst of the human experience. Were they that way before the explosion or did the explosion/potential end of the world push them to be that way? An interesting conundrum. So while this was a wild ride, it was not my cup of tea, but if dystopian sci-fi is in your wheelhouse, this is one to listen/read. The narration definitely added to the experience for me.

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I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. ARC provided by RB Media.

Vacation Checklist: Pack swim trunks. Apply sunscreen. Survive the apocalypse?

Professional underachiever Dan Foster is finally taking a vacation. Sure, his life has been average at best, and yeah, he has never quite lived up to his potential. But after a few Miller Lites in paradise with his girlfriend, Mara, things are starting to look up.

Then the sun explodes. With the island resort suddenly plunged into darkness (he really should have sprung for the travel insurance), Dan's holiday goes from bad to worse when elite guests stage a coup and commandeer supplies. As temperatures drop and class tensions rise, revolution begins to brew on the island, and Dan accidentally becomes a beacon of hope for the surviving vacationers. But when one six-person plane is discovered that could get them back to the mainland, Dan realizes he has a choice to make.

Does he escape the island with Mara? Or does he stay and fight to become the most unlikely hero of the end of the world?

I thought this book would be a lighthearted summer rom com but it was definitely more than what I expected. It was more of a dystopian book incorporated with a bit of a rom com. If you would like to read more about a book about how the sun explodes, this will be for you. This book had such a strong start but then it went downhill. The middle of the book dragged so much and then the ending had a strong ending? Like the pacing of the book was so inconsistent. This book did have so many strong characters that was so easy for me to be invested into and it was so fun watching their relationship develop. I also really liked the humor. It was dark and sarcastic, but just made sense. I would however, recommend Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend to anyone looking for a fun beach apocalypse story read. This book was not bad for a debut and I cannot wait to see what new books will Wassmer write next.

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Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend by M.J. Wassmer is a wickedly funny and thought-provoking social satire that takes the idea of a vacation gone wrong to a whole new level.
Dan Foster, the self-proclaimed underachiever at the centre of the story, is an everyman you can’t help but root for. Wassmer does a fantastic job of making Dan relatable, capturing his mix of apathy and unexpected resilience as he navigates the chaos that ensues after the sun literally explodes. The island resort, once a symbol of relaxation, quickly becomes a microcosm of society’s worst instincts as elite guests seize control of the dwindling supplies, leaving Dan in the unlikely position of becoming a leader.
The novel is packed with laugh-out-loud moments as Wassmer skewers the excesses of modern life, from the absurdities of luxury travel to the folly of class divisions. The situation on the island is both ridiculous and all too real, with the darker aspects of human nature coming to the forefront as the guests fight for survival. Yet, amidst the satire, there’s a surprising depth to the story as Dan grapples with his own sense of purpose and what it means to truly live.
The pacing is brisk, and the tension builds as the characters are forced to make impossible choices. The discovery of a six-person plane capable of getting a few survivors back to the mainland adds a layer of moral complexity to the plot, forcing Dan to decide whether to prioritise his own escape or stay and help the others. Wassmer’s skillful handling of this dilemma adds emotional weight to the novel, making it more than just a comedic romp.
This novel is a brilliant exploration of the absurdity of life in the face of disaster, with a protagonist who discovers that sometimes the end of the world is just the beginning of finding out who you really are. Wassmer’s sharp writing and clever plotting make this novel an absolute delight, offering both laughs and a biting critique of modern society.

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Thank you to RBmedia, MJ Wassmer, and NetGalley for this advance listening copy. All opinions are my own.

I, for one, can say more like Four Stars, Do Recommend when it comes to the new novel Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend by MJ Wassmer. This was a fun read, and I really enjoyed Stephen R. Thorne’s narration on the audiobook. I’m glad we followed the story from Dan’s perspective - he was the perfect character for it! Dan and his girlfriend, Mara, become focused on surviving the apocalypse when the sun explodes during their vacation to a tropical island. Soon, factions form and tensions are high as all communication is cut off and death is impending. I’m glad this was more humorous than I was expecting! And while I did start to ponder the twist before it happened, I still wanted to keep reading and find out for myself. I knew something fishy was going on!! If you’re looking for a fun time, definitely give this book a try!

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This was wild and far-fetched and didn’t do it for me. I wanted to like it so much more than I did. I also didn’t love the narrator. The story had a good concept but the way it was executed wasn’t for me.

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I was fortunate enough to receive this as an ALC from NetGalley. I am so grateful to NetGalley and the author M.J Wassmer

First off, I will say this was a four star read, and I highly recommend it!

I think this story does a great job of showcasing what an end of the world scenario would be like if trapped at an island resort while on vacation . It also feels weird to say but it is an incredibly fun story given the subject matter, and heartbreaking moments . Dan is the perfect protagonist to navigate this with because he perfectly represents the sort of every day man. He’s kind of coasting in life, unhappy with his job and his choices. Like a lot of people he feels stuck, and like there’s more he’s capable of doing. He has to confront a lot of toxic people and toxic ways of thinking to survive this vacation.

I really enjoyed this story, and the mystery revolving around the sun “exploding”. One thing I thought this book handled well was its satirical dark humor.

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DNF. The characters and plot line were interesting but I just wasn’t invested at all in this. I think this has a lot of potential but it just wasn’t for me. I listened to both the audiobook and tried reading the e-book but I couldn’t get into it. To me it wasn’t funny but I could tell the author was trying a little too hard, and even though it was supposed to a parody I couldn’t get over the social injustice of the rich taking over. It bothered me so much , I know it would probably happen in real life so I don’t want to read about it too. I think this would appeal to a lot of people but I don’t thinks it for me

Thanks to NetGalley, RB Media, Sourcebook Landmark, and MJ Wassmer for the e-ARC and ALC

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Although I found the premise of theis book engaging and enoyed the narration, I thought the storyline teetered toward the unbelievable at times and could have used characters who made more rational or logical decisios throughout.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book had good bones, and the writing was good. However, it was way too long. The story could have been narrowed down, moved faster, and enjoyed more. Narration was spot on and added to the humorous parts of the book.

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