Member Reviews

MJ Wassmer’s new novel ZERO STARS DO NOT RECOMMEND finds Dan and Mara vacationing with a travel group at a private island resort. All seems delightful despite the vacationers having been unexpectedly assigned lodging in “Buildings A, B, and C,” on a sliding scale of luxury based on wealth and supposed relative positions in society. Problematically, the “Buildings” each quickly spawn “Groups” A, B, and C, but real trouble does not begin until an existential danger arises and essential resources become scarce. The resort’s manager then decided that leadership is needed and unilaterally declares that Group A should take that roles, since, by virtue of their money-making skills, it follows that they are “obviously smarter” and “should” be the ones to make the decisions for all Groups. It would be improper to reveal the denouement; suffice it to say that a classic LORD OF THE FLIES scenario is created, with a;l that implies. Although well structured as a satisfying thriller with several unique twists, this is also one of those rare timely, though-provoking books that deserves serious political and sociological discussion.

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The cover, the clever title, and the promise of a dystopian White Lotus-esque book really drew my interest. The premise was very unique and fun. While the book started strong, I found myself losing interest at the halfway point and I felt like the pacing was a little off. There was a twist at the end (while predictable) that kinda redeemed it for me, but overall Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend is Three Stars, Might Recommend.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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I'm not a huge fan of satire but the premise was interesting. I didn't love the narrator but ended up enjoying this and finding it quite funny! I think fans of Grady Hendrix and Christopher Moore would enjoy!

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Thank you to NetGalley, MJ Wassmer & RBmedia for an audio ARC in exchange for an honest review. This review is wholly my own & may not be reproduced.

I wanted to love this book. It had a fun cover & intriguing premise, but fell completely flat for me.

Average guy, Dan is on vacation with his girlfriend Mara when the sun seemingly explodes, causing all the guests at this small island resort to panic & go into apocalypse mode while they try to figure out what happened & if they’re going to survive.

I literally couldn’t stand a single character in this book – not one.

It wasn’t tense or suspenseful. I kinda wanted everyone to die. The humor didn’t even hit right. The entire book was just so drab.

Then, the cherry on top was the ending. Such a letdown. A dome? Really? Incredibly lame. Perhaps if the ending had been something more original, I’d have rated it a little higher.

A couple of my book friends really enjoyed this book, though, so, it’s definitely just my personal reading preferences. While I do think others will share my opinions, I also know that a lot of others will enjoy this book.

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4.5 rounded up to 5 stars. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the audio narration.

The topic felt wildly current events and outrageous but was so funny with incredible descriptions (more the first half of the book than the second). I loved the observations and the way the setting and characters were developed.

Overall, a fantastic, enjoyable, entertaining book that was fast paced and kept my attention.

Advance reader copy provided by RB Books and NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

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The post-apocalyptic / dystopian genre is one of my favorites. While this audiobook maybe doesn't quite fit that category, it does scratch that itch for me. The narrator was great (however, I almost exclusively listen to audiobooks at 1.50 or 1.75 speed - anything less feels like I get annoyed and beg for whoever the reader is to 'just spit it out already!')

This book is quirky, thought-provoking, and unexpectedly hilarious. The characters are well developed and relatable, if not a touch caricature-y. I found heartwarming moments where character growth occurred which inspired me even during such a fantastical story (the sun exploded / melted and we're stuck on this island with a Boss Babe running the show?!)

I did not read this on vacation but I could see myself enjoying it as an un-stereotypical beach read in that it's like a fun treat.

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This was FABULOUS! I loved everything about it, from the snarky dialogue to the social commentary to the somewhat wacky (but unfortunately also bizarrely believable) denouement. The pacing and characterizations were marvelous, keeping me wholly engaged and entertained from the opening salvo. I love the Everyman reluctant hero construct, and it played out beautifully here, with credibility and incredulity in equal measures. There was just enough menace and creepy end-of-the-world feel, and when you layer on the Lord of the Flies elements, the hapless protagonist, and the weirdo scientist-in-the-woods components, the result is genius. It was narrated to perfection, with each character's unique voice managed beautifully. This was a very fun - and smart and witty and thought-provoking - listen, and I'm definitely keeping an eye on Wassmer going foward...

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I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you, to NetGalley and RBMedia for the opportunity to read this book as an audiobook!

I went into this book blind, without reading anything about it. I cannot believe that this is a debut book. It was well-written, hilarious, had plot-twists, and kept my attention the whole time with marvelous cliffhangers.

It has been awhile since I have read a dystopian book that leans towards the apocalyptic, so this was a breath of fresh air and a great break from my usual romance reading.

While in the Bahamas on vacation, the sun all of a sudden explodes, leaving the residents of the resort stranded on the island with no light and everyone is scared. For Dan Foster (and his girlfriend, Mara) this is the time to decide whether it is going to be fight or flight (literally).

There were a lot of elements of this book that made it a great read and some of those are as follows:

-Different “classes” of people on the island must “compete” with each other if they want rations and the “good” work assignments.
-Elements of fascism, militant operations, murder, earth cooling (upcoming ice age). All of this was creating a “battle of the fittest” scenario that this book lended to.
-Heavy religious aspect (which was not something I was a fan of but it did tie into the story well).
-MAJOR plot-twists throughout the book, including an ending that I was not able to predict.

The narration for this audio book was fantastic and I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves this type of genre.

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3.5 - 3.75

Narrator: it did take a little bit or me to figure out if the voice fit the character, but the narrator chosen ended up being a good choice. There were several characters to voice and the narrator did a good job.

Story: This wasn't the right book for me, but it does include several elements I think others will enjoy.

This story overall was an enjoyable read. There were funny moments, action and a bit if suspense, which drew me in. While everything in the story was reverent to the overall story, it did feel like it was longer than it should have been. A scene or two could have been cut and still achieve the ending and effect the author intended.

Thank you NetGalley and RB Media for the opportunity to listen to the audiobook.

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Is this a comedy? Is this a drama? Is this dystopian fiction? It’s all of the above. To be honest, this book stressed me out at first. Is this what could happen to us? Would people really act like this? But it was written in a light enough way to counteract those feelings. Overall, it was an interesting premise and an enjoyable little book. But I did really want to see that annoying LilyAnn character permanently silenced.

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I requested this book because I was trying to find something that my husband and I would both enjoying listening to on a road trip out to a beach vacation. This story of a couple that deals with a catastrophe while on a much anticipated getaway, was an interesting premise leading up to our own stay at a meant to be relaxing resort. The lead character, Dan, is a bit stuck in his career and under accomplished from where he expected he'd be in life. He can't understand why his amazing girlfriend, Mara, would want to be with someone like him and he wants to change to be the type of man that she deserves. He gets a chance to behave differently when he steps up as a leader among the other vacationers when trouble ensues at the secluded island that they are staying on.

There was enough humor and action to keep the story interesting for my husband, and a bit of romance to appeal to me. We arrived at our destination halfway through the story, and my husband even mentioned a few times while we were at the hotel the potential of the sun exploding, and how we would respond in that situation.

In the second half of the book, on our return home, we found the unexpected conclusion was something my husband says he kind of suspected all along. (I didn't see it coming, but he said he's seen movies with a similar plot)

Overall, I enjoyed the parody type comedic concepts and it was entertaining enough to keep us listening for 10 hours in the car.

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Vacations are all about experiencing new things right? So why not the apocalypse?
I went into this book not expecting much, and ended up loving every minute of it.
Not only is the premise very original, but it is also a very well written story, with great characters and very satisfying developments.
It's funny, heartfelt and compelling, and overall a very good book.
I listened to the audiobook version and the narrator was great. I will definitely revisit it in the future and recommend it!

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I love apocalyptic fiction - dark and twisty - but I have never read one that is FUNNY! Like, laugh out loud funny, not just made-me-smirk funny. It was dark, too, don't get me wrong. I mean, their sun's exploded and they're trapped on an island with three very distinct segments of people divided by socioeconomic status. I know that does not sound funny, but it is. What a great read!

I listened to the audiobook and the narration is absolutely superb. It's moved to one of my top 5 audiobooks, with the likes of books like Daisy Jones and the Six and Project Hail Mary. It's not a full cast recording like those, but you'd think it is, because the narrator just does a stellar job of taking on a variety of accents and attitudes.

Thank you to NetGalley and RBmedia for allowing me to listen to this ARC - what a fun and unexpected read!

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"Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend" has an intriguing premise, blending post-apocalyptic chaos with social satire as it follows Dan and Mara on a vacation gone wrong after the sun explodes. The unique concept sets the stage for an engaging narrative, but the execution falls short. The story dragged considerably before the 72% mark, making it difficult to stay invested. Additionally, the use of a derogatory term towards gay people felt out of place and unnecessary, detracting from the overall experience.

Characters like Pete Collins, the "pastor," came off as cringe and gross, with hints of racism, and the MLM vibes from mentions of "beach body" and Rachel Platten's "The Fight Song" didn't help. While the division of buildings and social commentary added some depth, it wasn't enough to maintain momentum. Overall, the book's pacing issues and offensive language overshadowed its potential humor and satire. I don't think I am the target reader for this book, as its style and content didn't resonate with me.

Thank you NetGalley and RB Media for this advanced copy.

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Dan and Margo are enjoying their long-awaited vacation at the grand opening of a tropical resort. Instead of the vacation of the lifetime, life as they knew it would never be the same. Midafternoon of the second day, the sun exploded. A thousand people are wandering around the island in darkness. There’s no communication beyond the island leaving the inhabitants in chaos. Their only chance of survival is getting off the island. Can they survive the apocalypse?

What a great listen! Post-apocalyptic dystopian books are way outside of my comfort zone, but I was definitely rewarded for picking up this satirical look at average people trying to manage a world-ending catastrophe.

Narrator Stephen R. Thorne does an excellent job with differentiated voices for the large number of characters while delivering sarcasm perfectly. His portrayal of boss babe Lilyanna was chef kiss.

There were many twists in the book, and I enjoyed how it entertained me while making me reflect on humanity's good and bad traits.

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If end of days dystopia satire is your thing, run, don't walk, for this book. Being trapped at a private island when the sun explodes truly is zero stars, do not recommend.

This book was hilarious but also explores how quickly society breaks down when the world ends and how dark it can get. There is death, betrayal, power grabs, etc. But overall, this book is funny.

There was also a super insane twist that I did not see coming.

The beginning and end were strong but I got a little bored in the middle. The narration was excellent. Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the ARC.

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The name and cover are catchy attention grabbing for sure! I found the far fetched storyline to be entertaining and over-the-top in mostly good ways. If witty banter, one liners, and sarcasm are your love language then this will likely be a hit. I found myself chuckling along with the craziness that ensued. Thai definitely is not my typical type of book to read but it came highly recommended in my reading groups. I bet the author is an absolute trip!

I would like to thank MJ Wassmer, Sourcebooks, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this audiobook. It was worth the laughs.

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There is a tv series I watched that loosely is close to the theme of this story. What a wild ride! Dan, who’s self worth is basically in the toilet at where his life is , is forced to take on a role of leadership. He blindly makes his way through their new reality. Everything comes to light and life has changed for anyone that is on this tropical vacation.
A great story! It makes you think what would people do if the sun suddenly disappeared and life as we know it is up to fate! Thank you to NetGalley for this free advance copying. I’m leaving this review voluntarily

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Packed with acerbic wit, this social satire is a cross between Lord of the Flies, Lost, Palm Springs and the Stanford prison experiment.

The Hapless and begrudging semi-hero of the book is an unlikely protagonist. The end of the world brings out the best in some, but for most, it reveals exactly where they sit on the scale of psychopathy. The title of the book is brilliant and really captured the quirky sense of crisis and apathy that drives this story. While the stakes are high, it doesn’t take itself too seriously, and I found myself laughing out loud, immersed in the witty and engaging writing.

The narration was excellent, capturing and differentiating between the large cast of characters well. This was a really fun one to enjoy as an audiobook, and I’d particularly recommend it to anyone having White Lotus withdrawals.

Thank you RB Media and NetGalley for this audiobook. Opinions expressed are my own.

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A dystopian story where Gillian’s island meets Lost twist. Was not my typical read but it truly was a different read. The author did a good job getting you involved and the narrator kept the various characters engaged. Thanks to Net Galley for the advanced copy of this story.

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