Member Reviews

This was a tense, high stakes, and sinister thriller about the journey of a Mom trying to protect her daughter. What I wasn’t expecting was the emotional level that this story incited, yet I found it enjoyable. This read like a horror version of a police procedural, with multiple POVs. The audio narration was very well done and easy to stay focused on. Definitely a great book for any reader who enjoys the thriller/horror genre blend!

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I did not think this was going to take the turn it did. It reminded me a lot of Night's Edge and I did not enjoy that book at all. I did not think this was a supernatural type book. The beginning was good, interesting and it kept my attention. Although the middle dragged and I did get a little bored towards the middle. I really struggled to push through this one.

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Blood Like Mine combined two of my favorite genres, thriller/mystery with horror elements. The characters are strong and interesting, the plot is fast-paced and immediately draws you in. Unique spin on the cat and mouse thrillers. The narration added more excitement to the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for the ALC.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the advance audiobook of Blood Like Mine. The audiobook was extremely well done and the story was fantastic. It is a mix of hard-boiled police chase and horror. The author plays with both genres and combines them beautifully. The novel succeeds so well because of the quality of the writing, the depth of the characters and incredible pacing. It is a story of an obsessed and flawed FBI agent chasing a mother whose love for her daughter truly knows no bounds. The reader finds herself rooting for both at different times and hoping they make different choices. I especially liked how the journal entries were interspersed with the action, enriching the experiences with the characters. The audiobook narrators handled the characters expertly.

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Ooo, Blood Like Mine was so, so good.

A fabulous blending of Horror with Crime Fiction. It was gripping, fast-paced, included excellent character work and a bloody sensational ending!

After seeing a couple of trusted Book Friends write glowing reviews for this one, I started to experience my typical high-levels of FOMO. They were enjoying it, therefore, I wanted to be enjoying it. I couldn't rest until I was. I requested an audio copy and very luckily, my request was granted. I started right away and was so very happy that they brought this book, and this author, onto my radar.

In this story, we are following Rebecca and her daughter, Moonflower. It's clear the two are on the run from a difficult past, but the full truth of that isn't revealed right away. As we get to know Rebecca and Moonflower, the truth behind their past, current situation and close connection, is beautifully-exposed. I loved getting to know these two characters. They were both so real to me and fascinating.

We also meet a Special Agent with the FBI, Marc Donner. For the last two-years, he has been hunting a serial killer across the American West, a killer who drains their victim's bodies of blood. As the trail he is following leads him closer to Rebecca and Moonflower, the existence Rebecca has worked so hard to create for them is inexorably threatened. Donner isn't giving up, he's not turning back, and they're all set on a crash course with disaster.

The synopsis describes this one as cat-and-mouse and I absolutely agree with that. I love those types of stories, so that played a huge role in my enjoyment. It was intense. I grew to care for all of these characters, not just Rebecca and Moonflower, but also Agent Donner. The high stakes involved, you know it can't end well for everyone though, which made it particularly gripping for me.

Who was going to end up on top?

I vibed so well with the way the author told this story. The level of intrigue is high from the get-go and for me, it really never let up. You can intuit what is going on with Moonflower and Rebecca, but there's a certain level of uncertainty that did keep me guessing. Until there's not. Once it's clear, I was loving this even more, because if anything it only upped the stakes of the game playing out on the page.

I would love to read more from this author. I think the genre-bending nature of this really took the cake for me. The Horror aspects blended perfectly with the Crime Fiction elements. It was seamless. I would recommend this to Horror Readers who enjoy fast-paced, high-stakes Thriller-type reads. This is unique, fun and for me, memorable. I'm looking forward to seeing what more Readers think of this one.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Recorded Books, for providing me with a copy to read and review. The audio narration was so well done and definitely helped to bring this story to life for me!

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I received this as an ARC Audiobook via NetGalley. I really liked both the narrators and was very eager to see what happened next. It’s difficult to give a review of the book without revealing too much of what it is about, but I definitely felt the sense of “gotta hurry, gotta go” the mother felt. I also couldn’t help but feeling sorry for her and her daughter as their situation seemed pretty hopeless. This book shows an example of a mother doing whatever they can to help their daughter even if it’s awful and puts them in a very difficult situation. I didn’t understand what was going on with Moonflower until quite a bit into the book when it was very obvious, so I was pretty shocked.

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TW/CW: Language, abortion mention, teenage pregnancy, covid mention, drinking, smoking, death by suicide, child abuse, toxic relationships

About the book:
On a snowy December night, single mother Rebecca Carter drives her van into a snowbank to avoid hitting an elk on a desolate mountain highway. She is at the end of her rope, out of money and food. Still, she refuses help from a man in a pickup truck—Rebecca’s adolescent daughter, Moonflower, is on the run from a grisly secret, and the last thing they can afford is to be remembered by anyone they meet.

Meanwhile, Special Agent Marc Donner of the FBI has spent the better part of two years hunting down a gruesome serial killer who drains victims of blood before severing their spinal cords, leaving a trail of bodies throughout the American West. As Agent Donner’s investigation brings him closer and closer to where Rebecca and Moonflower are hiding out, in the foothills of Colorado, the life that Rebecca has fought so hard to hold together for her daughter becomes increasingly imperilled.
Release Date: August 6th, 2024
Genre: Thriller
Pages: 384
Rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

What I Liked:
1. Writing
2. Atmospheric
3. Characters written well
4. Loved twist of Moonflower being a powerful being

What I Didn't Like:
1. 1,000 times that Moonflower says she's hungry
2. I hated the characters
3. Repetitive at times

Overall Thoughts:
{{Disclaimer: I write my review as I read}}

Omg they tried to pay Rebecca off so she wouldn't try to do anything for child support or claim her child as his.

Moonflower is a vampire and is the one that has been killing men that are trying to sexually abuse girls.

Weird letter to write to your 8 year old daughter for the future. Wr

I was so annoyed that Rebecca forces herself to stay at guffrie's house. I get that he was pretty much trying to sleep with Rebecca in the beginning but after she explained she wasn't interested he pretty much backed off. So then Rebecca acts like she can't trust him because he pulled a gun on her because he was asking her to leave. She's eating all this food her daughter's eating all the bloody has and then she's frustrated because he wants her to leave his house.

Wow and I guess it just ends like that.

Ending of Rebecca denying Moonflower to make her immortal remind me if the ending of Midnight Mass.

Final Thoughts:
This book reminded me of an opposite version of Night's Edge.

If you have ever been annoyed at how a parent thinks they are allowed to have whatever they want then Rebecca's actions will annoy you to no end.

I think I liked this book more in the beginning than at the end. For me it felt at times fair repetitive we were always just trying to get moonflower food and we would just cycle through that. Add in the detective following them constantly and him raving and talking about trying to find the person and it all just felt like we were repeating the same scenes over and over again.

I enjoyed the writing style and I feel like the author did a good job at making things atmospheric as well as making the characters more alive. I unfortunately did not like the characters. Rebecca was insane. Moonflower was absolutely annoying. The detective seems like he had no personality other than finding this killer so much so that he lost his family, so that felt like his only personality trait.

I did like the twist that Moonflower was something bordering on a dog/ werewolf I suppose.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Hell's Hundred for the ebook copy and Recorded Books for the audiobook. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a great introduction to the spookier side of thrillers as we get closer to Fall! *leaf
The true crime aspect was really well done, making the police work seem realistic without getting bogged down in details. I was just as entertained listening to Special Agent Donner’s investigation and downfall as I was following along with Rebecca and Moonflower on the run. I also loved the use of journal entries to give us peaks into Rebecca’s past, showing us how she and her daughter ended up as fugitives on a never-ending road trip.
There were ups and downs in pacing, and this was definitely a dark read with very little levity or joy to speak of. But overall this was an original take on a very well-known brand of paranormal creature and the ending was both realistic and satisfying, with a little glimmer of hope that Rebecca and Moonflower would find each other again…

Thank you to NetFalley and RBmedia for access to this advanced reader copy!

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Typical horror book I've heard it seen it and watched it before. It was just mid-grade. I didn't feel it was anything original and didn't hold my attention

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Blood Like Mine is what I imagine a modern day American crime procedural in the world of Let the Right One In.
I appreciated the multiple narratives and found the characters all to be interesting and more than one dimensional.
A mother and daughter on the run, outlaws and antiheroes. Dexter meets Hard Candy.

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Crime story and horror combined, very cool concept. I like the slow burn for the first half until you are given the reason Rebecca and Moonflower are on the run, then it gets more fast paced. Enjoyed the ending, which kind of leaves it open for a sequel.

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I don’t know how to describe this one, aside from a dark mix of X Files meets Dexter, all while showcasing a mother’s love towards her daughter. This audiobook did a perfect job of building suspense while keeping you in the dark. I went in blind and I recommend you do too- and with an open mind! This one does venture on the “realm of normal”, but in such a satisfying way. Do yourself a favor and listen to the audiobook- the narration was on point!

Thank you NetGalley and RBmedia for the ALC in exchange for an honest review!!!

#netgalley #arc #rbmedia #fivestarread #pubdaybooks #stuartnevilleauthor

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I the audiobook read by Michael Braun and Elisabeth Rodgers who are both excellent.

This is a very inspired and different crime story that’s getting a lot of early social media attention. It won’t be for everyone, but I don’t want to spoil anything by saying why. It’s listed as horror, but it’s not hard core horror, just crime with a little added extra.

Rebecca and her twelve year old daughter Monica aka Moonflower are permanently on the move living in their van. We get their story and also that of Special agent Marc Donner who has spent the last two years searching for a serial killer.

The characters are really well developed and presented so that the reader cares about them. I loved Rebecca with her desperation to keep her daughter safe. Marc is very focused and driven to the detriment of his life work balance.

The plot is really well developed and I love how it all unfolds seemlessly. It maintains a good pace throughout, with plenty going on.

I am always craving something that’s a bit different, this meets that criteria, and is in my books of the year. It’s one that I’d highly recommend.

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I don't know what I expected with this book, but was so much better than I thought it would be. I loved the overall story, the author's ability to make it always seem tense for all of the characters, and the fact that we were still unsure about Moonflower throughout most of the book helped create the suspense.

I enjoyed both narrators in this audio book as well.

This is my first Stuart Neville novel and I am excited to look for more to read!

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3.5 ⭐️ The first half of this book was very slow, not necessarily boring but just meh. The narrators were good just wish there would’ve been a more perceptive difference in the voices for Moonflower and Rebecca. Also felt like we could do without so much of the detective’s POV, found myself trying to get through his parts rather quickly. Lots of people on his storyline were just there to nag or blame/shame him so it would just be annoying. Overall the book has a vampire/werewolf monster feel but wayyyyyy more tame, you only really get gore or blood towards the end. Just expected more horror overall.

Thank you NetGalley and RBmedia for the audiobook ARC.

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I saw this was marked as horror but it takes a moment to reveal why it is a horror novel. Give a minute to show itself.

The female narrator was really good. The male voice was a bit too cheesy cop for me. I get that that might be the intended personality but I felt awkward listening to him. I think I could’ve done without the cop perspective altogether.

Heads up, there is some animal violence but it goes hand in hand with the story. I don’t think it’s any thing out of line for the story.

I’d also recommend Let the Right One In and Suffer the Children if you enjoy this one. Thank you to NetGalley, Stuart Neville, Michael Braun, Elisabeth Rodgers and RBMedia. I have written this review voluntarily.

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Holy captivating! How I loved this book. I was hooked from the start and most of the time with crime books I can see things coming, but this one truly left me in awe. I will be thinking about this book for a while!

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Blood Like Mine combines the genres of crime fiction and horror to put together an interesting story of the FBI’s pursuit of a serial killer and a mother’s unconditional love.

This audiobook is perfect for spooky season and has just enough police procedural to make it seem believable which kicks up the creepy scale on this one.

Thank you @recordedbooks for allowing me to listen to this audiobook ahead of publication in exchange for my honest review.

(This same review was shared on the Barnes & Noble website)

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I like that this book is telling a different kind of serial killer story. Rebecca is not really a likable character, but she is not trying to be liked. She is trying to protect her daughter. Some of the personal life about the detective didn’t feel necessary, but it did provide a view of parenthood that competes with Rebecca. I was a little confused at the beginning about what was going on with Rebecca and her daughter, but it didn’t remain a secret for too long. I think some people will love the secret between Rebecca and her daughter, but it isn’t what I was wanting to read.
If you like a serial killer thriller with a horror twist, you will like this one.

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This is remarkably dark and intense, an imaginative and chilling thriller, blended with elements of horror, that grabs you by the scruff of the neck right at the beginning and never once lets you go, written by the talented Stuart Neville. I also listened to this on audio, nearly 13 hours long, wonderfully narrated by Michael Braun and Elisabeth Rodgers, maintaining the tension and suspense of the storytelling, I particularly enjoyed Braun's ability to get inside and portray Donner's obsessive character. Single mother Rebecca Carter feels a ferocious maternal love for her daughter, Moonflower (Monica), there is nothing she would not do to protect her, no sacrifice too great that she would not willingly make, as the two try to remain below the radar and invisible as they travel across the American West, on the run. Rebecca is at her wit's end, desperate to survive, with no money or food, stranded in the remote snowy mountainous landscape, yet she pushes away help when it is offered. Why?

For Rebecca and the teenage Moonflower have a phenomenal secret. FBI Special Agent Marc Donner is a man obsessed, he has been chasing a macabre serial killer for a long time, a killer who drains the victim's blood prior to severing their spinal cords. Donner has paid a heavy price for his determined investigation when it comes to his family, but he just can't let go. A trail of dead bodies has accompanied Rebecca and Moonflower on their journey, and Donner is convinced of their guilt, that they are the serial killers. In this gripping and tension packed horrifying narrative with its flawed characters, there are grave dangers, shocks and twists, I raced to the end, turning the pages ever faster, right up to the exciting conclusion.

Neville gives us a evocative, brutal, and emotive book, that overflows with intrigue, you are not going to forget this in a hurry, it is so good that I have no doubt that it will be a big success on publication, particular highlights being the characters he created and developed. Additionally, there is the illuminating central study of a mother-daughter relationship that captivates, along with the troubled detective in pursuit. Simply brilliant and I highly recommend both the book and the audio. Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC and RB Media for an ALC.

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