Member Reviews

This was a thrilling cat and mouse chase between a mom and daughter duo and an FBI agent. Rebecca and Monica/Moonflower are on the run in an attempt to survive. The story is told from multiple POVs, including Rebecca's journal entries. You don't start to understand what is going on until about 50% in, when the twist is revealed. I also really loved the Dexter vibes this gave (killing bad people to benefit society).

Thank you to NetGalley, RBmedia | Recorded Books, and Stuart Neville for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader's Copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest opinion/review.

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3.5 stars! Blood Like Mine was a fast paced horror/thriller. The plot was 5 stars. I loved Rebecca and Moonflower's storyline. I probably would have rated this novel higher if it were told solely from their perspective. The detective POV is what lost me. It read like a cheesy network drama. Some of the dialogue was down right cringy. I'm not sure if this was the writing or just the narrator. I didn't feel that the mother/daughter storyline read nearly as cheesy. Elisabeth Rodgers did a wonderful job narrating Rebecca and Moonflower. Michael Braun, who narrates Detective Donner, wasn't really my taste.
I finished this audiobook in only a couple days. If you enjoy thrillers with a horror twist then this is your book! I would like to see this story continue. I would definitely pick up a sequel.

Thank you NetGalley and RBmedia for the ARC!

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3.5 stars rounded up

This was a decent audiobook. Premise caught my attention immediately! I do believe the story fell flat at some parts. I think it could have been fleshed out (pun intended) more regarding what MoonFlower was etc.

The narrators were great! I listened at 1.75x

I really enjoyed the ending and thought it was a great way to end this story.

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Thank you NetGalley and publish for this audio!!

Wow!! Just wow!! If you are a horror fan and love creepy twist and turns this one is a must read!!! You will enjoy this one!!

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Blood Like Mine
Stuart Neville
FBI Special Agent Donner has spent the last two years searching for a serial killer. The murders are gruesome, leaving the victims drained of blood with their spinal cord severed. He refuses to stop until he captures the killer. He knows he is getting closer and closer.
Rebecca Carter is a single mother on the run with her daughter Moonflower. They have a deep dark secret. Years ago, a tragic incident forced them to go into hiding. They try not to draw attention to themselves. They travel in an old van with very little money or food.
This is a difficult book to review, everything I want to say gives away too much information.
What a tale. This is a cross between horror and thriller. At first the reader has no idea why Rebecca and Moonflower are on the run. The tension is thick and building. Eventually the reader becomes aware of why they are on the run and from who. Donner is obsessed to the point of being close to a mental breakdown. He sacrifices her wife, children and even his career. This is a gruesome, violent, and bloody tale. The main characters were well fleshed out. Moondance was a child that experienced a terrible event that changed her whole life. Rebecca loves her daughter and will do anything to keep her safe. Agent Donner was obsessed with finding the serial killer.
This is a cross between thriller, horror, and crime novel. The tale begins with an old van almost hitting an elk. You can feel the tension building from that moment on. The story is told mostly through Rebecca’s and Donner’s point of views. Great reading!
Thank you NetGalley for the review copy.

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Neville doesn’t disappoint his legion of horror fans with this book about a woman and her daughter on the run from a particularly messy past and the assortment of creepy things on their tale. Highly recommended

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Rebecca Carter, a single mother and her daughter Moonflower, are on the run with a huge secret, trying to stay safe and survive without drawing attention to themselves. Special Agent Marc Donner of the FBI is hunting a serial killer who always seems one step ahead. The tension, danger, suspense, and relationships in this thrilling book make it addictive and well-written.

I was completely engrossed in this audiobook and could have easily finished it in a day if I didn't have other responsibilities. The story was both creepy and surprisingly believable, making it a captivating read. This was my first experience with this author, and I am eagerly anticipating exploring more of their work in the future.

I recommend going into this story blind, as it starts off like a typical narrative before taking a dark and unexpected turn. The suspense kept me on edge, constantly questioning what would happen next. The ending caught me off guard, but I appreciated the open-ended conclusion that left me wanting more.

The theme of a mother's love is central to the story, prompting readers to consider what they would do in her shoes. The chilling atmosphere and eerie plot make this a perfect read for Halloween week, adding an extra layer of fright to the experience.

The narrators did an excellent job of maintaining the tension and keeping me engaged throughout the book. Their performances added to the overall enjoyment of the story, making it a truly immersive experience.

Thank you NetGalley and RBmedia for an ARC audiobook copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Thank you NetGalley and RBmedia | Recorded Books.

Blood Like Mine
by Stuart Neville
Narrated by Michael Braun, Elisabeth Rodgers

OMG! WOW! Michael Braun and Elisabeth Rodgers did an amazing job bringing Neville word to life! I finished in on sitting. I wanted, I need more. 100% recommend.

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Wow. That was...unexpected. Besides stating what's already in the blurb, it's hard to talk about anything that happens without giving away the "twist" of the book. I think there are going to be people who fully embrace the twist/surprise & love the book even more for it. There will also be people like me, who will have a laugh, then think "This is a bummer. I'm not really into themes like this." It made me immediately less interested in the book, however, there were several redeeming details, which led to my rating (3.5 rounded up).

Rebecca & Moonflower were very likeable. I found myself cheering for them, hoping everything would work out in their favor. I didn't like Donner, but it was one of those dislikes where the author actually wrote the character well, so they're good, but you just don't like them. For me, that's an indication of good writing. The shock/twist comes in pretty early on, which makes sense, based on how the rest of the book plays out. I was surprised to still be interested in what would happen next, even though the big reveal was already made. With it ending up a theme I'm not interested in, while keeping me turning pages, I was pleasantly surprised. If there was a sequel, would I read it? No. But I did I enjoy myself while reading this one? Absolutely.

My thanks go to NetGalley & RBmedia for this ARC!

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*DEFINITELY contains spoilers*
*DEFINITELY contains spoilers*
*DEFINITELY contains spoilers*
*DEFINITELY contains spoilers*
*DEFINITELY contains spoilers*
*DEFINITELY contains spoilers*
*DEFINITELY contains spoilers*
*DEFINITELY contains spoilers*

Okay, there was your warning! Now, onto the review.

This was an excellent "old-school" vampire book, which I can appreciate. Unfortunately, you don't get a lot of those anymore. Now that vampires have been romanticized to the extreme, it's all YA, smut, or something that somehow manages to be both at once.

That is NOT what this is.

This is vampire horror.

This is slashed throats, killing to survive, running from the law, and all the other things that make old-school vampire books so good. There are no sparkles or love triangles or anything like that.

That said, the book wasn't scary or overly bloody. It was just ... realistic. In the sense that if vampires existed, this book is definitely how I see that going down. Haha.

I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's told from two primary perspectives: Rebecca, the mother of a vampire daughter, and Donner, the cop who is chasing her because he thinks she is a serial killer. Which, to be fair, she is.

Rebecca sees herself merely as a good mom who is doing everything in her power to keep her daughter, who has become a vampire through a vicious attack and no fault of her own, alive. In order to do that, she poses online as a young girl to lure child predators into meeting. Then, she basically feeds them to her daughter. As I said, totally realistic. If I suddenly woke up and was a vampire, that's exactly how I'd try to find victims, too. Haha.

The cop, of course, sees her as nothing more than a degenerate serial killer. When he finally catches her, he sees her as an unhinged, totally crazy serial killer. Until he encounters her daughter. Then, he's a believer, and everyone around him thinks he's the crazy one.

Here's what I love about the book. At this point, I half expected the book to turn into a tired romantic trope. Cop sees the struggling mom killing awful people to save her daughter, sees her bravery and strength, and falls head over heels in love.

That absolutely does not happen in this book. Seeing Rebecca's "monstrous" daughter just further drives him over the edge into, "I have to catch her and expose this" territory. It was, quite frankly, very refreshing.

I enjoyed the book very much.

My only complaint -- and the reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 -- is that not a single character in the book is likeable. Rebecca is ALMOST likeable until she turns on someone who has helped her on numerous occasions. (Unnecessarily turned on him, in my opinion.) That scene ruined her for me.

The daughter is too cold and inhuman to be likeable, even though she's a child.

And the cop is a drunk who has pissed away every part of his life. By the time he loses more of himself to the situation with Rebecca's daughter, you can't even feel sorry for him because you can tell he's the kind of a**hole that brings everything on himself.

So yeah, there was really no one to root for in this book. I honestly do not know who the protagonist was supposed to be. My guess is Rebecca, but I can't be 100% sure because, as I said, she's very unlikeable. And now that I think back on it, it's more than just the scene where she turns on an ally. She's just hugely unlikeable in nearly every interaction she has with everyone outside of her daughter.

So yeah. The not having someone to root for thing knocked off a star for me. But overall, this was an excellent book if you want "a real vampire" book (although, funnily enough, the word "vampire" is never used in the book that I recall). I highly recommend it.

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It's true that I don't exactly listen to a lot of audiobooks, but I couldn't resist requesting an audio ARC of Blood Like Mine after Eva mentioned it on her blog. I do have a weak spot for a good serial killer, and I do love a good cat and mouse game plot... And I'm so glad I gave this audiobook a chance, because I ended up having an absolutely fantastic time listening to it! Dark, twisted, gritty, creepy and somehow extremely engaging at the same time; this was my first time trying Stuart Neville's writing, but I will definitely be back for more.

With some books it is important to go in blind to fully appreciate the plot and twists, and this is definitely 100% the case with Blood Like Mine. It's SO hard to talk about the plot without giving something away; the impact of certain twists and reveals just isn't the same if you already have prior knowledge of what is REALLY going on. What I can say that this isn't your regular thriller, and the story definitely dipped its toe in the supernatural horror genre. The big twist is actually something I'm usually quite allergic to (I feel I'm already giving away too much here!), but somehow it didn't bother me at all in this particular story. The way how the story slowly revealed the truth, giving you glimpses instead of the full picture added SO much suspense.

Blood Like Mine uses a multiple POV structure, although we mainly switch between Rebecca, her daughter Moonflower and the FBI agent Marc Donner. The first two are more crime thriller/horror with a focus on the mother-daughter bond as well, while Donner provides mainly the FBI serial killer hunt. The different POVs balanced each other out and I really enjoyed the resulting story. There were also other elements included: Rebecca's diary entries and police interviews. These gave more background information while also helping you slowly put the puzzle together.

As for the audiobook itself: I know that I'm basically still an audiobook newbie as I've only listened to a handful of them over the years, but Blood Like Mine has once again proven to me that I can really enjoy an audiobook when the timing is right. Sure, it does take me a lot longer to get through a story listening to it than actually reading it... But sometimes it's worth it. Blood Like Mine uses two narrators: Michael Brown for the male characters and Elisabeth Rodgers for the female characters. I confess that it took me a little while to get used to the male narrator, but I can't deny that his voice fits Donner's character extremely well. The female narrator was more neutral, but easy to listen to and I especially liked how she portrayed Rebecca. The diary entries and police interviews were a bit annoying to listen to (especially the interviews); but I imagine these mixed media elements would be hard to properly portray in an audiobook in the first place.

I'm keeping this review short to avoid spoiling the plot, but what I can say that this is a dark, dark thriller with a supernatural horror vibe as well as an active serial killer on the loose. It includes many heavy topics including (animal) death, child abuse, pedophilia and grooming, and there are quite a few graphic scenes along the way. Definitely not a story for those with a weak stomach, but if you like your thrillers on the dark side, Blood Like Mine is absolutely brilliant. Even if supernatural horror is not your thing, I would still suggest trying this book as it is done in a way that isn't overpowering at all. The ending was also unexpected and SO good!

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I'm not really sure if this could really be classified as a thriller or horror; I think cat and mouse is probably the best description. Rebecca and Moonflower live on the run and Marc Donner is after them for the entirety of the book.

It was a quick read and I sped through it, but overall it was just okay. I wish there had been a little more of a horror aspect; it was kind of just grazed over a lot of the time and I was never really scared or anything. I did enjoy the very last chapter, so at least I have that.

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What a wild ride! Blood Like Mine by Stuart Neville was so much more than just a cat and mouse chase. I don't want to spoil much so I'll keep things brief but this is more than just your typical "mom and daughter on the run" story. I loved the unique characters and getting to know them throughout the story. Something about the way this plot progressed just had me hooked. I could not put this down. I loved as it shifted from a thriller to horror. It had some brilliantly dark vibes. The audiobook narration was really well done. The narrators had pleasing voices that really brought the characters to life. This is perfect for someone looking for a spooky thriller.

Thank you to the publishers and netgalley for this alc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to the RBmedia and Netgalley for this eARC in audiobook format.

📚 In “Blood Like Mine”, Stuart Neville ventures into the chilling realm of horror fiction, weaving a sinister tale that will grip your heart with a tight fist.

Set against the desolate backdrop of the American West, this relentless thriller takes readers on a blood-chilling highway pursuit—one where desperate measures collide with gruesome secrets.

On a snowy December night, single mother Rebecca Carter finds herself stranded on a mountain highway. Her van is stuck in a snowbank, and she’s out of money and food. But Rebecca refuses help from a stranger in a pickup truck. Why? Because her adolescent daughter, Moonflower, is on the run, hiding a grisly secret that the world will never be ready to accept.

Rebecca and her daughter can’t afford to be remembered by anyone they encounter.

Meanwhile, FBI Special Agent Marc Donner has been relentlessly tracking a serial killer who drains victims of blood before severing their spinal cords. As the bodies pile up across the American West, Donner’s investigation leads him ever closer to Rebecca and Moonflower, who are hiding in the foothills of Colorado. As the stakes rise, the line between predator and prey blurs, and noone is safe.

Stuart Neville’s storytelling prowess shines bright in this dark, emotion-laden tale. The characters leap off the page, and their struggles are palpable.

Rebecca’s fight to protect her daughter becomes a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, and the tension builds relentlessly as the story barrels forward to its conclusion.

Neville’s unexpected twists will leave you breathless, as you are propelled toward the story's unpredictable ending.

Michael Braun and Elisabeth Rodgers skillfully bring Neville’s words to life. Their performances enhance the tension, making the audiobook an immersive experience.

“Blood Like Mine” is a haunting journey through darkness, where survival means staying on the move and out of sight. Neville’s blend of horror, mystery, and suspense creates a gripping narrative that defies easy categorization. Highly recommended for those who crave originality and a visceral reading experience.

I LOVED this book, I greedily consumed every word, reading it in one sitting.; it left me hungry craving MORE. I have my fingers crossed, hoping that this wonderfully talented author makes this book the start of a new blockbuster series.

Note: This story would make a mesmerizing movie.

If you are a Stephen King fan, or a fan of intelligent, thought provoking scary stories pick up a copy. Actually, imagine a Stephen King-esque horror story coupled with a tale of heart-wrenching depth, and you come close to Neville's masterclass in storytelling that this haunting novel is...

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Required 2024 reading for horror fans!

Blood Like Mine is a thoughtfully executed detective/crime horror. I’m obsessed with this book and the direction it took. If I wasn’t in the mood for spooky season before, I definitely am now.

Rebecca and her daughter, Monica "Moonflower", are on the run and Rebeca will do anything to protect her daughter. Marc Donner of the FBI has been hunting a relentless, unforgiving serial killer for years. When another body is found in the foothills of Colorado, he can feel himself getting close. In this novel, readers stand witness to one seriously tense cat and mouse chase. It’s bloody, it’s gritty, and once things ramp up (and boy do they) so will your heart rate.

I don’t know what to say to give justice to this book which is generally when I know I really loved a book because when I do, my critical mind turns off and I completely lose myself in the story and come out on the other end with no comments. I guess that says everything that it needs to. I’m going to be thinking about this book for a long time. The ending wraps everything up nicely but there could also be room for a sequel so who knows!

Delightful narration by Michael Braun and Elisabeth Rodgers. Even though this entire story is in third-person narrative, I appreciated the change of narrator to represent the different characters.

Thank you RBmedia and NetGalley for the audiobook in exchange for an honest review! Available 08/06/2024! Review to be posted to Goodreads.

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