Member Reviews

Thank you to Dreamland books and NetGalley for the ARC!!

Sara Gran’s Little Mysteries is a collection of detective stories that are more character-driven than the average whodunnit. The detective stories we’re most familiar with are crafted with intricate plot twists and stock characters that serve as eye-catching ornaments in an elaborate narrative maze. Gran primarily contends with how mysteries affect human emotion and connection. The Killington Manor story was by far my favourite followed by the choose-your-own-adventure story and the bite-sized mysteries. I'd give the collection a score of 3.5/5 overall but I reviewed the individual stories below!

‘Five-Minute Mystery: The Case of the Mysterious Dr Crowley Or Fuck This World Indeed’ ⭐⭐⭐💫
Fun, quick and clever. Cynthia Silverton is a really striking character which I appreciate!

‘The Mystery of the Mycelial Net…’ ⭐⭐
I enjoyed the glib, sort-of breezy writing style. I noticed here that this is more of a character study than a collection of standard mysteries, which I really enjoy as an idea, but I found this particular story underwhelming.

‘The Good Smell of New York City/ The Ocean-Salted Air’ ⭐⭐💫
What this story does with form is really interesting but I found it pretty underwhelming.

‘The Case of the Jewel in the Lotus’ ⭐⭐⭐
Interesting exploration of the thrill of the solve and the urge to satiate that thirst. Bleak and introspective to the point where it sort of dragged. Gran explores the fallout after a crime is committed by someone close and the emptiness at seeing the fissures in people’s lives that a solve causes.

‘One-Minute Mystery: The Case of the Razor’s Edge Between Life and Death’ ⭐⭐💫
I enjoyed reading it but ended up disappointed with the solution to the mystery. Or rather how they got there, as all the evidence seemed like pure guesswork and Claire just pulling it out of nowhere. I do think it was quite well-written though

‘The Case of the Blood on the Snow’ ⭐⭐⭐
Really enjoyed this sincere and bittersweet story despite the fact that I generally didn’t like Claire Dewitt as a protagonist.

‘Choose Your Own Heartbreak’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was so, so fun I loved it! The choose-your own-adventure format was really exciting and novel. I just kept rereading until I read all the possible routes. I especially like the route where she decides to have faith in those closest to her. I really enjoyed the second person perspective as well. It’s lovely, quick and clever while still being reflective and poignant. Everything in this story boils down to the bonds we make and break. Some might find it trite or cheesy to focus on something so simple but I think it’s very human and sincere.

‘Cynthia Silverton & The Charnel House Grounds’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
A deeply absurd story about a 19 year old university student detective in an existential rut that I really enjoyed. Cynthia Silverton is pure camp and fun and glitter and heart.The writing style is super ridiculous and has the campiness of a magician pulling a glittery dove out of their back pocket. It seemed like a satire of the pomp of a traditional mystery. Gran’s exploration of identity and our relationships with others was pretty well done as well.

‘The Mystery at Killington Manor’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was an incredibly charming story with vivid, striking characters, a playful style and some lovely prose. There was also pretty good exploration of grief, privilege and dysfunctional family dynamics. I really enjoyed the heartfelt relationship between Poppy and Mrs Kitty.

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The younger generation will probably love this, but it was not for me. Despite the title, these stories were not really mystery stories in the regular sense and were not at all concerned with detection, but were more centred around the musings, soul-searching and stream of consciousness of the individual detectives. The constant swearing was unnecessary and extremely off-putting - for this reader anyway, although this seems to be a given with any modern book, as is the casual treatment of sex. This book abounds in offhand references to sex as though just talking about the weather. Again it is clearly a generational thing but to me, this is not something to be casually thrown into everyday speech or treated as an everyday concept, but something that is private. I am no prude but like activities in the bathroom, activities in the bedroom are private and not to be casually aired, not in a decent, civilised society. Such things are not taboo, simply private.

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I really liked Come Closer, so when I saw this galley, I couldn't wait to read it. I just couldn't put it down! My nose was buried between train stops and while waiting at the bus stop. I liked the last two mysteries the most, but they were all enjoyable. Sars Gran's writing is so sharp, witty and incisive. I only wished these were being published in time to pick up a few for stocking stuffers!

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Such a weird, funny little treasure. I was indeed confused and delighted all the way. I’ll being looking up the author’s other works next.

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Sara Gran's Little Mysteries came along and made my day. Her signature heartening and heartbreaking but unflinching insight into humanity lies at the heart of each of these little gems and are a joy to read. I look forward to sharing this little wonder with everyone I can.

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My thanks to Dreamland Publishers and NetGalley for a copy of “ Little Mysteries “ for an honest review.

I generally like reading books with a little mystery and intrigue so this sounded ideal for me.I sometimes find short stories a little hit and Miss , and unfortunately , for me, this was more miss than hit.
It was quirky and entertaining but not really for me

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4 stars for the nostalgia hit I got from MASH!!! Really enjoyed the lit fic/cozy mystery blend. Choose your own path was fun, I was constantly entertained while being fed harder hitting topics like the pandemic. Looking forward to reading more from her!

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I really loved this book. These stories are sharp, clever, funny, sometimes cutting, and sometimes bittersweet, and they've lingered in my mind long after I finished the book. I've read other books by Sara Gran, and her trademark voice and wit are on full display here. Her noir-infused style works extremely well in these stories, and I loved the variety of formats and styles. While I enjoyed every story, there were three that were so excellent that any one of them would be worth reading the whole book for. Highly recommended! I can't wait to buy my copy when the book comes out.

Thank you to Dreamland Books, NetGalley, and Sara Gran for generously providing an ARC for review!

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I expected solvable mysteries with clues and settings that would entertain my brain. Rather felt like a series of vignettes--about already solved mysteries. I am going with 2 stars. It missed my expectations and I would not have chosen to read this book as it is. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the complimentary digital ARC. This review is my own opinion (and in the minority).

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Ooooh! More Claire DeWitt in this lovely, surprising book of short mysteries. Fun plays with tropes and form, too.

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Little Mysteries took me by surprise. I love Sara Gran but did not expect this to be such a beautiful reflection on grief and self-actualization? AND it was all wrapped up in a unique format for each story.

A little choose your own adventure? Why not!

The last two mysteries were my favorite but honestly they are all bangers. Just in case you can’t tell, I loved this book so much-please read it.

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One thing I have to say is that this book gave off so much coziness and comfort

I adore every short story despite some instances where the mystery is pretty obvious or vague, so I don't know what was happening half the time. It kind of fell short mystery-wise but literary fiction-wise, this book is brilliant! Gran was able to hook me in with her quirky and simple writing style immediately, it was what I needed after battling a terrible reading slump. I adored the underlying message interwoven into each mystery. That last mystery made me gasp in surprise and appreciation, and it is a chapter that I will never forget.

This book is the best of both worlds for me, mixing mystery and literary fiction, two literary genres that have a special place in my heart. Will definitely read more of Sara Gran's books sometime soon.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamland Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Literary, weird, bite-sized stories that both interrogate and expand on mystery tropes and take your breath away. An incredibly inventive, moving, philosophical book – perfect for mystery lovers who love a touch of the beautiful and the bizarre!

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I would like to thank Net Galley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I loved almost all of the stories - especially the dual timeline and choose your own way (and of course I went back a couple of times to make sure I tried all different versions and outcomes).

I really enjoyed having the mix both very short and longer stories and the times they take place in. 100% recommended for all who enjoys mysteries with a dash of weirdness!

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Not brilliant writing by any means, but this was a fun batch of stories. I appreciate the short stories and how they all were a little different. I liked the backstory that was provided for Claire.

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Subtitled: “Nine Miniature Puzzles to Confuse, Enthrall and Delight”

This was very inventive with everything from an old MASH game from middle school to stories featuring strong females, including Claire DeWitt whom Gran has written about before. Some stories are playful, some have more depth and the last is truly lovely. If you know you like Gran you’ll like this. If you enjoy strong female detectives, give this a try.

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This collection of short stories is so fun and punchy and the author is really adept at setting a scene. With ease, Sara Gran has created stories that feel like a film noir whilst still being fresh and original. This book is perfect as a short read, but left me wanting even more!

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I really loved the layout of the book and the story! A favourite chapter was when you had two time periods running concurrently!

I really enjoy the writing style of the author and would look to read more of their work!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamland Books | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles for this ARC! "Little Mysteries" by Sara Gran is an engaging collection of nine short stories that blend classic detective elements with existential reflections. The anthology features characters like the seasoned sleuth Claire DeWitt and teen detective Cynthia Silverton, who navigate various puzzles and mysteries that delve into the nature of detective stories themselves. Gran's writing is both witty and introspective, making each story a thought-provoking read. The collection effectively balances traditional mystery tropes with deeper philosophical questions about meaning and existence, creating a unique and compelling reading experience. Fans of Nancy Drew and those who enjoy a mix of mystery and literary fiction will find this book particularly delightful.

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Quick, interesting, enjoyable mysteries with insightful solutions. Has your brain thinking in different ways. I didn't realise this was a character (detective) from Sara Gran's books, as I've never read her books before, but I didn't need to because it becomes self explanatory.

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