Member Reviews

This story was so cute! I love reading funny picture books with my son. We got to preview read this story, and I honestly love stories that make hyenas out to be a positive character. Katrina does make some great jokes, and we love a silly hyena!

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Katrina Hyena, Stand-up Comedian is a funny book about a hyena who’s a little different from the others. While most hyenas only laugh when there’s danger, Katrina wants to make them laugh out of fun and dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian. It’s a great concept, and the pencil-colored illustrations are really wonderful! Children will love this humorous picture book!

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This is a very silly book! I think the chapter lengths and big, fun pictures make this a great beginner chapter book. I think this story would work great with certain kids but might not teach the best lesson to others. As long as you know your audience this is a great read!

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Katrina Hyena, Stand-Up COmedian by Sophie Kohn is a gem of a read. There are animal facts, humor and life lessons all wrapped into this easy to read chapter book. I loved the illustrations and the short chapters to get young readers excited about reading a chapter book. I will definitely be recommending this one to the teachers in my school as well as the students in my class.

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Katrina Hyena, Stand-up Comedian was an excellent first chapter book. The chapters were engaging and were the perfect length. My son and I loved the colorful and fun illustrations. The story itself was entertaining and made my son and I laugh out loud numerous times. He particularly loved Gary the lion and his hot sauces. My favorite were the illustrations of the animals. This was a delight storybook.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for an advanced copy of this story! We will be impatiently waiting for October so we can order it!

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Cute and silly, but Katrina never learns a lesson about there being a proper time and place for comedy, and sometimes you need to be serious.

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Katrina Hyena, Stand-up Comedian
Sophie Kohn
Aparna Varma, Illustrator
Genre: Children’s Beginner Chapter Book
Katrina is a hyena, and she lives in a clan of hyenas (a group of hyenas.) In her clan laughing is a warning to let the other members know there is a danger. Katrina is different, she laughs because she finds things funny. She finds everything funny. The other hyenas are exasperated. Katrina will start laughing (which she does a lot) and the members of the clan think she’s vulnerable and they hurry to help her.
What if Katrina really was in danger? What if Gary the Lion trapped her? What if he attacked her?
The whole clan was upset, stressed out and upset so Katrina did what she does best. She put on a comedy show.
This is a funny book. It has jokes, and funny illustrations.
I have mixed feelings about this book. It is very funny, and I love the illustrations, but Katrina was putting herself and her clan at risk. It didn’t make any difference to her. She laughed anyway and did not take any of their warnings to heart. I agree with the be true to yourself message. It’s ok to be different. But is it fair to be “true to yourself” when you are putting others in danger. This book sends out both positive and negative messages. It is selfish to only think of yourself.
Fact: Hyenas make a noise that sounds a lot like laughter. They make the sounds when they are fighting for food, in some type of social conflict. The laugh means they need help, are frustrated or a way to let others know their hyena social status. The laugh lets other hyenas know the presence of food or danger; it can also be used as a greeting or to establish dominance.

Thank you NetGalley for the review copy.

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This book was so cute! Katerina didn’t give up when every other hyena rolled their eyes and told her to stop. She kept going because she knew she had a purpose. My daughter loved the hyenas that were nice and funny unlike in the lion king. What a fun book!

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I received an electronic ARC from Owlkids Books through NetGalley.
Katrina is different from the other hyenas as she finds the humor all around them. Unfortunately, this means she laughs a lot and causes panic for the others. Readers see how she finds a way to have her dream and and still keep everyone safe. The humor shines through. I appreciate the message of being true to yourself but Katrina is very self focused and doesn't make an effort herself to be sensitive to others. So, a mixed message but worth the read to open dialogue.

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