Member Reviews

This was an interesting read that is not easily categorized. And that is the issue that I had with this book. Is it a memoir or is it a book on genetics? In fact it is both and I appreciate that the author did her best to present it as such, but for me as a reader, I found it somewhat frustrating. For the reader who has a more informed interest in science and genetic issues, this book will be a gem. For the reader interested in the book as a memoir that reveals "secrets" it will be a little disappointing. I do wish she'd put more of a spotlight on the "why" behind the so-called secrets.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. I hope it finds a slew of readers that are able to fully appreciate it.

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Susan Weiss Liebman’s soon-to-be-released book is brilliant. In “The Dressmaker's Mirror: Sudden Death, Genetics, and a Jewish Family's Secret,” the author outlines not just a family secret that would one day be thrust into the spotlight, but also provides readers with all of the background that one needs to understand the story within context.

As a scientist, the author has expertise in genetic testing and is now a fierce advocate for genetic screening. The family stories that Weiss Liebman tells reminds me of some of the same family secrets that festered in my own family, namely, my great-grandfather. Like the author’s uncle, the real cause of my great-grandfather’s death was covered up when he died in 1940 at the age of just forty-six years old. My grandfather—who was estranged from his father—always believed that he himself would die at a young age because his father did. Long after my grandfather died, I learned that my great-grandfather didn’t die from “accidentally” hitting his head at work—-but from meningovascular syphilis that eventually forced his second wife to commit him to a state hospital.

The author discusses in detail the social stigmas associated with genetic diseases. And while my great-grandfather’s death resulted from an illness that was not genetic, it was a combination of shame and fear that caused both of our families to hide the true causes of death.

What I really love about this book is that the author takes great pains to introduce readers to her cultural background. Besides the text, Weiss Liebman included two appendixes, chapter endnotes, photographs, a Glossary of Jewish Words, and a Glossary of Scientific and Medical Terms.

The author’s description of academic life really resonated with me, as I come from a similar background. But the author was really thoughtful in writing this text by ensuring that her inclusion of scientific information could be understood by, I believe, the vast majority of educated readers.

Weiss Liebman’s passion for genetic testing was born out of her and her family’s own personal losses, and those losses will become a gain for many readers. I’ve had some training in genetics, but it is not my expertise. With the author’s explanations, I was able to really understand the importance of genetic screening and from the author I learned that I can actually bank my DNA for my relative’s future possible research—something that I most definitely will be investing in.

I love that the author included a family chart at the beginning of the book because this really helped me to place family members in context. The author has a deep and unyielding faith, but it is one that is inspiring and not overburdened by dogmas. Weiss Liebman did a fantastic job of explaining both Jewish traditions and Jewish religious concepts for gentile readers.

I can see this book quickly becoming required reading for undergraduate and graduate science courses in colleges, especially in the United States. I’m not currently teaching, but if I was, I would undoubtedly use this book as part of my course. I strongly encourage the publishers to target colleges in their marketing campaigns.

I absolutely recommend this book to everyone, and especially to those who are interested in history, medicine, and disease. It is well written, sensitive, and thoughtful. Weiss Liebman deserves an A+!

I received an ARC of “The Dressmaker's Mirror: Sudden Death, Genetics, and a Jewish Family's Secret” by Susan Weiss Liebman from NetGalley and Rowman & Littlefield Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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