Member Reviews

This is usually not my prefered genre, but I needed something to brighten up my mood. I was instantly drawn to this book.
Illustrations are super cute, very precise, original, and perfectly describe the story. Chapters are short and easy to read.
Main characters were lovable, and I really enjoyed small girl and a big dog combination. I usually prefer small dogs, but this big one is adorable. Boy and small dog, of course, too.
Story was original and entertaining.
Instant mood booster! I was sad only, when it ended.
Definitelly reccomend to everyone, who wants to read something cute, happy, and enjoy illustrations with it.
Thank you for being able to read it, it means a lot to me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read an advanced copy of this!

This was such a cute read and start to a series I plan on continuing. It took me a bit to get into the small perspective change when the pets were introducing their humans, but when the story shared Chiharu and Kiyotaka's professions, it was just an automatic new favorite. Loved how the writer made the differences extend to other parts of their life and how they communicate. That was nice to see.

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Thanks to Kodansha Comics for an eARC provided through NetGalley. The following is my honest and personal review of the book.

I am still new to reading Manga, so I figured a story that includes cute puppies is a good way to get myself comfortable with this format I'm not used to. And I enjoyed it a lot! The art style is absolutely beautiful - even though sometimes I wasn't sure if I was seeing the same character or someone new - but that's on me, not them! And the story itself was so cute! I loved how opposite the couple and their dogs were to each other!! I look forward to reading Volume 2!

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Pupposites Attract is a dog manga and quite realistic too, which is nice. Chiharu has a Rottweiler she calls Tsubu and Kiyotaka has a Pomerian, Monjuro. These two love their dogs and the dogs have personalities, but are still normal animals. Chiharu and Kiyotaka meet and soon they start to have feelings for another and we get to see them through their dogs' eyes too. The series is cute and down-to-earth, but still serious and at the same time light and fluffy. The combination is good and the dogs actually look like dogs (mostly). This is a very adult series as the characters ponder about life, work and whatnot. This aspect I enjoyed the most. For me Kiyotaka is slightly annoying, but Chiharu's character was truly refreshing.

The art looks good and works well with the series. This series is truly for animal lovers alike and the romance is slow burning and heartfelt. Gladly the manga isn't full of "how to" knowledge, since those annoy me as the standards of animal keeping are so different in my country compared to Japan. I don't like it when animals are treated like children, put in clothes and such. This gladly avoids those aside from the weird bib.

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absolutely in love,
they are really too cute.

The dogs are adorable, and the main characters make me die laughing.


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One thing about me is that generally, the only time I get Really Big Dramatic Feelings is when I read... you add in pets on top of that. The odds of me having Big Emotions while I read skyrockets. Which means that I shouldn't be reading this during the day time. I should be saving it for nighttime, which is when I save all my "In My Feelings" books.

Because I got so emotional TWO DIFFERENT TIMES while I read this, and nothing actually sad was happening.

I really enjoyed this beginning to a new series. I thought it was funny and I can't wait to see our two main characters grow and learn more about each other.

Thank you Kodansha for the ARC! all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own

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I absolutely adored this Graphic Novel. I am a sucker for anything animal related, It was such a cute, quick and easy read and I will 100% be picking up the rest in the series. Thank you so much to Netgalley for my ARC copy.

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First of all, I’d like to thank both NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for providing this arc.

This was insanely cute, I was instantly drawn to this manga as soon as I saw the cover, and I know I shouldn’t “judge a book by its cover” but this is one of those times where I just couldn’t help it.
The drawings were STUNNING, I was absolutely in love and I kept giggling at every close up drawing of the dogs, especially the Pomeranian.

This mis-match concept was both cute and funny, and I loved the little backstory and how the dogs owners acted around their dogs, it was wholesome, in every possible aspect,

Usually this genre isn’t my go-to, but it was nice for a change and I would definitely love to read the next volumes, so I guess I’ll come back for more and I’ll definitely recommend this title to my friends.

Final rating 3,75/5

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This was absolutely adorable! I was in a rather bad mood the other night when I randomly decided to pick this up and when I tell you this manga fixed my whole entire night, I'm not even exaggerating. I have since been recommending it to anyone who will listen. It was so, so fun and as a big dog owner myself, I adored Tsubu-chan, and seeing the dynamic between him and Chiharu. And Kiyotaka's lack of willpower when it comes to Monjuro was hilarious! This was such a great first volume; I'll definitely be continuing this series!

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Thank you to Netgalley and publisher for my ARC copy.

Very cute and sweet book. Wasn't expecting a comic style book! I'm pleasantly surprised. Do love a book that involves animals! Will definitely keep a look out for number 2. Will recommend this to friends and families.

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Rated 4.5
Big dog / Small women - Small dog/ Big man
This was such a cute quick read. I loved that dogs had opposite personalities. The big good being timid and small dog being hyper/Full on.
It had humour as well. I look forward to seeing how the relationship develops in volume two.
The pictures were also beautiful as well.

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Pupposites Attract 1
by Hono Natsuna

Comics, Graphic Novels, Manga | Romance

I really liked the book.
It has an interesting premise, and the chapters are short.
I loved the first chapter the most, because it is so simple and direct. The other chapters build more the story and plot of the book by putting us in the lives of the characters. By the end of the book, I thought they were being too intense in the love they gave to the dogs, but I enjoyed starting to discover the lives of the characters.
The illustrations are really fantastic, they express the emotions of the characters and let the story flow calmly.

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SO CUTE! I love the dogs, especially Tsubu-Chan! I can already tell that the romance is going to be super cute, I love both of the characters.

I love how the dogs have “switched” personalities with the big dog being very timid and the small dog being very hyper and loud.

The art is good, the plot is good, and the characters are interesting!

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4.5 stars
This was absolutely wonderful. A truly feel-good 1st volume, full of laughter, cuteness, and the beginnings of romance. The dogs and their humans were so fun to read about and I can't wait for the next one!
Also, the art was just beautiful.

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Monjuro is a perky Pomeranian. Tsubu is a retiring Rottweiler. Their owners are Kiyotaka and Chiharu. Several chance meetings turn to intentional ones as they all grow closer. But if you think I won’t make a lame joke about the relationship going to the dogs, well, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

As a dyed in the wool cat person, this story should have as much weight with me as little Monjuro, but it has a heart as big as Tsubu. It’s a surprisingly fun and wholesome little romance that gives both warm fuzzies and possibly some mild shedding.

Sometimes it really is the smallest thing, and the switch of the dog personalities so Tsubu is the softest Rottweiler in existence and Monjuro basically owns Kiyotaka, instead of the reverse, was a smart play. It might not feel fresh but it at least reheats the leftovers real well.

This also translates to the owners - Chiharu keeps Tsubu on a short leash, but Monjuro could probably murder somebody in front of Kiyotaka and the latter would just run off to grab a shovel and some bleach. It just makes things a touch more interesting than they would be otherwise.

Honestly, Tsubu low-key steals this volume with his wimpy behaviour. Seeing something this huge be this timid and affectionate is not new, but the mangaka has so much fun that it’s hard not to just go along with it and have a good time. And when he worries Chiharu might forget him? The feels!

These little touches enliven a pedestrian (appropriate given how much they walk the dogs) romance that is just getting started, but is very firmly in the ‘shy to admit it but we’ll get there’ camp.

The art is quite nice, the characters are enjoyable to hang out with, the whole thing is chill without feeling bland. It also has a couple of downright hilarious moments - that bit with the CPR dummy just comes out of nowhere and is hysterically vicious.

Even the anthropomorphism of the pooches is done just lightly enough that I’ll allow it. There’s entirely too much charming stuff in this whole thing - this has the world’s cutest dog bib and it’s not even close.

No, if you don’t like pets or slow-burn romance you won’t enjoy this. But I was able to take a chance on this thanks to Kodansha and, boy, was I ever glad that I did. It’s not the next “wow” romance, but it is utterly sweet and heartwarming. The very definition of ‘feel good’.

4 stars - dogs are still things that happen to other people, but if more of them were like this I might be convinced to change my mind (just kidding, my cats rule, but that doesn’t give a good ending line for the review).

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*Arc provided by NetGalley*

4.25 out of 5 stars!

When I saw the cover of this book I knew I had to prepare myself for some cuteness overload, and it really did turn it being one of the cutest most sweetest mana I have read!
Before this I have never read a manga that focuses on dogs or their owners before. The drawing is too cute, the story is too cute and the title speaks for itself.

I can't wait to read more about Chiharu, Kiyotaka and their sweet fluffy companions!

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I really liked this it was soo freaking sweet and cute. The dogs are soooo adorable. his younger brother at the park was funny. I hope we get more relationship movement in the next volume. The art is adorable as well. I liked the chapter where we got the dogs POV, I wouldn't !one more of that in the next volume either. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC In exchange for my honest opinion.

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A very cute romance manga perfect for dog lovers or meet cute stories. The art in this series is lovely and I highly recommend it if you want a cute pick me up or simply a lighter read.

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Ate this up so quickly, it’s absolutely precious. What a heartwarming and soft story, the characters are so delightful and easy to enjoy!

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Thank you NetGalley for approving me for this ARC. I loved the main character and their dynamics with one another and with their dogs. While I do wish we got to see a little more of the brother and coworkers, I’m sure that will be included in the sequel or other volumes. I liked how the translation notes had images, it made the terms easy to understand and engaging. Overall, the plot was engaging but also low stakes so it was easy to enjoy and relax while reading the book. I can’t wait to read the second volume!

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