Member Reviews

This was such a cute read! I can’t wait to keep going with this series. Tsubu and Monjuro reminded me so much of my own two dogs, especially Tsubu! I can’t wait to see where the romance that started out here is going to go. Definitely highly recommend this manga if you’re looking for a cute and fluffy read! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ecopy

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Chiharu loves her Rottweiler and can't imagine how someone could have a small dog, while Kiyotaka has a Pomeranian and can't imagine what its like to have a big dog, the two meet and are very unsure at first, Chiharu feeling uneasy around such a small dog worrying that if she had one she'd hurt it, and Kiyotaka feeling a bit intimidated by the large Rottweiler. They begin to see each other more often and start to become friends.

So so adorable! I loved this one.
Both dogs were very cute and I really liked the main characters, such a wholesome manga.

Thanks Netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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These two need to get together like now. I think this manga is a bit slow but it has a good build up. The doggies are so cute, and the art is stunning.

I got an e-arc of this book on NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is a cute, heart-warming romance for people who love dogs. The premises are very simple: a big, strong guy with a cute, small dog and a cute, strong girl with a big, strong dog have a meet-cute at the dog park and slowly start to get to know each other. The characters personalities (especially the dogs'!) are truly adorable and the design is simple but very cute. The chapters are very short, which makes the story feel a bit rushed at the beginning. But after a few "setting-up" chapters the story picks up some more depth.

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Pupposites Attract, vol. 1
Genre: Fiction, Romance (Manga).
Rating: ★★★★.5 (4.5/5)

I thank NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for providing me with an advanced reader copy (ARC) of this book in return for an honest review.
"Pupposites Attract" is the story of two dog owners —Chiharu and Kiyotaka—, their love story, and their dogs (The shy Rottweiler Tsubu-chan and the extrovert Pomeranian Monjuro). It is not, by any means, a fresh, original idea, but I believe you can still enjoy it nonetheless. The dynamics are sweet and cozy, and I admit there were moments where I almost teared up (mostly due to Tsubu-chan and his fear of being cast aside).

While the writing is simple, I think it can be evocative, capturing the gradually interest between Chiharu and Kiyotaka, and the relationships between the owners and their dogs. I think it was an amazing first volume and a good floor for the next volumes to explore the relationships in the story.

Highly recommended for dog lovers, people who look for a light-read and manga fans.

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Ringrazio tantissimo NetGalley e Kodansha per la possibilità di leggere quest'opera.
Non avevo mai letto un manga con dei cani e devo dire che ne è passato tutto l'amore che Hono Natsuna prova per questi animali. Ho molto amato il contrasto tra Chiharu e Tsubu (i miei preferiti) e Kiyotaka e Monjuro. Come insegnante, mi ha fatto molto piacere vedere che Chiharu facesse il mio stesso lavoro, e avesse un grosso cane a casa ad aspettarla, proprio come me. É un manga molto dolce, che ti risolleva la giornata e ti fa amare ancora di più i cani. Non vedo l'ora di leggere il secondo volume.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha for the opportunity to read this work.
I had never read a manga with dogs before and I must say that all the love Hono Natsuna feels for these animals came through. I really loved the contrast between Chiharu and Tsubu (my favourite) and Kiyotaka and Monjuro. As a teacher, I was very happy to see that Chiharu was doing the same job as me, and had a big dog at home waiting for her, just like me. It's a very sweet manga, which makes your day and makes you love dogs even more. I can't wait to read the second volume.

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Okay well, dang, this was cute as hell.

Basically have a guy with a super small doggie, and a woman with a large big doggie, and they meet at the park and become friends. We then cycle back to the background of the woman, daily lives, and what they do for a living. It's simple slice of life, but very charming and did I mention the dogs? They're ADORABLE. So for a nice laid back style manga with doggies it gets a 4 out of 5.

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I absolutely loved this book. I loved the dogs my favorite is Tsubu-Chan. They are so cute. I highly recommend reading this. I can’t wait for volume two. It did make me miss my own dog Natty who I lost early this year. I’m glad I was able to read it though.

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——I was kindly given a Netgally copy of this Mangain exchange for an honeste review. —

In this story we follow two dog owners with opposites dog types, a small woman with a huge dog breed and big man with a small dog breed who meet by chance during a walk. This a warm and slow paced story that you can read to wind down and relax. Although the topics can be a tad serious (like setting work boundaries) the author manages to narrate it with a lighthearted voice and beautiful art style.

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I enjoyed this book. It is a quick, easy, and cozy read. I liked the characters and their backstories. I enjoyed the concept of opposites. I can't wait to continue the journey with our beloved characters. I would recommend it to anyone looking for maybe an introduction to manga.

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The best descriptor for this one is 'fluffy'; for numerous reasons. It's a sweet little romance between dog owners (with dogs that juxtapose their owners in sometimes quite funny ways), with an equally cute art style; as a small-dog owner myself, I particularly like how pomeranian Monjuro is depicted, both visually and in terms of overall small-dog chaos, and I'd love to have seen more chapters utilising the dialogue between the dogs. Kodansha always includes the translation notes I find compelling, and there are some fun little cultural titbits for Western readers, i.e. the fact that rottweilers are somewhat rare dogs to see in Japan. It's got pretty low stakes, as I'd expect for the first volume of a contemporary romance manga, and while there are the beginnings of interpersonal dramas at work, I'd be curious to see how this develops over the course of the series: it's very much like Way of the House-Husband for dog lovers.

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A petite woman with an adorable Rottweiler meet a tall man with a cute Pomeranian. Sometimes you even get to hear from the dogs which is so fun. I enjoyed the art and can’t wait to read the next volume.
This was definitely an easy enjoyable comfort read. Perfect for anyone looking to cozy up with their dog and read a manga.

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I 100% requested this just from the title and dogs on the cover (: It's a cute, quick, easy read about two dogs and their humans that will leave any dog lover smiling and have you rooting for some romance between Chiharu and Kiyotaka. I like that Tsubu (the Rottweiler) is a soft, sweet mush of a dog and Monjuro (the Pomeranian) is a high energy menace and their owners are complete opposites of each other. If you're looking for a lighthearted, cozy, fun read then I'd definitely recommend this one.

Thank you Kodansha Comics and NetGalley for the eARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is the first volume and the story was so beautifully written down along with beautiful characters. I absolutely love the plotline.
I finished it one sitting and absolutely love it.

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I loved this book, it was so warm and fluffy. I really enjoyed the authors descriptions of the characters. The translation explanations at the back of the book are a nice addition for those unfamiliar with manga and Japanese culture. I can't wait for a volume two.

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This was an absolutely adorable beginning to a sweet romance series. You can tell the author loves dogs so much with beautifully drawn details of the pups. I love the trope of a small strong girl and a big sweet man with dogs that match their insides, not outsides. This is a slow-burn romance that is just getting started, and I would love to keep reading more. I also like how the main characters are adults with jobs and not some high schoolers (which happens a lot in romance manga). I will definitely continue with this series!

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this was SO CUTE OMG!!

mmc w/small fluffy dog x wmc w/big rottweiler like?? does it get more tropey??

i really liked the meet cute feel of it all, but there were definitely some parts of it that felt a little too cringey!

i really loved how there was like a little character profile thing at the very end bcos i got confused about who was who for a bit in the middle, i wish i knew about it when i was reading!

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The Pupposites Attract, Volume 1 by Hono Natsuna is a cute manga that explores the charming dynamics between owners and their dogs, where opposites attract. It portrays big dogs and small dogs paired with their unlikely human counterparts—big dogs with small women and small dogs with big men—and it offers a heartwarming glimpse into unique dog-human relationships. This quick read is perfect for any dog lover, especially those fond of Rottweilers, combining cuteness with a touch of quirky humour. 
Thank you Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for the eARC of this book.

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I absolutely loved this first volume! The opposite's attract trope has always been one I enjoyed, and I loved the inclusion of animals into this trope! The pet inner-monologue was not something I was expecting, and found myself looking forward to it!

I will absolutely be following this series and have Volume 1 on the way, with a few upcoming volumes already pre-ordered!!

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This was an adorable and touching manga about the relationship between a dog and their person. I liked the dynamic of big dog/small woman and small dog/big man. The addressing through humor of the tendency for large, intimidating dogs to be judged despite copious training and good behavior, versus small dogs with poor training and rambunctious behavior, was very apt for current attitudes toward specific breeds. All around, this was a delightful manga that was clearly written by a fellow dog-lover. Highly recommend and I can't wait for volume two!

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