Member Reviews

I love dogs so I gave this 5 stars. The dogs were the star of this manga, Munjuro reminds me of my Coco 😍 There were some issues with this, one being that the chapters were way too short and felt more like quick scenes than chapters in a story. Literally almost all of the first half would have been bonus chapters in any other manga. It seems like the end of it was getting better at that and I do look forward to the next volume! Also I love Kiyotaka!!!!! He really is just like a dog (in a good way? lol)

*Arc provided by NetGalley*

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What a cute book! The artwork was adorable! The dogs were absolutely precious and I'm looking forward to the future of this series.

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My daughter is really into Manga stories. It is such a challenge to find stories that are the Manga style but avoid the super adult content that I don’t want her reading yet. She stemmed to enjoy this book. It passed the mom test as well.

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This had a really nice art style that I enjoyed. I liked how the two characters were complete opposites and showed even in terms to types of dogs. I liked it gave a bit of backstory for Tsubu and would have liked to see for Monjuro too. I think the chemistry between the two is a little bit off and not really developed yet and think it would benefit of more development there.

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This manga was so cute and enjoyable to read.

It consists of short vignettes centered around Kiyotaka, Chiharu, and their dogs. Even though the chapters were short I still felt connected to the characters and felt like the experiences they had were relatable as someone in her late 20's. The dogs were so precious and I the chapter were you were able to see the POV of the dogs.

Loved seeing the moments where the characters start to crush on the other one. Will definitely be reading Vol 2!

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Pupposites Attract is exactly what the title proclaims it to be. Both of the main characters have dogs that appear to be very opposite of their personalities. But, their dogs do in fact align with their personalities perfectly! The way the main character first meets reminds me a little bit of the start of 101 Dalamantions. This story is very cute, it's more like a series of connected vignettes stories. I do like that the story does good character development, showing us there's more than meets the eye with both the main couple and their dogs! The art style is also so cute, the artist clearly does an excellent dog drawing dogs.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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This adorable manga is the equivalent of the cute videos and Instagram posts you like and share on the Internet with friends or with your partner.

I like the two protagonists and how the polar opposites factor plays out, her having the big and intimidating dog and him having a small size dog. The rottweiler was definitely my favorite and I love how it addresses the stigma of big dogs being dangerous. (I'm also a fan of Nala The Needy Rottie, if you haven't checked out her channel you totally should, especially if you loved Tsubuchan and dogs in general). 🐶❤️

Regarding the romance, nothing really happens yet, but we see a meet cute and how this has the potential to be a really nice and healthy slow burn.

Overall, I like the messages of this manga, from the career confusion in your 20s, which I found very relatable, to how dogs can become anchors in your life and hold you together at the best and worst of times.

I'll definitely keep an eye on the next installments.

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It’s really cute! The contrast between the two dog owners is really sweet I just wish there was more to it.

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Chiharu is a petite elementary teacher who owns a large yet timid Rottweiler. She has a problem controlling her strength. Kiyotaka is a tall and strong firefighter who adores his small yet energetic Pomeranian. He is shy and tentative. The two meet by accident in the dog park. Then they start to run across one another more frequently.

What I enjoyed the most about this manga: I like how the mangaka shows the natural fear (and prejudice) people show towards Rottweilers. People assume, just by their appearance, they are aggressive and scary. This is untrue! It all depends on the dogs’ upbringing and owner.
I also adore how the dogs’ personalities are opposite of their owners! It is cute how Chiharu and Kiyotaka treat their canine babies, especially Kiyotaka. His entire world revolves around Monjuro.

This manga is so cute and heartwarming! It is a nice change-of-pace for me. The romance between Chiharu and Kiyotaka is slow, which is fine with me. I cannot wait to see how these two canine parents’ relationship evolves. I plan to add this series to my collection. It is a nice series to re-visit for a pick-me-up.

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Cute romance with a fun setup and adorable dogs <3
Easy to follow for those who haven't read much manga before.

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This was pretty cute. I liked all the adorable drawings of dogs, which is what I came for, so mission accomplished. There is not that much more to say since it is only vol. 1

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Cute story of two dog owners who are drawn together by their dogs. Chiharu is a tiny woman who owns a large Rottweiler, Tsubu. He was supposed to be a police dog, but he’s too timid. Kiyotaka is a strong firefighter, who owns a tiny Pomeranian, Monjuro. She’s an energetic little dog Kiyotaka adores.

The story consists of short chapters where the two humans run into each other while walking their dogs. Everything is cute and sweet, but a bit slow. I’m not sure I’d follow this through many volumes, but one or two is fine.

Illustrations were cute and good.

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A heartwarming, cozy manga about dog lovers, for dog lovers. Stunning illustrations that are crisp and refreshing. The perfect balance of laughs and heart string tugs. A woman who doesn’t know the power of her own strength and a man who will do anything to please and protect. Will they, and their furry counterparts, find that opposites truly do attract?

I always enjoy when books include behind-the-scenes content at the end. It is nice, as an artist myself, to see what goes into some of the characters and illustrations. It helps me learn and grow my own skillset! Always a nice touch that I appreciate.

The translation notes section was stellar. A combination of illustrations and written clarifications to cultural or language context that is important to understanding the story in its entirety.

First impressions:
The art is too cute in the best way. I loved the facial expressions of little Monjuro—truly brought the tiny dog to life and had me giggling. As a small dog owner myself, the essence of the small dog personality was captured perfectly and hilariously.

Wait, now the dogs have their own dialogue!? Love that.

When the story ended, I wanted more! I plan to buy this when it releases because it was such a sweet and heartwarming read. Perfect cozy anxiety buster for bedtime or a quiet afternoon. I can’t wait to see where the next issue goes. Thank you!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for giving me the opportunity to read this cute manga in exchange for an honest review.

I'll be honest - it's been years since I picked up a manga, but when I saw the cover of this one I just _knew_ I was the target audience and couldn't keep my hands off it. This was the right choice, because it absolutely lives up to the description "A fluffy, feel-good romance manga for dog lovers!" and it lived up to all the expectations I had.

This manga is a light-hearted starting romance between Chiharu, a small but strong woman, who owns a Rottweiler and Kiyotaka, a big but softhearted man, who owns a Pomeranian. Like most dog owners, they start speaking to each other as they frequent the same paths when walking their dogs, which slowly transforms into a friendship and a blossoming romance. Is the storyline simple? Absolutely, but that also makes for a relaxing and cosy read to pick up on a rainy day.

If you're not usually one who reads manga, there are some translation notes in the end of the book to help you understand some translation choices and cultural parts of the story, which might make the story easier to follow.

If you like: 1) dogs (and cute dog drawings) 2) cute romances 3) light-hearted stories 4) big softy dogs and headstrong smol dogs then this is for you!

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This book is like spending a cozy day at home wrapped in a blanket while sipping a warm drink: it's the definition of comfort. 🐶 Pupposites Attract is a slice-of-life romance manga about two pet owners who are so very different from their dogs. In this story, we follow two characters: Chiharu, a small but fearless woman with a huge and sweet Rottweiler, and Kiyotaka, a tall but shy man with a cute and energetic Pomeranian. This manga is so adorable, fun, and wholesome. I've only read the first volume, and I'm already itching for more! I'm definitely looking forward to the upcoming additions to this series.

I initially picked this up because the book cover and description reminded me of another manga series I loved. If you liked Skip and Loafer or Wotakoi, I highly recommend checking this out! 😍

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Super cute and cozy! I loved all the adorable dog pictures! I will definitely be reading volume 2 when it comes out!

Thank you to NetGalley, Kodansha Comics, and Hono Natsuna for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader's Copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Hono Natsuna and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review 🐾

This was a very quick and easy read. I love the gradual development between Kiyotaka and Chiharu. It's so cute how they are the epitome of opposites attract. While Kiyotaka is a big, strong firefighter and has a cute, small Pomeranian (Monjuro), Chiharu is a gentle teacher with a Rottweiler (Tsubu-chan). So their encounters are so fun to read about.

I love the art style, there's a perfect balance of values. And the text did not get lost in the art.

Lastly, the anthropomorphism of the pets were not overdone and I found them quite funny.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

a light-hearted comforting manga with adorable art style! perfect for dog lovers!

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A cute, lighthearted rom-com about a pair of dog-lovers who grow close thanks to their dogs.

Kiyotaka is a tall firefighter with a tiny Pomeranian while Chiharu is a petite teacher with a Rottweiler. They’re pretty different from each other, and appearances being deceiving is kind of a theme in this book (except for Monjuro, the Pomeranian, who is exactly as she looks). There’s no animosity between the two leads, and they’re all civil adults so nothing really childish or immature happens (so far). It’s just a really sweet, bright, slow romance, and I hope this continues in upcoming volumes!

Thanks to Netgalley for the eARC.

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4.5 ⭐️
(Arc provided by netgalley)
I loved this one! It was cute and fluffy. The art was beautiful. The relationship between the dogs and their owners was too wholesome. What I loved was that the author included Monjuro and Tsubu-chan’s thoughts in one chapter. Happy tears truly. Mojuro being the little firecracker she is and Tsubu-chan being the gentle giant who loves cute things 😭😭 made it so wholesome and fun to read.

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