Member Reviews

This was sadly not a manga for me. I couldn't stand the importance of beauty in the plot. I liked the main character but everything was too perfect. The illustrations are nice.

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Rating: 4.95 leaves out of 5
-Characters: 4.75/5
-Story: 5/5
-Writing: 5/5
Genre: josei, romance
-josei: 5/5
-romance: 5/5
Type: Manga
Worth?: Yes

Want to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.

Was not expecting to enjoy this manga like I did. At first I thought it was going to be one of those one shots and done kind of deals. (Forgot it said Vol 1) and by the time I got to the ending I needed to read more!

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Nagi is just a girl who dresses more masculine wanting to live a more feminine life. Aran is a boy who models and wears whatever he feels comfortable in. They are working together to help Nagi get over her fear of men. Both characters have a lot of growth to make after this book and I can’t want to read the next in the series!

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This is fantastic! It has a good premise, the FMC doesn't have a hugely traumatic background for her aversion to men, which is nice. The MMC reminds me of Hotohori from Fushugi Yugi and the androgynous model persona is genius.

This gets going very quickly and covers alot of ground by the end. I wish there was more to it, more chapters to the volume, but I will look for future publications and happily recommend my local library purchase this.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for access to this eARC.

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The visuals style of this is absolutely stunning! The characters and outfits are beautiful and really drew me in as a reader as I kept wanting to see what gorgeous fashion would appear next!

Story wise it was great to have characters that were androgynous and exploring their character through clothing. I liked the contract between the two main leads, one confident one meek.

Unfortunately the plot did feel very rushed to me and whilst I loved the concept of fake dating etc. I was not a fan of the instant love/affection. In the space of 4 chapters everything had moved so quickly so it did not seem realistic. One of the characters went from carefree to possessive very quickly which did not feel natural.

Overall I would still check out the next volume in this series as visually I was a big fan and I hope further volumes would help flesh out the relationship between the two leads and hopefully be less superficial.

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*Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for providing a review copy in exchange for honest feedback.*

4.5 Stars!

Nagi, our cool tomboyish heroine, wants to enjoy a normal and loving relationship. However, Nagi hasn’t been able to touch men without feeling repulsed since a bad experience in college. Everything changes once Nagi meets her favorite women’s fashion model, Aran-chan, who turns out to be an androgynous and frustratingly confident man capable of pulling off any look! Yet Aran’s touch doesn’t drive Nagi away, instead she wants to try getting closer. Is there hope for Nagi’s love life after all?

Spicy and sweet, That Beauty is a Tramp Vol. 1 delivers a heart-pounding attraction, comedy hijinks, and surprising vulnerability. I totally devoured this book and cannot wait for the next volumes to come out! Hal Osaka’s art had me sighing and mooning over Aran and Nagi like I was back in high school. Their character’s facial expressions are very dynamic and allow every emotion to shine. Plus the characters' outfits? Absolutely amazing!

My favorite part, aside from all the swoony romance scenes, was that Aran and Nagi are equally out of their comfort zones and have to lean on each other. Aran’s physical experience and swagger are top tier but he has little knowledge of how to be vulnerable with someone or cherish them in a relationship. Nagi is super supportive of others and knows exactly what she wants for them, but really struggles with her lack of romantic history and has very little confidence in her looks. It was so rewarding to see them challenge each other as their relationship progressed.

I mean when Aran told Nagi “It pisses me off when someone puts down what I adore.” After she was harsh about her looks? I completely melted. I’m beyond excited to read the next volume in the series.

If you’ve graduated to reading josei titles, but miss the pacing, panel layouts, and a couple clichés of shojo manga, you’ll definitely enjoy That Beauty is a Tramp. There’s a slight Haruhi and Tamaki vibe to Nagi and Aran’s relationship, for any Host Club fans. However, this manga is perfect for any lover of a swoony rom-com who enjoys very light spice, or anyone just starting to read more adult manga as the series is 16+. Though I think the following volumes may get a bit more detailed.

Be sure to pick up That Beauty is a Tramp Vol. 1 at your local bookstore and check out to view all their newest and upcoming releases!

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Nagi is a self-described tomboy. She doesn’t think “girlie” things look good on her. She is very inexperienced when it come to men because she has not been treated as a love interest before. While at a party a good male friend drinks too much and comes on too strong, Nagi panics and punches him. She is too embarrassed and horrified to ever speak to him again. Nagi feels she is doomed to never have a romantic relationship with a man. She has a crush on a popular model Aran . She discover the androgynous beauty is really a man when she meets them. Aran asks Nagi for a favor, to be in a photo shoot for a watch with them. Nagi asks Aran to be her pretend boyfriend for a month to get her used to being around a man.
What could go wrong? Enjoy the comedic mishaps and the two coming to terms with their feelings.

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"That Beauty Is a Tramp" offers an intriguing premise that plays with gender roles and societal constructs. The story follows Nagi, a cool and tomboyish woman who desires a boyfriend but struggles with a deep-seated aversion to being touched by men. This changes when she meets Aran, a stunning male model with an androgynous appearance, who she can surprisingly touch without triggering her usual reflexive reactions. Aran's unique ability to effortlessly model both masculine and feminine styles adds an interesting layer to the story.

I appreciated how the manga delves into discussions of gender and sexuality, showcasing them as constructs shaped by society. However, the story felt a bit rushed, almost as if I had been dropped into the middle rather than starting from the beginning. The pacing was uneven, with some scenes jumping around and feeling randomly placed, which detracted from the overall narrative flow.

Despite these flaws, it was a quick, fun read. The dynamic between Aran and Nagi is intriguing. Though I didn't particularly care for Aran's personality, the unfolding power dynamics between the two, especially with the hint of Aran's insecurity and controlling nature at the end of volume 1, suggest that there's more complexity to explore in future volumes.

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Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this.

This is a very interesting start to the series, and I am very interested to see where this goes.

We are introduced to Nagi, who reflexively rejects the touch of men, and Aran, an androgynous model whose touch does not give her a reaction. They ultimately decide to date for one month to let Nagi practice being in a relationship, and to also help her not reject the touch of men.

This is very nicely drawn, and am interested to see what happens in the next volume.

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It's a lovely manga. Even though the plot is not new, I love how Osaka-sensei executed the story. I also really adore the beautiful characters illustrated. Thank you, NetGalley and Kodansha USA for providing this eARC.

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I enjoyed reading this manga. It has a cute couple who are trying to figure out their feelings for each other, is it just temporary or is it going to be permanent?! Can't wait to read more volumes of this story!

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10/10 HIGHLY recommend! Oh my goodness the tension was so hawt in this one! I was really drawn into this one with the fear of men and having an androgynous model fake date to get used to men, but the genuine feelings and connection that started to form was so adorable to see. also the immediate sexual chemistry was something else. I am eagerly awaiting volume 2 and I want to purchase a physical copy of this one because I want to reread this again and again!

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This manga was a rapid read.
It's fun but too quick in the story for my taste.
The characters' drawings were perfect and cute.
The history overall was interesting but too fast-paced.


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Хм, това е в известен смисъл необичайно, най-малкото защото през абсолютно цялото време се опитват да се... изядат, да речем. Историята на пръв поглед е насочена към вътрешното, но всъщност главният фокус пада най-вече към физическото привличане, без разбира се да отива отвъд "притеснителните" жанрове. Артът е хубав, историята не стои в застой и все пак ми е много странно какво по-точно ще може да се измисли като продължение. Подобен тип истории изглеждат като доджинши, които не изкарват повече от един том. Също така като цяло е на ръба между шоуджо и джосей, сякаш не може много добре да прецени какво е (най-вероятно повече джосей, но без особено голяма дълбочина).

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This is a quick, cute read. The art style is beautiful! Aran is gorgeous and his gender bending style is amazing. I love how he is helping Nagi become more confident. I cant wait to read more of Nagi and Aran’s relationship!

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Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with the opportunity to read this title before it was published.
So, this title was a bit racy, and this is the first time I've encountered this type of manga. The premise of the story makes sense. The main character is assaulted. This makes her repulsed by men until she meets this highly androgynous male model. He is able to pull her out of it. Nothing truly adult happens in this first volume. I'm sure that will change in future volumes. So far, I kind of like the romance between the main characters; however, it seems to be developing rather quickly. Overall, this has promise. It needs some plot work.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this e-book ARC!
4 stars

The art on this is so prettttty! The art is what first drew me to the manga, so it was nice to see the prettiness carried throughout. I'm sad because I cannot find anywhere to continue this manga online v_v May just have to get the manga as it comes out. I liked the concept of a female MC unable to touch men but the androgenous guy bypassing that. The mature-ness of the manga is a bit above what I'd typically look for, but the art is too pretty and I enjoy the characters enough not to care. Gives more pretties! Also, I like that Aran isn't treated less as a man just because he likes wearing clothing for either gender. All for people just being able to wear what they want to without it having to decide anything about them.

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I thought the premise of this book was really great, but I'm not so sure on the execution. Maybe the first book was a little shaky to me because it was volume number 1 and the story was getting set up? I probably will give this story another chance in volume 2, because I really want to like it!

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I liked the characters individually, but together, I didn't like the way that she said she couldn't touch boys, but with him she wanted to touch him and much more.
There was no development of emotions to get to that point.
However, I like the drawings, I just wasn't expecting the story to develop like that.
I guess is my bad.

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Ich habe mich über das Buch sehr gefreut. Es ist nicht nur fließend zum lesen sondern auch sehr spannend.

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