Member Reviews

Nothing what I had expected, but was very pleased. A fun intriguing read. Would recommend anyone who did liked mooning over you, it gave me a bit of similar vibes.

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Está entretenido, el arte es muy bonito!✨
Lo que casi no me gustó, es lo rápido que pasa todo?
Es como un instalove, la verdad no me molesta pero estuvo raro todo lo que pasó jajaja🤔
La historia es… interesante? Jaja repito es entretenido pero siento que pasó todo muy rápido, de igual manera me gustó lo suficiente como para querer continuarlo.

Thanks Netgalley for the arc✨

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Nagi is a tomboy who secretly yearns to experience romance and passion with a man. However, unconsciously her body rejects any touch from them. Aran is an androgynous male model already popular in women’s fashion. He wants to branch out in men’s couture. He spots Nagi at a fashion show and asks her to be his partner in an upcoming photo shoot. She agrees, only if he agrees to help her overcome her aversion to male touch. Can Aran cure Nagi of her problem?
Aran reminds me of Ayame Sohma from Fruit Basket. They have the same vibe, flair and confidence. And long, beautiful hair! I have a weakness for anime and manga men with long hair. They are my kryptonite. What I love the most about Aran is how HE sees Nagi’s beauty. He dislikes how she continuously disparages her looks.
Nagi proves to be Aran’s perfect contrast. She is not confident in her appearance, whereas he is. I love how Aran is slowly helping Nagi build up her confidence. And I like how the mangaka did not make it instant. Being around Aran is opening Nagi’s eyes to a good many things.
I really enjoyed this volume. It is a fun quick read. Also, it is a nice change-of-pace for me. Nagi and Aran are both adults.
I plan on picking up this manga for my collection and to read upcoming volumes as they are released.

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I like the main character, and the love interest is definitely intriguing! The ending cut off rather fast though.

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3.5 stars rounded up!

This was such a quick and fun read. It took me a bit to figure out how to read it but once I figured it out, it was a lot of fun. I really liked Aran and Nagi and I am excited to see where their story goes! It was a great first volume!

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This seems like it could turn into a cute romcom. This first volume is pretty standard shojo manga and very insta-relationship in a way that I don't particularly enjoy. I'm not sure if the gender identity/sexuality will develop into anything meaningful - seems unlikely.

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This was some light hearted fun with amazing arts! The leads were beautifully drawn, I just couldn't keep my eyes off either of them.

Personally, I prefer to have more substances in the plot and character departments in my romcom before the skinship and possessiveness and what-have-you but again, I did have fun with it all. I also must admit that at some point MMC morphed into a certain long-haired red head for me and I was too distracted by that realization to take him seriously (oops).

I highly recommend this manga to those looking for beauitful arts and a totally indulgent rom-com!!

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This is your basic shojo manga. It has some big cliches, like the FMC being picked out of the crowd by the gorgeous MMC she’s never met. Or him being obsessed with her for no real reason, The gimmick of this book is that she’s a boyish girl and he’s a feminine boy, but the author doesn’t use that idea in an interesting way. It becomes him teaching her how to be feminine and embrace her beauty while falling in love, without exploring gender identity outside of an off comment the MMC makes.

The drawing style was very inconsistent. Some scenes the figures had great proportions and artistic touches, but how the characters are drawn isn’t clear, so they look like different people on different pages.

I know it sounds like I’m ragging on this book. I’ve just had a lot of experience with manga, and these tropes, so this one is far from the best on the market.

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Great beginning to the series where we get to see some action/movement in their relationship which, in turn, builds anticipation to the next volume.

It’s great to see Nagi opening herself up to feeling more confident in herself and her looks, especially considering she doesn’t believe that she fits in with the ‘norm’ of her gender.

It’s also great to see a male lead who is confident in himself and his expression of gender, not wanting to limit how he dresses or styles himself to a small box. I think this volume has given me great expectations for future volumes and how their relationship and their characters will develop.

Both leads aren’t afraid of acknowledging their needs or being vocal with them, nor are they necessarily ashamed of their experience or lack thereof. Both of the leads also seem open to listening to one another and voicing their feelings which is great to see!

Looking forward to future volumes!

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OH my goodness. I loved everything about this manga. The art style is superb; it takes my breath away. There's such an attention to detail in the eyes, the faces, the clothes. It's all exceptional.

And the plot, while typical "I'm not beautiful / special", is done in such a lovely way. We get an MMC who doesn't care about gender stereotypes and it's so refreshing. I love that he's already getting jealous. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a super long series because I feel like it's already ramping up pretty quickly. But as soon as I finished, I wanted the next one immediately!

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The art is gorgeous. The characters are fantastic. I'm all in on this instalove which is very unlike me. I would chop my hair off for the rest of the series RIGHT NOW!

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This was a super fun and cute intro to a new Kodansha series! Fans of old school Shojo Beat will adore Aran and Nagi as they come together in a fake relationship that no doubt turns real! The art is beautiful and sweeping and the colors in the chapter introductions stole my breath. Excited for the next!

Thank you to Kodansha and Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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