Member Reviews

3.75/5 Rounded Up and highly recommended! Thank you to NetGalley and MIRA for the ARC!

What I loved: FINALLY getting to Sofi and Leo! I adore this series and hope it never ends! The family shenanigans. Papo obviously deserves his own shoutout. I did like the progression of the resolution and the recognition that both main characters needed to grow and change--any conflict was not placed solely on one party. I also love how the main characters have to face their past, providing a depth in character development that I have come to expect from Natalie Caña's writing!

What I didn't love: I personally do not like scenes with big grand gestures at other people's weddings. I imagine it as a separate attendee and feel so uncomfortable that it pulls me out of the story--I do know that other people love this, so it's a me problem! I also don't love when one partner tries to keep their relationship a secret and I do find that hard to look past.

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Ahh! I've been dying for Leo's and Sofi's story to come out since it was first hinted at during the first book in this series. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint. The chemistry, the spice, the angst, the love, and the Spanish dirty talk, it was all there.

If you follow the series, then you know the Vega siblings as a whole and love the family and all they have to offer. Like the other books, the Puerto Rican representation is there, I would say this one has it more because Leo is a straight up singing heartthrob. Sofi being Afro Latina, she details her experience traveling abroad not "looking" Latina and also her experience her which for me was wonderful to see. Natalie Caña always takes such care writing these characters because this is definitely an #ownvoices story. Leo and Sofi deal so much with their mental health and that is definitely a major obstacle in realizing their relationship. There is a 3rd act breakup, but it is very much needed and not because of miscommunication but because of what I just mentioned. Leo had a previous injury, and Sofi has some trauma she needs to deal with.

Again, I loved being with the Vega family and attending the wedding of Liam & Kamilah. I'm so glad this was the center of the book. It all came full circle I feel. I hope we get more sibling love stories because I'm not ready to be done with this family.

Go pre-order this book! You'll love it come the fall!

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for and ARC copy in exchange for an honest b review as always, all words are my own.

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I have been waiting for this book since the first of the series and it DELIVERED. I loved the way the conflicts from other books were handled and how the two of them came together. Fingers crossed for more Vega family drama or at least more from Natalie!

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thank you for the arc. i'm so sorry but this book was not for me. it would have greatly benefitted from strong editing. it was really evident to me that there was a huge disparity in who the author wanted the characters to be and how they came across on page. this a lot of the writing and explanations came off as juvenile. i have high hopes for this author and this family she has created but the writing itself comes across as very flat.

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Third book in the series. Leo has been looking for the right woman forever. He never got over Sofi and now he tries to get her back with the help of Leo's grandfather and Sofi's grandma.

A fun rom-com. Love Leo and Sofi together. The grandparents are a hoot! Love the big family and the whole cast.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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No leí los libros anteriores y entendí todo, las pocas referencias a libros pasados son pocas y con explicación.

Sofi y Leo han tenido una relación intermitente o mejor dicho han sido amigos con beneficios por más de una década y lo mantuvieron en secreto. Con el paso de los años ambos desarrollaron sentimientos por el otro, pero se lo guardan.

Ambos tienen sus razones para mantenerlo en secreto hasta un día Leo tiene un accidente y se da cuenta que la vida es corta, entonces decide que cortejará a Sofi.

A lo largo del libro vemos como llegaron a ese extraño acuerdo, como se llevan con su familia, que es lo que quieren para su futuro y sus enfrentamientos con sus demonios.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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