Member Reviews

Elanna Moon’s Zeta Rodgers Needs to Relax offers readers a heartfelt, engaging romance that deftly balances emotion, humor, and real-life challenges. With a premise rooted in the complexities of disability, unexpected parenthood, and workplace tension, Moon crafts a refreshing and charming love story that’s both thought-provoking and lighthearted.

Zeta Rodgers, the novel’s protagonist, is immediately likable. A freelance programmer with a cozy, introverted life, Zeta manages her disability—an ultrasensitive vasovagal syncope response, which causes her to faint from stress—with a combination of humor and determination. The novel does a great job of portraying how Zeta navigates her condition, making her a compelling and relatable character. Her desire for control over her life is clear, and her vulnerability after meeting Ashford Cross, a high-powered, stressed-out businessman, creates an emotional depth that resonates throughout the novel.

The chemistry between Zeta and Ash is strong from their first meeting, which is cut short but remains pivotal to the rest of the story. Zeta’s unexpected pregnancy and her struggle to contact Ash injects tension into the narrative, but it’s the moment when she realizes that her difficult new boss is none other than Ash that truly ramps up the stakes. The forced proximity and workplace conflict add an enjoyable layer of complexity to their budding relationship, giving the novel both romantic and dramatic tension.

Ash is a well-drawn character, dealing with immense pressure from his father’s sudden health crisis and his unexpected inheritance of the family business. Moon effectively conveys his internal conflict: the tension between the caring man Zeta meets and the corporate leader who is increasingly consumed by stress. His gradual realization of what truly matters—Zeta, their baby, and a life beyond the corporate grind—is satisfying, even if it’s a bit predictable.

One of the strengths of Zeta Rodgers Needs to Relax is its portrayal of real-life struggles alongside the romance. Zeta’s disability is treated with care and nuance, and her determination to provide for her child despite her challenges is inspiring. Moon doesn’t shy away from the difficulties Zeta faces, but she also infuses the story with moments of humor and warmth, making it a joy to read.

The romance itself is well-paced, with plenty of tension as Zeta and Ash navigate their personal and professional lives. Their banter is witty, and the emotional stakes are high as they grapple with the fallout of their one-night stand and the impending arrival of their child. The novel’s emotional core lies in their gradual understanding of each other’s struggles and the realization that love, support, and compromise are necessary to build a future together.

However, the novel does have a few minor drawbacks. Some of the plot points—such as the unexpected pregnancy and workplace romance—are familiar tropes in the romance genre, and while they are handled well, they don’t necessarily break new ground. Additionally, Ash’s transformation from stressed corporate heir to caring partner feels a bit rushed toward the end, leaving readers wishing for a bit more exploration of his personal growth.

Final Thoughts:
Zeta Rodgers Needs to Relax is a delightful, emotionally rich romance that offers readers a blend of humor, heart, and real-life challenges. Elanna Moon creates a cast of relatable characters, particularly in Zeta, whose journey toward love and self-acceptance is both heartwarming and inspiring. While the novel leans on some familiar tropes, the nuanced portrayal of Zeta’s disability and the tender romance with Ash make it a standout read. A well-deserved 4-star rating for this thoughtful and enjoyable love story.

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This book js excellent! It’s the best surprise pregnancy story I’ve ever read!
Ash and Zeta are such amazing characters. Their chemistry was so awesome and I love how well written they are. They feel like real people who actually exist and not overly fictional. Ash is rich but he’s not your typical book multimillionaire. You can see him actually working and being extremely busy. Zeta is well adjusted and mature and I loved that. The story isn’t exciting but it’s a page turner nonetheless and I loved every minute of this book.
I’m rooting for the author and I can’t wait to see what else she has to offer to the romance book world.

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It release September 5th, and if you’re into surprise pregnancy, opposites attract, he falls first/ boy obsessed and friends to lovers I highly recommend checking this out! This was so fun and such a quick read!

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I thought this had an interesting premise, and it delivered! While I thought some spots could use a but more work, it was an enjoyable read.

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I should've known going into this that this book wasn't going to be for me. I couldn't help myself though as this cover is TOO CUTE. I'm obsess with this art and wanted to know everything about these two beautiful people and their world. I am not a fan of the pregnancy troupe, or really anything surrounding it so hello, that should've been enough to stop me. Between that and the main characters feeling, off? to me? I can't explain it they just didn't feel authentic. So this was sadly not a new fave. The cover still is tho!

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I got this as an arc on Netgalley and it will come out in November. Yeah pretty solid, I enjoyed it immensely! Ash was a bit too intense for my liking but I like that the relationship was genuinely caring and the book didn't lean too heavily into the miscommunication trope.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC

This book had me invested and had so much potential. I love any sort of second chance romances - even if its sort of a meet again after a few months - and I'm a sucker for a golden retriever mmc however, I felt like there wasnt enough payoff here.
Ash was so vulnerable, and hesitant, and awkward in his personal life which was in conplete contrast to his working persona mostly I believe because he didnt care what his father thought of his personal life vs how his father was all over his professional life.
Zeta's attitude was very much, everything was a problem for future Zeta. While we kind of saw Ash's two worlds collide, we never saw future Zeta deal with anything she put off, except dishes and the whole not getting Plan B (I mean, I guess you can say the whole book was future Zeta dealing with something she put off but she never seemed to learn from it.)

I wanted to see less if Zeta's hot and cold towards Ash and more of her warming to him, less pushing him away.

There was a ton of detail to this book and you can tell the author got lost in the world she created. While I loved the descriptions of their homes and apartments becaus they helled flesh out the characters, I could have used less details to every outfit but overall it was a nice read.

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Zeta Rodgers Needs to Relax is a romance with a surprise pregnancy, second chances, and disability representation.

Right away I really liked the cover! The only thing that threw me off a bit is that it does make Ash look like he is possibly a vampire or supernatural somehow. However, Pixie does jokingly say he is a vampire at one point so I thought that was funny.

I enjoyed the plot a lot. I thought Zeta and Ash were both interesting characters and liked that we got to see their quirks and flaws. Ash was my favourite character and I thought the author did such a great job with showing how dedicated he was to Zeta, while also giving her struggles and character development outside of his relationship. There were times were the timeline or writing skips around in a not clear way. I feel like this story is really good, but could have benefited from maybe a bit more editing or advanced reader feedback.

One little thing I absolutely loved was that it mentions that Zeta changed her name at one point. She points out that Ash never asked what it was before and he basically says he doesn’t need to know, since this is her name. I thought this was going to lead to her old name being brought up and revealed, but it didn’t. I really appreciated that!

Overall I did really enjoy the book and would absolutely read more from this author.

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Thank you Independent Publishers Group for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own

Zeta may need to relax, but so does Ash! This is the love story of two people who are in their head a little two much. But the neurotic personality trait adds an element of quirkiness to the story. When the heroine and her beau finally figure it out, it’s beautiful bliss.

There is a small element of opposites attract, but I love how Ash is so accommodating and always thinking of Zeta.

Great read where you can get ensconced in the push and pull of attraction.

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This was such a a cute and cozy read. It made a little lighter and giddy. I like the approach the author took to writing out their detailed first encounter. It made the feelings makes more sense and thus more believable. Just two people having a baby trying to figure it out. I have 3.75 stars only because I wish there was more character development. A lot of issues but no talking. However, I would gladly re-read this myself or recommend to anyone who wants a cute pick me up with life drama which I love.

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I want a physical copy of this book so much.. I knew from the moment I’ve started that this was going to be one of my favorite reads this year and I can’t spoiler because people need to dive in without knowing much of it but personally I’m obsessed with this two, Ash and Zeta are just the sweetest

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Ash was very caring and considerate towards Zeta and all her emotions. This book does the accidental pregnancy trope really good and doesn’t make the relationship feel forced. One dislike that had me a bit disconnected from the story was how there was no growth in their emotional relationship. Still this was a fun and cute read. I loved how the pregnancy was highlighted and was skipped over. Also glad that Zeta’s condition was talked about a lot and wasn’t just come one off topic.

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Zeta Rodgers Needs to Relax* by Elanna Moon is an engaging blend of romance and emotional depth that truly stands out. Zeta, a freelance programmer with a unique medical condition, is a character who immediately resonates. Her journey from a carefully controlled life to one filled with unexpected challenges is heartwarming and relatable. On the other hand, Ashford Cross is the epitome of a man moulded by pressure, living a life far removed from the relaxed, spontaneous world Zeta has created.

Their initial encounter is charged with chemistry, and the twists that follow—significantly, Zeta’s unexpected pregnancy—add complexity to the story. The dynamic between Zeta and Ash is compelling, particularly when they discover each other’s true identities in the workplace. The tension between their professional and personal lives keeps the narrative gripping, and the development of their relationship is both tender and realistic.

Elanna Moon expertly navigates themes of stress, disability, and unexpected parenthood while crafting a genuine and earned romance. The story balances the heavier moments with light-hearted and steamy interactions, making it a delightful and memorable read.

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This was fine. I love the pregnancy trope so I liked that aspect (its the reason I picked this book up) Zeta was kind of an idiot but so was Ash so I think they were perfect for each other, they were also both deeply unserious.

One thing I will say is that even though this is dual POV, Ash felt like more of the main protagonist than Zeta. He had an arc, things he needed to confront and over come and I feel like we were in his head more?(idk if we were but it felt like it) Speaking of his arc, the ending felt rushed. The whole book we get the tension between Ash and his dad about his job and when Ash confronts him, WE SEE NOTHING OF IT????? Another thing on Ash, I needed him to gain a backbone. He was kind of pathetic, I know some people find that attractive but it was very off-putting.

Let's get to Zeta, she was a very unserious person. The reservations she had about getting into a relationship with Ash were valid, especially because it was based on past experiences with her previous boyfriend but I needed her it get it together. YOU ARE HAVING A BABY, YOU NEED TO START THINKING ABOUT THE BABY. Zeta kept putting things off throughout the whole book and it was pissing me off. One was the fact that she could not stay in that apartment and raise that baby. Everyone kept asking her where she would put the baby and she would just deflect or say that the baby would get the bedroom and she would sleep in the living room (be serious). Then she did the thing I hate from literally every female protagonist who does this. SHE REFUSED MONEY PEOPLE WERE WILLING TO GIVE HER, TO HELP WITH THE BABY. AND THEN SHE INSISTED ON WORKING TO SAVE UP FOR MATERNITY LEAVE, LIKE I NEED YOU TO BE SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!! Ash literally said he would pay for any and everything and that she could literally just stop working and focus on her health and she said n0???? Just because she didn't know him that well? That would make sense in any other scenario but y'all are having a baby together and Ash wants to be an active part in the baby's life?

Another issue I had with Zeta was her reluctance to get into relationship with Ash and then that not really being confronted or resolved? When they had their fight at the end, there were things they both brought up to each other that were valid issues they had with each other, Ash's being that he felt like Zeta didn't like him and would keep him at a distance while he was ready to basically become a family. But after the fight there was no real resolution to that? Ash had his but Zeta never really confronted HER issues. And then she gets engaged to him at the end?

Anyways long review, short. This was an enjoyable read with kind of infuriating characters. There should be maybe 30? more pages just to get a little more development for Zeta and the ending was way too rushed and resolved too quickly. I would still recommend this book though because I did enjoy it.

*Arc provided by NetGalley*

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Zeta, a freelance programmer, crosses paths with Ash during a night out drinking with friends. Seeking a break from the vibrant scene, they find solace in a quiet corner and begin to form a bond after Zeta introduces Ash to her love for video games. What starts as a connection in the midst of the evening evolves into a one-night stand and they unfortunately lose contact with one another after Ash has to rush out due to a health scare with his father.

Ash is the son of a successful construction company CEO. He has been molded from a very young age to take over the reins from his father and follow in his footsteps despite this being the exact opposite of what he wants to do. When an unexpected event throws him into the role early, he has a chance encounter of meeting the woman he had to walk away from a few months earlier. Only to find out she is pregnant with his child.

I had a few issues with the writing. The descriptions often felt excessive; details about what the characters were wearing were unnecessary and detracted from the story. Rather than focusing on insignificant details, it would have been more effective to use that space to provide background on both the main and supporting characters. For example, in the first chapter many side characters are introduced in conversation but I found myself confused about who they were and their relationship to the main character. The author seemed to prioritize superficial details over crucial information about the characters and their connections.

Surprise pregnancy books are really not my vibe but I went into this book open minded. In my opinion, there could have been a more convincing reason for her to forget to get a damn plan B from the pharmacy other than what was written. Because while she was temporarily indisposed & in a hotel, I felt that there was plenty of time for her to take care of her business. But the pregnancy seemed to be something she wanted anyways so this is something I was able to move past.

There were noticeable inconsistencies in Ash's character development. At the beginning, he is portrayed as a grumpy, work-focused individual, but this persona seems to vanish once he meets Zeta. He quickly shifts into a more submissive role, losing much of his original edge. Additionally, a significant and potentially emotional part of Ash's character arc occurs off the page, which is quite disappointing and feels like a missed opportunity for deeper storytelling.

The pacing of their relationship felt uneven and disjointed. Zeta's demeanor felt hot & cold at times, creating a fluctuating dynamic that was hard to follow. While there were a few charming dates scattered throughout the book, the romance itself failed to truly come alive or captivate me as a reader.

Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Amberjack Publishing for approving this eARC in exchange for an honest review!

Though intimacy scenes aren’t my thing (being ace), and I don’t think they need to be multiple pages long (like is that a lot or is it just that I’m ace lolll) I really enjoyed all the other parts of this story!

It was a super sweet romance, and I loved the disability (brain damage) rep!

I highly recommend checking this out, if you’re looking for a sweet romance, full of heart and green flags!

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Zeta Rodgers Needs to Relax by Elanna Moon is an engagingly sweet surprise pregnancy story with disability representation. Out with friends, Zeta Rogers steps away for some fresh air and runs into a handsome man named Ash. They fall into easy conversation and their personalities are cutely compatible. Their chemistry is undeniable and instantaneous, but they part without exchanging contact information. Separately, they suffer time consuming and unfortunate events and when the air clears, Ash realizes that he would like nothing more than to pursue his feelings for Zeta and Zeta realizes that she is pregnant! Will this beleaguered pair be able to reconnect and overcome the obstacles in their path? Ash is the ultimate "cinnamon roll" hero; I absolutely loved how he shows his care and devotion to Zeta. Zeta is quirky and kind with strength and resolve. Both characters demonstrated growth and development as their story unfolded. Ms. Moon has created awesome characters, and I would gladly revisit them again. Sequel, anyone?

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I loved this book. It was so much fun to read and I loved the main characters. They were so much fun to read and follow throughout this book. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a good romance. Zeta and Ashford are so adorable and I loved reading about them. Moon has such a wonderful writing style that takes you right into the book and holds your hand as you get to walk through her world and meet the characters.

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This was a really cute book, that I'm really glad I picked up! That being said, there were a few things that didn't work for me, so let's get into both elements!

This sounded like a really interesting book that combined the accidental pregnancy trope with a sort of second chance romance, and that idea sounded like it could be done really well! And this book definitely delivered on those tropes. You get to watch Zeta spend this one great night with Ash, and then find out a few months later that she's pregnant. When a chance encounter leads the two of them to find each other again after that night, I really loved how Ash was so excited at the idea that this child of theirs could help be the thing that brought them together in a long term way.

However, while watching the relationship evolve between these two was a lot of fun, honestly, there were two things that kept me a little detatched. The first thing was the pacing. There were some odd time jumps between scenes, and while eventually I figured out that more time had passed than I expected, the evolution of the characters or the relationship never quite developed in the time span that passed the way I expected. I also found that the relationship development wasn't very linear, in the sense that while they were always phsycially comfortable with one another, that growth of a deeper emotional connection dragged on a bit more than I'd have liked. There also were some inconsistencies with Ash's character that had me questioning what it was about Zeta that seemingly changed the way he acted, to the point where his personality seemed completely different at certain points in the book.

So while this book isn't a favorite, because of the elements listed above, I do still think it was cute and charming. I liked Ash's devotion to Zeta. I liked seeing Zeta stand her ground and want to see this relationship develop before commiting to anything serious. I loved how both of them were so excited for their child and how the pregnancy was highlighted. I also really appreciated how Zeta's condition was a focal part of the story, while not being used for shock value at any point. There really were some great aspects to this book that made me keep reading, and for those reasons, I gave this book 3.5 stars.

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Thank you #NetGalley for this advanced copy. I absolutely enjoyed this book! I was immediately invested in Zeta and Ash and their relationship. I loved their conversation on the deck and really liked how the author took her time with them getting to know each other. Throughout the story, ai felt happy, nervous, excited and frustrated with them every step of the way. Their relationship was sweet and romantic. Their misunderstandings from lack of communication seemed authentic in that they really didn’t know each other very well. My one criticism is that the ending felt a tad rushed but overall was happy with the HEA ending. Looking forward to reading more from the talented writer. Highly recommend!

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