Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an eARC of this book, this is my objective review. Our reluctant heroine is the plain-faced and sensible Foss Butcher, who lives in a village in a kingdom protected by sorceresses. In exchange, the sorceresses go from village to village harvesting small pieces of the villager's hearts in order to maintain their magic powers. During one of these visits, Foss's own heart is ensnared by a rare sorcerer and she is magically compelled to seek him out in the big city. She believes that the means by which he has be-spelled her has also cursed her to be attracted to him. Once in the city she finds a bewitched and sentient house, a talking cat named Cornelius, and an awkward sorcerer named Sylvester who's full of secrets. Will Foss ever be able to return home safely, or will she be forever ensnared in the perilous city and its dangerous secrets? I enjoyed this book so much, and it had an interesting premise with enough going on to keep you hooked, especially in the main plot. Foss was delightfully cranky and capable, but I thought Sylvester was much harder to pin down as a character and so it took me a long while to fully invest in him. The story has a slightly uneven flow, it dragged a bit in places. Although the pace was sluggish in places for me, it definitely picked up towards the end and I was glad I persisted. The romance seemed under-developed for most of the book, and didn't really come to fruition until late in the book. For those looking for a romantasy book, this wasn't that so much as a fantasy/mystery with a romantic sub-plot. That said, I enjoyed all aspects of this story and I would definitely read this author again. Publishes 3-4-25.

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It is an unforgettable, cozy fantasy where sorceresses harvest human hearts for their spells. Foss, the butcher's daughter, whose life takes a surprising turn when a sorcerer, Sylvester, takes a piece of her heart, and she wants it back. She is a nonsense but practical character. Foss decides to confront Sylvester and marches to his enchanted house; soon, she is under Sylvester's spell while searching for the missing piece of her heart. She becomes his new housekeeper. The dynamic between Foss and Sylvester is both humorous and charming. Sylvester lacks magical abilities and is not living up to his sisters' expectations. They see Foss as a nuisance, and he does not need her since he lives in an enchanted house. Foss befriends Sylvester's clever talking cat, which creates fun banter and a delightful touch of whimsy. The enchanted house, its moving walls, and its moody personality create a wonderful backdrop for the story.

As Foss digs deeper into the mystery of the heart magic, she uncovers secrets about the king that she never could have imagined. Foss realizes there is much more to the kingdom's magic than meets the eye. Her journey is about reclaiming her heart and discovering the true nature of the sorceresses and the magic that governs her world. This story was genuinely delightful, with adventure, bravery, and a touch of romance, making for a heartwarming read. I wish I could read it again for the first time.

I received an ARC ebook for my honest review. Thank you, NetGalley and Kensington Publishing, Erewhon Press.

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A Harvest of Hearts follows outer villager Foss Butcher. In her kingdom, magic workers come to steal hearts from villagers to sustain the kingdom’s magic and protect them. Foss doesn’t give much thought to this until a handsome sorcerer visiting her village inadvertently snags a portion of her heart. Foss tracks the sorcerer down in the city to demand her heart back.
This book gives off the same cozy, magical, fantasy spirit as Howl’s Moving Castle. With a magic house, a talking cat, and a powerfully moody sorcerer, there is plenty to join the two in similarity.
Foss as a main character is a little dull. She asks the same questions over and over, and despite the high stakes of the world around her, seems disproportionately focused on her self-perceived ugliness. I also found the pacing of the book to be quite odd. Up until 60% in, Foss is working as a housekeeper to the sorcerer, and it isn’t until about 70% that the characters go off on what it seems should be their main quest. This pacing makes the book seem like it is missing a main plot, and relies heavily on its cozy atmosphere to keep the reader drawn in.
If you are looking for a cozy, magical mystery to pass your time, this book may be the one for you. However, if you are on the hunt for a story with an enticing plot and quick-witted main character, I may recommend looking somewhere else.

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Andrea Eames' A Harvest of Hearts is an evocative novel that feels like poetry woven into prose, with lush descriptions and rich depictions of the Zimbabwean landscape. Set against the backdrop of a country caught between tradition and modernity, Eames captures the essence of a world in transition, where characters are constantly navigating the shifting sands of culture, identity, and belonging. While there is much to admire in the novel’s style and ambition, it ultimately falls just short of its potential, earning it a solid, if somewhat restrained, three stars.

First and foremost, Eames' prose is stunning. Her lyrical descriptions of both the physical landscape and the emotional terrain of her characters are often breathtaking. The Zimbabwean setting is more than just a backdrop—it is alive, as much a character as the people inhabiting it. Eames’ strength lies in her ability to bring readers into this vivid, sometimes harsh, but always compelling world. She draws out the tension between the land’s beauty and its struggles, mirroring the characters’ own internal conflicts.

However, the same lush prose that initially captivates can also become the book’s greatest challenge. The pace of *A Harvest of Hearts* is slow—almost too slow. The central narrative, which follows characters trying to make sense of their place in a changing world, lacks the momentum to fully carry the reader through. Eames is more focused on mood and atmosphere than on driving the plot forward, which can leave the story feeling adrift. There’s a sense that something big is always about to happen, but that moment never quite arrives.

The characters, while complex and multi-dimensional, sometimes feel distant. Their emotional journeys are intriguing but hard to fully connect with, as the novel leans heavily on introspection and inner turmoil rather than external action. Eames paints her characters with subtlety, but this very subtlety can make them feel more like ideas than fully realized people. For a book centered on the theme of "harvest"—both literal and metaphorical—the payoff of emotional investment feels elusive.

Thematically, A Harvest of Hearts touches on powerful issues—identity, colonialism, family legacy, and the clash between old ways and new realities. These themes are explored with sensitivity and depth, but they often feel underdeveloped, as if Eames is hesitant to fully confront them. There are moments where the novel brushes up against something truly profound but then pulls back, leaving the reader wanting more.

Ultimately, A Harvest of Hearts is a novel that excels in atmosphere and beauty but falters in narrative momentum and emotional engagement. It’s a book that will appeal to readers who enjoy slow-burn, contemplative stories, but for those looking for a more tightly woven plot or deeper emotional resonance, it may feel underwhelming. There’s no denying Eames’ talent as a writer, but in this particular novel, the balance between style and substance feels uneven. Three stars reflect both the promise and the limitations of a story that could have soared higher.

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A Harvest of Hearts by Andrea Eames takes the "cozy fantasy" trend and adds refreshingly real stakes to it. From beginning to end the stakes were enough to keep my quickly turning the page, but not enough to ruin the cozy vibe. Andrea Eames has also created a very unusual magic system within a traditional medieval setting.

The main character in A Harvest of Hearts is a very plain young woman. She is not the traditional "beauty" or amazing warrior of most book heroines which I found to be quite nice. She's just a village girl with a very simple life until the events of the book unfold. Even though she is simple, I really enjoyed her a a protagonist and liked her more down-to-earth common sense approach to whatever situation she found herself in. It made her very relatable. The other main character is your more typical type. Annoying at first and then quite charming by the end, but done well in my opinion. And, let's not forget there's a talking cat who ends up maybe being the most likeable character in the entire book.

The plot is very interesting but linear. There are not a ton of side quests or distractions, but that works well since this is a stand a lone. There were a few times by the end of the book that I wished certain people or story beats could have been more developed, but that wouldn't really work without turning this into a duology which I think would have been a mistake, so we loose a little world building for the sake of a well developed but straight forward plot.

Overall I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys cozy fantasy or even a quick snack of epic fantasy.

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2.5/5 stars for me.

I really wanted to love this book, I struggled a lot with finishing this, I think it's just okay for me. I don't think I am the target audience maybe? I was really intrigued from the title and the cover and the synopsis, but it was a miss overall in my personal opinion!

Thank you to Netgalley and the author and team for letting me read this book!

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A Heart of Harvest promises to be a lovable story similar to Howl's Moving Castle. It certainly lived up to the similarities. Sorcery, love, adventure, and more. Andrea Eames weaves a beautiful tale that keeps readers hooked. My only complaint was how often our FMC talks/thinks about how ugly she is. Everytime it popped up, it threw me right out of the story. Towards the end I would skip right over the "I'm so ugly and unwanted" negative self talk. I think once or twice in the beginning would have been fine but it was often, even towards the end. I liked Foss, I thought she was a strong character and I was rooting for her the entire time. Wish the self loathing was cut down a bit.

Overall, this was a 3.5/4 star read. I enjoyed the vibes and world building.

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I would give this 3.5 stars. I loved the cat, Cornelius, and it got very interesting the last 15-20%, which I appreciated. I think I was expecting a cozy read and it definitely felt darker than what I was anticipating. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, I just think “cozy” wouldn’t be the descriptor I would choose. It was a very unique story and felt for like a “Grimm’s Fairytale” throughout most of the book. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book! I will be referring it to my followers if they’re looking for a far, witchy book.

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Thank you for the ARC read! Honestly when starting this book I was hooked. The energy I got while reading 10/10. It helped me get out of my reading slump!

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The eerie medieval setting +dark magic was intriguing but the story overall lacked for me. The premise itself showed promise and was interesting at first with a blend of Stockholm syndrome like tension and a magical backdrop. However, the story slogged by the protagonist’s internal monologues and self esteem issues. The FMC’s repetitive self loathing was ok at first but got old quick. It also doesn’t seem to evolve much which just killed the pacing. I liked the cat and the house + her relationship with her father which was heartfelt. However, it wasn't explored much, while the romance with Sylvester felt meh and shallow.
The magic system + plot was easy to follow but the ending felt too convenient and wrapped things up a bit too neatly.
— main critiques (slow pacing, underwhelming romance, excessive internal monologues)
— redeeming aspects (magical setting, atmosphere)

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I really wanted to LOVE this book, and when you break it down - unique magical systems, intriguing MMC, whimsical side characters, world building, FMC POV, slow burn... its enticing! The concepts are there and the story itself is ok, however I couldnt get past the FMC persisting self sabotage and self esteem issues. The slow burn romance was good, but is it romance if aspects of her autonomy is gone? MMC was quite immature for my tastes, but that just could be a personal preference issue on my end.

The world building is great, the imagery was there for me and while I can understand some comparisons to Howl's Moving Castle, the story created was detached and much its own. HMC does help you immerse yourself into that whimsical dreamscape thats created.

Cornelius was the showstopper and I loved the banter and wit. He brought the pizzazz the story needed and was quite refreshing.

Overall, it was a good read, at times a bit of a push through, but I did like it.

Thank you for the opportunity to review!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc!

This was such a good and unique cozy fantasy read! The folks comparing to T Kingfisher are right on. It was dark but cozy and just so interesting.

The plot labored a bit in some spots and pacing wa off, but I still rather enjoyed the whole of it.

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If you loved Howl’s Moving Castle you will love this adult novel. It definitely has similar characteristics and vibe as Howl’s. With a talking cat, a magical, sentient castle, a strong and brave female protagonist, and a moody sorcerer that isn’t in full control of his magic, what’s not to love? Add a bit of darkness and a touch of romance and this is a fun read. Although a bit slow paced with a rushed ending, I enjoyed every bit of this story.

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Publishing, Erewhon Books for this digital arc in exchange for my honest review which is not affiliated with any brand.

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I really wanted to love this book, but it unfortunately just wasn't for me. I couldn't mesh with the writing style or really connect with the characters. I have too much of my own personal negative self talk for this book to give me the true escape I was looking for.

But If you are looking for a cozier fantasy with howls moving castle vibes then you may really enjoy this one.
Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for an ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book! Some reviews seem bothered that it was compared to Howl’s Moving Castle because it gives this book too much to live up to, but I thought the worldbuilding and character development was similar enough without being a rip-off. A fun read!

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The blurb of A Harvest of Hearts on Net Galley compares this dark fairy tale-style novel to Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle. And I can definitely see it. We've got the weird house, we got the sensible/exasperated heroine with powers she isn't aware of. We have the talking magical creature. The style however is more comparable to T. Kingfisher. (Not to say that Diana Wynne Jones wasn't capable of being dark--Dogsbody was extremely unsettling and dark, from what I remember when I first read it when I was kid. I just feel that the tone is closer to some of T. Kingfisher's work rather than Jones.)

Our Heroine Foss is the daughter of a butcher, who lives in a kingdom supposedly protected by sorceresses whose powers are powered by hearts. The sorceresses visit towns on the outskirts of the kings, and charm people into giving up their hearts or pieces of their hearts (which is somehow both a physical and metaphorical process) to them. The sorceresses are all supernaturally beautiful, and no one seems to mind about it, but under the glamor, there is a sense of dread and horror. (Which is very effectively written.)

Foss has spent most of her life being bullied for being unattractive, so it's a surprise to our heroine when the only sorcerer (rather than sorceress) Foss has ever seen "snags" her heart. The love spell draws her yearning after the sorcerer and eventually becoming extremely ill. When she realizes that the illness is because of the sorcerer having snagged her heart, Foss rather boldly decides to find a way to regain her heart by finding the sorcerer and (hopefully) stealing it back. This leads to her becoming the sorcerer's housekeeper--and getting in over her head when she draws the attention of the sorcerer's sisters and father.

Foss is an engaging character, with a lot of determination and tenacity--while having also having the kind of lack of confidence that comes from having been bullied. The sorcerer--whose name is Sylvester--hovers somewhere between terrifyingly eldritch and disturbing and strangely sympathetic. The various revelations about the rot (literal rot) lying at the center of the kingdom are well paced and the plot is engaging. It does however get slightly bogged down by Foss' hesitance to act at critical moments. (They do feel natural to the character, and most of the twists and pitfalls of the plot are well worked.)

My only--very mild--objection is that the romantic aspects of the plot are not as well paced as the overall plot. I would have liked more interaction between Foss and Sylvester. The romance worked, and they definitely have chemistry, but I would have liked more development of the relationship. There was also a point near the end where the romantic subplot got in the way of the main plot. Despite this point, I enjoyed reading this book.

This review is based on a galley received from Net Galley.

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2.5 ⭐️
I really wanted to love this book. The Howls moving castle comparison is what made me interested in it, the the vibes are there at the beginning but that’s it. I feel like this book was 150 pages too long. It’s so over descriptive for no reason. Paragraphs and paragraphs that we don’t need.
Also, I could not find the MC interesting or relatable at all. So repetitive about how she’s not pretty.
I was ready to dnf it so many times

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A Harvest of Hearts was a pleasant enough read, but it didn't quite capture my heart completely. The story, set in a picturesque village, follows the lives of several interconnected characters as they navigate love, loss, and the challenges of rural life. Eames' writing is warm and inviting, creating a cozy atmosphere that draws you into the story. I particularly enjoyed the descriptions of the countryside and the sense of community among the villagers.

However, the plot felt a bit predictable at times, and I found myself wanting more depth and complexity from the characters. Some of the storylines felt a bit rushed, and I didn't always feel fully invested in their outcomes. While the book had its heartwarming moments, it lacked the emotional punch that I was hoping for.

Overall, A Harvest of Hearts is a light and enjoyable read, perfect for a lazy afternoon. If you're looking for a feel-good story with a touch of romance and a charming setting, this book might be for you. However, if you're seeking a more profound and emotionally impactful reading experience, you might want to explore other options.

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This book was full of dark whimsy, inspired by howl’s moving castle I saw the similarities. The story was easy to follow and I felt the magic system was quite straight forward. The authors use of metalepsis also did not go a miss! I really think it added to the story being portrayed!

I was ‘snagged’ straight away! Our FMC Foss’s dialect was immediately captured throughout the story, her tone was set emulating where she came from and her story which I thought was very nicely done. Her bond to her father was very endearing and made me wish her Da had a bigger role, he was just so loveable!

I thought the descriptions were very eerie in a poetic way, the acceptance of a slow mutilation once harvested. Everyone’s brainwashed in awe of their beauty while being snagged, this part of the story really captivated me just like how the villagers were drawn in.

Our MMC, is described as beautiful yet lazy, I wish to have known more about Sylvester. I feel there’s so much more to his story and how he was made, I would’ve liked to see more in depth dive into his background.

I feel Cornelius and the House really carried the story, I loved their personas and how they truly added to the story. It showed how magic could be used in others ways and not just to ‘harvest’.

I would also have liked to see a bit more on the ‘snagged’ secret society, to truly connect with the others on deeper emotional level.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington publishing for this arc!

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Once again I requested this book after seeing it was similar to howls moving castle. And once again I didn’t enjoy it the way I did howls so I’m a little pouty about that. Cornelius was honestly my favorite part. Fmc was too focused on how ugly she was and it made it hard for me to get past it because her development came so far into the book.

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