Member Reviews

Kalyna the Cutthroat was a thrilling adventure that kept me on the edge of my seat. The story follows Kalyna, a skilled assassin with a troubled past, as she navigates a dangerous world of political intrigue and deadly secrets. Spector's writing is fast-paced and action-packed, with vivid descriptions that transport you to Kalyna's world.

I loved the strong female protagonist and the complex relationships she forms along the way. The plot twists were unexpected and kept me guessing until the very end. However, I felt that some of the secondary characters could have been developed further, and the world-building could have been a bit more fleshed out.

Overall, Kalyna the Cutthroat is a thrilling read that fans of fantasy and adventure will enjoy. Spector's writing is engaging and the action scenes are intense. If you're looking for a fast-paced story with a compelling heroine, this book is worth checking out.

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Thank you Netgalley and Erehwon Books/Kensington Publishing for this Arc.

4.5 stars
Ever since I read Kalyna the Soothsayer, I was greatly looking forward to reading the sequel and this was one of my most anticipated reads of the year. When I was approved for the Arc I was so giddy to read it that I moved it to the top of my TBR list and it did not disappoint.

Unlike the first book, we do not spend Kalyna the Cutthroat in Kaylna's POV, but rather in a new narrator's POV. Instead we get to see the completed journey from start to finish in an outsider perspective and how Kalyna affected their lives. It was a unique twist on a sequel that I felt made me appreciate the world more.

Following Radiant Basket of Rainbow Shells, Spector was able to delve more into the worldbuilding of the Tetrarchia and focus in a minority population which I appreciated. In Kalyna the Cutthroat, Radiant had left their home country Loasht to continue their studies following the aftermath of the events in Kalyna the Soothsayer. After a year in Quruscan, things turned for the worst for Radiant's people and left him fumbling in the aftermath to get to safety and find some refuge. In the process, Radiant meets Kalyna and enlists her help in completing the journey and picking up the pieces of a volatile environment.

For me, Kalyna the Cutthroat felt very topical and forced me to focus on subjects near and dear to my heart. By completing the journey in Radiant's perspective, the reader immerses themselves completely in the events that lead a refugee to escape and find safety. The subtle racism was handled skillfully by Spector, and personally I felt it gave me plenty of food for thought on what constitutes as a helping hand versus someone's bias tainting their actions and words. Typically, I feel that the layperson feels that racism has only one face and it is extremely obvious when someone is expressing a racist or biased opinion. However, Kalyna the Cutthroat shines a light on the many ways biases tinge one's actions without being aware of it. I could not stop highlighting sections of the book that I felt were extremely poignant in their delivery of an understated bias. Fantasy in general tens to have a form of racism and prejudicial biases, however, compared to Kalyna the Cutthroat the approach was overhanded and overdone. Considering the events in modern day America, I felt that Spector's approach to the topic at hand was a reflection on how this permeates all layers of society. After all, refugees are people too, but where can they go when no one will take them? Radiant himself was forced to confront this question, and was not surprised to find pushback with his answer.

As a reader following this journey, I appreciated having the time to sit and ponder this question myself. It's one that I have asked multiple times and have a very divisive response to. In this world, there will always be minority groups ejected from what they call home that are forced to very quickly find a new place to settle in to that may not appreciate their presence. Kalyna the Cutthroat provides an opening for tough conversations that I absolutely enjoy seeing in my fantasy. It's not just about racism and refugees, but also what makes you who you are-- is it your blood, heritage, or your culture? Who can define that? The government, or you personally?

Although the content may seem heavy, I will assure you that Kalyna the Cutthroat is rife with witty comments and humor in the situations that provide just enough comedy relief to keep the reader going. I really hope that with this release, that more readers discover Kalyna and the world of Tetrarchia so I can have more people to talk to about Spector's worldbuilding and start having conversations about the hard questions asked of the reader to think on.

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Spector has such a talent for world and character building that has me in awe. I’ve been looking forward to another book in this universe for a long time and it did not disappoint!

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I wasn't expecting this book was so good! Omg!!!! This is such a good story. I recommend everyone to read this book as fast as they can because it's really good. Loved the characters and the plot of this book.

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