Member Reviews

As someone totally new to Pottery and Sculpting, this title may not have been intended for me. I don't even regularly practice within this art though I have desires too. I enjoyed gaining a better understanding of the processes that many potters and sculptors use on a regular basis. I was able to learn more about Low-fire glazes than I think the general public would be able to comprehend which gives me a greater appreciation for the artists using these methods. One day I intend to use this knowledge on my own artistic pursuits to do which I expect a re-read will be necessary. Thank you Netgalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Quarry | Quarry Books for access to this ARC. This title is perfect for experienced Potters and Sculptors.

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I’m a stoneware kinda girrul, but there’s a WHOLE new exciting world out there between Cone 020 and Cone 3.
This is a hands-on, detailed forage into the complicated world of low-firing, beautifully illustrated and giving some real insights and Eureka moments. “Understanding Glaze Recipes” is a brilliant chapter, without confusion or waffle which is a rare quality in pottery books. Every topic is approached with a nigh clinical sense of logic and demonstrated with workable examples.
Only slight niggle is that the colour representation in the images is too garish (e.g. see samples on page 148).

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There's some really great information in this book. Maybe not for a beginner Potter just based on complexity (not a step by step guide). If recommended this to potter friends who want to expand on their glaze knowledge.

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This book is not for you if you are new to pottery, due to the pottery terminology present which you may find unfamiliar.

However, if you’re a beginner potter starting out on the journey or someone who has an interest to, this book is perfect for you!

The book is not a step by step manual but it contains a comprehensive overview of the considerations required to make a piece of pottery, based on the author’s experience. Tips from potters may vary from one to another, depending on their styles and preferences. Happy to recommend the book.

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A very detailed book with a lot of history and help. I personally thought this would be a little more suitable for beginners, like I am. I would’ve loved a little easier steps by step infos, but for people with a little more knowledge , or who want to learn more about the history, this is a perfect read!

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