Member Reviews

I collect owls of every materials (wood, stone, glass, etc) and love them.
This was an interesting book full of ideas
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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The illustrations are lovely and this is a beautiful book for anyone with an interest in magical rituals, folklore and owls, although personally I find it very difficult now to equate owls with wisdom having been reliably informed by more than one falconer that owls are actually not very bright! (Still love them though.)

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Basically, a book about how owl works, their features and spells. Plus, beautiful illustrations of them. But you will only enjoy it if you like owls. Thank you, Quarto Publishing Group- Rock Point and NetGalley for sending me this ARC.

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Beautiful illustrations and fascinating topic.
"Owl Magick" gives a lot of trivia and (natural) history regarding owls from all over the world. Sadly, the book is not as in depth as I had assumed, at least in terms of history, mythology and/or folklore.
That being said, Moonsong goes into much more detail concerning magickal practices involving owls. And this is where this book truly shines. From actual spells, to familiars, to cultural symbolism and significance of owls.
While "Owl Magick" is certainly not perfect, it is a great addition to any practicioner's library.

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Book Review: Owl Magick by Rieka Moonsong

Rating: 4 Stars

I recently finished reading Owl Magick: Explore Our Fascinating Connections with These Birds Through Folklore and Magickal Traditions by Rieka Moonsong, and I absolutely have to share my thoughts! This book is a delightful blend of beautiful visuals and captivating content that will enchant anyone interested in the mystical world of owls.

From the very first page, I was struck by how visually stunning this book is. The fonts are elegant, and the illustrations are absolutely gorgeous, creating an inviting atmosphere that draws you into the text. It’s not just a pretty book, though; it’s packed with fascinating information about owls from various cultures around the globe. Moonsong takes us on an enchanting journey through the folklore and mythology that surround these majestic birds, unveiling the secrets of what she calls “Owl Magick.”

The book dives into the rich history and symbolism associated with owls, exploring how different cultures—like Native American, African, and Japanese—have revered these creatures. I particularly loved how the author highlights the connections between owls and ancient wisdom, making it clear that there’s so much more to these birds than meets the eye. Each page is filled with intriguing trivia, historical insights, and captivating tales that really bring the symbolic significance of owls to life.

The author doesn’t just share stories; she also includes spells, rituals, and detailed information about owl familiars and guides. For someone like me, who is still navigating the world of magick, this information is incredibly useful. The layout is organized and easy to navigate, making it accessible for all embarking on their magical journeys.

One of my favorite parts was learning how to attract and connect with my own owl familiar. The guidance provided on harmonizing with their spiritual energies felt both profound and achievable. I came away feeling empowered to incorporate the wisdom of owls into my own practices.

In summary, Owl Magick is not just a book; it's an experience. It beautifully intertwines rich folklore with practical applications, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the enchanting allure of owls. If you're intrigued by these mystical birds or looking to enrich your spiritual journey, I wholeheartedly recommend adding this gem to your collection. Rieka Moonsong has created a treasure trove of knowledge that celebrates the magical essence of owls—and trust me, you won’t want to miss it!

⚠️This review was written based on personal opinions and experiences with the book. Individual preferences may vary⚠️

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Owl Magick is a very aesthetically pleasing book - it has a beautiful layout, filled with lovely owl illustrations and comes in full colour pages throughout. It also has interesting information ranging from history and trivia about owls from various corners of the world. That being said, I may have been the wrong reader for this book; I was expecting more on history and mythology in general whereas this book leaned much more into the actual practice of magic and how one can make use of an owl for it. In a way, it was nicely done to have spells included, but as someone who isn't involved in that, it was wasted on me and I largely skimmed over them.

I can obviously not fault the book for my lack of interest in the actual practice of magic as such, but I do think it could have been structured a bit better. The spells were often tossed in mid paragraph and it took you out of the flow of reading. I think it would have been better to either have the spells at the end of chapters or have a seperate chapter for spells altogether. The book also had a lot of reference notes which were kept at the back of the book - I think it would have been a lot more helpful to have them as food notes instead where they are easily accessible. Given the amount of footnotes this book had, I lost interest in flipping back and forth to actually look up the additional information.

For its aesthetics, this was a most beautiful book. For content, it was half a miss for me but that might be just on me for picking up the wrong book. For structure, I think a bit more editing and reorganising of how information is delivered would be helpful. Nonetheless, it's a nice little book and I'm sure would be appreciated by people with an interest in owls, magic and folklore in that direction in general.

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This book is a spellbinding journey into a world where ancient wisdom and mysticism intertwine. The novel effortlessly blends elements of fantasy with deep-rooted folklore, creating a narrative that is both enchanting and thought-provoking.

Moonsong’s prose is lyrical, drawing the reader into a world where owls are more than just creatures of the night—they are symbols of power, mystery, and guidance. The characters are well-developed, each with their own unique connection to the mystical elements that drive the story. Their relationships and personal growth are at the heart of the novel, making it not just a tale of magic but also one of self-discovery and transformation.

The setting is another highlight of "Owl Magick." Moonsong’s vivid descriptions bring the natural world to life, from shadowy forests to moonlit skies, immersing the reader in a world that feels both familiar and magical. The attention to detail in the environment enhances the story’s mystical atmosphere, making every scene rich with sensory detail.

Overall, "Owl Magick" is a beautifully crafted novel that weaves together themes of magic, nature, and personal growth. Rieka Moonsong has created a world that feels both mystical and real, filled with characters that stay with you long after the final page. For readers who enjoy stories where the natural and supernatural coexist in harmony, this book is a must-read.

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Owl Magick by Rieka Moonsong is an enchanting and visually stunning book that invites readers to explore the mystical world of owls through folklore, magical traditions, and practical guidance. From the moment you open this book, the beautifully laid-out owl images captivate your attention, making it a pleasure to read and explore.

The information presented is well-organized and easy to navigate, making it accessible for novices who are just beginning their journey into owl magic. While the content may not be extremely in-depth, it offers a solid foundation for those looking to incorporate owl magick into their daily lives. What truly sets this book apart is the breathtaking artwork scattered throughout its pages, enhancing the overall reading experience and making it a visual treat.

The spells, incantations, and rituals are clearly laid out, allowing readers to revisit them easily whenever needed. The simplicity of the supplies required—most of which can be found around the house—makes these practices accessible to everyone. The helpful tips and tricks sprinkled throughout the book add practical value and make it a go-to resource for owl magick enthusiasts.

One of the aspects I particularly appreciated was the inclusion of rich information on various cultures and their connections to owls, providing a broader perspective on the significance of these fascinating creatures. This cultural insight enriches the reading experience, giving readers a deeper understanding of the global fascination with owls and their role in different societies.

Overall, Owl Magick is a delightful addition to any magical library. Its combination of beautiful visuals, practical guidance, and cultural insights makes it a must-have for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. I, for one, will purchase a physical copy upon its release to add to my collection.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Rock Point for gifting me an e-book in exchange for my honest review.

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The illustrations are stunning and overall it's an interesting book with both spells, rituals and lore about owls and different gods/goddesses associated to them. If you are interested in owls give it a chance!

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Good beginner guide to listening to your owl guides lets say. If you dont believe in this or have curiosity in wicca or paganism then this book will not be relatable to you. Nice tips and tricks and tools for someone who doesnt quite know where to start and needs help finding their way

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NetGalley app review

Absolutely love this! Packed with knowledge. The author does not disappoint. I will be adding this to my collection once out in the wild.

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*Owl Magick* is a mesmerizing guide for those drawn to the mystical allure of owls and their deep-rooted significance in various cultural and spiritual traditions. This book offers an enriching exploration into the world of owl magick, weaving together historical, mythological, and practical elements to provide a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking to deepen their connection with these enigmatic birds.

The book begins with an illuminating look at the historical and mythological threads that bind owls to magical narratives. It delves into the revered status of owls across diverse cultures, including Native American, African, Japanese, and other mythologies. Through captivating stories and insights, readers are introduced to the multifaceted roles owls have played as symbols of wisdom, guardians, and messengers throughout history.

One of the highlights of the book is its detailed exploration of different owl species. It examines their distinctive physical attributes, nocturnal behaviors, and the unique characteristics that contribute to their mystical allure. This section provides valuable knowledge for readers interested in identifying and connecting with their own owl familiar.

The guide also offers practical advice on forming a profound connection with your owl companion. It covers methods for identifying, attracting, and harmonizing with these spiritual entities, making it an invaluable resource for those looking to integrate owl energy into their practices. The book’s insights into owl messengers and guides are particularly noteworthy, providing readers with a deeper understanding of how to align with their spiritual vibrations and enhance their mystical work.

Additionally, *Owl Magick* presents practical applications for incorporating owl wisdom into spell work and rituals. This aspect of the book is designed to help practitioners enhance the potency of their magical practices, drawing on the rich symbolism and energies associated with owls.

The writing is both engaging and informative, combining rich folklore with actionable advice. The book’s format allows for easy navigation through its various sections, making it a useful companion for both novice and experienced practitioners.

Overall, *Owl Magick* is a captivating and enlightening read for anyone fascinated by the mystical aspects of owls. It offers a perfect blend of historical context, practical guidance, and spiritual insights, inviting readers to embrace the magical essence of owls and let their ancient wisdom illuminate their spiritual path. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or a curious seeker, this book provides a profound journey into the enchanting world of owl magick.

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My first impression was, "Wow, what a beautiful book!" The art throughout is lovely and gives the book as a whole a very comfy/cozy vibe. There are suggestions for spells and rituals included, which some might find inspirational in creating their own spells and rituals.

That said, I was hoping for a more in-depth look at the subject material, but it appears that most of the author's research (based on the included references section) was done online, via resources that may or may not be entirely accurate, such as Wikipedia and websites such as shamansmarket [dot] com, where it appears some of the book's text was lifted directly from text on the site. Additionally, I found it disturbing that nearly every reference to the Indigenous people of North America (the USA specifically, since that is where I am) were referred to in the past tense, as though their communities and cultures no longer exist in the present day.

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This book reads like a light and fun collection of owl and mythology trivia, and the collected rituals and spells are nicely presented and thought out. However, the folklore facts listed do not always seem to relate clearly to a central idea, and many of the references listed seem to be fairly weak sources for information. I think this is a fun and information-packed read for someone who has a general interest in Wiccan thought specifically, or an interest in fun owl facts. That said, I would not consider this to be of any particular academic value in regards to folklore due to the dubious nature of the sourcing, and I think that I would recommend this on a very case-by-case basis for people with really particular interests of a personal nature (rather than academic.) Overall, not a bad read by any means- just not quite to my tastes.

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This book was incredibly informative. I went into it wanting to learn more about owls and their symbolism and it did not disappoint.

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I read this book in one day because I found it both beautiful and interesting! Owl Magick is a fascinating and immersive dive into the world of owls and their roles in folklore and magickal traditions. The book is meticulously organized into accessible sections, each featuring its own set of workings, spells, and rituals. This structure not only makes the content easy to navigate but also highly practical for those looking to incorporate owl magick into their own practices. The author's extensive research and deep personal connection with owls are evident throughout the text. Their passion for the subject shines through in the quality and depth of the information provided. Each chapter is rich with insights, blending historical context with practical applications.

One of the standout features of Owl Magick is the in-depth exploration of owls' historical and divine significance. This section offers a compelling look at how these enigmatic creatures have been revered and symbolically linked to various spiritual beliefs across cultures. The author’s detailed analysis adds a profound layer of understanding to the mystical nature of owls. Overall, Owl Magick is a helpful resource for anyone intrigued by the spiritual and magickal aspects of owls. Its combination of thorough research, personal insight, and practical guidance makes it a must-read for enthusiasts and practitioners alike. The book not only educates but also inspires, inviting readers to deepen their connection with these extraordinary birds.

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If you have any interest in owls, either for spiritual/magickal workings or just because they are beautiful creatures, this is a great book to start with. I loved how this book was broken down into easy to read and use sections, many with their own workings/spells/rituals. The author performed a lot of research and has a close tie with owls herself; this is evident in the quality of information provided and how deep into details most of the book dives. Particularly, the section on the history and divine connection to owls was so nice to see. This is something that is usually left out when reading about magickal or guiding animals. The artwork throughout this book is stunning. This book is a great starting off point for anyone interested-you will learn history, use, and correspondences that can easily be adapted to your own practice.

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