Member Reviews

I appreciated the easy to follow steps for kids as they work to overcome problems. I thought it was presented well with great illustrations and characters. I did find that it was hard to follow who was speaking most of the time. I also wish that the steps flowed into a story better. The transitions from one step to the next sometimes felt abrupt. Overall I did like the way this information was presented in a kid-friendly way.

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This is such a cute story. Through the puppy's journey, children learn key skills to become resilient in life when challenges arise. The illustrations are a beautiful wintery kind to daydream too.

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I’ll highly recommend this book as an SEL title for our elementary students. It was such a great book for encouraging perseverence.

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I loved this book!

The story was well written, it had a lovely flow and it was easy to follow.

The illustrations in the book were great and they really brought the story to life.

I liked the determination shown and the way that the characters worked together.

It is 4.5 stars from me for this one, rounded up to 5 stars for Goodreads and Amazon - very highly recommended!

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Very cute! Always looking for great dog books for kids for our Berner-inspired bookstore. Easy to understand strategies for kids.

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My children struggle with their inner voice and this book, with its adorable illustrations and strong message is just what they need to hear (over and over!). I love the thought-out structure of how to not give up rather than just saying "don't give up". The words on the images (like the feathers ) were a creative way of structuring key points. This is definitely a book we will reread! Thanks for sharing!

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A really uplifting and powerful book for families. In this heartwarming story we follow Charlie, who wants to become a certified rescue dog. However this means he has to complete a hard task, the climb to the top of the tallest mountain. Charlie is worried that he can’t do it. With the help of his friends who encourage him along the way and work to reach his goal.
This book was so encouraging. The story shares with us six Bounce Back Superpowers that can help us all overcome obstacles in our life. An absolutely adorable way to teach children that they can accomplish anything they put their minds to.
The precious illustrations really added to the feelings in the story. The cute puppy really shows his emotions on his face.
A well written story perfect for little ones. I loved the encouragement and the kids love the story. Your family will treasure it too.
1000 stars

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Got to love a cute story with an adorable puppy with a wonderfully beautifully written message for children. This story teaches kids that it's okay to ask for help when they need it, that they can do anything that they set their mind to it and to not give up just if things get hard. It showed them that with hard work you can achieve their goals

A great read and addition to any library or personal book collection

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)First – adorable puppy! Second – amazing information!

This book equips your child with the tools to overcome those pesky and challenging obstacles that hinder our progress and sometimes even derail our ambitions. It emphasizes the importance of staying calm, evaluating the situation, brainstorming solutions, breaking problems into manageable steps, seeking help, and taking breaks when needed. These practical strategies are invaluable for tackling any hurdles children (or adults!) might encounter.

Confidence, perseverance, problem-solving, and asking for help are true SUPERPOWERS! Teaching children to harness these SUPERPOWERS will benefit them as they grow and throughout their lives.

Thank you @netgalley and @nationalcenterforyouthissues for an eARC of this book, which I have read and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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This is a great beautiful story to let the kids know that it’s okay to ask for help whenever they need and keep learning things.

The little pup is afraid to do things without making mistakes when it wants to become a rescue dog which helps those in need. He becomes one through asking help and keeps on trying to help those around him.

The extra tips towards the end of the book will help kids to gain confidence and become a good citizen growing up!

Thank you, National Center for Yourh Issues, for the ARC.

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'I Got This!' is an absolute delight. The illustrations are soft and will make kids wish that these characters were real. I adore the lesson of learning your passions through your own experiences. The strong themes of self confidence, perseverance, and problem solving are crucial and by learning these skills through adventure to attain superpowers it'll engage kids on a greater level. Such a lovely read.

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What a cute book. Shows kids that they should be helpful and ask for help if they need it. The story was very well written and the illustrations were beautiful.

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I read this with a group of pre k students and with several individual children 5-7. All loved the puppy who used his smarts and his friends to reach his goals and help others. Each child found a message that they recognized and decided they would be just like Charlie. The story and illustrations are so well done, these children not only learned from it, they wanted their own copy to share with their families. An excellent book for any child or classroom.

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A colorful self-help book for children that teaches resilience and growth!

The illustrations by Dale Crawford were the absolute cutest! Charlie the dog leaped off the snow covered page, and was so eye catching. All of the little animal friends from Charlie, to Hazel the squirrel, to the eagle, and the along for the ride along the way, had so much personality and were just so cute to look at! 😍

I love that the Eagle was guiding Charlie along the way, very metaphorical to the way a parent helps a child. Teaching children how to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and my favorite lesson...learning to ask for help. Such an important lesson that I think even adults forget in life, so good to have that reminder.

Such a lovely story that I would absolute read to my niece (who struggles with facing difficult tasks) and recommend to friends with small children ❤️

Thank you to IPBA and Net Galley for the ARC of this lovely little tale 🐶

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What a cute story about determination and resilience ! the illustrations were great and added to the story.

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The story appears simple enough, yet it highlights the life skills of critical thinking, psychological resilience, and developing self-worth in a context nearly everyone can relate to. All this is beautifully packaged in the delightful illustrations by Dale Crawford which are brilliantly colored, positively adorable, and fun.
Well suited for reading alone or WITH someone of any age including ESL, and perfect for gifting to everyone, but especially to a school, worship center, or your public library!
I requested and received a free temporary digital advance review copy on Adobe Digital Editions from
National Center for Youth Issues | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles via NetGalley. Thank you!

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Loved this one! The pictures are great and quite funny at times . Loved how it shows every step of how to overcome something a child might not think they can do. I think this is a great book to have at schools and at home. I will be purchasing this one!

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Charlie has a goal of being a rescue dog. He’s on the last step to become a certified rescue dog, a long climb up a big mountain. Charlie runs into obstacles along the way, but learns six bounce back superpowers to help him overcome challenges and meet his goal.

This is a cute children’s book with a meaningful message. It’s easy to for kids to understand and the illustrations are so cute!

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Beautiful story! The illustrations are so beautiful! I love that it teaches self-belief , determination, and problem solving skills! This will be a perfect book to gift to my niece and nephew who are going to be going into elementary school soon!

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This was such a cute book that touched on important parts of growing up and being independent. First try to do things for yourself but don't freak out, and ask for help when you need it I loved the breakdown of steps in the back so when children are feeling overwhelmed they can quickly get to them.

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