Member Reviews

Beautiful story! The illustrations are so beautiful! I love that it teaches self-belief , determination, and problem solving skills! This will be a perfect book to gift to my niece and nephew who are going to be going into elementary school soon!

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This was such a cute book that touched on important parts of growing up and being independent. First try to do things for yourself but don't freak out, and ask for help when you need it I loved the breakdown of steps in the back so when children are feeling overwhelmed they can quickly get to them.

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Absolutely adorable book about resiliency and overcoming obstacles. This book is geared for children 5-12 years old.

Thank you to NetGalley and National Center for Youth Issues | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader's Copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest opinion/review.

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I love this story! The pictures are cute and colorful. I especially love the puppy's squirrel friend. It teaches an important lesson as well. It gives a detailed breakdown of the steps used to accomplish a goal.

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If the pretty decent narrative of this self-help-styled lesson doesn't get you, the illustrations will – they're cute and then some. The canine hero of this piece was once involved in an incident demanding a rescue dog, like a St Bernard, and so is training in becoming one himself – alongside a mute, squirrel friend. Tasked with hauling his rescue sled to the top of the mountain he finds there are no end of problems and hindrances in the way. Luckily the mountain comes with a resident eagle, who can spout rhyming advice, telling us to breathe, think outside the box, recharge, ask for help, etc. But surely the sled is never intended to reach the top?

It's a simple narrative, simplified if you like by the obvious metaphor, but the story here isn't at all bad to hang a lesson on. What the eagle has to say might not be the best verse in the world, but it's all sound stuff when it comes to making a resilient young reader, and end-matter addressed to parents and guardians will help get the message across. Oh, and did I say it's cute to look at? A strong four stars.

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Thank you, NetGalley and IBPA for providing this beautiful picture book. I love it so much. It's a short story with lovely illustrations and a great message for children and adults!

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Thank you for the gifted arc! This is such a beautiful story about overcoming obstacles, picking yourself back up, and helping others. I’ll definitely purchase this for my daughter!

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What a great book with adorable pictures and a great story to teach children how to reach their goals. Even older children or adults can benefit from the techniques incorporated in this story. My animal-obsessed granddaughter would rate it higher than 5 stars! Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the authors for a copy to read and review.

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I Got This!: I Have Bounce Back Superpowers
Julia Cook, Michelle Borba
Dale Crawford Illustrator
Charlie has always wanted to be a rescue dog, even as a puppy he dreamed of being a rescue dog. Not just any rescue dog but the very best Rescue Dog. There is just one problem, to be certified as a Rescue Dog he must climb to the top of the tallest mountain pulling his sled. He has tried and tried but can’t pull his sled up the mountain.
An eagle explains problem-solving strategies to Charlie. Difficulties stand in Charlie’s way. He uses the six Bounce Back Superpowers to help him overcome the challenges that stand in his way.
Children can learn the same six lessons that helped Charlie. The Bounce Back Superpowers:
1. Approach difficulties with calm resolve. Deep breathing helps relieve stress.
2. Think creatively about possible solutions. Think out of the box.
3. Break problems into manageable steps. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
4. Take a break now and then to recharge before moving forward.
With help and support from family and friends and understanding you too can overcome difficulties that stand in your way.
This is an adorable book. Charlie is so cute and sweet. This is a positive book for your kids.
Thank you NetGalley for the review copy of this book.

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Thank you Netgalley, Julia Cook, and Michele Borba for the ARC.

I Got This! is a beautiful Children's book that tells the story of Charlie, a puppy eager to earn his Rescue Dog Certification. As a Rescue Dog, Charlie will have the opportunity to help other animals through their toughest times.

It's been awhile since I've read a picture book, and I am so glad I picked this one up. The story is sweet and easy to follow. Charlie is shown working their various obstacles with the support of a friend and guidance of a mentor. There is challenge and exhaustion, but not despair.

While I'm not the target audience, I felt very encouraged reading this story. A great set of reminders for all ages. I would have loved reading this as an early reader.

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What a great book with the message that you can do it when faced with hard obstacles. Charlie wants to get certified as a Rescue Dog, but he has doubts. With the help of his friends and Bounce Back Superpowers, he goes on a quest to achieve his goals.
The illustrations were so cute and I loved that he had the mighty Eagle and his best friend Hazel to help him acquire all his superpowers.
This book is perfect for kids teaching them that they too can realize their superpowers when faced with difficult situations. Even adult can benefit from them.

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Very educational book and written on a level that s child can understand how to always achieve their dreams without giving up and always finding the solution.
The illustrations are amazing and follow the instructions in the book!

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I absolutely loved the art in this book. It was very painterly and beautiful and reminded me a lot of some of my favorite picture books growing up. The message is a good one, and it gives kids (and their parents) tools to help solve problems they will come across in daily life. Reading it now as an adult, it reminded me to slow down and take a minute when faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem. There’s almost always a solution, if you look for it. I would be happy to add this to my library of picture books.

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Oh this is absolutely adorable! The artwork is so cute, the story and the characters are so cute, and the message and teachings are great

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I loved the illustrations in this cute story about a mountain dog puppy working to get his rescue certification. Although I loved the message of the book I found the text to be a bit heavy handed in trying to drive the point home.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely adorable, meaningful, and perfect book! I'll start by talking about the illustrations. The lines and colors were soft, matching the snowy theme of the book, yet still full of life. All of the physical details on the animals (feathers, fur, etc) were done flawlessly, and really helped to immerse me into the story. Bravo, illustrator!
As for the story, it was utterly perfect! This book teaches kids a multitude of useful skills that will help them throughout life. These skills include problem-solving, brainstorming, paced breathing, and asking for help. Charlie the dog sets such a good example for young readers, and kids will definitely have an easy time applying these skills to their everyday lives. Additionally, the ending was so sweet and heartwarming, it shows readers that these skills actually do pay off. I have no doubt that kids will enjoy reading this book, and will learn so much from it.

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This delightful children's book imparts a valuable lesson about self-esteem and resilience. The concept of the "bounceback superpower" effectively conveys the message that children's unique qualities are worthy of appreciation and celebration. I highly recommend this book as a resource for teaching young children about the importance of self-acceptance and positive self-regard.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the IBPA for the advanced reader copy of this book. All views and opinions are my own.

IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!!!! The most fluffy, adorable puppykin of all time strikes out up a mountain with his sled. Objective? To become the goodest boy rescue dog and earn his place on the rescue team.

He is joined by a wise eagle who teaches him problem-solving strategies, how to calm himself when he starts to panic, and how to persevere through adversity.

I am impressed how this book incorporated such essential skills as teaching a child how to deep breathe when they get stressed. I'm a psychiatric nurse, and I often feel demeaning when teaching people how to deep breathe. Everyone knows how to deep breathe, right? Wrong. Many, many people don't, and I wish this was taught at a young age to small children. Now it can be! Thanks to our goodest boy and his wise eagle friend.

Adorable artwork. Adorable friends. Clever backdrop to essential life lessons. Well done, team!

I'd rate this a G.

Original review posted on 7/29/24.

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This book was adorable! I actually read it to my three-year-old son, and he loved the illustrations and I think it gave a great message.

Before reading this book, I gave him a heads up that this book would be about problem-solving, And he was cheering on Charlie and Hazel and all their other other friends as we read this book, which I thought was adorable as he cheered ‘Stay strong! You can do it!’

The problem-solving techniques this book offers to help with helping Charlie leaning how to be a rescue dog (with Bounce Back Superpowers!) are as follows
1) Breathe
2) Brainstorm
3) I got this
4) Chunk it
5) Ask for help
6) Recharge

Thank you to NetGalley for giving me a chance to read review this book prior to its release date.

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A cute children's book about the power of perseverance. This is a good educational resource, with emphasis placed on developing life skills. There is even a “Teaching Children Bounce Back Superpowers” at the end of the book that functions as a guide and resource for adults to help children master these essential “superpowers.”

Informative and fun.

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