Member Reviews

an uplifting journey to become a rescuer with a little help along the way. adorable illustrations, positive affirming story.

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What an adorable and uplifting read! 𝗜 𝗚𝗢𝗧 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 is an entertaining read that imparts a very important life lesson to young children. It teaches them to approach obstacles in their way as just that, an obstacle to be tackled and overcome. With its easy to follow dialogue and lovely illustrations it is a lovely read. A great addition to any personal or classroom library.

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I love the idea of introducing kids to matters of overcoming obstacles - through the rebranding of resilience as “Bounce Back superpowers” its such a lovely and befitting metaphor.

The illustrations and arc of the story together also pack a punch - the plot progresses, makes an educational point for the kids, moves on to the next. The dog has a backstory, too!

The book lists some problem-solving, anxiety management, and emotional management techniques, and it's always good to have such positive reinforcements early on in life — for kids to identify when to push through, when to brainstorm, when to ask for help, and when to rest. Brilliant children's book, probably one of my favs I've read!

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

This is an adorable book about not giving up. The illustrations were so cute! I was thrown off by the style of narrative without stating who specifically was talking, but it was easy enough to figure out.

Hang in there, parents. We can do this job of guiding our children. We can do this!

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Julia Cook can do no wrong! I loved books like this when I was teaching elementary school SEL lessons to either kick off a unit or wrap it up. I think this one does a really great job of introducing how to be resilient and get through challenges. Cook talks about 6 “superpowers”: breath, brainstorm solutions positive self talk, chunk a problem into smaller problems, along for help, and recharge. As Charlie, the cute little puppy, goes through his journey, he h gets a chance to use all of the skills and they come with a cute little rhyme. Great book!

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I Got This! is a really nice picture book about a puppy that is training to be a rescue dog and must complete a practice course up a mountain. I loved all of the tools that the puppy used to reach their goal including re-framing negative talk and asking for help. This is a great kids book, and not only does it have adorable illustrations and messages, but it has useful strategies to face challenges as well.

Thanks to NetGalley, Julia Cook, and the National Center for Youth Issues for the chance to read and review. My opinions are my own.

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I just downloaded this book because it had a puppy on the cover, but then as I read it, it showed positive messages about not giving up on your dreams and using bounce back ability. I also liked how it showed strategies of what you can do if you give up or say anything negative about your talent. I would definitely recommend this book to kids and teens who are struggling with achievement skills.

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I enjoyed that this book broke down the steps to overcoming difficulties into small bites that kids (probably best for mid-elementary school and up) could understand. I especially liked that there was a section for adults at the end of the book on how to teach these skills to kids. This would be a good book to recommend to children who need help self-regulating when facing difficult tasks.

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This book is so cute! Reminds me of The Little Engine that could. All about believing in yourself and trying. I loved this for my almost 4 year old daughter. She loves dogs so what a great connection to show how to manage feelings and work out problems.

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This book was absolutely adorable!!! My kids loved this book. It was adorable! I loved the plot and the characters. A great kids book.

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Love this! What a fantastic teaching/guiding tool attached to a fun story. Children (and adults) can also benefit from the advice within, so a double win. Toss in great favorite was Hazel the squirrel and Charlie the wannabe rescue dog looking ever so human and dejected, sitting in the snow.... and you know children will enjoy the story. The story follows Charlie's quest to become a certified rescue dog by completing the difficult journey of climbing the tallest mountain. It's full of challenges and, even better, hints on how to overcome the obstacles her (and we) meet sometimes. I loved the eagle as the wise one, guiding Charlie along, offering suggestions but not telling Charlie specifically how to achieve his goals. I must admit, too, the illustrations are well done and realistic, even to the one of the "oops" in the slippery, deep snow.

Eagle helps Charlie and his squirrel friend Hazel reach their destination. It isn't easy and he learns how to use his "Bounce Back Superpowers" to reach the top of that mountain. Step-by-step, obstacle by obstacle, they show us that we do have the power within us to overcome obstacles by staying calm and using our heads. They're presented to Charlie in a believable way via the dialogue and illustrations. And, hey, Charlie, I've seen some real life mushers tackle getting around a downed tree to keep moving forward, so, yes, quite realistic. I definitely liked that Eagle reminded Charlie that while the journey is his, there is no reason he can't ask for help, something even we humans tend to forget at times when we're so focused on the target we lose sight of the big picture. The helpful suggestions shared with Charlie and nicely summarized at the end, too, with some suggestions on how to help children grasp what they actually mean.

Bottom line, I adored this book. Not only was the cover adorable, but the illustrations throughout managed to capture both the whimsical personalities of Charlie and Hazel but the reality of the winter scenes. You'll feel like cheering at the end, trust me. Teachers and parents, this is a book you should have. I'll be a quite valuable resource for you to bounce back, too, as you guide your child through ways to stay strong and keep their eyes on the goal, not the momentary frustrations we all feel at times when things don't go just right. Thanks so much #NetGalley and #NationalCenterForYouthIssues - #IBPA for sharing this early peek at this great resource that has the benefit of also being a great, fun story with an adorable dog and its squirrel friend. With this books help, we can all look forward to that virtual downhill sled ride at the end. Wheeee.....

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"I Got This!" is a great book for counselors, social workers, and parents to start a discussion and/or review strategies for overcoming frustration and persevering through challenges. Could also be used for an SEL lesson in the classroom setting and could have students act out the story as a group after reading it. Setting the story against a sweet background of a pup trying to become a rescue dog leads a fun narrative arc to these lessons and provides examples that kids can understand. I love how the pup "collected" his perseverance skills (or "Bounce back Superpowers") as feathers throughout the story so the reader could visually account for all the strategies and work the pup put in to reach his goal. The back matter at the end provides a great touchpoint for review and for further discussion after the story has ended. Best for elementary age but could even be used with more verbal preschoolers.

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Delightful book for young children. Important message throughout to keep trying and if you ,”PAWS” you can fulfill your dreams. The helper characters were a wonderful bonus. I love this book and I can’t wait to read I to my grandson.
#netgalley #IGotThis

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"I Got This!" is a cute book that teaches children skills to help them have important skills, such as perseverance, grit, self confidence and problem solving skills. It includes several catchy mantras that children can use to overcome trick situations. The illustrations and text are both engaging and child friendly. My only complaint is that the entire story is told in dialogue and doesn't indicate who is speaking- which may be confusing for younger readers. Overall, I'd recommend this book to parents and educators to help their little ones develop important skills in perseverance.

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Great book to use to o teach kids the power of resilience. Not giving up and thinking of other ways to do something is something kids need. I like how the author used dogs to teach this.

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What a cute book! I am sucker for a good social-emotional picture book. This one does a great job talking about resilence and having a growth mindset. The feathers with their strategies are great takeaways for little ones. Not to mention the artwork is beautiful. I highly recommend!

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"I Got This" by the National Center for Youth Issues, released by the Independent Book Publishers Association, is a delightful and inspiring children's book set to publish on August 1, 2024. Aimed at young readers, this book beautifully blends elements of adventure and personal growth, making it a captivating read for children and parents alike.

The story follows Charlie, a determined puppy with a dream of becoming a certified Rescue Dog. His journey to the top of the tallest mountain is filled with challenges that test his resolve. With the help of his friends, Charlie learns six essential "Bounce Back Superpowers" that equip him to tackle obstacles with calm resolve, creative thinking, and a step-by-step approach. These lessons are presented in an engaging and accessible manner, making complex concepts like problem-solving and perseverance easy for children to understand and apply.

What sets "I Got This" apart is its emphasis on emotional resilience and the power of community. The book’s message of taking "paws" to recharge and seeking support from friends adds a heartwarming touch. The narrative encourages readers to approach difficulties with a positive mindset and to value the importance of friendship and encouragement.

Overall, "I Got This" is more than just a story about a puppy's adventure; it's a valuable resource for teaching children essential life skills in a fun and relatable way. This book is a must-read for young readers, parents, and educators who wish to foster resilience and creativity in children.

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I loved I Got This! so much! This adorable picture book is beautifully illustrated and written so well! We follow a rescue dog in training as he goes on his final test! While his path is hard, he perseveres with the wise guidance of a friend and by finding inner strength! This character is so positive for young readers to emanate in their lives. I loved how the dog collects feathers after each struggle to build his superpowers! The advice given is so great and inspiring! Absolutely loved this and would love to buy it in the future to read to kids! I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley in trade for my honest opinion. My thoughts are my own.

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If I could rate this book more than 5 stars I would!

This is such a wonderful book for kids, and even adults, (yes, sometimes we need some reminders).
Teaches you not to give up and gives you steps to help you be successful!

Thank you Netgalley for the honor of reading this book first!

Set for publication in just a few short days, July 31,2024!

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This book is the most adorable children’s book I have read, I sat down and read it with my 2.5 year old daughter and she loved it.
The message is so important to little ears, I will be ordering this book to continue reading it to my daughter and other children.

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