Member Reviews

I didn’t enjoy the first half or so of this book. It drug on fore and I couldn’t enjoy it. And then suddenly a switch was flipped and I couldn’t read the second half fast enough. It was a really twisty novel with lots of things I never would have guessed.

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This book was interesting. The story involved multiple unreliable narrators and pivoted around a Fitzgerald obsession, including a movie being made as a feminist re-telling of Tender is the Night. The novel questions not just who is telling what they think is the truth, but also, what is truth? Different people may experience the same thing and have a very different understanding.

Generally well done. At times, however, the writing was a bit inconsistent. Sometimes, it was beautiful. At other times, it was a bit simple. I think the multiple writing styles was purposeful, another way of creating disconnect and keeping the reader guessing. But it worked a bit too well at creating a feeling of disconnect in that sometimes I didn’t particularly care very much about the story/characters.

Still not sure how I feel about the ending, which was abrupt and included the concept about what constitutes appropriate punishment. It felt rushed and left me with a feeling of uncertainty rather than closure.

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This book kept me engaged from the very first page. The writing, story, and characters were all so incredibly captivating that this is the kind of book we should be seeing more of. I’ve already told several fiends who love thrillers to mark it as want to read and preorder. Finally, we have psychological thriller that looks at women’s anger and experience as more than just a plot tool. Bravo.

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I literally could not put this book down! SWEET FURY introduces readers to Lila Crayne, a magnetic movie star, beloved by all, who's recently moved to NYC with her husband, famous filmmaker Kurt Royall, to start filming their feminist adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night. In preparation for the lead role, Lila starts going to therapy to process her past traumas—and she decides there's no better person to help her heal than Jonah Gabriel, accomplished therapist. As Lila's glittering, glamorous life begins to unravel on the therapy couch, Jonah believes he's the one who can pick up the pieces—but there's so much more to these characters than meets the eye, and no one is quite who they seem.

This story had me hooked from start to finish! While this was definitely a psychological thriller at its core, I loved how it also had a very literary feel to it—the writing was gorgeous and so immersive. I found myself completely absorbed in Lila's world. I'll admit that I'm not super familiar with F. Scott Fitzgerald's works, having only read The Great Gatsby, but this book made me want to delve even further into his bibliography. That being said, even if you aren't familiar with Tender is the Night or haven't read any of Fitzgerald's books, I would highly recommend reading this one anyway—it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the story at all, and if you are familiar, I'm sure it would only add to the experience! I also appreciated how the author doesn't shy away from depicting the deep-rooted misogyny that is present both in the film industry and in society in general, and how she could pay homage to Fitzgerald's writing, while still examining it with a critical eye. She does a fantastic job of tackling complex themes and getting you invested in these characters, truly keeping readers guessing on who is an unreliable narrator and who to root for throughout. The one area I did want a little bit more from was the ending. I thought it was well-done overall, but a little bit rushed, and I found myself wishing it was a little more drawn-out. Still, I think SWEET FURY is a must-read, especially if you are a fan of psychological thrillers, literary fiction, and/or F. Scott Fitzgerald! I can't wait to see what Sash Bischoff writes next. Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the ARC.

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Once I started, I couldn’t put this book down. I felt off-kilter from the beginning, certain that nothing was what it seemed, and I ended up right! I think even a slight familiarity with Fitzgerald’s novel would add enjoyment to this one, although it’s not a necessity. I enjoyed the twists, the dual timeline and the Hollywood film backdrop to the story. The writing occasionally felt overwrought and I didn’t always find the dialogue believable, especially towards the ending, but the plot kept me turning the pages. Overall, I had a good time with this and I will certainly seek out whatever the author writes next.

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I can say that Sweet Fury was a surprising suspense novel. What was surprising about it was the end. The stars of the book were Lila and Jonah. Lila was an actress and Jonah was a psychiatrist that she sought out for therapy. Lila was in a relationship with Kurt, who was the director of the film she was working on. Jonah was engaged to Maggie who was an accomplished artist.

As it turns out, Jonah was in love with Lila and Maggie knew all about it. They had met years ago at Princeton, but in that meeting Jonah did not reveal himself to her. They'd met at a costume party.

In their therapy sessions, Lila had told Jonah that Kurt had assaulted her. He encouraged her to leave him. Kurt found out about their sessions and he encouraged Jonah to drop her. But of course, Jonah was determined to protect her. Lila and Jonah decided to have their sessions in secret so when Lila got her own place, they decided to meet there. During their first meeting there, they had sex. It was apparent that Lila had left. Kurt and it was agreed that Jonah would leave. Maggie. The next morning he broke up with her. She warned him that Lila was no good for him but he wouldn't hear of it.

There was another important person in this story, and that's Celia. She had one of the leading roles in Lila's movie. She too had met Jonah at a party at Yale, and like with Lila, he didn't reveal himself to her as it was another costume party.

The twists and turns of this story made for intriguing reading. I was impressed by the journey the author took the reader on to arrive at the twist ending. This is just the kind of saga I enjoy, the kind where you have absolutely no idea how it's going to end. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and gave it five stars.

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Unfortunately not for me. In a world with SO many books being published, I just don't see this as a must in our collection.

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This read was middle of the road for me. I wasn't dying to pick it up, but it wasn't boring. The ending of the story made the entire read worth while. I love a book that I don't guess the ending for and this one definitely has a surprise ending.

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I hate it when people say that they had "high expectations" for a book. Because usually that means they're bringing their own desires to a narrative. And books aren't about the reader's desires, they're about the characters'. All that is to say, I had those pesky high expectations for this book and it flew, literally FLEW past them.

SWEET FURY is that rare blend of heart-pounding thriller and perfectly executed literary drama. The writing is impossibly good, the structure deliciously cagey, the novel a fever dream that sticks the landing so cleanly the reader can only stand up and applaud. This one gets a long ovation. Pulsing with a raw, electric energy, readers won't be able to look away.

Seriously: for fans of glassy writing that forms the perfect mirror, for fans of heart pounding thrillers, for fans of women getting even stories, for fans of BEING ENTERTAINED! This one's for you.

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This novel is a fictional characterization of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, “Tender is the Night”. Lila Crayne is the star and her fiancée, Kurt Royall, is the director. Lila is seeing a therapist, not only to overcome some past trauma, but also to prepare for her role in the movie. It is during these sessions that she begins to fall apart.

No one is who they seem in this twisty tale of revenge. It starts off slow but picks up speed, making it an enjoyable, yet confusing story. I didn’t quite understand the ending but nonetheless this book is worthy of 4 stars for its superb storytelling and the author’s ability to keep you guessing.

Thank you, NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for the advanced reader copy.

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I put a review for another ARC under this book by mistake. I’ll come back and update my review as soon as I read this!!!

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"Sweet Fury" delivers a captivating blend of psychological suspense and literary homage, drawing inspiration from both "Fates and Furies" and "The Silent Patient." The story follows movie star Lila Crayne as she prepares for a feminist adaptation of "Tender Is the Night," a process that leads her into therapy.

Initially, the narrative unfolds at a deliberate pace, inviting readers into Lila's therapy sessions and offering glimpses of her seemingly idyllic life. However, subtle red flags emerge, creating an undercurrent of unease. This gradual buildup of tension is masterful, keeping you on edge without revealing the full picture.

As the connections between Lila, her fiancé Kurt, and her therapist Jonah become clearer, the plot twists and turns, taking you on an emotional rollercoaster. While the beginning might be slower, the ending explodes into a tense frenzy that's impossible to put down.

If you're looking for a smart, suspenseful thriller with a touch of literary flair, "Sweet Fury" is an excellent choice. Just be prepared for a slow burn that ultimately ignites into a thrilling climax.

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Lila starts seeing therapist Jonah to prepare her for her upcoming role in Tender is the Night and dig into her past. But does Jonah have ulterior motives and secrets of his own?

This is a psychological thriller with a unique storyline and unexpected twists. It kept you guessing as to who the real culprit is.

The ending felt rushed and not sure how I feel about it.

Thank you NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this ARC in exchange for my review.

Release date Jan 7, 2025

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This is the first time I have read this author
I have read other ARCs and have seen people talking about this book and thought I would ask for an early release
Thank you for the opportunity to read this
I really enjoyed it.

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I've been desperate for a book inspired by Fitzgerald that really works for the last few years. When I saw the Netgalley email come through informing me this book existed and I could read it early, I downloaded it immediately. I wasn't totally sure what to expect from this literary thriller but it delivers what I've been looking for.

The initial blurb really sums up what this book is " Fates and Furies meets The Silent Patient when movie star Lila Crayne and her film director fiancé embark on a feminist adaptation of Fitzgerald’s Tender Is the Night, prompting Lila to enter therapy in preparation for her leading role—but in doing so, she finds herself the victim in a deadly game of revenge in which everyone, on screen and off, is playing a part."

At first readers follow Lila and her therapy appointments - complete with her therapist's notes - and things seem normal but over time, you start to notice some red flags. This is a slow build of tension and makes the reader feel uneasy but not completely sure what it is that makes you feel that sense of dread. I enjoyed learning more about Lila, her fiance Kurt, and her therapist Jonah. Watching their stories unfold and connect sends the reader on a rollercoaster of emotions. While this book is a bit slower at the beginning, the end builds to a tense frenzy that had me up late to see what happens next.

If you don't mind a slower start to a thriller, I'd recommend Sweet Fury. You definitely don't need a knowledge of Fitzgerald or his work to enjoy it but it is interesting if you do. Bischoff and her characters aren't afraid to confront Fitzgerald's misogyny while still paying homage to his work. This is what I've been looking for

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This was a fantastic book. I really enjoyed every second I spent reading it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of Sweet Fury.

I probably shouldn't have requested this since I despised The Silent Patient and IMO, F. Scott Fitzgerald is an overrated and over hyped author.

But I wanted to keep an open mind, especially since I'm always on the lookout for new authors.

The writing is good, but wordy, and much of the narrative is spent on filler; therapy sessions, film shoots, the table read, diary excerpts. inner monologuing from Lila and Jonah.

I'm not a fan of coincidence and this narrative reeks of coincidence and dumb luck when it comes to how the characters meet again.

Naturally, not one character is likable, and not surprisingly, nearly everyone has serious Freudian issues and needs therapy.

I don't mind unlikable characters but even unlikable characters should have an interesting quality; it doesn't have to be a redeeming quality, just something that makes them compelling.

The story lacked suspense and urgency and took too long to get to the denouement.

Since I read so many books in this genre, I had a good idea what the 'twist' was and Lila was playing a game of her own.

I didn't enjoy this as much as I had hoped to but I appreciate the opportunity to read it before publication.

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Sweet Fury is a surprisingly great novel by first time author. If you like F. Scott Fitzgerald, you'll love the Easter eggs left throughout this book which was filled with so many twists and turns that I didn't know who to suspect at each turn of a chapter. Highly entertaining, a true page turner that I finished at record breaking speed because I couldn't wait to get to the end and left me wondering if justice was serviced.

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I rather enjoyed this one. I wasn't sure I was going to as I know nothing about F. Scott Fitzgerald's writing or his famous works, and this is definitely a riff on Tender is the Night. I considered DNFing this early on as I had trouble keeping the actor's and who they were playing straight and I think I lost a lot by not fully understanding the literary references and parallels to Fitzgerald's works. However, I stuck with it and Part 2 really kicked things into action and then I was lost in the story as it pulled me a long. I think a better quote for this book would be from Shakespeare - "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." There are quite a few twists for you to discover. And I have to ask of anyone who has read this...did you understand the final epilogue/chapter? I sure didn't get what it was alluding to, but I'll consider this book like an AA Meeting...take what you want and leave the rest...and just be happy that I read it and enjoyed it.

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Sweet Fury was a highly satisfying blend of contemporary fiction and thriller genres. The storyline was unique, and the unexpected twists kept me guessing about the true nature of events and the identity of the culprit.

Thank you to Net Galley and Simon & Schuster for providing the ARC. Sweet Fury will be released on January 7, 2025.

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