Member Reviews

I had so much fun with this book! It was reminiscent of the "Why Women Kill" show that I absolutely adore.

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Very well descripted book about the history of crime from women in the UK. I have to say the introduction of every chapter was extremelly long and confusing to follow, the structure was odd to me. Overall, I enjoyed learning about this subject with thos book

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Thank you to NetGalley and Pen & Sword for an eARC copy of Women Who Kill by Erin Fetterly.

A short, informational book about women murders in Great Britain. While I enjoyed the cases that Erin Fetterly decided to cover (though a bit disappointed that she would choose cases that could not provide a lot of information), the writing style really just wasn't for me. It was often repetitive and felt like it was meant for a college textbook or just a college course in general.

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Wow, it was so interesting to read about female killers in Britain. Women Who Kill was just that. A great story!

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I'm sorry to say that the style and writing of this book read more like a degree dissertation - and not a particularly good one. It was dry, repetitive and often a social history of the judicial system (not uninteresting itself) more than the individuals concerned although I am aware of the lack of information available especially on the older cases.
Not for me but my thanks to NetGalley and Pen & Sword for the opportunity to read this ARC for an honest and unbiased review.

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Women Who Kill, Britain’s most dangerous women by Erin Fetterly, The book covers the mid evil era with a few cases from before peppered in the book to the Victorian era all the way to 1955 with the last woman executed in Scotland iPhone the author did a great job trying to tell the social aspect as well as popular beliefs media coverage ET see as well as the psychology of the perpetrators. I did think she gave a lot of these females benefit of the doubt and felt bad for them which I was OK with until the murder of the 13 year old newspaper boy Who got her eight-year-old daughter to sit on top of corpse in a wagon so as not to give up the goose, that her mom just murdered someone’s child. Despite the minor flaw in the book it is not enough to say it ruined it because this really is a great plethora of females in True Crime. There was a lot in this book that I didn’t know even though I am a big fan and a voracious reader of historical crimes especially women. For example I didn’t know in medieval times women had just as many violent crimes as men were treated equally in the court especially I think in Wales? Read the book then you know for certain but this is a great book and when I definitely recommend. I don’t like getting a book and realizing it is current paste that is definitely not what happen with this book the author you can tell throughout the narrative wrote the stories in her own way in the book was so much better for it. #NetGalley, #PenAndSwordPress, #ErinFetterly, #WomenWhoKill, #HistoricalTrueCrime,

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Women may be less likely to commit murder, statistically speaking, but that does not mean there haven't been plenty of female murderers through the centuries, and their stories show how different their experience has been compared to male murderers.

This is a short, informative book about female murderers in Great Britain in the last six hundred or so years. I appreciated how Fetterly selected the cases she covered as representative of how the law dealt with female murderers over the centuries, and how we got to see how that evolved over time.

Alongside these case studies, Fetterly also discusses how criminal justice in the different areas of Great Britain changed to slowly become more standardized, and how the regional differences in law on the way there affected how female murderers were pursued and punished.

However, I did find the writing dry and somewhat repetitive on occasion, the tone more like an academic essay than a book. While I enjoyed learning more about the topic my progress was rather slow at times because of this.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Everybody knows that super basic soccer moms love a good true crime story. But I wouldn't really say that's what this book is. It is, however, a meticulously researched academic look at how women were treated in the court systems of Britain across time.

The writing is a bit dry, there are significant gaps in the information available as to motives in some cases, and the reflection and analysis gets a bit repetitive as time marches forward. I think the phrase "this reflects society's changing attitude toward..." is in every chapter.

On the other hand, I did learn some fantastic information that is new to me. For instance, the crime of petty treason (a servant killing their master or a wife killing her husband) that came with the punishment of being BURNED AT THE STAKE would mean a wife would have to be desperate af to follow through with murderous intentions. This is true of some of the women we see, but we also see women willing to murder husbands because they prefer their lover's company. Which is just... I don't even know. Maybe a lack of opportunities to live their lives on their own terms made women a bit devil-may-care.

These women have essentially been buried with the passage of time. Their exploits may have been preserved in broadsides, but circumstances, motives, and legacies are often lost. Was it worth it?

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Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for my review copy.

This was a wonderful non-fiction very interesting and entertaining. A very enjoyable read.

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Thoroughly-researched Women Who Kill by Erin Fetterly focuses on female murderers in Wales, England and Scotland over the past 700 years, the criminal (in)justice system, executions and mental health. Women were long considered to be lacking in intelligence, courage and the capacity to kill but there are many examples of manslaughter and murder throughout the centuries. As women were usually at home, their weapons of choice were implements at hand. Women were often burned for their crimes but men seldom were. To delay death, sometimes women pleaded pregnancy, whether they were pregnant or not.

Not only are the cases interesting but so is learning about the evolution of mental health pertaining to murder and punishment. The women faced their fates (usually execution) in various ways which are outlined here. The last women executions in each of the three countries are described as are murder pamphlets, enlightenment, insanity and living conditions faced which are vastly different from now.

Do know the graphic descriptions can be difficult and jarring to read, especially details about infanticide. I like that it is written sensitively and thoughtfully.

My sincere thank you to Pen & Sword and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this incredibly compelling book.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for the ARC. Ten years ago I stopped reading true crime and I started writing it instead. Reading it was too emotional for me but writing about it wasn't. Naturally, I focused on crimes 100 years ago to preserve my emotions.
Anyway, I saw this and said "you need to read this" and I am so glad I did.
This is one of the best women's history books I have ever read. Why were women burned at not men? It is so interesting. I also love the bits about old newspapers. Reading old newspapers is everything. The gossip people put in the papers was worse than what we find on facebook now. It is amazing!
My favorite hobby is to find the gossip articles and then put them in familysearch so the family can see them.
I love this book. Do I think other people will love it? Yes. Because it is a well written and simple account of the things happening in this time period. But I think you'd need to be like me to appreciate it fully.
More of these please.

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As much as there’s a lot of discourse and ethical implications to it, it’s impossible to deny there is a strange curiosity in most of us about killers - what drives them, how does someone reach that point, and are they evil, or just a person pushed too far?

This book explores Britain’s history of women accused of murder, whether they’re guilty or not, and tries to find that tipping point from a woman scorned to a cold-blooded killer. Not only does this book take us back in time to learn about different crimes, punishments and women from our past, but also offers a chance to reflect on how the attitudes and treatments of women may have shaped brutal crimes.

Starting back in the 1300’s and exploring the broken legal systems, uninformed medical practices, religious zealotry, inhumane punishments and lack of human rights all the way until recent history, the removal of the death penalty, women being allowed bank accounts - a very different kind of world depending where you look.

This was fairly quick and easy to read, with an informative tone but without the stuffiness and over-formality that makes it feel like a textbook instead of a non-fiction. Each time period starts with a background of the laws, culture and themes of the time offering a window into attitudes and beliefs, then moving into introducing a few of the accused. Especially for the older entries, I know there may be a lack of information about the women themselves but I did wish we spent more time learning about their stories as the women themselves featured a bit less than I expected with how this book is presented.

At times I found the constant use of conjunctions in places a little jarring, and the subject would meander and loop back round at times in ways that didn’t quite flow, feeling like some kind of sectioning or separation was needed - but content was still very interesting, clearly well-researched and well worth the read.

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A very well researched true crime read.
Covering 700 years of murders some readers may find some parts difficult to read.
Highly recommend for those who enjoy true crime.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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A interesting book on women who have killed through the centuries,many misunderstood women of women with mental illness which should of been addressed if only they were taken serious enough at the time but unfortunately those were different times.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading about each women's case and why they did what they did and how badly men and society judged them. Many women were out to death unnecessary.

Thanks net galley for allowing me to review this book.

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A very interesting book about British female serial killers. Definitely recommend to all that enjoy true crime!
Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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‘Throughout British history, it has been assumed that women are far less likely, and less capable, than men to commit felonies of all types, especially murder.’

A must read for true crime readers!

Featuring stories of women who have committed murder in the past 700 years.

Some might find this to be a difficult read due to distressing talks on infanticide.

‘Women who committed crimes while embodying in feminine, or masculine qualities faced harsher treatment, being considered more unnatural or inhuman than those who adhered to feminine expectations.’

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The author of this book really did their research for this book. I like that the author stated facts and backed it up with court documents. This book really was eye opening because I learned a lot about the treatment of women In the criminal justice system in the past and present. It accurately shows the evolvement of the justice system for women.

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Interesting and entertaining- although that may be too cheerful a word, considering the subject matter. I liked that the author mostly kept the focus on ‘everyday’ murderers rather than notorious ones. A little dry in arts, but very readable.

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This book does a great job of describing how Britain's criminal justice has evolved for women. It uses numerous court records and other accounts to illustrate how women were tried for their crimes and punished. Well-researched. The book is nonfiction. The author focuses on actual records and does not dramatize their stories. I like how the author mentioned mental health and societal norms that impacted the treatment of women.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Pen & Sword for the ARC.

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I'm going to go in the middle with a 3 star rating for this book. Not because it's not good it's just not what I was expecting from the title. It really isn't a history of the most dangerous women. It focuses more on the judicial system and how attitudes towards crime and in particular women changes. It was an interesting read but not my interest.

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