Member Reviews

This was a fantastic first volume. I adored the character design of the MMC and subsequent supporting characters. It is reminiscent of other Shonen titles however the wheelchair MMC, backstory and unique "transformations" is a welcome change. I'm very much looking forward to the second installment.

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Tank Chair features a raging Japanese wasteland where only the strongest survive, so what happens when an unassuming schoolgirl takes intense assassin jobs?
In reality, Shizuka Nagino gets the most murderous hit requests and sends them to her brother, Nagi Taira. Nagi is wheelchair-bound and mostly braindead due to an accident that left him in this condition. Most of his life is living in an unresponsive vegetative state with his sister.
However, when faced with murderous intent, his consciousness rebirths and he becomes a skilled assassin. His wheelchair also helps him get through tricky situations, as it acts as a transformative piece of armor for him. With this in mind, it’s up to Shizuka to find someone with the will to kill so strong, it might help Nagi recover permanently.
Tank Chair was a surprisingly bloody good time! Those looking for Fist of the North Star vibes will find a great time. The action sequences work well, and the artist does a great job fitting Nagi’s handicaps into battles.
I enjoyed how the fight scenes were diverse as well, with the last opponent of the volume figuring out his weaknesses quickly before fleeing. I did appreciate the brother/sister dynamic of the main duo, and while Nagi doesn’t have much going in terms of personality, the murderous switch helps set him aside from other protagonists.

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Nagi was once one of the strongest assassins alive; but a horrific accident has left him wheelchair-bound and unresponsive. The only way to bring him back to himself is to trigger that assassin’s instinct: if he can sense someone coming in for the kill, he wakes up. To that end, his little sister Shizuka is determined to find him the most dangerous of opponents—all of which he takes on with the help of his battle-ready mobility device. Together, they search for an opponent deadly enough to bring Nagi back to himself permanently.

Tank Chair is gritty and gory, but surprisingly sweet—a must for fans of Chainsaw Man and the works of Go Nagai. The later chapters of Volume 1 bring more details about these killer siblings to light, including the existence of a school for assassins and some long-standing rivals. You can immerse yourself in the world of Tank Chair when Kodansha releases Volume 1 on September 17.

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Set in a dystopic cyberpunk future, Tank Chair is about a comatose paraplegic hitman named Nagi who returns to full consciousness whenever he's able to sense murderous intent, employing a series of Mad-Max-kitted-out wheel chairs to assist in his self-defensive kills. Having been initially injured saving her from harm, Nagi's younger sister, Shizuka, seeing him come back to life, pits him against increasingly dangerous opponents or contract targets in the hopes that encountering enough murderous intent will cure him permanently. The thoroughly tongue-in-cheek premise is a set up for over-the-top violence that is immediately reminiscent of Yukito Kishiro's Battle Angel Alita, and maybe even more it's motorball spin-off one-shot, Ashen Victor.

In many ways, Tank Chair is reminiscent of other seinen series that reveled in this kind of frenetic graphic depictions of violence like the aforementioned Battle Angel, Blade of the Immortal, Blame!, and GANTZ. Underpinning this all is the ways in which Nagi's physical disability is framed; the Tank Chair itself (which he operates with his massively strong arms) is an accommodation that allows Nagi to effectively continue his work as a master assassin, in some ways allowing for his condition to apply advantages in combat. During one fight he thoroughly rejects the premise that he is lesser-than following his permanent injury, and that his personal connections have grown (albeit comically framed as "NOTHING BONDS PEOPLE TOGETHER LIKE MURDER!"). Tank Chair is a violent spectacle that revels in its bloody viscera as a major selling point, but it also clearly aims for positive disability representation.

A ridiculously over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek, violent manga that knows exactly what it is, that will appeal to fans of Chainsaw Man, and the prior mentioned violent spectacles like Battle Angel.

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Super cool aesthetic and story, The art style really reminded me of Q Hayashida's work, which is a good thing. I'm really excited about continuing the story.

Thanks to Kodansha and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I was very intrigued by the premise of this manga, even though it’s not the type I would generally read.

This is a very violent manga, so I would not recommend it if that’s not something you are okay with. The characters seem interesting from what we have seen so far, but this volume is mainly introducing them without too much backstory yet. I do really like the art style and liked the detail that went into the different models and features of his wheelchair.

It was interesting enough that I would probably consider reading the next volume and seeing what happens next.

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This was a lot of fun, and reminds me more than a bit of Chainsaw Man. Most important for me, the action was incredibly clear and easy to follow. Often in shonen books I lose track of who is doing what to whom and how, but that was never the case here. I'd recommend it to action readers looking for something new.

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Tank Chair is gory fun. Honestly, it was refreshing to see one of the best assassins be wheelchair bound and still be a force to be reckoned with, even if he's no longer fully able-bodied. The art is very nice to look at, it does a lot of telling along with the dialogue. It's absurd at time, it's violent, and I'm still glad it exists. I am always here for "what if this, but this?" sorts of titles.

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This reminded me of how over the top manga can be and I finished it on one sitting.
The consept of an assassin in a wheelchair is intressting and I will read the next volume when I get the chamce.
It is violent and bloody but I found humor in the consept and the last chapter give a solid direction for where it is going, even if I'm not invested in the characters yet I am curious of where it's going.

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This is an interesting story where our main character is an assassin, but he was in an accident saving his sister. His sister is working on healing her brother by doing it in a very odd and dangerous way. I would like to see where this story goes, as it's an interesting concept.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this e-ARC!
3 stars

Yet another manga that I'd love to follow but there's no valid paid app to read on T^T It's a really fun action manga with an interesting concept. I liked the art, and the action was really fun with the different chairs the male MC used. Definitely recommend for people who like just fun slashy action shounen!

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This is what manga is for! Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for the opportunity to read this one.

Tank Chair has been on my radar for a while - I saw the cover art and added it to my mental “check this out” list. The art style reminds me a lot of Q Hayashida, definitely some Dai Dark/Dorohedoro vibes.

Obviously violent with some really dynamic panelling. Fast paced, fun and some very unique character designs.

I will be checking out Volume 2!

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Tank Chair 

September 17 release

Volume 2 release December 

Volume 3 release March 2025

Warning there is violence

It ended up being more interesting than I originally thought it would be. When I try to compare what it reminds me of, the closest thing I could think of is Dorohedoro (the art style). I am left with lots of questions after reading volume one, but so far the developments are moving along at a decent pace. One part I was surprised to see right at the beginning was a gorilla (not sure if there are other species or if someone genetically mutated), but in this world it seems like people can "improve" their bodies too. We learn bits and pieces of their backstory that seem like it will be relevant soon- like hiding from the Academy. Will be reading a bit more to see if it's a series I’ll continue. 

Nagi became unresponsive three years ago after he tried to save his sister-  the doctors are surprised he is even alive. Shizuka, his sister, is not giving up on getting her brother back to normal, even willing to go as far as accepting risky assignments for his “therapy”. She does whatever it takes to figure out the best way for him to stay responsive the longest. No matter what he has to feel murderous intent to awaken. Thus, Shuzuka will even threaten her own brother's life for his recovery.  As Nagi finishes out a hit, it seems he becomes unresponsive not long after but he still tries to talk to his sister as long as he can. 

Thank you @netgalley and @kodanshamanga for the opportunity to read.

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This is one of the dumbest manga I have read in a while, and I loved every second of it. Makes zero sense, constant gore, and copious amounts of action. The only reason this exists is for a pure fun factor and oh boy does it accomplish that in spades.

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A good graphic novel full of action and well-done graphics. The story is fast paced and will keep your interest. The plot is well told and holds the premise for further stories in a series. A good read.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Tank Chair 1 is like an intense and gripping action manga that takes readers on a violent, adrenaline-fueled journey through a dystopian world. Fans of Chainsaw Man, Battle Angel Alita, and Dorohedoro will find themselves right at home in the chaotic and brutal landscape of Guicheng Island, known as "the most dangerous town in the universe."

The story centers around Shizuka, a young girl taking on the deadliest assassin jobs, and her brother Nagi, a formidable assassin left in a wheelchair after taking a bullet to protect her. The unique twist of Nagi needing to face murderous intent to wake from his comatose state adds an intriguing layer to the plot, driving the siblings into battle against the most dangerous foes.

The artwork is stunningly detailed, capturing the gritty and slick environment of their world, and the action scenes are dynamic and visceral. The character development is well-crafted, particularly the bond between Shizuka and Nagi, which provides a strong emotional core amidst the ultra-violence.

Overall, "Assassin in the Deadliest Wheelchair" is a must-read for fans of dark, action-packed manga. It delivers a compelling mix of high-stakes battles, complex characters, and a relentless pursuit of recovery and survival. Highly recommended for those who crave a thrilling and brutal adventure.

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I look thorough a lot of manga daily and surprisingly missed out on such a cool story! I'm glad the title wasn't too on the nose like "Wheelchair Assassin."

A wheelchair assassin is a very cool, unique concept. The competent assassin brother became wheelchair bound and normally in a mental comatose after a taking a bullet to save his hostage sister prior. He only temporarily responds to someone else's genuine killing intent. The stronger killing intent, the better. The sister feels responsibility and guilt for the accident, but it doesn't dull her bright personality and an ambitious goal to aim for dangerous opponents/targets until there is someone with enough killing intent to complete revive her brother.

It's a straightforward goal with zanny action, a gorgeous art style, and a crazy post-apocalyptic setting that's not explained yet. Both siblings truly care for each other amidst some crazier aspects to them (probably due to the setting). The last chapters introduce an antagonist pair I'm already hoping to see again and implications of more threatening foes to come.

Really looking forward to volume 2 and hope I'll get an opportunity to read that early like this one. Thank you again to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for allowing me to read this insane story early.

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This has got to be the COOLEST manga I have read in a long time. Such fantastic disability rep, and it's BADASS!! I'm so excited for this series.

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