Member Reviews

Unfortunately this book wasn’t my cuppa right from the start and didn’t change. I dnf’d 15% in.

Thank you NetGalley for sending this book for review consideration.

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When Liz is ghosted by a man she connected with on an app, she sets off before the holidays to find him and ask why. A winter weather accident finds her in the home of the 'ghosted' but he seems to have no idea who she is. This was a fun holiday novel with a great family of characters and neighbors.

I received this ARC via NetGalley.

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I think this book was a fun read. I loved the banter between the leads because that’s something I usually enjoy reading. I also loved the kindness showed by Fraser’s granny and cousin to Liv. The friendship between Liv and Effie was actually very heartwarming to read. It just goes to show that sometimes being kind is the right thing to do.

However I wish there were more romance between the main characters. I felt like the enemies element was very strong but the love part came out very quickly. I do get why Fraser was so cold to Liv in the beginning because of his trauma from the past relationship. Even though it’s a cliche we’ve seen a lot in movies, but I truly hope people in real life don’t go through that because it can really mess a person big time. They had a few cute moments but I was just wanting more.

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Mistletoe Magic in the Highlands is a really cute holiday romance, with a lot of fun and humour. Firstly, the premise is could have gone badly wrong. Liv thinks she's been ghosted by the guy she's been falling in love with online and ends up driving up to Scottland to confront him only to get trapped in a snowstorm discover he doesn't seem to know who she is. Things could have been done badly, but I thought the resolution was really well managed, maintaining some elements to the connection Liv had without her being in love with a fake person.

There's a strong sense of chaos throughout the story that keeps you turning to page to find out what on earth will happen next. I loved the freidnship between Effie and Liv, and also the dynamic with Liv ending up helping to deal with the other guests. There was such a great cast of characters, and she integrated multiple character backstories seamlessless, which really added to the reading experience.
The only thing I didn't love was how seriously she took the 'not liking English people' thing, it ruined the vibe and was such a dumb thing to be offended.
Overall definitely an enjoyable read.

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What a cute holiday read ! This is a perfect quick read to cozy up with on a snowy night drinking hot tea. I finished this one in a day, it really sucked me into the story and setting. I love all books set in Scotland and if you throw in an adorable highland cow then I am sold. I liked the concept of the online dating apps and being ghosted. All the characters were very quirky and likable. I was sad to see it end. I recommend this for anyone who likes a holiday romantic comedy.

Thank you Netgalley and Aria and Aries for the digital arc in exchange for my honest review.

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A cute, easy Christmas read. Lovely characters, especially Ginger! The main characters didn't have a great deal of chemistry but it was a bit more about the whole family dynamic.

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This was a cute book! It starts off with the main character being ghosted on a dating app and deciding to track down the guy that did it. Lots of shenanigans happen and a few surprises. For some reason I had a hard time getting into this book. May have just not been in a reading sort of mood, but I did get into it and had an easy time flying through the last 1/3. Probably won’t go back to it, but it was good for a once-through read. I like the setting of the book, and the characters seemed well developed. For a book that takes place close to Christmas, it wasn’t too Christmasy, which is nice because I got an advanced copy from NetGalley, and am reading it in the Fall. It would be a good anytime of the year read. I gave it a 3 out of 5, and would still consider reading another novel by this author.

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Mistletoe Magic in the Highlands is a fun grumpy-sunshine story. The characters were pretty great but I did move a bit slow in some spots for me. It definitely gives tiny town Christmas vibes and is perfectly paired with a cup of hot cocoa.

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Charming holiday novel! I thought there’d be more romance, but it was still a fun escape read and Scotland always has my heart.

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This book had me interested from the beginning but then it sort of fell flat for me. I needed things to move along a little bit more with the romance storyline earlier on. That being said, I did press on and enjoyed the holiday vibes.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC!!

I really enjoyed this book!! It was so cute!! I enjoyed the setting and all of the characters! I loved the story! Such good writing style!!

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I really enjoyed this sweet read. This is a grumpy-sunshine romance, but also has a lot of funny parts and quirky characters which makes is such a fun read. The story is set in the Scottish Highlands and our heroine Olivia has terrible luck with men. She thinks she's found a winner in Fraser Douglas, a Scottish chef, but then he ghosts her a well. Olivia is fed up and decides to drive from her home in England to Scotland to give Fraser a piece of her mind.

That's when things go sideways. She is close to the restaurant/inn where Fraser works when she gets a flat tire and ends up on the side of the road. Then, she encounters a friendly Highland cow, and she has a fall which knocks her out. She is able to briefly play off some amnesia and gets welcomed into the dilapidated inn by Fraser's cousin Effie. When Olivia "Liv" encounters Fraser, he does not seem to recognize her and so she continues the charade of amnesia. A blizzard arrives, bringing with it a car of strangers who need lodging for the night.

This book was funny and sweet. There was no spice in the romance but that was fine, as the setting and the characters more than make up for that. I would recommend this to anyone who loves stories set in the Highlands, especially romances.

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A funny and sweet story which is very fast paced, and had some funny moments in it. This was the perfect clean romantic romcom! I loved all the characters, especially young and innocent Effie. The book talks about ghosting, online catfishing, and helping your man in times of trouble. A romantic romcom about what can happen if you open your heart - This is a perfect for a Christmas/ holiday read and isn't too long!

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I really couldn't get into this. I couldn't connect with any of the characters.
It started really slow, and I felt that it didn't pick up any pace.
Liv has signed up to a dating app. They are getting.on really well when suddenly she is ghosted.
Liv decides to head to Scotland and confront Fraser.
I'm probably in the minority but this, for me, wasn't a usual Bella book.
Thanks to Netgalley and Aria and Aries for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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I received a free copy of, Mistletoe Magic in the Highlands, by Bella Osborne, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Olivia Bingham does not have the best taste in men, she has been ghosted a lot. When she meets Fraser on a dating app, she thinks he could be the one, until he ghosts her too!. Olivia decides to go to the Highlands to meet Fraser in the flesh. I would love to spend Christmas in The Scottish Highlands, how beautiful it would be. I enjoyed this book.

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I really loved reading this book. I live in the highlands of Scotland so I enjoyed the local areas within the book. I really liked the pace of the story and how you learn about each character and their connections to each other. I loved the relationships within the book and how liv finds herself again.

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I really wanted to like this one (I mean, look at that cute cover with Ginger the coo). I just did not connect at all with the characters. Liv seems like a nice, sharp girl, yet her deceit did not sit well with me. I never really felt the connection between her and Fraser. Yes, there was tension which I can see would be meant to equal passion, but he just seemed like an inappreciative grump. Some of the side characters were cute and even endearing, but again, there just seemed to be a lack of connection. There was a lot of unnecessary language and innuendos that felt out of place for the type of story. I am sure there are others who will connect and enjoy it, but I just did not.
I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own.

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This book is the perfect festive read, all the cozy fibes and winter magic.
A classic Christmas romance, with well rounded characters and full of Scottish charm,

Liv is unlucky in love and when she matches with Frazer the "outlander" man of her dreams its all seems too good to be true,
which it ends up being, which leads her racing up to Scotland to give him a piece of her mind!
full of ups and downs, loved it. it you like Sarah Morgan, Laurie Gilmores, and Karen Swam you will like Bella Osborne.

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Imagine being ghosted not once but twice! That is the reality for poor Liv! Well, she's through; she's had enough! It is time to confront Fraiser (the latest ghost) and demand to know why! Of course, she had never met Fraiser; they only ever communicated via a dating app, but still, she had feelings, dang it! So, like any sensible woman, she loads up her car and drives 6 hours to give him a tongue lashing and find out what exactly is wrong with her! Upon her arrival at the hotel/restaurant Fraiser's family owns, there are a few missteps, including a winter blizzard that snows them all in. What is more perplexing is Fraiser is acting like he doesn't even know her. Indeed, the man is insufferable, grumpy, and demanding.

This was the perfect clean romantic romcom! I loved all the characters, especially young and innocent Effie. The book talks about ghosting, online catfishing, and helping your fellow man in times of trouble. At its heart, though, this novel is simply a romantic romcom about what can happen if you open your heart.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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