Member Reviews

This was a fascinating audiobook to listen to! I am such a big fan of micro-histories. I would never think there's this much to say about teeth but each section included so much new-to-me information.

The narration was great, and easy-to-learn from!

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Thank you NetGalley for a pre-release of the audiobook Bite by Bill Schutt.

Have you ever thought about your teeth and how they’re important for your survival? Schutt takes readers on a deep evolutionary dive about teeth from species around the globe. If you’re interested in learning something new, this is the book for you!

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Very informative!

Where was Bill Shcutt when I was taking animal form and function? Bite was a perfect mixture of educational and entertaining. The content was easy to digest and I could not put it down.
This is one of the many books by Bill Schutt I will read- I'm hooked!

I highly recommend everyone pick this book up.

Thank You to Bill Shcutt, Hachette Audio and NetGalley for the audio-digital ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This is my favorite kind of niche science nonfiction: information shared in an interesting and accessible way, well-researched, and a bit fun. If you're a fan of Mary Roach's style of books, then I would recommend this as well. The audiobook was also great, an enjoyable listen.

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Thank you, NetGalley for an advanced ALC of this book as an audiobook from Publisher @HachetteAudio

I do love Non-Fiction books where I can learn & this fascinated me to learn about animals and the importance of Teeth... I learnt about animals that I didn't even know had teeth etc. Each chapter concentrated on certain creatures.

The narration of this book was very well done with a Voice that was pleasant to listen to, making each moment go by fast and be very engaging

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Bite: An Incisive History of Teeth, from Hagfish to Humans by Bill Schutt is an absolutely riveting read that takes a deep dive into the natural, scientific, and cultural significance of teeth. Schutt’s expertise as a zoologist, combined with his engaging and witty writing style, makes this book a must-read for anyone curious about the often-overlooked marvels of biology.
Schutt traces the evolution of teeth over half a billion years, illustrating how this simple yet incredibly powerful adaptation has shaped the success of vertebrates across the globe. From the terrifying fangs of prehistoric crocodiles to the intricate dental tools used by early humans, Bite uncovers the essential roles teeth have played not just in feeding, but also in defense, social signaling, and even cultural practices.
One of the most captivating aspects of the book is how Schutt interweaves stories from the natural world with historical anecdotes and modern scientific insights. Whether discussing the formidable tusks of a warthog or the dental bling of ancient Etruscans, he keeps the narrative educational and highly entertaining. His exploration of how teeth have been used to understand evolution, famine, war, and disease is particularly illuminating, showing just how much these small structures have to teach us about life on Earth.
Schutt’s ability to connect the past with the present is another highlight of the book. He goes beyond the history of teeth to discuss their implications for current and future scientific research, including their potential role in addressing modern health challenges such as Alzheimer’s disease and mental health issues. This forward-looking approach adds an extra layer of relevance to an already fascinating topic.
Bite is not just a book for those interested in science; it’s a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone who appreciates the wonders of the natural world. Schutt’s enthusiasm for his subject is infectious, making the book a delightful journey through the history of something we all take for granted.

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Review of “Bite: An Incisive History of Teeth, from Hagfish to Humans”

By: Bill Schutt

Check it Out on Goodreads!!

Disclaimer: Please note that I received and Audio ARC from NetGalley and Hachette Audio in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.


“Bite” is a fascinating exploration of the evolutionary significance of teeth, making a compelling case for their crucial role in the survival and success of vertebrates. The book is well-written and engaging, blending scientific insight with Schutt’s signature wit, making it an unexpectedly captivating read. Schutt delves into the diverse functions of teeth beyond just eating, covering their roles in defense, aggression, and even social status, all while weaving in intriguing historical and cultural anecdotes. Schutt’s thorough exploration of evolutionary biology made this an enlightening and enjoyable read. This book is a must for anyone interested in natural history, though some sections might feel a bit dense for casual readers, which is why it’s a solid four-star read.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Hachette Audio, Algonquin Books, and Bill Schutt for the audiobook ARC.
4.25 stars.

I would trust Bill Shcutt with my grade 9 science class, which says a lot! He may not like it (fourteen-year-olds are cutthroat) but his writing indicates a digestible (pun intended) lecturing style that balances facts with comparative examples. While still putting the scientific push on a pillar, Schutt gives readers of all educational backgrounds the tools needed to understand. At no point do readers feel dumb nor does Schutt dumb-down any of the information.

For the most part, each chapter was split into two or three sections that focused on specific animals. I especially enjoyed the snake chapter and a look back at the transitional fossils that led to the connection between birds and dinosaurs.

The only part that really stood out as not cohesive were the chapters dedicated to human teeth. And I know, it’s in the title! Listening, for almost an hour, about George Washington’s dentures was not what I had signed up for after learning so much interesting information prior. It felt out of place, in a way that I can’t necessarily pinpoint.

Each chapter had a witty title and an associated quote, which framed the upcoming. Part of me wished that I had access to the digital or physical copy, as I would have loved to see some images along with descriptions.

As for the production of the audiobook -- the narrator did a great job! He felt so familiar, like a friend. In my notes, I wrote that “the narrator’s voice is really even and holds my interest; it’s read almost like a fictional story -- there’s a natural rise and fall, making it feel like I’m tuned in to a conversation.” I must mention though, that hearing the full addresses of a handful of website links was jarring. However, the sound quality is crisp and easy to consume for long periods!

Overall, Bite takes a simple topic (teeth) and expands it into two complex directions (science, history), while still making the information chewable (pun intended) for anyone looking to conquer their fear of the density (or interested in evolutionary biology). I have added Schutt’s other books (Cannabilism, Pump, and Dark Banquet) to my TBR and I look forward to picking up a copy for my classroom’s library.

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Feed Your Information Appetite With Bite!

This was a fun book.

I found it really interesting and well written.

The writing, by Schutt, reminded me in a way of the writing of Mary Roach, especially how the book itself is very similarly-titled and geared towards a similar audience of Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal or Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers.

Not 100% as hilarious as Roach's writing, but still a fun and interesting scientific read.

If this book sounds interesting to you! Give it a bite!

Check it out.

I liked it!


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BITE: An Incisive History of Teeth From Magfish to Humans gives an in-depth look into the history in taxonomy of teeth throughout the known world. Full of fascinating, fox, and more information than you could possibly need to know about teeth, this book was just what I was hoping for when I picked it to read!
I loved the details put into the taxonomy and the use of teeth to decode history the story of evolution and how we evolved.
🎧The narration by Charles Constant brought to life, levity and enthusiasm author Bill Schutt has for this topic. Sure there were some moments that went completely over my head, but the comfortable narration made it enjoyable to listen to nonetheless.
👉 This book is perfect for history and science buffs alike! this was the evolutionary book. I was hoping for when my last read a book based on Darwin’s Evolution.

⭐️Thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for this ALC.

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Informative and fun. Bite was an interesting book about the science and history of teeth. I learned more than I ever thought possible about how teeth have made an impact I'm the world around us. Great read!

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Very entertaining and informative! Who knew there could be so much to say about teeth? Schutt tells us about the function of different types of teeth (tusks, fangs) and about how different animals use their teeth. He also talks about human teeth - including what little critters cause decay, pain, and infection (believe it or not - it isn't "tooth worms" as ancient societies all over the world used to think!). The book was humorous and very educational and I thouroughly enjoyed it. I have read Schutt's earlier book "Canabalism" and look forward to reading his book on the heart, "Pump."
I listened to this as an audiobook and I, like many of you, I assume, listen at 1.5 speed. The narrator, Charles Constant, was great and was very easy to understand, even at this speed.

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Super fun and interesting! Schutt finds the perfect balance between facts and entertainment in each chapter. I didn't find it overly scientific. It was well thought out and easily digestible. I think we all take our teeth for granted and this really opened my eyes to how integral our chompers are to life and how important they've been to evolution.

I didn't even realize I have another one of his books on my TBR already, Dark Banquet. I will be moving that up on my list now!

The narration was great and kept me engaged.

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I found this absolutely fantastic! I am such a nerd for stuff like this and this author does a fantastic job! He has a way of making his books not just informative but hilarious. I have loved Schutt other works and this one was no different! If you enjoy science, especially the weird kind this is definitely the book for you.

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This is a very technical book that makes its subject matter more digestible, pun intended, through wonderful use of humor. The skilled narration enhances the approachability of the subject matter. The various vignettes are fascinating; vampire bats lap blood and elephants evolved without tusks as a result of poaching. I’m hardly the target market for this book but the humor and fabulous narration made it easier for me hang in there.

Many thanks to Hachette Audio and NetGalley for the ARC.

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4.25 - An incredibly interesting look into the history of one of evolution's biggest wins - teeth. There's still a lot we don't know about teeth, but what we do know makes for quite a compelling read. From their initial appearance hundred of millions of years ago, all the way through to today, teeth have, and continue to, play a huge role in the success of vertebrates. Whether discussing dinosaurs or fish, bats or humans, teeth, as both weapons and tools, are critical when it comes to survival, and their fossilized remains have helped us learn so much about the inhabitants of the world we live in. Well written and wonderfully read, this book is humorous, educational, and thoroughly enjoyable!

Thank you to Hachette Audio, Algonquin Books, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Genetics and evolution are hard subjects for me. I wasn’t sure that I would be able to grasp the very specialized content of this volume and I’m impressed at how the author makes the information appealing and approachable. What do we know about teeth? Turns out that not as much as we’d think. Schutt explores these features in animals, extant and extinct, as well as how they got that way. From elephants, hippos, vampire bats and humans, amongst many others. The audiobook narration by Charles Constant does great justice to the author’s sense of humor. He nails the middle ground between your favorite professor and a knowledgeable friend. The content goes from the perfect fodder for Trivial Pursuit to a more in-depth analysis of the composition and evolution of teeth and how they have influenced our lives and those of our fellow animals. Fascinating, entertaining and easy to understand.
I chose to listen to this audiobook and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, NetGalley/Hachette Audio | Algonquin Books.

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This book about teeth will put a smile on your face! If all science professors peppered their lectures and reading with such humor, there would be a lot more scientists in the world. In Bite we take a trip back in time, learn about dental forensics, how baby bats' teeth are used more like hands to grasp onto a parent before they can fly on their own, and many other fascinating and often humorous scientific tidbits related to teeth - in bats, fish, birds, and mammals. And why it's critical to visit the dentist regularly.
Bite is as fascinating as Salt or Cod, both by the excellent Mark Kurlansky, with more dad jokes. Seriously, a lot of puns, jokes, and humorous asides liven up the material and make it quite an enjoyable and interesting non-fiction book.
My thanks to the author, publisher, audiobook producer, and #NetGalley for early access to the audiobook in exchange for a review. Bite will be published on August 13, 2024.

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