Member Reviews

Firstly the narration was great. Surprised me at first the american accent for the girls but they are american so that made sense.

Honestly I loved this book. I devoured it. I was luckily enough to have the audiobook and ebook approved by netgalley and that is my preferred way to listen and read books at the same time. Only because that is how my brain processes it better.

The concept was unique and funny but also help a lot of heart and depth. It is a beautiful love letter to being a fan of fantasy series and a reader of the genre in general.

Loved my time in this world and I cannot wait to see what comes next, surely a sequel. Will be recommending to everyone on the internet and friends and family

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Rating: Absolutely Loved It, 5 Stars

"The story wasn't real, but love made it matter."

Long Live Evil follows Rae, a young woman who is in the hospital dying of cancer. She is given a second chance at life when a mysterious woman comes to her and gives her the opportunity to go into her favorite book series to retrieve a flower that holds the power of life and death. She ends up in the body of the villainess who is destined to die the next day. Rae must fully embrace her villainy and assemble a band of minions in order to survive until the flower blooms. Absolute shenanigans ensue from there.

Long Live Evil was a rollercoaster of delightfully absurd hijinks that initially drew me in with the acerbic wit and sarcasm and wound up completely captivating me with the character explorations and endearingly dysfunctional found family.

"It was uncomfortable to consider how much heroism was based on point of view."

I thought this was a really fun take on the world within a book. The book series that Rae enters is setup to be a very classic good versus evil with the chosen one who ascends to become emperor and a damsel in distress who every male character falls in love with. However, the world that Rae enters is very different. I loved the exploration of storytelling craft, different writing conventions, and literary devices. Probably my favorite thing was how Rae came to have a deeper understanding of the story and the characters that she had previously dismissed as one-note type characters. One of my favorite thing about stories is how they resonate with everyone differently and how they can resonate with you differently depending on when and how you consume them, and I feel like this really captured that well.

I also just really, REALLY loved the characters.

"She believed he wasn't a monster. He lacked empathy, went into a dissociative state and killed people serially, that was all."

The sense of humor in this book was absolutely perfect for me. The characters are so irreverent and just fun to be around. I loved seeing the different characters interact with each other and the fact that they all felt so real. They all had different and distinct personalities, and I loved getting the perspectives of other characters. Key and the Cobra were two favorites, but I really ended up loving everyone.

"I did what I must to survive. Then I did many other things because I thought they would be funny, and make me look cool."

Even when things got dark, or deep, the character interactions made it feel like a lighthearted romp. And it does get dark and go deep. We look at how characters ended up the way they do, and Rae starts to process some of her trauma and anger surrounding her illness and lack of agency in her real life. I felt like this was extremely well done and commend the author for putting so much of her own story into those pages.

This was definitely a character driven story, and the plot was absolutely unhinged in the best way. It did bring me to tears at several points. And the ENDING. Oh my word, the ending absolutely sent me. I need the next book immediately, and this one isn't even released yet!

I also received an audiobook copy of this for review, and I have to say that Moira Quirk did a fantastic job with the narration. She really brought the story to life and delivered on the comedic timing. Highly recommend the audio if that is your thing.

Overall, this is easily a favorite book of the year, and I will definitely be picking up Brennan's backlist. I cannot wait to see what happens next and will really enjoy rereading this!

Thank you to Netgalley and Orbit for an early copy of this. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Quotes are taken from the eARC and thus subject to change - they will be verified with the finished copy. Long Live Evil releases on August 27, 2024.

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This story is a case of "I really wanted to love this book and it seems like it's made for me". So after having finished and reviewed the ebook with three stars, I wanted to try again when I got the chance to get to ALC (audiobook) as well.

I regret to inform that my rating hasn't changed. You can look up the full review on a previous post.

So this is my chance to give a good review on the audiobook, which I will gladly do.
I loved the production and narration of this one. Moira Quirk is also the narrator of Gideon the Ninth, and her voice is just perfect for these kinds of stories. At times she made me feel as if I was in a 'proper' high fantasy book, until the irony and sarcasm and .... I'm sorry I can't resist ... quirk hits. I was very amused by the way she led us through this highly unique story.

For the audiobook alone I would give all the stars, however I'm rating on the story,

3/5 stars

Thank you so much @netgalley and @hachetteaudio for the eARC!

#LongLiveEvil #MoiraQuirk #Netgalley #Bookstagram

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I am so hyped after finishing this book! It is pure chaos, but in the absolute best way. I believe Brennan’s general goal for the plot was “misdirection” because - much like The Golden Cobra - she loves to give us the ol’ razzle dazzle while preparing to hit us with the twist she was hiding behind her back. It’s fantastic! It kept me on my toes at all times because literally every character is a wildcard. I’m not even sure you can call any of them side characters because everyone is important. I loved the multiple POVs, and the snippets from the “original book” at the beginning of each chapter. Both gave really good insight into each character. This book also took “morally grey” to a whole new level while showcasing how life is not simply black and white. Everyone has at least some villain in them, and everyone is the villain in someone else’s story. Seriously, total CHAOS and I am here for it! Moira Quirk does a great job capturing everyone’s individual tone and bringing the silly, insane vibes to life. I cannot wait for book 2!

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Okay, so I loved this, even though it wasn't perfect, and I kind of want to bump my 4.5 stars up to five. I feel like it might be one of those cases where after I read future books and re-read this one, it will be a full five. I want to get a physical copy and annotate! There are a LOT of people who are not getting what this is going for, which is fine if sad. But it's important to go in knowing it's not just a campy, fun time. I think this book is a smart, fun send-up of fantasy as a genre with actual pathos behind it. I can't wait to see what happens with these characters once the author really gets a chance to do things with them.

Moira Quirk does a fun job with the audio as always.

[4.5 stars]

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What happens when the beloved classic fairytale type story gets twisted and turned until you’re rooting for the villains and side characters rather than the hero? Long Live Evil sweeps in with its wickedly delightful ways to shift even the best reader’s moral compass slowly towards morally grey before taking a steep turn towards full on villainy. I am 1000% the target audience for this book, and I loved every minute of it including how meta it is with dropping someone from the ‘real world’ into a story. The characters are a huge selling point for this book. You’re going to have instant favorites that will keep you in a chokehold to see how their story turns out. Cobra and Key had me hooked from the first moment they graced the page with their presence. I also loved watching Rae develop as she progressed and understood the story’s rules. However, I would recommend checking trigger warnings as Rae’s cancer is a prominent part of the story especially at the beginning. Brennan did well with the world building and setting the scene for readers. I also felt that Brennen did well with the overall plot pacing and dropping some major mind-blowing plot twists on readers. The ending will leave you sitting in absolute stunned silence or like me you’ll flip back to make sure what you read is really what you read. I combo read this as an ebook and audiobook; however, I gravitated more strongly towards the audiobook due to Moira Quirk’s excellent narration. Quirk fully understood the assignment and seemed to truly have fun with this over the top delight of a book. Quirk’s narration was easy to follow with the changing viewpoints and made the characters easy to distinguish. I can’t recommend this book and audiobook enough if you feel like this might be even the slightest bit in your wheelhouse.

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I think this is one I need to reread with my eyeballs. I struggled with getting into/caring about the character on audio. It was a wild ride and had a lot of potential and definetly here for the vibes, but I found myself lost with the audio - which could totally be a me problem.

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This audiobook edition is a truly wonderful way to experience Brennan's incredibly unique take on a high fantasy story. The narrator of this audiobook effortlessly brings each of the characters alive with their own very unique voices.

Long Live Evil is a cheeky book where it asks the reader what they would do if they were suddenly transported into their favourite fantasy world and then it says "but what if you were a villain?" I loved our protag and her scheming but also her unflinching joie de vivre. She is surrounded by a vivid cast of characters who only enhance the reading experience.

This book is a real treat and I am so excited for more people to experience it.

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Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees Brennan is a thrilling and refreshingly unique take on the classic tale of good versus evil. From the moment I began reading, I was captivated by Brennan's clever storytelling and the richly developed world she created.

One of the standout features of Long Live Evil is Brennan's masterful character development. Each character, whether hero or villain, is multi-dimensional and well-crafted. Their interactions and evolving relationships add depth to the story, making it impossible not to be drawn into their struggles and triumphs.

Brennan's writing style is both engaging and evocative, bringing to life a world where magic and intrigue coexist. The plot is fast-paced and full of twists, keeping me on the edge of my seat as I eagerly turned each page. The unexpected plot developments and the clever blending of dark and light themes make the narrative both compelling and thought-provoking.

What I particularly enjoyed is the exploration of the nature of good and evil. Brennan challenges conventional notions, presenting a narrative where characters' motivations and actions are not always black and white. This nuanced approach adds a layer of complexity that makes the story all the more intriguing.

The world-building in Long Live Evil is exceptional. Brennan creates a vivid and immersive setting, filled with unique magical elements and a richly detailed history. This attention to detail enhances the reading experience, making the world feel both expansive and lived-in.

Overall, Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees Brennan is a captivating and imaginative read that will appeal to fans of fantasy and morally complex stories. Its well-crafted characters, fast-paced plot, and thought-provoking themes make it a standout novel in its genre. If you're looking for a book that challenges your perceptions and keeps you hooked from start to finish, Long Live Evil is a must-read.

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Oh my gosh this book is like nothing I've ever read before in the best way. I don't have the words to express how much I loved this story. Sarah Rees Brennan understands the bones of stories and what makes them effective in and out and she uses that knowledge to subvert our expectations and tell a fresh story. This is a love letter to readers/lovers of villains and anti-heroes. The characters who would normally be side-characters in another story are front and center here, getting the attention they deserve from the narrative and I am so here for it! Similar to the Wicked musical, this book made me think about what makes a villain and what makes society deem someone a villain. The discussions about how this is intertwined with femininity/sexuality were fascinating but never felt preachy because they were effortlessly intertwined into the story. I'm a mess in the wake of reading this book in the best way. It was the perfect combination of hilarious and heartfelt. The narrator's different accents for all the characters really added to the richness of the world and helped me feel like I was being swept away into a fairytale world. I felt so many things and I need book 2 ASAP!

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Moira Quirk’s performance of Sarah Rees Brennan’s writing is incredibly fun, going from deliciously and unabashedly evil to contemplative about the very nature of a life. At times if felt like Monty Python descended on Robert Jordan’s desk and did as they pleased lol A character jumping into a story is always going to be very meta and self-referential, but here everything is grounded by Rae facing terminal cancer and at such a young age. I got very emotional reading it. I think this book will be especially great for fantasy readers who jump in knowing the genre conventions and get all the in-jokes and critiques (I don’t know if I quite got everything) Excited for Book 2!

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Honestly one of my top reads this year. As a fan of manhwa’s where the fmc dies in the real world and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, this was right up my alley. I could not get enough of the characters and their motivations, they were incredibly relatable. At times they may have been a little cringy, but honestly it just played into the comedic aspect of this book and how the characters truly played up their roles as villains as if they were putting on a performance. The Cobra was also an incredibly lovable character, who was incredibly well portrayed as the misunderstood villain. The narrator also did an amazing job! Would definitely recommend giving it a listen!

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This book has me obsessed!!! the plot, the characters, the twists! I loved every second of this audiobook the naration was done perfectly and I can not wait to read more so please let there be a second book

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This was such a wildly fun and trope-busting ride! I already love Moira Quirk as a narrator of many other fantasy works, and I remain in awe of how she does a brilliant job of making such a large cast of characters so vivid. Who among us avid fantasy readers hasn't wanted to climb into our favorite series and live as our favorite characters. Especially during difficult times in our lives. This is a story where the protagonist embarks on a journey where she knows all the plot twists and yet the plot twists out from under her. Add to that the gravitas of a young adult watching her life slowly eaten away by cancer, given a quest in her favorite book series which might cure her, you already have SO MUCH potential for meta commentary, and the author does not miss any of it. While there's wall to wall hilarious banter and hijinks as Rae and her growing Viper Gang of Evil keep breaking the known narrative of the books, it is not without heavy and brutal consequences. There is much sneaky introspection on illness, agency, personal narrative, morality, and power, and yet it rarely feels preachy or like a slog. Because this is NOT a short book. Which brings me to my Sarah Rees Brennan shaped annoyance at fantastic lengthy "first book" in a series with no follow up in sight (looking at you In Other Lands). This ended with me being as invested in the fate of the central characters as possible, all literally in the middle of a battle, separated and in peril. I'll be real upset if a sequel doesn't materialize in my lifetime.

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Do you believe in love at first sight? The moment I saw this book, I knew I would love it. And I did.

Now, this isn't without caveats. The first 20% of the book was a climb (I am not typically a hiker). The "I'm a villain" song and dance during the ball were wildly cringy. Though, that may be more of a personal pet peeve. It's a scene that is better seen than read or described.

Once you get through that--it was everything I wanted and everything I needed. This book is so quotable, that it made me annotate. This book has the type of energy I want when I start a book that says it's for someone who loves the villain. Not apologetic. Not remorseful or guilt-ridden. You are out for yourself and are morally grey, in the truest sense. And there is character growth! Brilliant, beautiful, please put me down for the sequel as soon as it's available for the public eye.

My highlights:
-Key being Key. I cried, I laughed, and I highlighted so many quotes.
-Rae and the Cobra's friendship. So good. We should all be so lucky to find someone who wholly matches your vibe, and understands the aesthetics of being a villain.
-I hope to see Emer grow. She was such a stealthy character, that I didn't care about her until I found myself completely invested by the end.
-Lia, I was ready to roll my eyes the entire time she showed being the "clumsy heroine who everyone automatically loves" that is chronically underdeveloped beyond that. This is a story about sisters being sisters to each other and I loved her relationship with Rae.
-Marius's "corruption" arc. Is it truly corruption though if he is better for joining the side of the villains?
-I didn't know the words, "I'm your number one fan," could make me cry, Here I am, typing this, and tearing up.
-Key and Rae's relationship took me by surprise. It shouldn't have, but it did and I was so giddy.
-The Cobra. Just him. I love an opportunist. Especially when they are competent. But next time let Marius finish his sentence! If not for you, for me.
-I also love choices having consequences. Every choice Rae makes ripples the events of the Time of Iron plot points. It's fantastic!

I was not only fortunate to get an early ebook version, but also the audiobook through Netgalley. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The audiobook really drew me in and kept me in the world, Moira Quirk did a terrific job! My only small gripe was that there were long pauses between the end of one chapter and the start of the next. It was long enough for me to wonder if the app had crashed or if my headphones died.

In summary, I absolutely loved this world and the characters and I can't wait for the next one.

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Thank you Netgalley for the audiobook copy of the book. I feel like this book falls a little short for me. Parts of the book seem to drone on and with the narrator I would zone out a bit, then having to go back and register to the missed parts. I like the premise of the book but just did like the execution.

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I have so many thoughts about this book. I’ve been sitting and thinking about it for hours since finishing. A story within a story that is actively changing into the story we’re reading (defiantly meta). This flexed my brain a bit. Life is doing it's thing for me, and my comprehension skills aren’t up to snuff where they usually are. I think I’ll be rereading this prior to book 2 coming out (it is definitely a series) to make sure I understand as much as I can.

I love the villainous characters this story creates. I LOVE THEM. Key and Cobra, with Marius joining in as well, are all of what I love about morally grey characters. You have no idea what they’re up to or what you’re in for. They make you fall for them, then rip your heart out - or do they? - and you’re freaking happy about it. They stole the show for me. The MC, Rae, is good. Her character is lovely, and does she does her job well narrating the adventure. However, I’m not here for her (sorry sister). If you don’t have opinions/feeling/thoughts/tingles/ANYTHING for Key, I don’t think we read the same story. He delivers this book for me. I don't want to say much, but man, I'm in deep.

I have so many questions. Some are basic plot line eyebrow raises that I don’t think are meant to have answers. This book’s concept is very complex. There are just going to be things that are unanswered to keep from bogging down the reader. Some questions I expect to have answers for on page 4 of book 2 because I need to know the tea NOW! I have ships that need to be shipped!

I do think it’s important to know that there is strong call for a cancer trigger warning in the beginning of this book. Depending on one’s experience with cancer; if you’ve seen it up close with a loved one, the first handful fo chapters may be difficult. It is not a graphically detailed theme throughout the storyline but is detailed in those first few chapters.

I have the pleasure of having an eARC and audiobook ARC for this book. The audiobook was really good. I enjoyed the narration throughout. I do think the complexity of the meta concept here may be difficult for readers who don’t have great auditory processing abilities. I strongly prefer audiobooks to eyeball reading and still had a hard time keeping names straight. I think ideally, this would be a fantastic combo read. Having both definitely helped me.

Thank you to NetGalley, Sarah Rees Brennan, Orbit books, and Hachette Audio for the opportunity to dive into this world within a world!

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it was a chaotic villainess mess and I kind of loved it. a magical realism fantasy set inside the FMC fantasy books. It was an original story and set up the world building up for success. There were laughs and emotional moments and definitely was rooting for the villain.

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I’ve already reviewed the book, so more commenting on the narration. I really enjoyed the narrator! It was engaging and well paced. I wasn’t taken out of the story at any point which is rare for me. I felt she embodies the main character well

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Listen, this book may not be for everyone, but just give it a shot! Specifically if you enjoyed the humour in The Locked Tomb — this is for you!

We have a female main character who is near death but then finds her saving grace by going into the book her sister loves. The catch is she doesn’t quite remember enough about it, however, she tries her best to remember as much as she can to make sure it stays on the proper path. The kicker — she’s the heroine’s evil stepsister.

The concept nearly always plays on stereotypes in the characters, and even in gender roles — often times making things funny. There’s dry humour that comes through which really helps lift the storytelling. I did find some of the world building muddied and confusing, especially at the beginning with so many new names / concepts to understand. It does get better as the story goes on and THAT ENDING is just wild. I’m looking forward to book 2!!

I wish I could do the humour justice in my review but just read it to see. The commentary on popular book concepts and even media is hilarious and spot on. I really enjoyed the banter throughout. Yes, there were some lulls but the build up to the end is well worth it. This was refreshing and different which may intimidate some people. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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