Member Reviews

Homewrecker was an enjoyable mystery. The plot does get a little confusing about 2/3 of the way into the book. In my opinion the author was trying to keep the reader guessing and had a lot going on that was hard to keep track of.
For me part of this was due to the lack of character development prior to this point of the book. The story to gets complex but everything does get sorted out in the end.

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Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture Audio for the ALC.

Story: 🌟🌟🌟
Narration: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Overall: 🌟🌟🌟

Home wrecker was a fun thriller about a mother who gets a tutor for her daughter. What happens when the woman she let into her home wants to take it from her? Starts a bit slow, but overall, an entertaining read with many twists and turns.

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📚 Book Review 📚

Sophie seems to have it all, a great television career, loving husband, two children and a beautiful home in London.

Sophie and Scott are the archetypal, high flying couple who have the insta life, until their daughter Katie’s behaviour deteriorates and she is expelled from her school. In order to preserve her education, they hire a tutor named Deanna. But is Deanna exactly who and what she seems? Sophie starts to question not only Deanna’s position in her home, but soon, she also starts questioning her sanity.

This is a great read, so good in fact, that I listened to this on audiobook as well as reading on my kindle. There are great twists and everything turns upside down about 80% of the way through, which I loved. The actual ending for me was not quite right though, there were aspects which were just a bit bizarre and weren’t realistic, hence the 4⭐️, it was going to be 5⭐️ until that ending.

The audiobook was very well narrated and I enjoyed listening to it. All round though, a great story, unseen events and shockers a plenty!

I’d like to thank Bookouture, Bookouture Audio, NetGalley and the author for the arc and the fantastic opportunity, in exchange for my honest feedback 😊

Audiobook released on 8th August 2024


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Thank you to the publisher and author for an ARC of this audio. Wow! I did not think this would end the way it did. One of my favorite types of books are domestic thrillers, and this one did not disappoint. This book set you up to love the husband only to find out he was the issue. My mind was blown. The ending wrapped up in a pretty little box, and I love a book that does that as well. I will be recommending this to my friends!

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Home Wrecker is a slow burn domestic thriller. It held my attention, I was highly invested in the beginning, but it started to get somewhat slow and just not too much happening. The gaslighting is unreal and really over the top. The mental health trope was a little overdone in this one, making the woman “crazy”.

The story was fun to follow and I was intrigued to get to the end, but it just left me rolling my eyes to be honest. It was a little too much, and it just left me wondering why? The motivations felt off and didn't leave me truly satisfied. There's just so much that looking back didn't make sense with that final twist.

🎧 The narration by Alison Campbell & Tamsin Kennard was great and I think that's what truly kept me listening to the book. I do think if I would've read it I might have not made it to the end. They had great voices and relayed the story very well.

✨️Thank you to @netgalley, @bookouture & JM Dalgliesh for my gifted ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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Tamsin Kennard is such a gem; she has become a household name in my audio library, so much so that I gravitate towards books narrated by her now and then read the synopsis to see if the book is a good fit for me!
Drama, drama, drama! I love domestic thrillers. One of my favourite subgenres right after clinic/medical thrillers. They are just so good. 

Totally thought I had Homewrecker figured out! If you think your years of reading mysteries are going to help you, think again! J.M. Dalgliesh did a great job leading surprising twists.
In general, the writing was fine, but there was a part around the 40% where the book stalled a bit, and then in the later part of the book, everything went from 0 to 100 really quick, and I didn’t really like how the sense of madness or things going sideways wasn’t really felt, just somehow pushed and shown, perhaps because of the way the pacing was set. 
That blurb and that cover are such honey traps, though!

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What is it about? A family. A teenage girl who has been expelled from school and husband and wife hire a live-in tutor. She just so happens to be young, beautiful, and the wife is extremely jealous. She constantly compares herself to the young girl.

The characters: Sophie(the wife) is insecure, always makes self-deprecating comments. Deanna - the tutor is mysterious. You’re never sure if she is kind and good or terrible and plotting. The husband - appears to be the perfect husband

How I felt about it? Fun thriller. Great usage of red herrings. 3 stars because too many unanswered questions. Still would recommend it though!

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3.5 Stars

SO MUCH DRAMA. I felt like I was watching a soap opera unravel before my eyes.
It was a little slow to start but the authors writing kept be intrigued
Sophia and Scott live a pretty perfect life with their two children. Sophia has a great career with the daytime TV station. Life begins to take a toll on Sophie mentally and emotionally and things begin to spin out of control.
Enter Deanna. She is Sophie's tutor, and everyone immediately takes a liking to her.

I thoroughly enjoyed the ending as I was completely shocked with the final twist.
I listened to the audio version of this, and Alison Cambell and Tamsin Kennard did a fantastic job with the narrations.

Thank you, NetGalley, J M Dalgliesh, and Bookouture Audio for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow! This book had my earbuds pinned to my head, it was so good I listened to it in one day and I was hooked right from the start I found the book to be thrilling and engaging and kept me on edge wondering what was going to happen next! I found the book entertaining throughout and I was intrigued by the situation unfolding. There aren't many books that can surprise me but this one did. The plot was fast paced and there were some really great twists. This is truly a psychological thriller, it was so well written I found myself thinking I was going out of my mind.

The audiobook was narrated by Alison Campbell and Tamsin Kennard. I found the narration fantastic! I found it easy to define the characters and I found that the voices fit the characters.
The pace of the audiobook was perfect and the flow was great, I found it really easy to follow the story.

I highly recommend!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for sending me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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If this book doesn’t convince you to read more by J.M Dalgleish, then I’m not sure what will! I will say it did start out a tad slow for me, but once I was hooked, there was no turning back. It was such an addicting read because every minute I was just second guessing myself, not sure where it would be going the next moment.

So if you’re wanting a thriller that will do just that, I highly recommend giving this one a try. Thank you NetGalley for this arc!

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This book was actually so good!! The beginning was a little slow for me but I just kept going and then I couldn’t stop. I thought I knew exactly what was going to happen and I was so wrong which I love!!

This book and the characters made me so mad which I think is a good thing because it means I was so into it. I felt so bad for Sophie and the ending was so shocking! I had so much fun with this book! If you love Freida McFadden then you will love this! Thank you to NetGalley for sending me this arc!!

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✨ Not your typical home wrecker
✨ Family Drama
✨ surprises

✨ there is 2 pov on this story. One is Sophie who is the main character . Wife of Scott, who juggle work, being a mum and a wife. And there is Deanna, who is the tutor for Sophie’s daughter who has been expelled many times .
✨ oh I know.. I know. The title, the blurb is a typical home wrecker story. That’s what I thought at first… BUT… the writing style in this story is amazing, especially the end is very twisted and I did not expect it. Definitely worth the read!
✨ Also in the side part, I think it’s best to listen it through audible as Tamsin Kennard execute the book well as always.

✨ Thankyou @bookouture for the opportunity to read this arc for a honest review.


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This is my 1st audio book and I must say I quite enjoyed it.

The book itself was slow at the start but once it got going was fantastic. Great story line and loved the ending. Alit of books leave you hanging to get what happened next but this story was complete which was fantastic.

Would definitely recommend.

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Enjoyed this but put very slow to start but picked up. I guessed what was happen about half way through but still enjoyed. Overall would recommend as slightly different than an other thrillers books. Thank you Bookouture, Bookouture audio and Netgalley

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Every relationship has secrets, but Scott harbours many more than anyone else. This intense story kept me at the edge of my seat all the way to the end. Even though I thought I knew where the storyline was leading, I was happily surprised to find out I was all wrong. Having just watched Blackwater Lane the night before (based on The Breakdown by B.A Paris), I made a lot of assumptions about the characters and storyline. Come to find out, even though it may look similar, one is not at all like the other. I felt I was at the heart of it all, fighting 'demons' alongside the characters. There were a few layers of mystery the author did a good job of presenting and incorporating into the big picture.

A well-put-together summer read that will stay with you for quite some time.

Many thanks to the author, Netgalley and Bookouture for the advance copy of the audio and ebook for an honest review

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I am thankful to have gotten the audioARC for free from Netgalley and Bookatour so I can leave my voluntary review.

Admittedly this one took a bit to get into. I kept falling asleep. I definitely think I would have been engaged faster and better had I read it rather than listening to it.

That being said, the narrator was wonderful. She had a great British accented voice and spoke at a good speed.

The plot had some twists and turns along with a big twist at the end. So if you’re looking for a thriller to dive into I recommend diving into this one.

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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A twisty domestic thriller which starts off quite slowly, picks up some pace around half way through and throws a curveball to end! Upgraded to 4 stars from 3 1/2 due to excellent narration which really enhances the offering.
The main protagonist, Sophie, has an idyllic life on the outside with her husband Scott, two children Chas and Katie and a successful media career. However, behind closed doors all is not as it appears on the surface. Enter Dianna, the private tutor hired to work with Katie when she gets expelled from her prestigious private school and everything starts to unfold with dramatic consequences.
A little over the top and unbelievable at times but still a compelling read.
Trigger warning in this one for those concerned about issues around emotional abuse /coercive control.
I am grateful to the publishers and NetGalley for an advanced listener copy of this audible book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
Wow! This was a phenomenal book. And the ending I did not expect at all! Had me guessing throughout and I finished it in one day. Great narration, well written and hard to put down!

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Homewrecker by JM Dalgliesh. Thank you NetGalley for the audio ARC which I thoroughly enjoyed. The narrator gave the characters different voices so you always knew who was narrating which chapter.

Sophie is a morning show tv presenter who is having to deal with the way the men in charge want her to dress on her show but at home she is dealing with a bigger problem. Katie, her 12 year old daughter, has been acting up and has been expelled from her prestigious school. Sophie and husband, Scott, settle on a home tutor for her. Enter Deanna who causes ructions from the start. Katie is drawn to her and Sophie feels left out.

Deanna seems to be winning over the whole family except for Sophie. There are secrets in the family and at one stage one of the characters finds out something that has been hidden for a long time and that throws Sophie into even more turmoil. Initially the book is told from Sophie’s view point but then later in the book you get to hear from Deanna and what her motivation is to being there.

We know something bad is going to happen as the book opened with a scene where Sophie is crawling through a blood splattered scene and shards of broken glass are lying all around her. It’s a slow build up with the first half of the book laying the crumbs for you to try and discover how everything is going to play out.

The last few chapters had so many twists and turns coming – I only guessed one of them. A fabulous read if you enjoy psychological thrillers.

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This is a twisty and exciting book! It kept me entertained from the beginning to end. I enjoyed the different point of views that the story was told from and all of the suspense involved in the story.
The ending was extra crazy and I didn’t see a lot of surprises coming. When I thought I had things figured out, another twist came on.
This is my first book from this author and I really enjoyed their writing style.
I listened to the audio version and the narrator did a very good job.
Thank you to NetGalley for an audio copy of this exciting thriller!

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