Member Reviews

Thanks netgalley for giving me an early copy of this great book, little lies or big lies they are all the same and the truth is very hard to hide.
Hannah her husband Jasper, Pia there daughter and the cockapoo luna had just signed the papers for their amazing new house at Silverbanks, an amazing estate of the most beautiful houses it was Hannah’s dream to own a house like this and safe was over joyed.
But on moving in Hannah recognised her next door neighbour, he came from a different life when she was someone else. Hannah was terrified her little lies woykd be found out and her new life would crumble around her.
This was a great story another hit from Sue Fortin have read many of her books and thus one did not dissapount.

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This was a decent thriller that kept me guessing for a while, but ultimately fell a bit flat in the end.
Lots to keep track of!
Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for access to this eARC.

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I really love Sue Forton's work I was very excited to have been given the chance to read this one. The description was everything I loved. The plot itself was a little hard to follow in the beginning with lots of different characters and view point changes that I struggled to keep up with. Once I got into the story though it engulfed my fully and I couldn't turn away. This is a fast read with very vivid characters and story telling ability alike. Sue is a fantastic story teller and this book is no exception to that. Her characters are so lifelike that they jump off the page at you and you have to remind yourself that this is a work of fiction. This book is told mostly from our main character, Hannah's point of view. Hannah and her husband buy a new house in a very tight knit neighborhood. It seems like the perfect place for her to start fresh. However when one of the neighbours seems to know Hannah from her past that is when things get dangerous for the couple. When Hannah decided to confide in her neighbor Annabella, she couldn't have made a worst decision because Annabella isn't who she says she is, and now the family might be in more danger than anyone thought. This was a fast paced novel and liver up to the very high expectations that I have for this author. Her characters are always fresh and exciting filled with so much life that they explode right off the page. If those two facts aren't enough the plot is one that will have you chomping at the bit to get to. I couldn't put it down cause I was desperate to find out what happened. Great read and I'm so glad that I was able to check it out.

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This thriller had me hooked from the very first chapter, I didn’t see majority of the twists coming and especially not the last one.

I truly couldn’t put it down and wanted to get an explanation for every situation that happened as fast as possible. The unraveling left me beyond shocked but the epilogue was so heartwarming, I really loved it.

Fast paced and with its fully suspenseful plot, this thriller will leave your mouth wide open and you won’t be able to put it down until you’re done reading it in one setting.

3.25 ★

Thank you Sue Fortin, Storm Publishing & NetGalley for an e-ARC.

#YourLittleLies #NetGalley

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Dw i wedi colli cryn dipyn o gwsg efo'r nofel yma, yn aros i fyny yn hwyr i ddal ati i ddarllen ac yn ysu i gael gwybod beth oedd am ddod nesaf. Mae'r awdur yn hynod fedrus ac yn gallu dwyn sylw'r darllennydd yn hawdd, o fewn ychydig dudalennau roeddwn yn gwybod bod yn rhaid i mi wybod beth fyddai ffawd Hannah a Jasper yn eu cymuned newydd, a sut yr oedd Hannah yn adnabod ei chymydog newydd. Mae'r stori yn neidio rhwng dau gyfnod, presennol Hannah a'i gorffennol dirgel, Mae yna dor-calon yma, ac roedd adegau lle'r oedd yn amhosib peidio â chael dagrau yn cronni yng nghornel fy llygaid. Mae cryfder a dewrder unigolion yn cael eu profi i'r eithaf a pha mor bell all rhywun fynd i osgoi trallod eu gorffennol. Stori afaelgar, sy'n datblygu'n gyflym ac yn llawn troeon cwbl annisgwyl.

I've lost a lot of sleep with this novel, staying up far too late to continue reading and desperate to find out what would happen next. The author is very talented and can draw a readers attention easily, within a few pages I knew I just had to find out the fate of Hannah and Jasper in their new community, and how Hannah knew her new neighbour. The story jumps between two time periods, Hannah's present and her secret past. There's a lot of heartache here, and there were times when tears would sting in the corners of my eyes. The strength and bravery of some individuals is truly put to the test here and how far someone will go to avoid the horrors of their past. A gripping fast paced story, full of truly unexpected twists.

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When Hannah, Jasper, her significant other, and their daughter move into an upscale house in private neighborhood with it's own beach, they feel like they've made it.

But Hannah is keeping many secrets from Jasper, and everyone else. She has no intentions of telling anyone - ever. But then she meets the man next door. And she knows that he knows her secret.

Almost immediately a young woman, who also moved into the community a couple of weeks before Hannah did, befriends her and Hannah is thrilled to have a girlfriend again. And almost immediately, vandals seem to be attaching Hannah and Jasper's home. Then there is a murder and Hannah is thrown back into her prior terror and all that she had lost. But still she holds onto her secrets.

This book was written so effectively, that my stomach clenched and stayed that way through most of the book. I think a mystery/thriller fan will figure out who is behind the events, but I think there are a number of surprises tucked inside the story. I very much enjoyed the read.

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Your Little Lies by Sue Fortin
Release date: September 6th 2024
Genre: Triller
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

Quote: “Instead of being the hunted, I had to become the hunter.”

Review: This book straight off had me so intrigued there is question that make you mind start to turn. I needed answers. Fun not so fun fact I am terrified of HOAs they scare the heck out of me. Why would I want to be controlled with what I do with MY house. Ugh so freaking weird. This story takes you along as Hannah settles into her life in are new house. Straight away things are off and questions arise of the neighborhood seems to take off a new life of mystery. This book was addicting as you start to uncover what is going on you have even more questions. I was so amazed with how captivating this book was I couldn’t get enough of it. As the story unfolds you uncover shocking truths that had stayed hidden for years. The ending was so satisfying and the best ending I would have wished for. I will definitely adding Sue Fortin to my go to author list.

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I read the book eagerly; it is full of twists and surprises. The story analyzes whether the truth is always the better option. Several of us now and then opt to keep some secrets. Small ones are just fine, but huge ones may prove to be a tremendous mistake in the long term. It would be best if you read the book to make up your mind.

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Hannah and Jasper have just moved into a new upscale neighborhood with their daughter Pia. Hannah is reserved while Jasper is a little more outgoing and they are very happy together. We quickly find out that Hannah used to be Laurel and has changed her name and identity to hide from her past life. When she meets her new next door neighbor, Brian, he knows her from her past life and they agree to not let anyone know about her past but then strange things start happening.

Property damage, strange letters in her mail and the fact that she feels like she is being watched. Then her neighbor Brian, the only one who knows her from her past, is killed and Hannah must figure out who is behind these events and why her old life is coming back to haunt her after all these years. I was suspicious of everyone in this book at first!

I enjoy domestic thrillers and this one was very satisfying and kept great pace throughout the entire story. We find out about her past life from flashback chapters and as that starts to come into focus, her current life spirals out of her grasp but I liked how she did not cower and went on the offense when needed.

The reveal of WHO was behind everything wasn't a huge shock, as it seemed pretty obvious since the second third of the book, but the WHY was what got me excited. When motivations were revealed, puzzle pieces clicked into place and it made for a good conclusion.

There were some lingering questions, such as how these people from her old life all turned up in her new neighborhood and there were some gaps in her past timeline that could have been filled out a little more but this was overall a very enjoyable thriller and looking forward to reading more from this author!

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for sharing this book’s digital advanced review copy with me in exchange for an honest review.

I read this book through a digital ARC from NetGalley
Author: Sue Fortin
Genre: Domestic Thriller

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First of thank you Netgalley for the advance read! Oh my goodness! I never for once saw that ending coming. Hannah and her family in this perfect community with access to the beach. Hannah thought she was in the clear from her past and could live happily with her family. All of a sound her entire world her entire world comes crashing down around her. I want to share more but I cant because I don't want to ruin it for you. Its not the average psychological thriller and it has different story line. You surely wont get bored of reading this one! I would recommended this book to my family and friends.

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Sue Fortin’s Your Little Lies presents a suspenseful dive into the murky waters of trust and hidden threats, set against the backdrop of a seemingly idyllic community. This mystery thriller follows Hannah and Jasper as they move to the luxurious gated neighborhood of Silverbanks, only to find their dream home overshadowed by unsettling dangers lurking within their new surroundings.

The novel kicks off with Hannah and Jasper’s fresh start in Silverbanks, a picturesque locale promising a perfect blend of security and comfort. Their new home, with its modern amenities and scenic beach access, seems to be the ideal setting for raising their daughter, Pia. The opening scenes set a tone of optimism and contentment, which is soon shattered by an unsettling encounter.

Hannah's meeting with her enigmatic next-door neighbor introduces the first hints of unease. The brief, unsettling recognition she experiences in his eyes suggests a troubling connection or hidden agenda, transforming their dream home into a place of potential peril. This moment of suspense marks the beginning of a gripping narrative where the veneer of tranquility begins to crack, revealing a deeper layer of mystery and threat.

Fortin skillfully builds tension through a series of twists and revelations. The story’s pacing is adeptly managed, with suspenseful moments interspersed with periods of introspection and character development. The plot unfolds through Hannah’s increasingly anxious perspective as she attempts to unravel the truth behind her neighbor’s suspicious behavior and the latent dangers that surround her family. Each revelation adds complexity to the narrative, keeping readers engaged and guessing about the true nature of the threat.

Hannah is portrayed as a relatable and empathetic protagonist, whose initial excitement about the move is tempered by her growing unease. Fortin delves into Hannah’s emotional state, exploring her fears and vulnerabilities as she grapples with the unsettling signs that her safe haven might be compromised. This emotional depth makes Hannah’s experiences more impactful, allowing readers to connect with her plight on a personal level.

Jasper, Hannah’s husband, provides a stabilizing presence, though his role in the narrative is more reactive than proactive. His support and responses to Hannah’s concerns play a crucial role in the story, highlighting the dynamics of their relationship and the strain that external threats can place on it.

The neighbor, whose unsettling presence looms large throughout the story, is a masterfully crafted enigma. His ambiguous motivations and the fleeting recognition in his eyes create an air of mystery that drives the plot. The careful revelation of his backstory and connections adds layers to the narrative, making him a compelling antagonist whose true intentions are revealed gradually.

Supporting characters, including community members and other neighbors, contribute to the sense of an interconnected and complex environment. Fortin’s depiction of these interactions enhances the sense of claustrophobia and suspicion that permeates the story, reinforcing the idea that Hannah’s once-safe refuge is fraught with hidden dangers.

Your Little Lies explores themes of trust, security, and the impact of past actions on present circumstances. The novel examines how personal histories and hidden secrets can disrupt seemingly stable lives, creating an atmosphere of psychological tension and intrigue. The theme of safety versus danger is central to the narrative, as Hannah’s quest for security is undermined by the shadows of past and present threats.

Fortin’s writing style is engaging and evocative, with a focus on creating suspense and maintaining a taut narrative. The author’s use of Hannah’s first-person perspective allows readers to experience her mounting anxiety and sense of betrayal firsthand. The writing is characterized by its clarity and emotional depth, drawing readers into the psychological and emotional landscape of the story..

Sue Fortin’s Your Little Lies is a gripping mystery thriller that combines psychological tension with a richly developed plot. The novel’s exploration of trust, security, and hidden dangers is both engaging and thought-provoking, making it a compelling read for fans of the genre. With its well-crafted characters, suspenseful narrative, and evocative writing, Your Little Lies is a standout addition to the thriller genre, offering readers a tense and satisfying experience from start to finish.

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Another enjoyable psychological thriller from Sue Fortin. Hannah moves to start a new and more rural coastal existence with partner Jasper and young daughter, Pia. For Hannah however, this isn't the first time she has started a new life ....(the previous one, partner Jasper is not privy to the details of!)

The plot involves murder, deception and 2 fantastic and utterly engaging discount timelines (Hannah's old life, and her new). Where these 2 lives intersect is utterly thrilling and terrifying (for Hannah!) all at the same time.

Gripping plot, well written story and overall a book that deserves to do very well!

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

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Your Little Lies is an exciting domestic thriller. Hannah and Jasper move with their young daughter and dog to an oceanfront gated community called Silverbanks. Hannah is delighted to begin a fast friendship with neighbor Annabelle, although the reader may notice red flags. Then Hannah meets her next door neighbor Bryan, who she recognizes from her past. What follows is nonstop action and danger. There are a lot of coincidences in this book, and Hannah’s inner dialogue is somewhat repetitive. That said, this is a fast paced and exciting story with good character development, and highly recommended! With thanks to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC. My opinions are my own.

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3* Required the suspension of far too much disbelief, unfortunately, though well written.

Sorry, but to justify the title of this review, there will be spoilers.

So Hannah, formerly Laurel, is in witness protection; her marriage broke up over this and now she's with Jasper and they have 8yo Pia. They've moved to what sounds like barely disguised Sandbanks, for safety. But, not only is the cop who was on her case her nextdoor neighbour, but the person who caused her to go into witness protection (who she cheated on her husband with, but hubby wasn't above whoring her out, so yeah, half a dozen of one, 6 of the other) has done his time, been released not only early but into this exclusive community's nursing home/end-of-life home. And she breaks protocol with both.

This was a bit too much to take in, and add in 2 connected people from the bad guy's circle who seemed to have all too easily orchestrated matters, and it made me sigh. But I ploughed on, as her new boyfriend seemed decent and some of the plotting was, too. But, his actions at the end threw a WTF? thing in at the end, that's not explained. Was he covering his own back or hers? Was this showing his devotion or obstructing justice?

I kind of wish the Laurel side of the tale had been abbreviated in parts and expanded in others, because the build-up to the cheating was too long and obvious and yet the going into witness protection was too skipped, as were the months leading up to losing her family. For all the expressed devotion to her little boy Declan, she totally forgot about him with a babysitter whilst she got her rocks off. Balance was off and the ending of Laurel was rushed.

Not a great book but not awful, though the coincidences were just too many to go with the flow with.

ARC courtesy of NetGalley and Storm Publishing for my reading pleasure.

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Your Little Lie is a psychological thriller by Sue Fortin. At first, I was intrigued, and the two story lines kept me reading. One is of Hannah, and one is of Laurel, but both are the same person. In the end, the ending fell flat for me. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. 3.5/5 stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley, author Sue Fortin and Storm publishing for the ARC and opportunity to review this book.

I really enjoyed this book. It was a very well done domestic thriller with many shocking twists. The last one I didn’t see coming at all.

There were some parts that I felt dragged on a little but the author made up for it with a gripping twist right after. It was suspenseful and realistic in the sense that this kind of situation has probably happened. It reminded me of an episode of criminal minds.

I would definitely recommend and look forward to reading other books by this author.


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I was so excited to read Your Little Lies and it did not disappoint. Very well written, kept you guessing and great twists. Definitely add this one to your TBR

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This read was great and definitely had me wanting more, it was hard to put down! I only noticed a few inconsistencies like chapter 27 Hannah states she needs to pick Pia up but cut to that same day in chapter 29, Jasper picked Pia up. At the part Jasper states he needs air, he is outside for hardly much time before returning inside and saying he needed air (again). Just little things like this I noticed, but aside from that it was a truly great read!

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I really enjoyed this book by Sue Fortin, its a well written thrilling story. The story revolves around Hannah and Jasper a likable couple. When they move into their new house things start happening that makes Hannah think of her past which she had tried to forget and not told Jasper about. I recommend this book and look forward to this authors next book.

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A fast paced thriller that completely reeled me in. Absolutely couldn't put this down until I completed reading it. I could feel the suspense and the panic. The confusion and emotions of the characters too came out well for me. It has some interesting characters and setting that build up the narrative.

The book manages to create several red herrings that made me make a couple of wrong guesses. It kept me on my toes to guess what was happening in the story. I like a book that packs a punch with its twists and this definitely did that for me. This is a well written thriller and I would absolutely go back and read more of the author's books.

Thank you Storm Publishing and NetGalley for this e-arc in exchange of my unbiased review.

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